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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2018 in all areas

  1. I've never been one to talk about trolling or otherwise ascribe bizarro world motivations, but you can't be serious, Greg. Or, perhaps you are serious, but self-described "baseball aficionado (at times)," or not, you don't have a particularly in-depth understanding of the great game of baseball. As far as that looking like a catcher thing ... the vast majority of catchers have been big, burly, beefy guys. They were called backstops and functioned as backstops. Sure, you can cherry-pick a few exceptions to the rule, but they are exceptions. And that's all the time I have for this, because, in the end, who cares what a solid player "looks like." Jose Altuve looks like a little leaguer, but I'd take him on my team in a heartbeat. The more fundamental problem with your recurring TA to catcher comments is that it shows no understanding about the training involved in catching and the mentality of those who catch. Emergency catchers aside, virtually everyone who catches at any advanced level of baseball has caught every day of their baseball playing life and wants to do nothing more in life than catch. These dudes are warriors. They live for catching. Not only are they involved in every single play on the field, they have to develop a rapport with the entire pitching staff, many of whom are nearly out-of-their-mind, all the while taking a physical beating like few others in sport. They are in every respect the on-field captain and they are the only player on the field who plays in the right direction -- all other players face backward! Tim Anderson is a gifted athlete who no doubt COULD catch (and learn a lot about in an off season), but the pounding of catching absolutely destroys bodies and damages hitting, running, and so forth. Why would you do that to Tim? And why is this even being discussed?
    4 points
  2. And you wonder why people think you are a troll or just the fan version of Forrest Gump. I don't really know what to make of you. Attention seeker ? Brain damage? Senility ? You certainly know how to get people to respond to your posts so maybe you're a genius but with you here actual real baseball discussions suffers\ because people spend so much time responding to you and your oddity.
    3 points
  3. Do attention whores have pimps or do they work independently?
    2 points
  4. rabbit, go back to the start of this little topic of the past page or so. I started by pointing out that, while falling short, Obama did do some meaningful CJ reforms and included some examples. I pointed out that Trump's admin was undoing them. There wasn't any name-calling or vitriol or even "lol"-style posting. Your response was to ignore that and bring up some stuff from early on in the Obama administration (that actually overlapped with the Bush admin) and then quickly devolve into accusing me of supporting cartels and MS-13 because they'll vote for Democrats. Who really derailed any chance at a discussion there?
    2 points
  5. https://www.mlb.com/news/could-outfield-be-in-tim-andersons-future/c-278979304
    1 point
  6. and we have reached the “Closed Clubhouse Meeting” stage
    1 point
  7. They were probably talking about how their window opens next year.
    1 point
  8. I really enjoyed it. Some of the food were very reqsonably priced for being at a baseball game. Lots of drinks and beer selections. Got to sit outside but it was a small crowd the day i went. Sorry for the brief message, not much internet here.
    1 point
  9. FWIW--His first stop in the majors was in Boston who was in the middle of a pennant race. He failed miserably and was sent back down.
    1 point
  10. Madrigal has been reported to be “Gold Glove-caliber” at 2B by NUMEROUS publications. When it gets to him playing SS, the arm concerns come up (see Yolmer)...with that being seen as a position quite a few scouts/GM’s would like to see him try first until he proves he can or can’t handle it. There have been reports that he’s not great with lateral quickness/range, even though he has excellent sprint speed forwards and backwards. Almost universally, everyone praises his hands and practice habits and argues he would work harder than anyone else to make himself great at any position he was assigned to (see Alex Gordon in LF).
    1 point
  11. Because we are all just pawns on his chess board ? I swore I'd never respond to him as others do but I fell victim. He draws you in lol .Cy. you fell victim, one of the most intelligent guys around here who doesn't post nearly enough. More you less him would be nice.
    1 point
  12. They faced one of baseball's best pitchers today and that Cleveland lineup is very impressive. Why is anyone shocked at the results?
    1 point
  13. I just don’t understand how anyone thinks she should or would have gotten away with what she wrote. There would have been advertiser backlash for sure. They say it had nothing to do with it, and maybe it didn’t, but if they didn’t do anything, like OReilly, the show would have lost all of its sponsors and died. Several years ago, when I was living in a high rise, the condo association had a survey for unit owners. They did it through Survey Monkey, and had a poster by the elevators reminding owners to take the survey. Since it was survey monkey the person that made the poster had a picture of a monkey with reading glasses on typing on a keyboard in front of a computer. A couple of our African American doormen were offended by it and thought it was racist. Obviously they were assured it was not, but the poster was changed. Roseanne even after her apoplogy retweeted side by side pictures of Valerie Jarrett and Planet of the apes characters. She’s acked and deserved to go down in flames.
    1 point
  14. They need somebody to tell them they are still very well paid (in terms of the rest of society) and this rebuild isn't going to work if guys do not pretend we are a contender and actually play hard and concentrate every day. This team contrary to popular opinion quits A LOT when the going gets tough, the starting pitchers aren't listening to Coop obviously, the fielders and hitters and baserunners have MANY mental lapses. WAKE UP BOYS. You won't be progressing if you continue to not earn your paychecks by giving full concentration and focus daily.
    1 point
  15. Do something worthy of praise and youll receive praise. Do you get upset at all of the posters on Soxtalk who are talking bad about the White Sox this year? Shouldnt we be outraged that the Sox arent getting more positive press about how great they are?
    1 point
  16. Defend Trump and defend reality? The only reality you defend when you back everything he stands for is reality TV. The only reform he wants is more non white people locked up. DNA clears you. Doesn’t matter, you’re black. Now Kim Kardashian and Trump are going to reform prisons and you are all about reality? The reality is if Obama or Hillary had she won sat down to talk prison reform with Kim Kardashian, your reaction would be just like mine is here. I will give him credit for one thing, he finally found someone to talk shop with that is more dense than him.
    1 point
  17. His numbers project to be an all star catcher. He looks like a catcher. We'd finally have a decent hitting catcher who can throw.
    1 point
  18. why are the ratings anonymous? That's pretty chickeshit imo.
    1 point
  19. I thought the Pirates duffed us up but this series was worse , although a lot self inflicted.
    1 point
  20. I hope, for the Sox sake, he sees the numbers and is ok with a team signing him for 3B.
    1 point
  21. If you took the red pill, its just ambien. Thats not reality
    1 point
  22. I still say all this losing can affect stud hitters with talent. Cause "what does it matter?" Rate Moncada when we get good, folks. You guys who want to lose have to accept the fact pathetic losing can affect certain hitters different ways.
    1 point
  23. Hmm we have 16 wins after two months keeping my sub-50 win season right on pace. Worst team I've ever seen is this one. And yes, we've been just what the doctor ordered AGAIN for the Indians. Excuse time: Injuries, Lopez needs time, be patient, etc. Maybe Hawk can tell us Ricky's boys don't quit. (Cue the excuses).
    1 point
  24. For someone that can't hit off speed pitches, he is far too reluctant to go after first pitch fastballs. I know he said he's not going to worry about strikeouts this year, but having no plan at the plate is just wasting developmental at bats. He's a frustrating player right now.
    1 point
  25. I always get a kick out of whenever you write this BS. You endlessly defend him, and rarely, if ever, find anything wrong with what he does, at least to the point if a person with a D after their name did the exact same thing.
    1 point
  26. Totally agree, this has been a dreadful season so far. Renteria has not done a good job either.
    1 point
  27. TA not a MLB caliber SS.............move him to CF
    1 point
  28. Error on the shortstop. That position is designated as 6. Pitcher 1, catcher 2, 1B 3, 2B 4, 3B 5, SS 6.
    1 point
  29. We (especially Moncada) can’t get out of Cleveland fast enough...
    1 point
  30. I believe I said multiple times last year that if the sox have a brutal season this year it doesn't bode well for the Sox to be a contender anytime soon. What pieces right now look like they can contribute to a winning team? As good as Lopez has looked would you classify him as a #3 starter on a contending team?
    1 point
  31. A 2-3 WAR player is still a VERY valuable and useful player to have. A championship team needs several rock solid starters to build around. I would absolutely take a Cesar Hernandez/Luis Urias type player to plug into our lineup for the next 6+ years up the middle. I don't think he's in the Pedroia/Altuve/Albies tier of player, but a tier below that is still a hell of a prospect.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Don’t know if you’re being sarcastic, but in the major leagues, these managers, catchers and pitchers watch a ton of tape which show tendencies, weaknesses & strengths. Typically teams have a binder in the dugout which show these things which in turn is what the manager relays. Of course when you have a staff like this, it doesn’t matter.
    1 point
  34. Problem is the starting pitching has been pretty brutal in terms of finding future contributors. I still don't trust Lopez at all.
    1 point
  35. Brutal freaking series. Not much positive going on in terms of the rebuild.
    1 point
  36. He is relaying either the pitch he wants thrown, location he wants the pitch to go, or both. When the Sox are hitting, he’s relaying if he wants the Sox to bunt, take a pitch, steal a base, etc. He relays that to the catcher (when pitching) or third base coach (when hitting).
    1 point
  37. I just had a Doctor Who episode flashback with that term.
    1 point
  38. Never seen a catcher that can't crouch. That's Narvaez. Someone should suggest he goes to the old one leg out Sandy Alomar style when nobody is on base. It might actually allow him to keep a steady target for the pitcher.
    1 point
  39. You want someone fired because they dont believe that an evangelical hears a voice from a magic man in the sky? Ok
    1 point
  40. You guys are making a big mistake in becoming obsessed with greg. I have said many times before I am not evil. I am a fan. A big fan who a.) loves the Sox. b.) does not like Sox management or ownership and what they have done (except for the WS title, applause, applause) and c.) wants the White Sox to win every game, every single game they can. So don't be obsessed. There is no problem with me. I just want to win.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. If @greg775 argues about statniks, rebuilds and player ages and nobody cares, does it really happen?
    1 point
  43. LOL, that will be quite the internal debate for greg. Will his passion for "old" players override his hatred for Nate Jones?
    1 point
  44. Tim Anderson is currently rated as the 12th best defensive SS in the game according to fangraphs. He is 10th offensively. With players shuffling in and out, Tim Anderson is currently a top 10 SS.
    1 point
  45. You better be sure he's the "next Aaron Nola" when you draft a Singer. We can't afford to whiff twice in five years on Top 10 draft picks spent on pitching, not to mention the still (relatively) uncertain future of Rodon for 2020 and 2021.
    1 point
  46. I obviously don't know him personally, but I'd imagine he'd much rather be rewarded for his excellent play by playing for the White Sox rather than a minor league all-star game.
    1 point
  47. I usually like FG content, but this list is bizarre and seems to be working from some vague and in some cases stale info.
    1 point
  48. We're going to get a good player at 4. Y'all lose your nerve the moment you realize a player doesn't have consensus.
    1 point
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