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Dakota Fanning's new movie.


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Seems people are unnerved at this new movie which depicts the rape of a minor. I just found delicious irony in the fact that the Catholic Church is all up in arms about a depiction of such an attack when it has turned a blind eye to and obstructed probes of ACTUAL attacks by its own priests.

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It will be a disturbing scene, and of course it should be given the subject matter.


But such ugly things are a sad reality. If a filmmaker decides to take on unsavory themes and somebody objects to that, that person should choose not to see the move and that should be the end of it. Won't be, but should.

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QUOTE(NUKE @ Jan 23, 2007 -> 09:56 PM)


Seems people are unnerved at this new movie which depicts the rape of a minor. I just found delicious irony in the fact that the Catholic Church is all up in arms about a depiction of such an attack when it has turned a blind eye to and obstructed probes of ACTUAL attacks by its own priests.


So in your world, actually learning from your past mistakes is not a good thing?

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Even the president of the Catholic League, William Donahue, is calling for a federal investigation of the movie to determine if federal child pornography laws were violated during filming.


As opposed to the 50+ years where the Catholic League didn't do jack and s*** in regards to abuses their priests perpetrated on countless thousands of children.


And really, if films influence kids to be violent and sexually active as they assert -- then why weren't there kids crucifying people and torturing them en masse when Jesus Chainsaw Massacre was so popular? I mean, that film was the equivalent of a violent snuff film and yet nobody was crucifying anybody acting out the violence they saw.

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From what I've heard the film makers actually had a social worker on set for the scene and that the kid was wearing a body suit.


I doubt any film maker would be dumb enough to make sure this wasn't on the up and up.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 05:58 AM)
As opposed to the 50+ years where the Catholic League didn't do jack and s*** in regards to abuses their priests perpetrated on countless thousands of children.


Faulty logic. Ever been drunk? Then never sday drunk driving is bad. Did you get in a fist fight growing up? Then never say violence doesn't solve problems. The US can not moake comments on anyone's economy, we had a Depression. Don't talk about military strategy, Bay of Pigs. Etc.


Intelligent people learn from their mistakes. Other people try to prop up weak arguments when it fits their belief structure.



And God help us when we consider entertainment to be watching a child get raped. Sick.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 08:20 AM)
Faulty logic. Ever been drunk? Then never sday drunk driving is bad. Did you get in a fist fight growing up? Then never say violence doesn't solve problems. The US can not moake comments on anyone's economy, we had a Depression. Don't talk about military strategy, Bay of Pigs. Etc.


Intelligent people learn from their mistakes. Other people try to prop up weak arguments when it fits their belief structure.

And God help us when we consider entertainment to be watching a child get raped. Sick.

The thing is that Donahue and the Catholic Church sit on high telling others how to live their lives with their aura of legitimacy. I don't say one thing and do another. It is called consistency.


And I believe it was the Bible that told people to take the timber out of their eye before going after the splinter in another's. Good to see Holy Mother Church learning that lesson well.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 05:15 PM)
The thing is that Donahue and the Catholic Church sit on high telling others how to live their lives with their aura of legitimacy. I don't say one thing and do another. It is called consistency.


And I believe it was the Bible that told people to take the timber out of their eye before going after the splinter in another's. Good to see Holy Mother Church learning that lesson well.


Millions and millions of Catholics world wide, yet they can't speak because dozens or even hundreds committed crimes or covered them up? Child abusers have come from all walks of life and have been ignored and covered up by husbands, wives, brothers, and sisters. Applying your logic, no one could talk against child abuse. Not Doctors, not teachers, not coaches, not social workers.


Of course if the Catholic Church didn't say something some people would be saying A Ha! We told you they were a bunch of child molesting sickos, they are keeping quiet because they like that stuff.


The role of every person should be to stand up for children. To quiet hundreds of millions over the actions or inactions of a few, is wrong.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 06:48 PM)
Is the Catholic Church, or anyone for that matter denouncing this "entertainment" a good or bad thing? Perhaps if you can explain how silence would help children, I can see your point.



My big thing here is that I'm a firm believer in having your own ducks in a row before being critical of someone else. How can an outfit that allowed similar behavior to go on for decades all of a sudden pipe up against a movie while the real thing is going on within its own ranks.

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QUOTE(NUKE @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 07:22 PM)
My big thing here is that I'm a firm believer in having your own ducks in a row before being critical of someone else. How can an outfit that allowed similar behavior to go on for decades all of a sudden pipe up against a movie while the real thing is going on within its own ranks.


The real thing is going on in schools, on sports teams, in after school programs, in families, and yes, in all Churches.


What is the benefit in any of these groups in staying silent? Tens of millions of Catholics did NOT abuse or look the other way. At most, thousands may have. Tens of thousands of Catholic Churches worldwide did not abuse or hide abuse. So because .000001 percent of the organization did something wrong, they shouldn't talk about child abuse?? Every decent person on the planet should talk against child abuse.


It's like saying the US Military can't comment because of the prisoner abuse. Teachers have been reassigned rather than face punishment, so schools can't comment. Doctors have been kept their licenses, so the medical community can't speak? That's silly. Whose going to speak up for kids?


I am wondering why anyone would attack someone for speaking out against child abuse. I can see justification in criticizing an organization for not speaking out, but for speaking out? Are you worried it will hurt sex offender's feelings?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 08:21 PM)
I am wondering why anyone would attack someone for speaking out against child abuse. I can see justification in criticizing an organization for not speaking out, but for speaking out? Are you worried it will hurt sex offender's feelings?



Trouble is, they're not speaking out about actual child abuse ( no children were harmed in the making of this movie ) but against a depiction of it.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 09:09 PM)
Movies are an art. Art is supposed to draw controversy. This movie has done its job already.


Not all movies are art, nor was this something trying for a deeper meaning. At some of these indie film festivals they pass off penetration based porn with a plot as an indie movie.


I think the depiction of a rape of a child is not something we need to have in society. The only thing that the creator of the film wanted to bring attention to, is to their own interests and to create a buzz to see their crappy film. Oh look its so forbidden, its so risky, its so shocking.


No its f***ing sick and shouldn't be shown. Dakota and the filmakers didnt do this movie for some sort of special tribute or awareness to sex crimes against children. They did it for awards and a paycheck. There is a reason that the original funding from this movie was pulled, yet as always there is someone sick enough to run up and fund anything.


I wonder when Nambla and the rest of the freaks are going to buy their tickets.


The catholic church can make an outcry to this just as Tex said, however need to also have an outcry at their own moronic goons who have molested kids. There are good priests out there, and it is sad that a few morons have ruined the image of what should be something that should be the image of mans relationship with god.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 10:43 PM)
Is a child rape scene different than a scene in which a child is shot, or beaten, or blown up or held hostage? I've seen plenty of those and don't recall any controversy over them.


Well there is a social taboo on the subject. I mean rape in general and not just a child rape. I mean how many movies have you seen a violent rape happen simulated or not. And how many violent movies, that have a bad guy and a young female character that is captured and held hostage. The guy basically is asexual outside of his love for violence.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 10:57 PM)
Well there is a social taboo on the subject. I mean rape in general and not just a child rape. I mean how many movies have you seen a violent rape happen simulated or not. And how many violent movies, that have a bad guy and a young female character that is captured and held hostage. The guy basically is asexual outside of his love for violence.



I feel you. I'm not suggesting we shouldn't be uncomfortable. I guess my point is that if we're gonna be uncomfortable about a rape scene we should take a closer look at other types of violence in film and ask ourselves why we've become so desensitized to it.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 11:05 PM)
I feel you. I'm not suggesting we shouldn't be uncomfortable. I guess my point is that if we're gonna be uncomfortable about a rape scene we should take a closer look at other types of violence in film and ask ourselves why we've become so desensitized to it.


But lets take a look at movies, and how they depict children and violence. There is a lot of slasher movies where you see the bad guy drive a knife into a victim, however how many times have you seen a graphic murder of a child in a movie. It really doesnt happen. Most times its either assumed, or you pull away so much you cant see the act happen.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 10:18 PM)
Not all movies are art, nor was this something trying for a deeper meaning. At some of these indie film festivals they pass off penetration based porn with a plot as an indie movie.


I think the depiction of a rape of a child is not something we need to have in society. The only thing that the creator of the film wanted to bring attention to, is to their own interests and to create a buzz to see their crappy film. Oh look its so forbidden, its so risky, its so shocking.


No its f***ing sick and shouldn't be shown. Dakota and the filmakers didnt do this movie for some sort of special tribute or awareness to sex crimes against children. They did it for awards and a paycheck. There is a reason that the original funding from this movie was pulled, yet as always there is someone sick enough to run up and fund anything.


I wonder when Nambla and the rest of the freaks are going to buy their tickets.


The catholic church can make an outcry to this just as Tex said, however need to also have an outcry at their own moronic goons who have molested kids. There are good priests out there, and it is sad that a few morons have ruined the image of what should be something that should be the image of mans relationship with god.


The bar is always getting set higher and higher in art. Ground is always breaking. Look at 1960's art and then look at today. "Taboo" is a lot different. Rape is not a new thing in film. Child molestation isn't either. If people don't want to see a movie with this sort of depiction, don't go see it. It's as simple as that. The creator may have been looking for attention, but that doesn't take away the fact that it's still art. Art pisses a lot of people off, and most of the time the artists get off on it. Art is not for the weak minded, it's not for the close minded. It doesn't have to have a good message in the view of society. That's just plain bull-s*** and goes against everything art stands for.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 25, 2007 -> 12:20 AM)
But lets take a look at movies, and how they depict children and violence. There is a lot of slasher movies where you see the bad guy drive a knife into a victim, however how many times have you seen a graphic murder of a child in a movie. It really doesnt happen. Most times its either assumed, or you pull away so much you cant see the act happen.


In this movie, you don't see the act happen either.

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QUOTE(NUKE @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 09:17 PM)
Trouble is, they're not speaking out about actual child abuse ( no children were harmed in the making of this movie ) but against a depiction of it.


When something of this nature becomes "entertainment" we start to accept it. To say it's ok because it's "art" or because someone is making money off it, is wrong.


Some will try and justify anything in the name of "art". We can go all the way back and discuss feeding people to lions as "art". It is bad when we become more and more desensitized to something as perverse as the exploitation of children.

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such a taboo subject indeed, thousands of rapes go unreported every year, perhaps a little discussion on the matter wouldn't hurt. This scene should be done powerfully. And instead of it starting a discussion on how to fight against rape, or in cases of incest where the child has no chance, we yell to put it back in the closet? You know, what los said, i've seen movies with gross cruelty against children, all made numb by the explosions and quick cuts for style, a scene like this has the chance to actually mean something. And those are important. Movies are telling stories. Stories like these are told everyday. This obviously isn't going to be a movie for children. Grownups can handle grown up topics.

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Another aspect of the Catholic Church's hypocrisy in criticizing this film is that it's likely still going on. From what I recall, the Church spent a lot of time just moving priests from place to place instead of firing them, and I imagine it's still going on very actively.


Besides that, churches of all sorts have been b****ing about movies for a long time and they need to get over it. It's fiction, and it's a story. Go stop the pedophiles in your church before you talk about a big work of total fiction.

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