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5 things you don't know about me


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I saw this on another site, and thought it could be fun...


5. I have four cats


4. My first car was a 1988 Chevy Cavilier


3. I gained over 40 pounds since college


2. My mom passed out in the upper deck of Comiskey Park while pregnant with me in August of 73


1. I had four offers to go into radio after college, and none in the financial fields.

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5. I cut off half of my left big toe in a lawnmower in 1996


4. I gained 85 pounds since high school


3. I've lost 40+ pounds in 2006


2. I've got three daughters - one named after President Ronald Reagan


1. I think I'm done trying for a boy.

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1. I've lost 50lbs since High School


2. I turned down the opportunity to go to USC out of high school and ended up at C.O.D.


3. I decided to go to Elmhurst College over The Ohio State University

after C.O.D.


4. I went to DePaul Law School instead of University of Arizona


5. My dog's full name is Parker Santo Thomas (he's named after one of the designers on "Trading Places")

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5. i work for a guy who's famous (sorry, can't tell!)


4. i got divorced, which i never ever thought would happen in my life.


3. i earned a varsity letter at a big ten university. just one though.


2. i grew up on the south side, in beverly.


1. i have one daughter, who is the best thing that ever happened to me.

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5.) Wrote my first computer program (tic-tac-toe game) at Apple Camp on an Apple II when I was in the 3rd grade.

4.) Went from 5'7 my senior year of high school to 6'2 in my Freshman year of college.

3.) Was accepted to the University of Chicago Law School and turned it down to go into computers.

2.) I have been to every continent in the world, except for Antarctica.

1.) My daughter due in April, will be only the 2nd girl in our family in over 40 years.

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5. My grandfather went to Buck Weaver's wake


4. My wife and I have a basset hound named after the donkey in Winnie the Pooh


3. I used to work on the Judge Mathis show.


2. Went to Ireland & England when I was 5. I got lost and my parents found me singing the "Rainbow Connection" in Westminster Abbey.


1. I wanted to go to KU, but chose to go to Columbia College Chicago instead where I met my wife.

Edited by robinventura23
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1. I'm 49 years old and still have 2 healthy wonderful parents.


2. I still like my ex-wife. She's a good lady.


3. Though I didn't know it at the time, but the Sox sent a scout to watch me and a couple of others play ball. The game got rained out and I quit playing after that season.


4. I voted for a Democrat for president ... once.


5. I've been working for the same company for 25 years.

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1. I've been to 41 of the 50 states, lived in 4 of them, and own property in 2 (soon to be 3).


2. My first month of posting in Soxtalk (Sep 2005), I was posting from India, on a business trip.


3. I was, in a very small and bizarre way, involved in the Jon Benet Ramsey murder investigation (some of you know this already, I think)


4. I believe I am the only graduate of Iowa State who posts regularly on Soxtalk.


5. I am the only member of my family who is a Sox fan - the rest are Cubbies. :crying

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I'm a registered minister with the Universal Life Church


I'm Time's 2006 Person of the Year


A piece I wrote is being published in a book


In high school, I was an MVP and an All Star for my scholastic bowl team at major tournaments


I met, shook hands with and got Sabu's autograph in 2002

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1. I bowled my first (and so far only) 300 game when I was 15.


2. I have an uncle that is exactly 363 days older than me.


3. Between my wife, three kids and I the initials of our first names go in alphabetical order J,K,L,M,N.


4. I have never had a broken bone.


5. I met my wife when I was 15 and a junior in high school. We got married 6 years later and have been together ever since.

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1. Despite getting into Iowa State, the only school I applied to, my number two school was the University of Iowa, followed by Northwestern.


2. The only thing gone or that has went wrong with my body is four wisdom teeth that have been removed. Still have tonsils, no broken bones.


3. I've only ever talked with three of the people that help run this site.....Aboz (Alex), Jason and Mario. I've talked with all three on the Soxtalk podcast, and I had a really awkward phone call from Jason after the Sox won the WS.


4. I've spent the last two summers working for a small-town newspaper here in Iowa (some of you know this). I'm essentially the number two sports writer behind the editor when I'm in town, and I cover lots of high school baseball and softball.


5. I was once ejected from a high school junior varsity tennis match. During a double match, my partner was playing like crap and like he didn't care. I happened to release my racket in the general direction of him. The coach was not happy, and I had to forfeit. I also got a technical foul in a middle school basketball game for unintentionally giving a kid a forearm shiver to the chest (I turned around really quick and he was behind me and I got him).

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1. I was a political science major.


2. I used to run a professional wrestling website (Wrestling Unleashed) that made me over $40,000 in the year 2000 when I was just 17/18.


3. I ran Cross Country in high school and helped lead our school (the oldest public high school in Indiana) to the state finals for the first time in school history in 1999.


4. I once had gasoline sprayed in my eyes after a gasoline pump malfunctioned and had to be taken to the emergency room and have my eyes flushed for four hours.


5. I've met several posters from Soxtalk, including, but not limited to Chisoxfn (Jason), southsider2k5 (Mike), Molto (Mario), Kapkomet (Bob), Steff, Rowand44, IlliniKrush, CWSGuy406, Tony, etc...

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1. I am lefthanded.


2. I love to go on road trips to random small towns across Iowa.


3. I go to UNI which is in Cedar Falls, Iowa.


4. In 2002, when Jeff Clement, (current Seattle Mariners prospect) broke the all time record for homeruns in high school baseball, it happened in my hometown of Mason City. I was a sophomore playing for the sophomore Mason City team and we were down in Marshalltown playing their sophomore team which is where Clement is from. When it happened and was announced, I was at bat in the sophomore game. My friend gave up the record homer to him and my other friend earlier gave up the record walk to him.


5. I have some royal British blood in me, barely any though because it's like 7 generations up.




*- I've never met any of you before partially because I've never been to U.S. Cellular Field, but I'm hoping both change sometime soon because there are a lot of cool people on this board.

Edited by WilliamTell
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5. I way pretty much the exact same weight I did when I got out of high school (160)


4. I own these sites and these sites have been mentioned in publications like ESPN Magazine (and .com), ESPN Radio, The Score, Sports Illustrated, Rotoworld & more. A little known fact, but a couple times (one time in particularly) I have been offered a relatively nice chunk of money to sell this site. Probably because its too special of a place and for a long time this place was a big hobby (now work is my main hobby, lol).


3. I declined going to the University of Washington, University of Evansville (had the opportunity to play on the golf team, even though I never played high school golf and to this day I'm not quite sure how or why they wanted me to play golf there), & Michigan State and instead chose the prestigious baseball school known as Cal State Fullerton (ya thats about all we are known for, lol) where I was able to get a job at Deloitte (the 2nd largest CPA firm in the world).


2. My little league baseball team was one game away from being the champions of southern california. I had pitched the decisive game that got us into the championship and scored the only runs in our championship game (I also relinquished the only grandslam I ever gave up as a pitcher in the champion ship game; it was also on the first pitch I had thrown).


1. I too come from royal descendents. A distant relative on my dads side was a General for the British in the revolutionary war and another relative was a lord and a member of the House of Lords (and lives in a castle with our last name on it). I am kind of thinking he died recently.

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1. I have a basketball signed by the whole 1976 Indiana basketball team. The last undefeated team.


2. I also have never broken a bone.


3. I went to Hooters all you can eat wing Wednesday for 20 straight weeks from July 2006-December 2006. I didn't go last week because I think my blood was pure bbq.


4. I'm starting a new streak of Wednesdays tonight...


5. I will be attending a Division 1 college and have a scholarship to pitch.

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(I thought Id make all of mine Sox related.)


I lived in the building where Jimbo's is. My grandpa owned the building and the bar in the 50's-60's and my dad owned the bar in the 70's. We lived in one of the apartments upstairs.


I missed opening day last year for the first time in 17 years, due to the death of said grandfather. Born in 1917, White Sox Championships were bookends to his life.


My first time in Comiskey Park was not for a game. My dad snuck my friend and I in to run around on the field.


My first driving lesson was in the parking lot of Comiskey.


The first game I went to I got a homerun ball, hit by Chet Lemon. I didn't catch it, but picked it up off the ground only to get drilled by some older dude going for it. He knocked me down and I got a bloody nose. Missed an entire inning!!

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Dec 27, 2006 -> 07:53 PM)
(I thought Id make all of mine Sox related.)


I lived in the building where Jimbo's is. My grandpa owned the building and the bar in the 50's-60's and my dad owned the bar in the 70's. We lived in one of the apartments upstairs.


I missed opening day last year for the first time in 17 years, due to the death of said grandfather. Born in 1917, White Sox Championships were bookends to his life.


My first time in Comiskey Park was not for a game. My dad snuck my friend and I in to run around on the field.


My first driving lesson was in the parking lot of Comiskey.


The first game I went to I got a homerun ball, hit by Chet Lemon. I didn't catch it, but picked it up off the ground only to get drilled by some older dude going for it. He knocked me down and I got a bloody nose. Missed an entire inning!!


cool idea. let me take a shot.


i went to the game the night before the sox clinched in 83. i went on the field afterwards and still have a jar filled with warning track gravel and grass that i picked up.


never caught a home run ball, but i did catch a tony phillips foul ball. don't know if this was before or after the crack.


i had great seats one game when the sox were playing the rangers. canseco came up to bat and i heckled him badly. telling him to spread his legs a little wider and calling him "roid head." he hit a home run and then pointed at me coming around third base.


when old comiskey was being demolished, i went down a slipped a five spot to a guy who gave me a brick i still own.


after the first season at new comiskey, a friend of mine did some work inside the stadium helping to replace some of the concrete in one of the concourses. he cut me a brick-sized chunk and gave it to me for my birthday. so i now have bricks from old and new comiskey.

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1. I am only 1 of 2 people I think who post on this site from the Southern Hemisphere.


2. I have only met 1 other person from ST in real life.


3. I once smashed my tennis racquet in a fit of rage, snapping the top of the frame in half.


4. I have visited 3 American States so far in my lifetime.


5. I wear casual clothes to work. :D

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1. As I count, my wall and door to this very room have 14 combined dings and holes from flying remotes and fists. The wall in the other room has an entire body-sized hole resulting from a FT line dunk on a Little Tykes hoop.


2. I pulled a 4.0 last semester, for those of you know that know me...quite surprising.


3. I have only met 1 SoxTalk poster in real life.


4. I do not own a pair of jeans and wear shorts to school year round.


5. Since weight seems to be a trend: I have lost 12 pounds in 2 months by quitting pop.

Edited by WHarris1
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1. Own two Chevys

2. Applied to only one college in my lifetime, UIUC. Finished up with 5 semesters there.

3. Didn't know what I wanted to do after High School. Still wasn't exactly sure after my first three semester. I selected Mechanical engineering just because I didn't like circuits and computer programming

4. My family owns the oldest restaurant in Chicago

5. Sold my World Series game 2 ticket and blew the money on other Sox stuff.

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1. My current GPA at Marquette is 3.3.


2. I am a distant relative of former Sox pitcher Donn Pall. I believe my mom is 3rd cousins with him. We used to talk to him while he was in the bullpen at New Comiskey. I actually saw his parents around a year ago, as his parents are good friends with my grandparents.


3. I'm 99% sure I have royal Polish blood in me (insert joke).


4. My first sport was hockey. I was a goalie, and without bragging too much, I was pretty good. Unfortunately, I gave it up at a very early age for basketball (my dad was a coach at the HS level, so it was pretty much inevitable).


5. Some of you probably know this, but I played multiple times (in high school) against current Marquette guards Jerel McNeal and redshirt Maurice Acker. Similarly, my sophomore year, we were eliminated in the state playoffs by HF, a team that had current Kansas player Julian Wright along with Iowa forward Cyrus Tate.


On that same note, Dwayne Wade was at my high school for a summer league game. I believe his nephew or younger relative was playing the game.

Edited by CWSGuy406
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1. I'm 49 years old and still have 2 healthy wonderful parents.

1) Am 47 years old (Yeah YASNY, I'm up there with ya!!), and was born and raised in a little town called Calumt Park. (NOT Calumet City! That's out by Dolton) Most people never heard of Calumet Park! It's a little east of Blue Island

2) I know I mentioned this before, But I was born in 1959 (The Pennant year) and because of that, I have collected EVERY single Topps White Sox baseball card including Rookies, Tradeds, Updates, Leaders etc. I am only missing ONE CARD. 1963 #537 Al Weis Rookie. Why? Rookie Pete Rose is on there with him. ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) Anybody have an idea where I can get a real BEAT UP one that's cheap just to complete the collection? PM me THANSK!!!

3) I've been at the same job for 28 years and at one time abut 15 years back, on my particular job, on all 3 shifts, all of us had the same birthday.

4) Been playing bass guitar for about a thousand years. Once had a '62 Fender Jazz.

5) 4 friends that I brought to Sox games in the past few years on different days went home with a foul ball when they were sitting right next to me, yet in all my years of going, I'm still looking to go home with my first one. I think that I could buy season tickets for all 35,000 seats, and probably still wouldn't get one. (Oh Well!! Someday!!!!)

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1) Every sport I have played at High School or College level, except for bowling, I have been hit in the, um, groin area. This includes tennis, baseball, voleyball and swimming. I am glad the bowling one never happened!


2) I used to suffer from OCD to a moderate level. Now I just have an obsession with not shaking hands, and being on time. If you tell me the party starts at 6, I HAVE to be there at 6 or I start getting the shakes.


3) I have about 20,000 baseball cards in my basement, including 32, 2001 Topps Gold Frank Thomas cards.


4) My first car was a powder blue, 1976 Ford Grand Torino Station Wagon (in 1983). They got better, though, my next car was a 1976 Jeep CJ5.


5) I turned down a full ride at North Dakota State U and a 75% scholorship at Ball State to go to North Central College. Not sure why, but I did.

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