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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2018 in all areas

  1. I guess my prediction that he should return with no issues was way off. It's a huge setback and a big issue. In 30 years I've never seen a re-tear in a younger individual. If the story is true, we must have been walking without his boot and slipped or something. He should not have been walking without his boot this early, if it's been around two months since surgery. the big issue is the quality of tissue left in his achilles. the surgery is like trying to tie pieces of spaghetti together. Now the spaghetti is frayed as well. They may need to take tendon tissue from another part of the body or use synthetic tissue, if the tissue quality isn't there. This isn't a ligament where it's a static structure. This tissue needs to have the contractile and flexibility to run and jump. I can honestly says that this is one I have never experienced. He will have the advantage of youth and a good blood supply to the area. However, the fact that he is young and has torn it twice doesn't give much confidence.
    5 points
  2. The amount of doctors on this site is amazing.
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Believe me you have earned a couple of titles with your posts lately.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. This whole rebuild is unacceptable. Nothing like this has ever been done before. Some hard core White Sox fans are supporting this so called rebuild/tanking. The average White Sox fan is walking away from this nonsense. Virtually every game I've been to this year has had a sparse crowd. They're announcing tickets sold. Believe me, most of these games don't have 2,000 fans in the stadium. The vendors are complaining about the small crowds because they're not making any money. The upper deck is closed for most of the games. This is the ugliest situation I've seen since the 1968-1970 seasons. I figure if the 2019 season is as bad as the 2018 season we might possibly see some major changes.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. I will say I despise what baseball has become with so many teams not even trying.
    2 points
  9. Greg, Time and time again on this board people explain things to you. Sometimes you actually heed what they say, most times you don't. I think this entire board is tired of bashing their heads against the wall to try and make you understand what a rebuild is about.
    2 points
  10. Maybe it's because Bummer has already allowed 11 inherited runners to score and shouldn't even be on a big league roster. If so, I applaud his thinking. Just read where the Sox 3-15 start at home is the worst in franchise history.
    2 points
  11. Merkin says managerial decision, nothing more.
    2 points
  12. stop....just for once stop.
    2 points
  13. The sooner people allow themselves not to worry about players that will have no impact on the roster in two years, the easier this will be for them. I would much rather Lopez pitch great and they lose than for him to have done horrible with bad velocity and they sneak out a win.
    2 points
  14. I didn't like the pick at the time because I've never thought he was going to stay at third. Watch the grounders from about :30 - 1:15
    2 points
  15. Moncada Anderson & Dickman sounds like a reputable law firm to me.
    2 points
  16. They will continue to allow him to pitch every 5th day and work though it. Not very complicated, and a luxury you have when you're not trying to compete. Engel and Giolito are in very different situations.
    2 points
  17. Giving the job to Southpaw might be a better plan.
    2 points
  18. Smackdown isn't perfect by any means, but there's some really good wrestling happening on that show right now. We didn't even have AJ or Shinsuke wrestle on TV tonight and we got two really strong 20+ min matches in Miz v. Jeff Hardy and Rusev v. Daniel Bryan. Two hours is so much easier to digest than three.
    2 points
  19. I'd encourage everybody to use the post ratings more. They are limited but they do help foster community. Again, I'd change them to "Thanks, Agree, Disagree, and LOL". edit: Thanks for the "confused" icon, which is a really useless icon imo because it tells you nothing about the OP or WHY the person reading is confused. If you really want to have a negative rating like that just use "dumb" so everybody is clear. The ratings should basically just be used as shortcuts to typing out a post. I spend way too much time at work on various forums. This one is way towards the bottom (even with the upgrade) as far as user interaction and redundant posts (that exist because there is no "disagree or agree" button). There are ALOT of cases where a simple "agree" or "disagree" button would save a lot of wasted scrolling. The "like" is 80% of the time just an "agree". If you want to keep "like" than just realize people are going to use it as "agree". I do it rather than reply with "+1" or "I agree". It's a shortcut. Again, my opinion only, but there really needs to be an "agree" rating. That's the one I think would help the board the most, especially on mobile.
    2 points
  20. I think it's safe to say that Eloy has hit the "scary good" stage. There are a lot of good minor leaguers out there, but Eloy seems to be in that Acuna/Vlad Jr area where it's all but a lock that he'll be a beast at this point. And this isn't a small sample size at all. He did it all last year and his numbers this year are just incredible. Also important to note that Eloy will be 21 for the entire season this year, as he does not turn 22 until late November.
    1 point
  21. WOW! just no words really other than wow! Feel horrible for the kid...and this franchise honestly. Seems this team has just been snake bit. I'll look at it this way...unfortunate accident...but THANK GOD we signed Robert...or this would have been a much bigger kick in the nut sac than it already is. I know you can't have a redo...but wow. Wonder if this alters the upcoming draft strategy at all.
    1 point
  22. For those who think getting a facebook or message post deleted is a violation of freedom of speech, THIS would be as clear of a first amendment violation as you can get. It would also be a violation of freedom of the press. But we should only be upset about the loss of our second amendment rights.
    1 point
  23. Partial tears in "older" individuals that progress to rutures happen. I've seen re-ruptures in the 40 and over group as well. It all has to do with blood supply or lack thereof. This occurring in a 22 year is perplexing.
    1 point
  24. Yes. He should be in the typical walking boot you see many people with foot and ankle injuries wear. This will prevent excessive motion and prevent this type of reoccurence. He should be out of it during rehab but still wear it outside of the clinic, maybe not wear it when he is just sitting around the house. My guess is he just though "I'm going outside to turn off the sprinkler (or something similar) it will be fine." If this is truly what happened.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Enjoyed the first season of this. There were definitely some loose ends that can be explored in season 2.
    1 point
  27. No harm in letting Giolito pitch a full season in the rotation. And with Kopech and Jimenez, it might be about wanting 3 years of arbitration instead of 4 of the controllable years. Engel clearly isn't a big league player and obviously a place holder. Don't worry about him.
    1 point
  28. I wish Ozzie was the name that could not be mentioned. He burned bridges that should never be rebuilt. Not just with the organizations he managed, but also for MLB in general.
    1 point
  29. Lip, thank you for bringing up the comments for that Tigers series. That was the first moment he really quit on the team and that shit is unforgivable. You are a leader of men in the thick of things and you decide to make things about yourself. Once a brash, selfish, ego-maniac always a brash, selfish, ego-maniac. Thanks for 2005 but you & your entitled little shits of sons can stay away from my White Sox always & forever.
    1 point
  30. ozzie being a little b**** is what got himself fired. he let his ego manage after 2006 or so. the dude won the Sox a WS and helped me through one of the darkest parts of my life (it's a father son story told though the Sox in part) , I'm not going to begrudge the guy jack shit but ffs no, just no on bringing him back. as others mentioned, he quit on the Sox. That's a cardinal sin.
    1 point
  31. It's just really sad when moves are made just for the sake of making moves. No real intent to improve the team one iota. If and when they strike out on big name free agents it will be disgusting. I just hope the off season moves were intended to keep us bad and spend their revenue sharing provisions and not made because they thought anyone they signed besides Castillo was any good. All they basically did was sign a bunch of bodies hoping some float . It just would be nice if the Sox showed they could pick out veterans that can actually provide talent before they actually really need to. I think that was driving my requests for Moustakas more than anything.Well that and the fact LH power. youngish .cheapish and filled a need.
    1 point
  32. Yolmer is the least of the problems; Moustakas is a marginal upgrade, if that. They need to stabilize the pitching. They brought in a bunch of veteran pitchers to do that, and they are, to a man, fine additions tot the gallery that features Latos, and Holland and about 10 other veteran stiffs they've brought in the last 5 years. It's been firmly established that the problem can't be the GM; and it can't be the scouting because the GM it can't be brought in new scouts; it's can't be the iconic pitching coach.
    1 point
  33. They showed highlights the other day of Ozzie. Now that's a baseball player. Now that's a baseball manager. Ozzie Guillen I love you!
    1 point
  34. Another blowout. My gawd we stink. This is again embarrassing.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. I voted yes because the Sox have needed a replacement for Andy the Clown for over 25 years now.
    1 point
  37. Dude quit on his team and let his douchebag kids embarrass our organization, he should never be welcomed back under any circumstance.
    1 point
  38. You can lead a pope to water, but you can't look him in the mouth
    1 point
  39. Not touching that with a dead horse.
    1 point
  40. The Astros and Cubs are going to be dominant for only a few years and win “maybe” one World Series? You actually believe that?
    1 point
  41. Elon Musk should have bought naming rights for the rebuild years. Boring Park seems appropriate.
    1 point
  42. Acquiring Shields was a bad move even if going for it - the Sox seemed oblivious to his obvious decline. And then giving something legitimate for him made it a ridiculous effort. Nevertheless, the Sox should be going for it every year. The reason they had to tear down is because their drafting, international signing (of young FAs) and development was largely impotent. It's also a big reason why the Phillies are so far ahead of them, despite far less to trade when they dispersed. The Sox have got to get that figured out.
    1 point
  43. Zobrist, Heyward, Lester, Lackey, Chapman. Even with all of their younger cheap talent, their payroll was $171 million. The average WS champion has the 6th highest payroll.
    1 point
  44. New BA mock. https://www.baseballamerica.com/rankings/mlb-mock-draft/ That India bandwagon.
    1 point
  45. My local FM radio affiliate has Golic and Wingo, Dan Patrick, and Rich Eisen back to back to back.
    1 point
  46. DP show is enjoyable. Herd is good but not near as good as he was.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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