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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2018 in all areas

  1. Clinched double digit wins for the season, was getting a little worried there.
    3 points
  2. Do what I did and tell your kids that the Cubs don't like legos and Toy Story. That will make them Sox fans quickly
    3 points
  3. Of all our closer options, Bruce is one of them
    2 points
  4. Here's Lucas's average release points this year. You can see the curve is release both much higher and earlier than the others. The slider is released earlier but coming from closer to the same spot in terms of left/right and up/down so is probably still hard to track out of the hand.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. The guy in the bleachers with the Cubs plus Notre Dame banner might be the worst human being in the world.
    2 points
  7. Not to go all Thad or WSWBF, but new ownership would be a great thing.
    2 points
  8. I don't hate Greg. Seems like a decent guy. He's just wrong a lot. It's all good, though. Fans are fans and I'm glad to have him on board.
    2 points
  9. No one hates you. You just have no basis for your opinions. When we ask for specifics, you have none.
    2 points
  10. Im in the same boat, my wife is a Cubs fan. My older daughter is all about the Cubs but will still rock the Sox swag at least. My son is still too young so I have hope to convince him.
    2 points
  11. That would be a dealbreaker for me. If it’s in Wrigley, he needs to be in Sox swag. Compromise.
    2 points
  12. Tell them the Cubs will steal their chicken nuggets as well.
    2 points
  13. Th only problem I have with it is Cooper is treated almost the exact opposite any other coach. Most coaches or managers, the player sucks , clearly a coaching or managing issue. They are great, it’s all the player. With Coop, pitchers can’t throw strikes, pitchers suck, hey what can you expect? Pitchers are great, it’s all Coop. There has not been 1 pitcher ever failed by Coop, while there seems to be hundreds of failures that are other coaches or managers’ faults. There isn’t a pitching coach in the world that would look good right now in a White Sox uniform. All I am saying is that if Coop really could walk on water like some seem to believe, the performance would be at least a little better.
    2 points
  14. Heimlich... personally i hope he again goes undrafted.
    2 points
  15. Eight straight games where they have had at least one 3 run inning against them. Meanwhile, Cooper makes excuse after excuse in the media.
    2 points
  16. 1 point
  17. Geez what a pleasant post that was.
    1 point
  18. Giolito (1-4, 7.25 ERA) vs. Hendricks (3-2, 3.02 ERA). Sox broadcast is on NBCSCH and it appears the is on MLBN for out of market viewers. I hate using a message board to talk about my personal life, but this is a huge game for me. I made an unwise decision to marry a diehard Cubs fan and both of us of dream of having our kids follow in our fandom. Our four year old son has never gone to a baseball game because we both want his first experience to be at our own park. We have finally decided that today’s game will settle matters once & for all. This may seem stupid to most of you, but the thought of my son’s first baseball experience being at Wrigley covered in Cubs gear makes me sick. I consider this game a must win and hope Giolito can regain form and help us avoid a sweep. God knows we could all use a win after these last two games. GO SOX!!!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. You got it , buy that boy a Sox hat
    1 point
  21. Not sure how much longer I can be subjected to this OF...Obviously the Avi injury hurts, but this OF is still just pathetic. I've seen enough to know that Leury, Engel, Thompson and Delmonico are never going to be major league regulars. I know the object isn't to win right now, but this team is just brutal to watch.
    1 point
  22. Ricky better not overmanage this. Let this ride or die with Bruce.
    1 point
  23. I have a little more faith in Rondon than Soria
    1 point
  24. That's a lot closer to the Nate that we are used to than the one you saw blow it the other day
    1 point
  25. Jace Fry, high leverage setup man is something I am throughly enjoying
    1 point
  26. Those glasses Engel has on make me hate him as a person, not just as a ball player. lol
    1 point
  27. I don't really care about wins/losses at this point, overall. However, winning this game and avoiding humiliation in this series would be quite nice.
    1 point
  28. FYI, the besss just got another hit. 3-3 today (.337 average).
    1 point
  29. More runs needed Nate is warming up
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I suppose if you're gonna give up 8 free baserunners, he's been doing pretty well, hahah.
    1 point
  32. See, some of us don't think it's necessary to be this bad and just throw away 3-4 seasons. The Sox better be as good a team EVERY year of the title window to make up for how bad they are last year and now and for a few more years to come.
    1 point
  33. This is my first season watching , albeit on TV , I didn't have to choose the Sox to support but I'm loving it and them , I'm also feeling the pain from you lot on here , its if I was born a Sox fan . My soccer team has also been through the wringer and we have a big bully city neighbour , owned incidentally by John Henry .
    1 point
  34. No way a fan walks into Sox Park this year and gets that feeling. I've been to a lot of games and the park has been dead with zero afterlife energy even. I told my fiancee all boys will be Sox fans for sure. That is non negotiable as men control the sports scene in the house. I don't really care about the girls because even die hard girl baseball fans are casual with it. Last thing I need is a son with baseball knowledge like us to be a Cubs fan. Fuck no. That being said, you should have at least waited for the series in September to make that beat.
    1 point
  35. On what planet are Braun, Rollins and Finn unlikeable?
    1 point
  36. If Giolito can get out of the first, the Sox have a shot today. Abreu and Yolmer own Hendricks.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Hard pass on Heinlich. I agree with hi8is, hopefully he doesn’t get drafted.
    1 point
  39. I'm not too surprised at how bad the offense is at times, or the bullpen, but I am very surprised with this starting staff. I certainly did not see them all sucking (Yes, even Lopez and his misleading 2.44 ERA sucks this year in every other metric).
    1 point
  40. They had a decent fanbase during the 00s. That's not 50 years ago. Didnt mention the rebuild killing it but the same people who are in charge during the death of our fanbase are still in charge now.
    1 point
  41. Nobody seems to care about that, anymore. That used to be the Sox fear, that they had to be good to stay relevant at all. Now with the TV contracts this huge, there doesn't seem to be a concern about fans or crowds, etc. They believe and are probably right in that the crowds will pick up and we'll fill the building when we get good again.
    1 point
  42. 1) Robertson and Jennings would still be on the team. 2) Shields would have never been on this team. 3) Arrieta accepted a 3 year contract with the Phillies with a 2 year TEAM OPTION. If he would have accepted the same deal here, he would be wearing a White Sox uniform. 4) Mike Moustakas signed a contract for $5 million dollars with a option for a second year. I would have signed him for 3 years. 5) Soria would not be on this team. 6) I would have tried to acquire another starting pitcher, maybe Chatwood. Due to the fact the first place team in our division (the Indians) has a losing record, I think the changes I would have made this team would be in contention. My objective would be to try and get the team in the Playoffs. Once you're in the Playoffs anything can happen. It appears to me as if this organization and Hahn held up the white flag before the season even started. I don't believe in tear downs and holding up a white flag. I want to win.
    1 point
  43. True Story: I wrote and email to Jerry telling him to do everything in his power to not hire WBWSF. You're welcome everyone.
    1 point
  44. Leased a 2018 BMW i3s tonight. Been looking at them for a month or so. First electric vehicle! Works perfect for our commute (11 miles each way), fun little car to drive, and I really love the way BMW built this car.
    1 point
  45. Bought Ford Escape 2018 today. Hate spending money but had to be done.
    1 point
  46. Buying a 2018 Civic Lx this weekend
    1 point
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