Trump used dehumanizing language. Literally. It's part of his very explicit anti immigrant statements and policies over several years. He's used ms-13 to tar immigrants in general many times in the past, so "oh he meant ms-13" doesn't really work as an excuse. He's attacked numerous non-white countries and groups. He will describe crimes in grizzly detail if they were committed by undocumented immigrants or Muslims but is noticably quiet when it's other groups. His administration is deporting hundreds of thousands of people who have been here legally for years or decades. They're treating immigrant children awfully. It's all part of a larger pattern.
Nobody should be tolerant of Trump's rhetoric on immigrants. It's disgusting and hateful. And save the crocodile tears for the "outnumbered" guy who couldn't answer a straight question and didn't have an objection to a single thing Trump's ever said. His morals are unquestionably backing an awful person.