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  1. Well that’s not the argument of this thread in the slightest. I fully expected this team to be bad and have been one of the most vocal supporters of giving our young players the time needed to develop (see my many responses on Moncada). But there is bad and there is getting absolutely destroyed on a daily basis. Losing like this is not part of the process and does not provide any positive benefit whatsoever. We can continue pretending these guys are robots, but it’s only human nature to be affected by this type of losing. Guys will most definitely start pressing & start to lose focus. We’re already starting to see that and it will only get worse if this type of losing continues. And when I suggest to “fix this mess”, it’s not about trying to get to .500 and it certaintly isn’t meant to add wins at the expense of development. It’s not even about making this product more watchable for the fans. It’s simply about making these guys feel like they have some sort of chance to win on a daily basis. Ultimately talent plays out and this team will be bad no matter what we do, but if possible let’s have them lose more games 3-5 & 4-6 then these 1-10 blowouts we’ve seeing lately.
    3 points
  2. Short term there really is nothing other than waiting for Kopech and Rodon. I do wonder what kind of effect getting killed every night will have on some players, but realistically there aren’t many of them on the roster that will be on the roster when winning is expected. We just have to hope guys like Giolito develop and are far better than they have shown. I will give him a pass for last night. I think he had become pretty close with Farquhar, so his concentration level might not have been the best. But he is walking a lot and not striking anyone out. That has to be at least a little concerning. But this stretch sucks for so many reasons. You wait 6 months for baseball season, and it becomes an uninteresting train wreck almost immediately. Some surprising performances in spring training but wins the first 2 games and a 3-2 first road trip made it seem like this could be a fun season. Now the games are over before they are official. pitching will get better because it has to. No team’s pitching is this bad. I just hope they clean up the other constant gaffes, like bad baserunning, missing cutoff men, throwing to wrong bases, etc. at least make it a watchable product.
    3 points
  3. That settles it then. If Lester and the paralyzed olympians can do it and Anderson can’t, that makes Anderson a huge p***y. Your posts are inspiring, dude.
    2 points
  4. This is just a horrible take. Tim Anderson is weak minded cause a brother like figure was the victim of a senseless crime and lost his life? You must not have anyone you care for in this world, because losing a loved one to a tragedy will fuck most people up. There is nothing weak minded about that.
    2 points
  5. That segment was painful. Roan is terrible enough as it is, but to listen to him and Hawk talk about golf? That inning is finally over. Thank god
    2 points
  6. This site is absolutely kickass! To all involved you did a fantastic job.
    2 points
  7. Failing to hustle and cutting up your teams uniforms in protest prior to performing your job are completely incomparable... Also, RR has instituted a strict policy regarding hustling and has defined the consequences for a while now. He’s already sat Avi once for this same thing. In the end, it looks like he wasn’t even pulled consequentially... would you like to tell us again who it is that’s overreacting? ? GreggyPoo
    2 points
  8. Hoping and praying for the best possible outcome. Be strong Danny .
    2 points
  9. Dammit. Everyone send good vibes, prayers or whatever you can do. Pull through kid
    2 points
  10. Why does Greg refer to Greg in the third person?
    2 points
  11. So let me start off by sharing a few facts: 4–13 on the season (3rd worst in MLB) 1-9 in their last 10 / have lost 6 straight Outscored 60 to 15 in their last 5 games 2nd to last in run differential (-50) Most runs allowed per game (6.65) Bottom 2 in starters ERA, FIP, & xFIP Worst in starters K/9 & BB/9 (5.85 vs 5.95) Starters averaging under 5 IP per start Starters have combined for 0.0 WAR 5th worse in relievers BB/9 (4.83) 4th best in relievers K/9 (10.43) Offense is 19th overall in wRC+ (94) 4th worse in K % (26.1 %) 17th in BB rate (8.9%) & 15th in ISO (.156) Averaging 2.45 runs over last 11 games Two negative WAR players (Avi -0.6, Engel -0.5) Couldn’t find good stats to highlight how the base running & fielding has been. I would say that Anderson & Moncada have been awesome on the bases, while the rest of the team has been passable at best. Defensively the team has been a mess despite what the stats might say. The team has played very sloppy baseball through 17 games. So given this information, what can be done to improve this team in the short run? I’m sure we all expected the team to be bad, but the way things are going right now are far beyond my wildest expectations. These losses are becoming demoralizing and it’s going to have an impact on our players confidence and/or efforts. While there are no perfect solutions here, some changes are desperately needed to allow our players to feel they have at least some chance of winning on a given day.
    1 point
  12. It’s just baseball. The FO has not personally wronged any of us. It’s a business and I think they are doing the right thing to make that business a bunch of money in the coming years. If you don’t think our FO is full of competitive MFers, you crazy. I still think Avi will heat up with the weather and we know Abreu will. It’ll get more fun this year. I promise.
    1 point
  13. Precisely what my numerous posts in the other threads are getting at . They basically go ignored while more silly/ insensitive comments draw out the moral outrage and the pc police. No one really wants to discuss the whole "trust issue " a lot of fans have. I have no intention of trusting the process. Trust is earned not handed over on a silver platter. The only trust this front office has earned is in the ability to somehow fuck up while apparently doing their best to do the right thing. If that's their best efforts how can I trust in their process ?
    1 point
  14. You have to trust the process because it does take time and frankly there's not a lot you as an average fan can do about if, if anything at all. However as a friend of mine posted, this front office hasn't earned the right to get the benefit of the doubt and I certainly see where he's coming from given that it was the same front office that put the franchise into the hole it has been in basically since late September 2012. He also brought up something that really makes you stop and consider. He listed all the recent first round draft picks by this front office and how they are doing. It was sobering to be sure: Rodon, Burdi, Bummer (Injured) Anderson (Very inconsistent at the ML level) Fulmer (Struggling badly at the ML level) Collins (Struggling badly in Double A)
    1 point
  15. Trust The Process? I honestly thought this team would be bad but still somewhat entertaining. I hoped the team would have 3 good starting pitchers. Lopez, Fulmer and Giolito. Turns out that Lopez has been the only good starter on the staff. The rest of the starting pitching has been BAD. The rest of the team has collapsed. The hitting and defense hasn't been good. I really think this team can lose as many games as the 1962 Mets did when they lost 120 games. If people want to trust the process, so be it. I don't.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Get over yourself. There is no expiration date on mourning and sorrow. No one gets to dictate to another human being how they should feel. There is a need here for professional help, but the problem isn't Anderson. The problem is people who think they own athletes and that they exist solely for their entertainment.
    1 point
  18. His father should be charged with murder. For once they took away guns from a crazy dude, but his Dad just hands them back to him. It's on the dad just as much.
    1 point
  19. You are aware that in fact not everyone is A) the same emotionally and B) handles grief differently? This hill you're choosing to die on here is very telling.
    1 point
  20. Not suggesting anything other than the assumption that the 2020s will be a decade of dominance couldn't be more far fetched. The casual Chicago fan has probably been lost forever and even if the White Sox rebuild is a success it will be the Chicago Bulls or Indiana Pacers to the Yankees LeBron James teams. Decent teams that just won't have what it takes to compete with the big boys, unfortunately.
    1 point
  21. Greg/WBWSF, this is the equivalent of an “intervention” for a family member with an addiction. A rebuild is tearing apart something you love to make it better or stronger. Any other approach was enabling. Or, if a failure, selling the team and giving someone else a shot.
    1 point
  22. I was at the game and the heckling was on another level tonight all around the stadium. Guess the fans got bored after the game was over in the 1st inning. Funny actually seeing a response.
    1 point
  23. There's a difference in the caliber of free agents signed as well. Guys like the Austin Jackson's, Adam Dunn's, Adam LaRoche's of the world can help supply depth and help stabilize some areas but if you want to win championships, you have to get the guys at the top of their game who can dramatically impact the fate of a team and get them over the top. Guys like Reggie Jackson, or a Bryce Harper coming up next year. The last time I can think of that the Sox were willing and able to land an acknowledged top star was Albert Belle. That's a long time ago. It's an open question even with this boatload of young talent being acquired if the Sox will be able to attract the difference makers since obviously all of the kids aren't going to make it and there will still be holes that must be filled.
    1 point
  24. greg775; I agree with your thoughts. From what I can tell, we are in the minority amongst White Sox fans. This lovefest White Sox fans have for Hahn and this rebuild/tanking baffles me. This team is bad, maybe even historically bad and people seem to be buying into this. Bruce Levine has said numerous times that the only thing JR cares about more than the White Sox is his family. That has to be BS because if he cared that much about this team this team wouldn't be this bad.
    1 point
  25. Don't you have to get past them to get to the World Series? I thought there was a dynasty being planned.
    1 point
  26. Hahn better not interview with Bryant Gumble...............................
    1 point
  27. That’s a 10-day period in Sox history to forget.
    1 point
  28. Damn, does this mean Rondon isn't top trade bait?
    1 point
  29. Wtf is Welington doing. Nice energy boys
    1 point
  30. You just said the ball was outside “bro.” The ball was under Moncada’s hands, which would make it inside, “bro.” The ump has been terrible, but strike 3 to Moncada was strike 3. Good talk!
    1 point
  31. pitchtrax had it not even close bro, so stfu with that nonsense. if you want to use pitch trax to tell me when balls are in the zone I'm going to use it to tell you when they aren't even close.
    1 point
  32. meanwhile, Lance getting calls 4 inches out of the zone...
    1 point
  33. painted that corner 5 times and didn't get shit..fuck outa here Manny Gonzalez
    1 point
  34. Lose as long as it takes to stack up the talent. I'd rather have awful years then great years to come instead of a constant treadmill fringe playoff team. Lose, baby, lose. 2020 Will be sweet.
    1 point
  35. Maybe WWE has recognized that the success of the NXT format could be transitioned up to the main roster and they're testing it with Smackdown. They've made a couple of changes that support this: fewer PPV shows and co-branding all of them, this leaves maybe 4 matches per brand on each regular PPV. NXT takeovers are typically 5 matches. This gives some breathing room to feuds and they don't all have to build towards a match at the nearest PPV. They can do multi-month builds or focus on doing big blowoffs at the big 4. Stacking the 2 hour format with main event capable talent will keep the roster healthy, and it will be less noticeable if talent closer to the top takes some time away. WWE had a lot of plans botched due to the health of superstars in the last year, and they'll need to rectify that to keep the product strong. The age of the athletes they're depending on to carry Smackdown has to be at least a little bit concerning. AJ Styles is 40, Nakamura is 38, Samoa Joe is 39, Jeff Hardy is 40, Daniel Bryan is 36, The Miz is 37, and Randy Orton is 38. Clearly they can all still go and put on some amazing matches, but not TV level one-on-ones every week. Less is more for some of these guys and their placement during the shakeup will support their longevity while giving some of the younger guys a chance to get themselves over before they enter the top of the card scene.
    1 point
  36. Agreed with DA, nothing you can do right now is wait for some sort of progression by this team, because it is hard to believe they are THIS bad
    1 point
  37. I guess rebuilding means 3-4 hits for the offense and 8-10 runs allowed amid general malaise and lack of inspiration. These Sox don't look prepared to compete at any professional level. No one is minding the store. Rick or Rick what's up?
    1 point
  38. Now I’m trying to learn avatars to know who posted last in a thread lol
    1 point
  39. The best record in the AL after what... 4 games? ?
    1 point
  40. One thing that I find myself missing is the section at the bottom of each post page which listed users who where currently also active in that post. Maybe the software providers omitted that function from this version to save on database calls and as such, increase performance. It’d be worth taking a look to see if that feature is available and wouldn’t effect server load performance – unless I’m the only one who misses that feature ? If that’s the case, fuck it ?
    1 point
  41. “There won’t even be enough brain capacity to remember the April White Sox in July. After all, your brain will have to find a place to store all those Eloy moonshots and Kopech fastballs.” https://theloopsports.com/2018/04/19/why-you-wont-even-remember-the-april-white-sox-in-july/
    1 point
  42. Thanks for the big breakdown, that actually makes me feel a lot better about things right now. It also tells me that this draft and next draft are going to be very important. Still hoping to see an exciting second half team with the additions of Rodon, Kopech, and Eloy and (hopefully) improvement from Moncada and continued improvement from Anderson.
    1 point
  43. You're damn right and that's why I'm 100% planning to evaluate Rick Hahn based on whether or not I get to gawk at our 2020 trophy, and why I'm shouting down anyone until I get to see that.
    1 point
  44. Greg, the Cubs and Astros are going to be great for a decade
    1 point
  45. Yup, we talked with Kalapse last night and are looking at various white on black themes.
    1 point
  46. For instructional purposes, below are instructions for how you embed video/twitters. It is really nifty and REALLY easy. Video Embed: If you want to embed a YouTube post. Just copy and paste the link into your post and wait a few seconds. The video will automatically embed (you don't need to try to use code or anything). Twitter Embed: IF you post a twitter quote, you literally do the same thing, copy/paste the twitter link into the post...wait a couple seconds...and the tweet will automatically embed.
    1 point
  47. Cool tribute by the Dodgers' organist
    1 point
  48. Drag and drop gifs. I'm in!
    1 point
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