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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2018 in Posts
His delivery is like watching an octopus fall out of a tree.6 points
I'm not going to let the first inning and then one bad pitch to LoMo take away from this start either. Its still the progress we wanted to see.3 points
3 points
He had a hand injury and he’s played like 15 games. This whining tonight is ridiculous.2 points
Not sure I've ever seen an intentional walk ordered after a strike was thrown (and no steals happened, etc). For it to happen twice in a game is just overwhelming evidence Ricky has no business being a manager.2 points
James Shields folks. We will always have two great things from his time here. One of them is the time Jame Shields caused the "feisty" Twins to lose their 3B coach and Manager in one inning by using an ingenious play on a recent rules change. The other?2 points
Yes it would. It just depends on if the injury can be reasonably protected, if they should continue to play. If it's an ankle Sprain there are braces that can protect against the motions, rolling the ankle, that would allow the player to continue without further damaging the ligament. The injury may take longer to heal but the risk of further damage is minimal. Over the last decade or so we have learned that tissue does heal faster and stronger if some stress is placed upon it. To make it simple, the tissue aligns better if controlled force is placed upon it. The best example are foot or lower leg fractures. Years ago they would be in a cast for 6-8 weeks to allow healing to occur with no stress or weight. Today they are put in a walking boot as long as the fracture is not displaced. This allows for controlled stress into the fracture and allows for better healing. In bones it's a concept from Wolff's law of bone growth which was postulated 100 years ago but we've only applied it to healing recently. We've since discovered that the same concept works for other tissues as well.2 points
Not that I agree with how they're going about it, but when someone does dethrone Lesnar, it'll mean that much more -- the anticipation build to him finally losing has been quite the long road, and in some ways I find it funny how much it's pissing people off. I honestly don't care about the Universal Title at this point -- so whether he's around with it or not doesn't change much IMO. It's not like they'll do anything with it other than hot-potato it around after Lesnar drops it so fans can chant "you deserve it" on a weekly basis anyway.2 points
Fwiw, this guy was so far gone mentally, doubt he’s ever even heard of Milo Y.1 point
The same guy who calls out greg for quoting Rush Limbaugh and Hannity quotes Shaun King. Talk about a double standard.1 point
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Well, gentlemen, interesting discussion. Thank you for the input. We'll just have to wait an see.1 point
I've thought this over some and part of the problem is the shit roster construction and not having a true backup IF on the bench since Tyler was cut. It's obvious that Leury isn't an IF anymore so that leaves you exactly ZERO guys that can play SS/2B on the bench most nights. That is just asking for trouble long term. I guess I'll give Rick a pass on this one but FFS what is he fucking doing with the fucking IBB and bunts...he also seems to loathe the hit and run, which is something this team is naturally suited for and should be using much more often.1 point
How realistic is it to expect completely different hitting philosophies from both sides of the plate? Right now, he’s more reminiscent of Jose Valentin as a switch-hitter, tbh. With him already being “in between” so often, I just wonder how the affect of having him think EVEN MORE will have? It’s almost like the Giolito and his mechanics thing, and the more you focus on something, the more it gets in your head and you do start becoming robotic instead of “natural” up there as a result, like a deer in headlights. So much of it’s confidence when you’re hitting, and he’s REALLY struggling to get that back, to collect just a couple of multiple hit games in a row.1 point
What I don't want out of a LH Moncada is a slap hitter that's spraying the ball. I want him to identify pitches he can hit, and crush them. I want him pulling the ball. I want him laying off pitches he can't crush and taking walks. Now, I like a Moncada that sprays the ball from the right side of the plate though and uses his speed more.1 point
1 point
Giolito pitched his ass off today. Second good start in a row for that kid. Very encouraging. Was so happy to see the Sox get that run in the 9th inning and get him off the hook...no way in hell he deserved a loss. Speaking of the 9th inning that was the most excited I've been watching a Sox inning in a long time, was standing hoping they'd end it. I have no idea what Moncada was looking for or thinking in that 9th inning at-bat. That pitch was perfect for a left hander (I know I am one) and should have been ripped, instead he stands there. Kid flashes potential but man he's got a long, long, looonnnggg way to go.1 point
He's obviously over his head. But what exactly does the FO want in a manager? I know they want someone who will listen to them...a lot of front offices want that. But those other FOs want the manager to follow their analytics and that sort of thing. What do the Sox want? Someone who will put up with Cooper? There's got to be some reason they have hired two weak managers in a row.1 point
I grew up between arecibo and San Juan. Was about 35/40 minutes drive to either. Pudge Rodriguez and Juan Gonzalez are from my home town1 point
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Renteria with two dumb decisions...Moncada can’t bunt, and walking Adrianza and putting more pressure on Santiago.1 point
Pardon my ignorance, but how is it allowable for an infielder to block the bag, when a runner is attempting a steal?1 point
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Its just something to complain about. We could have Fricken Connie mack as a manager and people would b**** about his every move1 point
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Moncada 2B Anderson SS Abreu 1B Palka/Davidson DH A. Garcia RF L. Garcia LF Sanchez 3B Smith C Tilson CF Is by far our best lineup IMO. I'd love to see this used. Get Engel out of there, move Anderson up, play Leury every day1 point
I am a trainer myself and my sister is an orthopedic surgeon. I am familiar with the varying degrees of sprains. I am saying that this diagnosis makes it obvious that he does not have any tearing or a rupture. Anything less than a third degree sprain is simply a "stretched" ligament with full function intact. Seeing that Dunning has received the 6-8 week diagnosis... With this being his first UCL injury -- it would be a complete shock if he wound up needing surgery.1 point
Sprains have varying degrees. A first degree or mild sprain will rarely need surgery. A second degree or moderate sprain will sometimes need surgery based on the healing after 6-8 weeks. A third degree or severe sprain will almost always require surgery as there isn't enough of the ligament connected to heal properly.1 point
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Leury Garcia provided the key hit in the fourth, lining a double to right field to make it 1-0. Garcia is 8-for-17 since coming off the disabled list on June 22. per whitesox.com1 point
"It's a designed play. I actually called the play myself," Shields said. "Knowing that, I know I have to make sure I step off and fake to first and throw to third. I'm pretty sure, I'm very confident, that I did that, and I went back and looked at the video, and I clearly stepped off. per whitesox,com1 point
Barbara Lee, a stalwart of the left, considering bid for House Democratic leadership1 point
I'm pretty sure the more Ron hates on Abreu for no apparent reason, the better Abreu becomes. Him not being as good as Frank is the worst argument yet. In the game today there's...Mike Trout.1 point
I'd rather see Tilson and Palka both stay with Engel being optioned to AAA or released1 point
In contrast to some of the other teams, which are in the "race to the bottom," the Sox have few contributing assets, which will be traded, at the deadline. Moreover, they have just gotten back Rodon and the 'Garcias'. The improvement in the lineup, coupled with the continuing development of the young guys, and oh yes, a surprisingly decent bullpen, could surprise a lot of people. If they trade both Soria and Shields, it may depend upon how well their replacements do. Nevertheless, I wouldn't be surprised if this team played .500 baseball, the rest of the way. That would leave them with a final record, 23 games below .500. 68 wins would not put them in a great position for the Draft, but it would be fun to watch and would hopefully start to create a winning culture, for this young core. Frankly, I'm more concerned about how well our current crop of prospects progress, than I am about the potential for another couple of top Draft picks. I'd be satisfied, if they end up picking in the top 7 or 8.1 point
Oh I know, but you just reading public information and analyzing is extremely informative.1 point
Probably similar. Both were not complete tears but serious enough to require rest and inactivity for healing. The normal timeframe for tissue healing to the point of about 90% ins 6-8weeks if the tissue has the optimal environment for healing. This is why you hear that timeframe so often. Since they were both given that timeframe you can assume the injuries were fairly similar. As someone pointed out earlier, I haven't evaluated either so this is just reading between the lines of the reports both cases and using my experince of cases I've worked with.1 point
Completely agree. Kid was such an enigma in college as I said back in the draft thread, but he has alot of talent.1 point
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That would be major...Not really a TOR guy like many in our system but definitely has starter potential, 3-4 type1 point
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Good Morning Chicago! 6-1 sounds like it was a breeze . Beautiful morning here (again) we are having a heatwave , 80’s and the country is shimmering to a halt .1 point
MLBN (well Ryan Dempster) was totally convinced that was a play Shields had been working on. If you step behind the rubber that makes you an infielder and you can do more or less anything after that . Question is ,and has been, was he behind the rubber ? I saw no definitive proof that he wasn't. One fly in the ointment if it was a designed play ( a really smart thing actually) , why did he chose the totally wrong time to use it ? Sure there was a guy on 3rd but there was a shift on and Yolmer was nowhere close to the base.1 point
If you have to use Hall of Famers to find better hitters than a hitter you're speaking about, you're probably speaking about a very good hitter.1 point
PTATC, could you take a look at these numbers and let us know what's going on? Is this better than Abreu?1 point
You should trust the opinion of arguably the best medical staff in MLB. @ptatc knows his shit but last time I checked he hasn't personally evaluated Dunning's elbow and consulted with the Sox' medical team on a course of action.1 point
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