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Reliving High School


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QUOTE(Nokona @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 06:43 PM)
That is ridiculous.


Being a HS student, everyone cheats.  If you don't cheat you're behind the curve.  I can't remember the last time I did the busy work they give us actually at home. Probably my soph year (im a senior).  Sure essays and projects I have no problem doing at home but really it is not that hard to succeed without trying.  I got a 3.4 and I probably give about 20%.  Sure, I didn't get into Illinois but hey they're losing out on a bright mind.



Not everyone cheats. Believe it or not, some people do the work and reap the rewards.

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I am going to take a different side here and defend juggs...... SORT OF


When I was in college, I had an economics class with three basketball players that were friends. The basketball players had an academic advisor. The advisor would give the players the test questions from the text book. It was pretty simple. The book provided the professor with 100 questions from each chapter, of which he chose 20. Each test was 4 chapters, therefore 80 questions chosen from a total of 400.


The players each had to answer all 400 questions, turn them in to their advisor who would check them and give them back to them to correct the wrong answers. So basically, once it came test time, they had seen every single question that was on the test. Well the players weren't dumb so they would have each one do one chapter of 100 questions (I became the 4th) to shorten the load and then they would combine their answers to turn them in to the advisor. As you might imagine, our test scores were quite high.


The strange end result was that the tests were easy, but I actually learned the material, enough that I easily handled future economics classes. In the short term, taking this step (which seems very similar to what Juggs is doing) really helped me learn and retain the material.


I can see where Juggs is coming from because he is trying to help his daughter short term. He thinks this will either provide a solution or create the need for real resolution (special ed) in the near future.


But here is my problem...


Taking such short cuts don't help a person in the long run. It may help her pass. It may even teach her the material. Unfortunately, you are failing to teach her individual responsibility. Failing to teach her that rewards come from hard work, not from getting someone else to do it for you.


While doing this probably won't cause your daughter to end up in jail (unless she's headed there anyway), it still short-changes her from learning a value that is very important later in life.


Other issues I think are happening here:


-- Juggs said he is taking the "least path of resistance". It seems that path is the one that avoids hearing his wife complain... That avoids embarassment in social situations... That avoids internal family squables due to the kid's greater interest in a social life.

-- My best guess is that a lack of interest is more of the problem than a learning disability. I am not there, so I cannot say for sure, but I'm thinking the social aspect of her life is limiting her desire to do the work (especially if dad will do it for her).


I can honestly say that there were lessons I have learned as an adult that I should have learned earlier in life, had I not taken short cuts (such as, but not limited to the above example).


Not telling you what to do, Juggs just sharing thoughts....

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I just wanted to add I checked into IEP since I created the thread. It's not an option. Her scores on the ISAT, entrance exam, interviews with teachers & now finals show she doesn't qualify. They aren't great but they are better than average.


We had a heart to heart late last night when she came home & well it wound up to be something like a pep-a-rally for her with a halftime speech. Mentioned Edison, Einstein, & other prolific great minds who struggled to find success. This morning she attacked her homework with new vigor & got the jump on me in doing it. All I had to do was review it for her.


SOXTALK is a harsh place for conservatives so I'm not surprised by the thread. But I think some of you should get a grip on reality once in a while & realize that you delight in bashing someone who is putting forth both time & effort to help their kid through school. That's a rare thing in the real world.


For those who do pray please remember Juggs' daughter in your prayers so that she get pass this major hurdle in her young life.

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I usually my political opinion leans slightly to the right of the middle, but even I realize that you can't have things handed to you and succeed later in life.


If you want to help her, you have to let her fail before she can succeed. Failures can bring about quicker positive change than false success ever will. Either way, she will have to survive on her own later eventually.


She might as well realize that life and the world around her are not fair.


Suck up your pride and your wife's pride and let her fail for awhile. If she needs help, get someone to help her, don't just do it for her.


Nothing positive can come from proving that you can do High School level homework still.

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