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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2018 in all areas

  1. Ok greg, remind them they get paid. I’m sure that will put them on a roll
    4 points
  2. Take a 65/70 win team and remove their #1 and #5 starter, a key middle reliever, 2 starting OFs, a starting catcher, plus other key players at other times and do you expect to see?
    3 points
  3. *Looks at a calendar, sees it is still 2018* *Remembers that it was well known that 2018 was a rebuilding year* *Looks at the team's record, shrugs* Enough with the "this is a horrible franchise" and "all they care about is money". Not interested in the rebuild and the development of the future? Don't watch the games. Don't comment. Take a year or two break.
    3 points
  4. Oh gee, which pitcher do I want that can’t throw strikes? Which one is making 13 million a year to walk everyone on a competitive team and which one is making the league minimum? For a guy so concerned about money spent, you sure don’t mind lighting it on fire. But then again, until a few weeks ago I wasn’t aware that Tyler Chatwood was good for a 30 game swing this season, so what do I know
    3 points
  5. The franchise has become a laughingstock.
    2 points
  6. Because I'm The Worlds Biggest White Sox Fan (WBWSF). I go to 40 games a year, win or lose. I think its pathetic how bad this team is. I like to win.
    2 points
  7. Yeah, thats what he said, nobody. I'll see myself out
    2 points
  8. Funny how when you like the numbers, you stop being condescending and insulting towards "statniks".
    2 points
  9. This is what it looks like, unfortunately. We look back and see the records of the Cubs and Astros, but since we aren't fans of those teams we didn't see it as it happened. What we're seeing now with this Sox team is what a 55-60 win season looks like. A few highs, more lows, and a few dear-God-this-is-bad lows.
    2 points
  10. Fulmer and Giolito, and it is not close.
    2 points
  11. Say what you want about Tyler Chatwood but who would you rather have on the White Sox, Chatwood, Fulmer or Giolito?
    2 points
  12. It certainly is a awful franchise. But the franchise is making nothing but money for this ownership. I read yesterday that the White Sox are 29th in team payroll. Oakland is the only team with a lower payroll. Forbes Magazine has said that the White Sox franchise has a gross income of $260 million dollars. With this low payroll JR and his investors are making some serious money here with this horrendous team.
    2 points
  13. You clearly know nothing about Dane Dunning based on this post.
    2 points
  14. There's a old saying in baseball. Good teams win games, bad teams have meetings.
    2 points
  15. And you wonder why people think you are a troll or just the fan version of Forrest Gump. I don't really know what to make of you. Attention seeker ? Brain damage? Senility ? You certainly know how to get people to respond to your posts so maybe you're a genius but with you here actual real baseball discussions suffers\ because people spend so much time responding to you and your oddity.
    2 points
  16. Does one exist and if one does who here is most likely to be one? My vote is greg he constantly talks in the 3rd person like he's trying convince people he's actually a greg.
    1 point
  17. Has to be kOna on twitter
    1 point
  18. It's no cinch Madrigal is there, though, right? I'm still in the anyone but Singer camp.
    1 point
  19. We're not being soft. We are just embarrassed at this sorry team. Now is there a guarantee we'll be great once the rebuild is complete? I sure hope so. I personally think we're seeing some of the problems with a rebuild. Some players seem to lose focus evidenced by their lapses. Whatever ... just win baby.
    1 point
  20. Ozzie's was Marty34, confirmed.
    1 point
  21. I just can't imagine how any fan who has been paying attention still cannot see the forest for the trees here. Do you seriously, SERIOUSLY want to do ANYTHING with the prospects that isn't in their best long-term interest? Do you really think we should call our best prospect up simply to "mitigate the suffering"? Guys I want to fucking WIN A WORLD SERIES. You may not not like that we're rebuilding, but we are, and at this point there's no reason not to do it fully and correctly. Eloy moves up when it's the right time for his development, period. If you gotta do something else with your summer this year, then do it. Stop being soft. Let's fucking DO THIS.
    1 point
  22. Name IP H R ER BB SO HRA Outs BF NP ERA SV HLD BS W L Jordan Stephens 6.0 6 2 2 0 4 2 18 21 89 2.59 0 0 1 1 Name IP H R ER BB SO HRA Outs BF NP ERA SV HLD BS W L Spencer Adams 6.0 2 0 0 0 5 0 18 20 69 5.70 0 0 2 6 Name IP H R ER BB SO HRA Outs BF NP ERA SV HLD BS W L Bernardo Flores 8.0 7 1 1 0 5 0 24 30 99 2.69 0 0 3 3 Some great pitching lines tonight.
    1 point
  23. Zack Collins 0/0 3 BB.
    1 point
  24. Im surprised hes not in AAA right now tbh
    1 point
  25. The Teixeira trade is over 10 years old now, and not really applicable to how players in non-premium positions are evaluated these days.
    1 point
  26. The White Sox have been especially effective at not letting people know who they want the last couple of years. So all the Singer talk might be the best evidence that it's not Singer. Like I've said many times, I'll be happy with Mize, Madrigal, Bohm, or Bart. The only one of those 4 who I'm absolutely sure won't be available at 4 is Bart, and even them, maybe everyone has the "Bart will go 1 or 2" thing wrong, as well.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Hopefully everyone that was already writing him off as another bust early in the season feels silly now...
    1 point
  29. Abreu alone should bring back 2 top 100 prospects, so I don't agree with that Heyman proposal at all. Mark Teixeira was traded midseason with another year of control left and he brought back 3 top 100 guys. Teams are more conservative about keeping prospects today so I would say Abreu's fair value is at least 2 in the back end of the top 100. Pint right now is a reclamation project, the Rockies have no had success in developing him. I'd take him as a throw in but his value is minimal right now.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I'm not sure that's possible with the current players unless some step it up. The only additions for next year are really Rodon, Kopech and Jimenmez. I'm not sure that pushes them up to .500.
    1 point
  32. I prefer another year of control, because I think it's a wash between the bad losing culture of the 2018 Sox and getting him MLB at bats slightly earlier.
    1 point
  33. why does 49 vs. 65 wins even friggin' matter? Last place is last place. win/loss is not going to be a good metric for whether this team is better long term or worse this season. It's about evaluating who can perform on this roster at a major league level medium term. If we find out Gio and Fulmer aren't suitable, we move on faster with more info.
    1 point
  34. That was a great great article. I like this part: "Maybe that’s why the Sox, never an attendance powerhouse, have the third-lowest average attendance to date, and are already over 110,000 guests behind last year’s number at this time. I’m not attendance-shaming here. I don’t blame people for not spending money on a largely trash product, especially with a minimum $20 price tag on parking alone. I don’t blame people for not wanting to take their kids to see a team that’s 8-18 at home. Save the ballpark for a chance at a good memory. Support the team in person if you want and can, by game ticket, TV tune-in, or website visit, but I don’t think anyone should feel obligated to. Maybe that’s a controversial opinion! Maybe it’s not. I don’t care either way." I still think it's unhealthy for everybody involved to have such a bad team. I guess the only reason to keep Eloy in the minors is the possibility of this lousy team affecting him mentally. The evidence sure is there that Timmy and Moncada lose interest at times and who can blame them since there's the "wink wink" lose is good mentality going on. I guess if I had to give an opinion I'd keep Eloy in the minors just because the losing environment is sooooo bad with the big league club right now. Why poison him til next season when maybe the Sox realize they better shoot for .480 or risk turning a lot of young players into losers. Congrats to the author though. Great article and timely.
    1 point
  35. I will commit a minor felony if this happens.
    1 point
  36. Doing something for the fans is the worst reason to make a baseball move. While he might succeed in the majors now that is not guaranteed. With that said, he has earned a promotion to AAA. His performance there should dictate his arrival time to MLB. If you are within days of super two, it probably makes sense to let that pass.
    1 point
  37. Just stop already. We know Tyler Chatwood is good for 90 WAR. You can watch him on the north side and not be worried about the owners making money hand over fist while losing like they did 5 years ago when they were rebuilding.
    1 point
  38. The Sox FO should hire Greg to be the clubhouse motivational speaker. Tony Robbins got nothing on the Greg!
    1 point
  39. Corey Kluber Tanaka Nola Porcello Maeda Orodizzi Ross Cueto Greinke These are some of the guys that get outs pretty routinely that are RHP that averaged less than 93 on their 4 Seamer last season. I think you could make a pretty solid rotation out of those guys...
    1 point
  40. They were probably talking about how their window opens next year.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. No. It doesnt matter beause he cant throw the off speed pitches for strikes consistently.
    1 point
  43. Maybe they're frustrated they're still not the WORST team in baseball because of those pesky and putrid Orioles? Discussing how can they lose even more in order to secure the #1 pick in 2019? Perhaps take out Manny on a slide so he can't be traded at the deadline? I jest.
    1 point
  44. He's 6-foot-1 and lean. Manny Sanguillen was 6-foot and lean. Sandy Alomar was 6-5 and lean. Sal Perez is 6-3 but beefy. The average major league catcher in 2011 stood 6-foot-0 1/2. Need I go on? JC Martin of the Sox was 6-2 and lean. I'm not just pulling stuff out of my behind, folks. Greg is a baseball aficionado (at times). Why can't you except the profile of TA as a possible catcher?
    1 point
  45. I'm surprised your actually confident of much of anything having to do with the Sox right now. I mean sure growing pains and I have been the one guy saying injuries prospect flame outs etc while others just think every pitcher will come internally. I'm certainly not against the rebuild but everyone here needs to start getting real. This year the rebuild has suffered a lot of set backs and cracks in the dam have led to a flood. We can all say it's darkest before the dawn and with Kopech and Eloy on the horizon things will surely get better but the Sox need to keep their options open . Stop thinking it's all just bad luck because it's not . It's just what happens in sports and creating versatility gives teams more options especially with the increasing reliance on the bullpen. Cubs have Zobrist and Bryant playing all over . Stros have Marwin Gonzalez . Championship caliber teams have those kinds of guys and if that ends up being Tim Anderson for one reason or another so be it. Right now JImenez is the only one among the OF you mentioned in the minors I'm pretty syre will have a very nice career. The rest either become trade bait or never become the quality of players you need on a champ. There isn't any guarantee that Jimenez stays in the OF either.
    1 point
  46. He has 5 more years of team control after this one.
    1 point
  47. Sigh. Must be so difficult being that much smarter than everyone else. Sorry. A couple question though, and please indulge me, because I clearly don't understand things as well as you do. So, first one is that, since Collins was basically a very good hitter in college, hitting .300 or so his entire career, hit .260 his first year with WS, was bad last year (in his first full season of pro-ball -- how dare he!), how does that make him a .240 hitter? As for examples of guys that made big adjustments after the ripe old age of 23, well I would say that most (even all players) make adjustments, but I guess that is because I don't understand simple math, or that EVERYBODY IS ALREADY REALLY GOOD, so why would they need to make adjustments? Sorry, I am a dufus. My second question is: Are you contesting that a guy is what he is at 23 and that no material changes can be made after that? Can't really think of them off the top of my head, but I seem to recall hearing about mechanical changes making a difference all the time. Arm slot, release point, position in the batters box ( remember when Anthony Rizzo couldn't hit lefties at all then made this small mechanical change?) trying to adjust launch angle (about 50 guys last season) adding a leg kick (Jose Bautista went from a DFA guy to a perennial All Star) messing with their stance (Cal Ripken Jr.?) or always making small adjustments from the time he was drafted (Aaron Judge -- moving in the box, shifting his weight back and lessening his leg kick). How about that, I did think of a couple off the top of my head. But who knows, maybe I just don't like, follow or play baseball enough. I do like your 2+2=4. I get that, maybe I am better at math than I thought. I don't, however, understand what the statement you are making in that paragraph is trying to say, at all. I would say the difference between a good hitter and a great hitter may be their ability to make adjustments. They all have the physical skills (to different degrees) but the ability to adjust to what their competition is doing is what makes guys great. I distinctly recall Manny Ramirez adjusting AB to AB and pitch to pitch and making pitchers for not adjusting their approach to him. Final question: If Collins has a 4 WAR season, hits .280 in 1000 PA but the Sox don't win the pennant, can I still remind you? I guess not, it doesn't meet your arbitrary criteria for a player making an adjustment that all players make that you don't believe in but say some are better at than others. That sentence confused me. Must be because you contradicted yourself. But, I will officially "cool it". Thanks for the tip.
    1 point
  48. Apparently he's not as good with the glove as people think.
    1 point
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