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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2018 in all areas

  1. He's on his farewell tour. Why do you gotta nitpick everything?
    3 points
  2. LMFAO. Love seeing the idiots in clown pajamas on the north side fail miserably.
    3 points
  3. Yep! What amazes me it's on a day when Rodon pitched great, Yoan with a HR and 6 rbi, and some clutch hitting from Engel/Narvaez. Oh and we had a Yolmer bomb as well. Yet the focus is on the lack of Hawk for the last few innings. I mean no disrespect towards anyone but it's being petty.
    2 points
  4. He was there for the 05 World Series run. That's when he got famous and has been there ever since
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. This post is awesome. The Cub unis do look like clown pajamas though.
    2 points
  7. He would have slightly lowered his ERA & WHIP & could have potentially racked up a few more K’s but no. No sense in risking one more inning out of him.
    2 points
  8. Verducci's comments were accurate. Both players are struggling. And within the realm of rebuilds, neither the Cubs nor the Astros traded a player anywhere close to Sale. It was a necessary move if they were going to rebuild and not re-tool But it was a risky move, made riskier by relying on discredited talent-evaluators to handle the trade. The entire rebuild has heightened risk for that reason.
    2 points
  9. To all you new wavers ... what say you about this article? Baseball is in deep trouble. No action cause of all the Ks. Why all the Ks? All the new wavers like many of you celebrate one walk in four at bats. Did you read in this article how little action there is in new-wave baseball? Attendance is way way down. Cities that are embracing the tank may lose their fans forever. Suddenly ol Greg doesn't seem so trolllish does he? I've been pointing out how unhealthy this stat-enduced new wave baseball is right now. Comment on these cold hard facts, folks. Whether you believe it or not, some of these new idioms are boring and unhealthy and taking is simply awful. Can baseball survive? https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/columnist/bob-nightengale/2018/06/20/mlb-bad-baseball-attendance-strikeouts/718162002/
    1 point
    1 point
  11. See article above. This was actually a Clinton voting county, fwiw. In her mind, serving Sanders would have cost her even more business with the Left-leaning crowd when word got out, and also the respect of her employees. At any rate, it’s dangerous for any business in this environment. Papa John miscalculated badly on the whole NFL situation (initially siding with Trump, then backtracking), and it cost him his company (sure, still controlling interest but no longer the public face.)
    1 point
  12. Trump would fire him on the spot. They simply don’t believe in apologies, philosophically. The closest ever was the grabbing the girls by the @#$&*, but even that was half-hearted.
    1 point
  13. No it's not. While I'm sure he consults with it. There is and are physician's you oversee the entire operation. Herm overseeing the staff would be a violation of his license. He is too busy working with the MLB to really know what's going on elsewhere unless something significant pops p then he may be consulted but it's usually the local physician up to the physician's for the Sox.
    1 point
  14. Probably the iliopsoas. It is one of the primary hip flexors but medial and deep to the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata which are more commonly injured in pitchers. Good sign that he feels good today. He'll probably be sore tomorrow. Even though I was at the game, it's good they took him out before real damage was done.
    1 point
  15. If Hahn or KW had their jobs riding on team performance, they would have been fired long ago. Until JR no longer owns the team, this is the front office the Sox will be working with.
    1 point
  16. Imagine if Democratic candidates encouraged audiences to “lock the Trumps up!” at every rally for two plus years, he would probably either try to have them incarcerated or call out the Guard because it was “in the national interest.”
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I don’t see your point with a veteran like Hawk who is retiring from the game
    1 point
  19. I don't get the Hawk bashing considering we don't know why he wasn't in the booth the last few innings. For all we know he had a severe case of the green apple splatters.
    1 point
  20. Show some respect and leeway to our greatest elder. It’s that simple.
    1 point
  21. I think he's a local rich dude (limo company owner?) that is basically a super fan. Him and his buddy have had those seats for at least 5 years now.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Clowns everywhere jumped on facebook to change their status to the butthurt emoji. They don't like the cubs comp. ?
    1 point
  24. I am glad he wanted to stay in. But coming off shoulder surgery, game in hand, let's not push it. He has nothing but positives to take away.
    1 point
  25. He’s been taking the bottom of the 7th off all year. He’s likely off socializing with the opposition’s broadcasters. Pretty unprofessional if you ask me but I’m also biased as I think Hawk is the biggest jacka** on the planet
    1 point
  26. Yeah, I legitimately got loud when Yoan went deep. Felt like a big weight just lifted. I had been waiting for so long. Plus, Rodon... obviously
    1 point
  27. I am so giddy with excitement today I can hardly contain myself
    1 point
    1 point
  29. rozner and ostrowski with a pretty good takedown of verducci’s thoughts on the score this morning.
    1 point
  30. The restaurant can always hold a press conference and deny it ever happened.
    1 point
  31. Again, you're just wrong here. What it's measuring has nothing to do with "what should have happened." It is simply stripping parts of run prevention out of pitching and assigning those to defense. It is measuring things that happened, not things that should have happened. It is a descriptive statistic. It is not a predictive model. That's not my opinion, it's a fact. You can hate it all you want, but don't hate it for reasons that aren't true.
    1 point
  32. I'm interested to see what the remainder of this board thinks, but to me, Trump's ( and his family's) behavior speaks volumes about whether or not there was coordination with Russia on the 2016 campaign. All of his behavior points to someone who is guilty as sin, and is using every bit of the power that his office holds to keep himself out of jail as long as possible. He knows he's been found out, but he thinks somehow he can weasel his way out of it. The arrogance and hubris know no bounds. If this was really a partisan witch hunt, he would have an idgaf attitude, let them investigate, I'll testify because I have nothing to hide. The urgency to sweep the whole thing under the rug, end the investigation ASAP, along with other things point to someone who is super guilty, has a TON to hide, and everything to lose if even 10% of his skeletons are found in the closet.
    1 point
  33. It doesn't seem like Anderson was laughing at him or the situation. Just one of those laughs where you're thinking "god damn... well... there you have it" He didn't step out of line in any way or become personal. He included himself and basically just said "We all need to be better. There's no excuse for this." Very fair. I respect it. This team is supposed to be bad, but a portion of this can be avoided. The mental miscues, defensive blunders, how bad they have been with RISP and less than two outs. The fundamentals. This team just fails. You don't have to be uber talented to execute on the little things. This mainly goes back to our manager. However, the players giving themselves a kick in the ass might be a solid substitute.
    1 point
  34. I don’t know why anybody cares or keeps complaining about what our team is doing. Yeah, yeah, I want to win. Blah, blah, blah. We finally chose a path. Anybody worth a dam was traded. There is only 4-5 players worth paying attention too. Sorry to burst your bubble but most of these players would not even be on a major league roster if it were not for gutting this team. No matter how much you wish them to be. I don’t understand. It’s only been 18 months. Most of the players we will care about are still in the minors. If I didn’t know about the prospects we have, I’d be pissed too but our future looks awesome. We still need to accumalate more since not all will succeed. I will wait to judge them until 2020. If we are not contending by then, we will need to fire them all. But I’m very happy with what’s coming up soon. You should be too
    1 point
  35. We stink. Players are laughing all the way to the bank. No expectations. Just $$ even though it's not a lot by industry standards it's still a lot.
    1 point
  36. is it just me or does Madrigal look like Fez from That 70's Show?...
    1 point
  37. You seem to think you know a lot more about the business of professional baseball than you actually know.
    1 point
  38. ANYone on the farm could have come up and contributed at least as much as Thompson did. All he ended up doing was making Engle look slightly better for a few weeks.
    1 point
  39. You guys don't know how to enjoy a good thing. Leury is maybe the best example sox have had in developing a position player recently. Leuryforever.
    1 point
  40. This is a common misunderstanding of the framework, but it's false. While FIP is useful because it tends to be more predictive of its own future than ERA, FIP is NOT a predictive model. It is a descriptive statistic whose purpose is to strip the effects of defense and batted ball luck from measures of run prevention. To go deeper: The "flaw" that exists in FIP is that it is not a complete descriptor of what has happened that has resulted in a run. Essentially, it assumes the pitcher has nothing to do with the quality or nature of contact as long as it isn't a homerun. Literally no one, not even the creators of the statistic, think that it is correct to assume that the pitcher has no effect on the quality or nature of non-homerun contact -- the statistic assumes it because no one has found a way to factor it in and produce useful, stable results. The "flaw" in ERA is that while it's a complete description, it's a purposely inaccurate one. Essentially, it assumes the pitcher takes ALL the credit or blame for what happens to balls in play, except in the case of an official error. Quality of defense, batted ball luck, weather, etc. are all charged to the pitcher. Literally no one, not even the creators of the statistic, that that is correct to assume the pitcher should be credited with everything that happens on the field -- the statistic assumes it because to do otherwise would leave you with an incomplete description of the events. Both approaches are flawed, but in different, mutually exclusive ways. The reason sabermetricians prefer FIP is because it turns out that it's more predictive, and thus a more useful indicator of a pitcher's ability. But both are descriptive statistics, not predictive models.
    1 point
  41. Hotel Artemis was a very.ambitious film...didnt quite get there, but it's definitely worth checking out. Jodie Foster is always good, this was a strange role for her to wait five years in between films.
    1 point
  42. I'm sorry but this is a fundamental misunderstanding of how WAR is generated from linear weights. It was a shock to my system reading Tango's original public work, but his insight is as true now as it was then -- scoring and preventing runs in baseball is a math problem. You've got discrete events that occur in a non infinite set. You can assign values to events with amazing precision given the inherent setup of the game. Dividing by outs makes it all possible. No clock.
    1 point
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