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  1. You wrote multiple posts asking why numbers normally released in November arent yet published and alleging some sort of impropriety because you didn’t bother actually clicking on the documents and checking the date line and you have the audacity to tell someone else they’re in over their head.
    4 points
  2. I know people are down due to all the injuries, but there's a flipside to keep track of too. Some guys are breaking out, and none more so than one Jimmy Lambert. Rob (southside hitman) dives deep into how Jimmy got here, with quotes, and paints a picture of an arm that White Sox fans should start keeping track of.
    2 points
  3. I saw Ray play. While being a pretty good player, he was nothing special. Again, the guy had a career OPS+ of 104. Yoan is already at 102. In his first 600 ABs, Yo has already equaled what Ray did for the balance of his career. At this stage of his career Ray was still about an 85 OPS+ player. As of today in parts of 3 seasons Yo has played in 149 games and 634 PAs, so basically a full season. He put up 20 Homer's, 28 doubles, and 7 triples. That is 55 XBH in basically his first season. Ray hit that many Homers twice in his career. He put up that many XBH 5 times in his whole career. I see a player that is already at a Durham level. Again this is his floor. He is already there. If he grows into his power and gains respect for his eye, forget Ray Durham's basic self, we are talking about Robbie Alomar. We are talking about a perpetual all-star.
    2 points
  4. Then pack it up, go root for another team. If the rebuild has failed, you might as well stop wasting your time on this team. Just don't come back once we're good and you realized you judged extremely prematurely.
    2 points
  5. I think we'll see more stuff written about Machado to the cubs than we will see written about the Sox. Then, after Machado signs elsewhere, we'll see nothing but JR is cheap posts littered all over Soxtalk while completely ignoring the Sox never had much of a chance in the first place.
    2 points
  6. Why would anyone sign Chris Davis to a 7 year $161 million deal instead of extending Manny Machado? Orioles gonna Orioles.
    2 points
  7. Lol that you are gullible enough to buy "conflict of interest" for shutting it down while he has innumerable other conflicts running
    2 points
  8. Shouldn't you try to be more like your hero and try to get along with those you have big differences ?
    2 points
  9. Maybe they are being audited.
    2 points
  10. Leonard has been traded to Toronto and he said he doesn't want to play there. NBA is full of babies who only want to play in a certain city or for a certain team
    2 points
  11. We all know Kenny wanted Kyler Murray
    2 points
  12. Wat? Ray had a career OPS of .788, with an OPS+ of 104. His first three years in the majors he put up OPS+ of 83, 95, and 91 in 1800ish PAs. Yoan Moncada is sitting at .735 and 102 OPS+ 600 PAs into his career and hasn't even scratched the surface of his potential yet. More accurately Ray Durham may be Yoan's FLOOR, and not his ceiling. Moncada's ceiling is somewhere more like Roberto Alomar or Robinson Cano.
    2 points
  13. Later dude. Also, that is not my name.
    1 point
  14. Mark Bowman (MLB.com) proposes Matt Davidson and Joakim Soria for... Max Fried, Alex Jackson, and Rio Ruiz. Sign me up! https://www.mlb.com/news/braves-wont-mortgage-future-for-2018-run/c-286235022
    1 point
  15. Yeah, that's the big difference for me. Ray Durham was one of my favorite players when he was here, but to compare him to Moncada does a huge disservice to Moncada's power. Moncada just hits the ball with so much more authority than Ray ever did, and the ball just jumps off of his bat. Hopefully he'll pick up where he left off before the break, because July Yoan Moncada extrapolated over a season is an all-star and in the MVP discussion.
    1 point
  16. There are some downright delusional posters here. Below is an example. That projection would be one of the greatest seasons in mlb history. Members 100 1,788 posts Report post Posted Thursday at 09:32 PM (edited) I've been arguing with people on a different sports board about Moncada. This is the way I see it: Moncada has "Best position player in the game" potential. His potential is Who is better Trout or Moncada? His floor is Trevor Story. I don't know where he's ultimately going to fall on this spectrum, but if he hits his ceiling, I could see this as his career year .310/.405/1.085 43HR 45 SB 38 2B 13 3B 130+RBI And a GG
    1 point
  17. He was listed in the honorable mention column along with Tim Anderson and Eloy. You wouldn't know by reading around here, but Moncada's stock is way down with the national guys. The guy has over 550 career at bats and has ops of 735. That is nothing to write home about. The Sox don't have a single player in the FG top 50. Fernando Tatis is listed at #39. That tells me all I need to know about the state of the Sox rebuild right there.
    1 point
  18. Right now I'm pretty happy because it seems like Adley and Witt are the top 2, but Langliers is also a good defensive catcher that scouts said was the second best hitter on the college national team. He is getting overshadowed by Adley a bit, but I think he is very comparable to Bart.
    1 point
  19. Its not that they don't do them properly. It's that this group wants the physicals to be perfectly clear. Most organizations understand that professional athletes are going to have some wear and tear. They accept a little and work at "prehab" and understand what is a red flag or yellow flag for a deal. Baltimore has always been extremely picky and doesn't accept this. It's their right but it also makes them difficult to deal with.
    1 point
  20. If I am his hitting coach (I'm not) I would never advocate a young hitter with a discerning eye expand the zone because umpires aren't getting it right. You would have to really study the film and make sure he isn't taking pitches that are legitimate strikes, but his eye may end up being one of his best assets. I feel like he is getting the benefit of the doubt 0% of the time right now, but if he stays disciplined, that will change.
    1 point
  21. They should get Cliff Alexander too
    1 point
  22. Spike was always a tough little bastard. The type of dude you HATED playing against. Always in the right place and making the right decision. Didn't think he had enough ability to play real D1, but loved watching him play as a fan. I was going nuts the night he went crazy in the first half of the title game. McGary I watched have one of the best HS games I have ever seen in person against my HS. He put up 28 points, 20 rebounds 12 blocks and 8 assists in a game against us. (and I don't say that lightly, I am a HUGE Indiana HS basketball fan, and have seen somewhere around half a dozen Mr Basketballs, and about a dozen future NBA players play in person at the HS level over about 30 years) I really thought he was destined for the big time, but he had some off of the court stuff that torpedo'd him. I always though Glenn was a bit soft and full of himself in HS, but they toughened him up a lot when he got up to UM. He came together and really realized his potential. He has a nice ability to come in as instant offense of of the bench. He has done really well by himself though. He made himself some nice money with the Pistons contract he just signed.
    1 point
  23. Trump started the process to dissolve the foundation. That is a fact. Why he did so is a different question. You are taking the self-serving word of a man who lies repeatedly about even the most trivial and easily disprovable things as "the fact of the matter" on that. That is an hilarious level of gullibility.
    1 point
  24. Yet the Trump Foundation has some issues. Big issues.
    1 point
  25. So in other words they were in operation in 2016 and have not yet released a financial statement and you're criticizing one organization for not yet releasing their financial statement that year while not criticizing another for not yet releasing its financial statement that same year.
    1 point
  26. I say good for Toronto. They've been good for a while, but this is a swing for the fences that's worth it. It may only be marginal addition, but I think on the trajectory they were on, it's worth trying to go bold for the next step. Just not a trade you typically see.
    1 point
  27. He's not in 21-30 either. I don't think he's on there.
    1 point
  28. Yea I don’t think anybody on earth would take devers over moncada
    1 point
  29. Fairly confident they’ll net a good return for Soria. He’s a better pitcher than Duke, and Tilson was a solid return from a good farm. Same goes for Swarzak for Cordell. The option next year and fact that his peripherals have been elite for 2 years makes me think people are really undervaluing him Not going to get a top 100 guy but probably a very interesting prospect and maybe in the top 200 range. Would love to get someone blocked at 3B or catcher, or a near-ready reliever or back-end starter. Alternative is a younger lotto ticket. Also have to wonder if Soria gets packaged with someone.
    1 point
  30. Interesting that they were 14th of 16 in errors committed. It is almost like teams with a lot of young kids make a lot of dumb mistakes.
    1 point
  31. It's so easy to complain, but look at this again and remind yourself exactly what the White Sox are trying to do https://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/HOU/2012.shtml
    1 point
  32. Omar Narvaez is a god awful catcher. He's actually been quite good at the plate since Castillo went down, but he's still nothing special. Hard to be a solid back-up catcher when you suck balls at catching.
    1 point
  33. I don't get this deal from the Toronto side at all. You found a star player who wanted to stay in TOR, and you deal him for a guy that is leaving town ASAP.
    1 point
  34. Shawon Dunston Javier Baez Sosa was nothing close to a power hitter...it was all projected. He was The Panther and more known for his right arm and defense. Juan Gonzalez was the one everyone in the Rangers’ organization was looking at as a .300/30+/100 RBI guy. And Sosa’s walk rates were abysmal. Like Uribe, breaking balls off the plate when down in the count killed him.
    1 point
  35. That would surprise me. April 15, 2020, on the other hand, would not.
    1 point
  36. Started in 1933 and hosted by the Sox as a charity event.
    1 point
  37. Eh. Soria will have somewhere around $4 million left for the year. I don't see salary being a big deal either way.
    1 point
  38. 1. I never said Trump was controlled by Putin or anything of the sort. He's not. He's mostly just an idiot, and is being duped, but that's not the same. 2. Totally missing the point. Again, let's ASSUME you are right about their incompetence (which I feel you've dramatically exaggerated). You simply do not air them out standing next to an obviously aggressive enemy and give them ammo! That's idiotic and borderline treasonous! That is the very heart of the issue here! 3. The rest of the world's opinion of the US sure as hell better concern you, if you have a concept of how foreign relations work. The US is the most powerful SINGLE country in the world, but if it is the US against almost all the REST of the world, the US is going to lose and lose big in so many ways. Alienating allies who share many common goals is playing Russian Roulette (so many layers of meaning there). 4. This is classic scorched Earth tactics, and interestingly is almost exactly what some of the more liberal people here accused me of. Except I actually acknowledged what should be obvious yet neither you nor they are willing to - that it is never, ever, 100% the same. Nor is it ever absolute when it comes to human beings. Of course the letter after their name matters, but that does not mean they are all the same. Of course there are a lot of bad actors, but not all are. Of course agencies like the FBI and CIA and NSA will have blunders, because they are made of humans, but that does not mean you dismiss them entirely and buddy up with the guys who WANT TO KILL YOU. I mean come on, have some perspective here. 5. I literally, in the post you replied to, did exactly what you are asking me to do. Maybe not in those words, but I specifically said I think that Trump was not directly colluding. I DO think, and it seems pretty obvious at this point, that the Russian meddling was real. I can't see how that can be denied, really. And they did it in a way well beyond anything we've seen in modern times. But that doesn't mean Trump did that himself, which is what I clearly said. And really are you expecting me to reply to every post that I disagree with? That's all I'd do all day, haha.
    1 point
  39. Agree. I don't think Machado to the Dodgers does anything to hurt our chances of signing him next year.
    1 point
  40. They did with A-Rod and Tanaka (not 300+ but still >>> Abreu's 68), and they have an almost comically low payroll for next year, so I'm at least confident that we'll be one of the interested teams. Everything the front office has said on the matter has been an acknowledgement that they know free agency spending is a crucial step in the rebuild.
    1 point
  41. We've all been duped! http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2018/jul/16/russia-investigation-donald-trump-timeline-updated/
    1 point
  42. raBBit, I think I made pretty clear that my problem was not with the idea of a US President trying to improve relations with Russia. No one is saying not to do that, so, let's drop that straw man. You are 100% aware of what people are upset about, and it isn't the idea of the two leaders meeting to talk, so stop with that game. I can't get my head around the idea that any American can be OK with Trump, while standing next to the leader of a country who have provably and by all accounts been trying to undermine the US in any way possible (including elections), undercutting his own intelligence agencies. It is inexcusable, even if he does disagree with some of their assessments. It is inexcusable not just because it lacks patriotism, which isn't the point either. It telegraphs to the world that the US is incapable of operating in a complex foreign policy environment. How could you possibly think that is OK? Secondarily, it also makes Trump look even more inept as a leader (though frankly the world already see him as a joke anyway). These are agencies he manages, run by people he nominated, and he's out there saying they are wrong about one of their most important focuses. If that's true (which it's pretty clearly not, but let's play along anyway), then Trump is a useless leader! Nothing in this makes Trump look competent, at all. Finally, just to destroy yet another strawman, no. No, Obama, or Bush or Clinton or Bush or Reagan, would not have been feted or celebrated for doing what Trump did. They would be crucified, and rightly so. How do I know this? Simple - none of those previous Presidents ever did anything like this, because... it is 100% idiotic to do so. They wouldn't have. If it were actually true that they would be celebrated for it, then they would have done it, because all these guys have huge egos. Think it through, man.
    1 point
  43. My personal favorite time of year is the short period of time where the high school basketball tourney kicks off the first week or March in Indiana, then the college BB tourney gets going, while the NHL/NBA are in their playoff pushes and spring training baseball starts appearing on TV. That month to five weeks period that ends with the NCAA final four the first weekend in April is heaven for me.
    1 point
  44. You’ve really gone off the deep end twisting yourself into a pretzel to defend the indefensible...sigh.
    1 point
  45. I know what you are. I am not sounding silly, you are. You were sympathetic to a Nazi who ran over a protester and insisted your Nazi website you visit was correct and she had a heart attack because she was overweight and it was hot. Now Trump sides with the KGB and you want to be friends with Russia.
    1 point
  46. raBBit, is there anything that you disagree with regarding Trump? You've been carrying his water for 18 months. Seems odd for someone who claims to be independent.
    1 point
  47. Bro, I try to see the good in you. The fact you just wrote this I’d unreal.
    1 point
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