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And thats a Blackhawks winner!!

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Should be the future of the Hawks.

Keyword should. The Blackhawks have done too much giving up and not enough taking to get my support. No home games, no good new players, and too many free agents through the cracks. Losing Amonte was the end for me. :fyou the blackhawks

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I actually watched the game (Had to take advantage of the free week of NHL Center Ice).


Hawks looked alright. Thibault was huge but the defense made some ugly plays and their were way too many penalties. The offense didn't get many scoring penalties but I did see the Hawks lay some huge hits. The thing was it seemed like at times the hits was all they cared about.


Didn't see much of Ruutu, was looking for him all game, but didn't notice him much.

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I here at ILLINOIS State University was stuck watching Dallas/Anaheim!!! :fyou ISU cable!


But, nonetheless, I am grateful for this victory, and may we see 81 more like it, and then 15 after that! Ok, so that may not happen...But, we gotta capitalize on the power play, something that we had a very tuff time doing last season (I believe we were either 28th or 29th in the NHL on the power play), more this season...I'm liking what I've been seeing so far.

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And that's a Blackhawks winner! Too bad I couldn't catch da game since ESPN was showin da Stars vs Ducks game instead. T-Bo is 1 of the most underrated goalies in the league and if our defense holds up, he'll have quite a few more shoutouts. Tuomo Ruutu's 1st game is a winner!

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Problem is Sutter will play him 60 straight games so he can tank in february and March. Hopefully Leighton/Andersson can be capable backups and give him enough nights off. He's tanked the last 2 years in the spring. He can't handle such a huge load, and he shouldn't have to.

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Problem is Sutter will play him 60 straight games so he can tank in february and March. Hopefully Leighton/Andersson can be capable backups and give him enough nights off. He's tanked the last 2 years in the spring. He can't handle such a huge load, and he shouldn't have to.

The commentators were saying that Sutter has vowed to use Thibault in around 50 games this year. We'll see....


The Hawks NEED a bunch of wins from their backup ( whether it's Leighton or Andersson....or Passmore? :lol: ) if they even DREAM of the 8th playoff spot.


If the Wild have Gaborik and/or Dupuiy they probably win that game.

Hawks didn't look all that good last night, but the W does.

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I actually watched the game (Had to take advantage of the free week of NHL Center Ice). 


Hawks looked alright.  Thibault was huge but the defense made some ugly plays and their were way too many penalties.  The offense didn't get many scoring penalties but I did see the Hawks lay some huge hits.  The thing was it seemed like at times the hits was all they cared about.


Didn't see much of Ruutu, was looking for him all game, but didn't notice him much.

It kind of helped that the Wild were without their top three scorers from last season. (Gaborik, DuPuis, Ronning) :nono

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I actually watched the game (Had to take advantage of the free week of NHL Center Ice). 


Hawks looked alright.  Thibault was huge but the defense made some ugly plays and their were way too many penalties.  The offense didn't get many scoring penalties but I did see the Hawks lay some huge hits.  The thing was it seemed like at times the hits was all they cared about.


Didn't see much of Ruutu, was looking for him all game, but didn't notice him much.

It kind of helped that the Wild were without their top three scorers from last season. (Gaborik, DuPuis, Ronning) :nono

Like they said last night, two points in October are worth the same as two points in April. Heck ask the Sox what they think of getting out of the gate slowly


It wasn't the prettiest win in the world, but I'll take it.

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I still don't see how they only called 3 penalties on Minnesota. They were grabbing and holding all night long. That has alot to do with the shot difference. The defense is the weakness going in and T-Bo will have to be strong. I am encouraged to see us hitting alot more. We had more hits than shots on corner, so I am happy. You could see a different look to the Power Play, but we weren't able to capitalize. The team looked quicker and hungrier out there.


The Captain Morgan Ice Crew are outstanding. They are a group of about 10 HOT 21 year old girls in tight outfits that provide entertainment for those in attendance. During the TV timeouts, 3 of them skate around and scoop up the snow that builds up around the boards and around the goals. The others go out into the crowd and "entertain". Great outfits. They are even given official Captian Morgan thongs to go under the skin tight pants. :headbang


It did piss me off when they put he Cubs highlights/Shamme's home run up on the big board during the TV timeouts. Then they put it up there during the last 5 minutes between periods. At one point, Prior was up to bat and I just kept yelling "Hit him in the head...Drill him" just to piss off any cub fans in the crowd. I actually had one guy say "At least we are in the playoffs...put that in your pipe and smoke it". I just had to laugh. Who says "put that in your pipe and smoke it"?

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I didn't see all of the game, but man, the Blackhawks looked slow! It seemed to me that all the play was in the Hawks' end of the ice. They showed a panning shot of the Hawks bench and I recognized perhaps half of them. Considering how bad they've been, that's a good thing.

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The Captain Morgan Ice Crew are outstanding.  They are a group of about 10 HOT 21 year old girls in tight outfits that provide entertainment for those in attendance.  During the TV timeouts, 3 of them skate around and scoop up the snow that builds up around the boards and around the goals.  The others go out into the crowd and "entertain". Great outfits.  They are even given official Captian Morgan thongs to go under the skin tight pants. :headbang

Dallas and New York had them last year, I was praying we whould have them. They showed them RIGHT after Arnie's goal, for like 2 sec. but they looked GOOD. :headbang Props to Wirtz on that one. HAHA :snr

I'm CERTAIN that Worst isn't paying them!!

"As long as that f***ing rum company pays them...AND ME...then let the broads entertain!!"

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I actually watched the game (Had to take advantage of the free week of NHL Center Ice). 


Hawks looked alright.  Thibault was huge but the defense made some ugly plays and their were way too many penalties.  The offense didn't get many scoring penalties but I did see the Hawks lay some huge hits.  The thing was it seemed like at times the hits was all they cared about.


Didn't see much of Ruutu, was looking for him all game, but didn't notice him much.

It kind of helped that the Wild were without their top three scorers from last season. (Gaborik, DuPuis, Ronning) :nono

U think Minny will be in a hurry to sign em all after last night's performance?

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