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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2018 in all areas

  1. You ever tried to keep a 4 year old occupied in a situation where you are in a crowded corridor like it is under the bleachers for a few hours? Lol
    3 points
  2. So can we agree Kopech's nickname is Rainmaker?
    3 points
  3. I think it's more like when you develop an incredibly valuable skill that has a finite amount of time before it diminishes and you cannot use it for a career anymore, and an organization that hires people with that skill and also prevents competition for others to hire that skill to delays your entry into the league at a cost of tens of millions to yourself strictly to prevent the organization from paying you market rate. We all can relate right?
    3 points
  4. KC ? Korean Carp ? No wait thats the Hiroshima Carp from the Japanese League who's unis look just like the Reds. I only know that because my daughter went to Japan and brought me back a Hiroshima Carp Candy Tin.
    2 points
  5. We have to have the worst 3b coach in the game
    2 points
  6. Yeah it's the year of complaining. Moncada sucks, Anderson sucks, Giolito sucks, Abreu sucks and Lopez is not a starter. Did I miss anyone?
    2 points
  7. I have an answer for you but I'd probably be accused of being a grouchy old coot (not by you of course). The nicest thing I can say is it's runaway extra year of controlitis. Might be time for a new avatar.
    2 points
  8. Aw. No Hype for what could be a very special high leverage relief prospect? The White Sox bullpen could be a nightmare for opponents in the near future. Fry, Hamilton, and Burdi will be nasty to go through. Not to mention prospects like Tyler Johnson, Frare, Burr, and Ruiz.
    2 points
  9. Southsider2k5 will have a field day with Hamilton and Burr both on the Sox now.
    2 points
  10. And my prediction is when the hot stove opens up this winter, Nightengale will report then Sox aren't interested in providing opt-outs
    2 points
  11. Maybe if the Sox played KC 40-50 times per year.
    1 point
  12. Very nice! Now I have the the Vines song Ride playing in my head. Love the Smiths as well. Fuck, what was that? Horrible decision sending the runner home!
    1 point
  13. I'll have to check around at the places I borrow music from. Usual I use Google and click the links until I find what I'm looking for. I just borrowed the new Alice in Chains in FLAC the day after it came out.
    1 point
  14. Yeah but my collection is digital which I think is around 18K now. That will grow this winter, lol. I have a very small collection of vinyl.
    1 point
  15. I'll take Hawk over Jason 365 out of 365.
    1 point
  16. Maybe but I don't have your collection of vinyl.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Was hoping Kinsler would get tossed. Oh well. Great job by Smith framing that pitch!
    1 point
  19. Uh oh, Covey will be the Sox pitcher. Let's hope it's the same Covey that pitched in Boston.
    1 point
  20. Burr pitched yesterday but it would be nice to see them duel for effectiveness out of the pen
    1 point
  21. Has anyone called Michael Kopech the rainmaker yet? If not we need to make that happen.
    1 point
  22. Eloy 2-4, 2B Basabe 0-4 Zavala 0-4 Rutherford 3-5 Madrigal 1-5 Gonzalez 1-3, 2 BB
    1 point
  23. Come on Yoan, how about a knock right here.
    1 point
  24. Damn. That cell is heading towards GRF. Didn't know there was anything in the area.
    1 point
  25. Or maybe the contender offered the most money too? And the Padres signed the biggest free agent last season.
    1 point
  26. Allow me to clarify, one more time. If Rodon wants to wait until he is a free agent, then I am suggesting that the Sox consider signing him as a free agent, at that time. They have money to spend, and that would be a good place to use some of it. Obviously, if he had not proven to be a top of the rotation, healthy starter, at that point, I wouldn't favor such a move. I'm simply trying to say that, if he merits it, I would advocate that the Sox be willing to spend big, in order to keep him. There is a point, at which it doesn't make sense to keep trading those who become stars, for an endless stream of prospects. Carlos is a guy that could be another Sale, and the Ace of the staff. If they are going to be competitive in the first half of the next decade. It's time to keep the key guys, and he could most definitely be one of them.
    1 point
  27. https://mobile.twitter.com/JRFegan/status/1035641195874136066
    1 point
  28. There is a million jokes I haven't done, just you waaaaaaaaiiiiit.
    1 point
  29. This is the day I have been waiting for. Hamilton and Burr. Ian, do not throw away your shot.
    1 point
  30. It's odd how anyone can say that Eloy's agents have handled this poorly. I think they have handled it really well. They don't care about the team or appearences, just their client. He deserves to be up, everyone knows that. So they have to look out for him and that's what they are doing The Sox on the other hand have played this very poorly.
    1 point
  31. His agents? Agreed. Seriously though, Getz kinda blew it on the radio interview. Other than that, it’s just part of the industry right now.
    1 point
  32. Interesting take. I wonder if most agree. It’s interesting to blame somebody specific for it. I always picture a big team of people that works on maximizing and growing our pitchers, including the pitcher. Maybe they are really working on some specific stuff? Maybe it’s more on Lopez? Just seems like there are so many variables to just call things failures and blame people. I mean the Sox invested a lot of time and currency into Lopez...you don’t think everybody is working super hard to make him realize his potential?
    1 point
  33. The next player to tell his agent "Try to get me some opt outs so I can switch teams if we aren't winning in 2-3 years" will be the first.
    1 point
  34. Yea the terms of the winning deal are easy enough too find but all other offers aren't. If it was easy you would've done you're own research instead of asking others to disprove your point. Money is always the main motivator but when you're talking about the difference between 330M and 350M its much easier to take the lesser deal when other things like winning a championship or, it being your home town, or your wife's preference or dozens or other things are taken into consideration.
    1 point
  35. That's it! We are doing this all wrong. We should just hype up the high quality of the Chicago Public School system and we will get every free agent. Oh crap, we are screwed.
    1 point
  36. He said he wanted to play in Chicago his whole life and actually wants to be here, like Abreu. I believe him because the available info validates that. If he wants to play here, and we pay him and we are winning, why wouldn't he want to re-sign? How you screw up re-signing him is by pissing off his agents and team. For them to convince him to bounce.
    1 point
  37. Eloy's situation is like your girl telling you no sex til marriage. You are ready for it, and it want it, but for bs reasons you have to wait.
    1 point
  38. Statcast supports this too. He’s 4th among all OF this year in Outs Above Average and was third last year. Statcast doesn’t account for the arm though, and it’s clearly a big weakness.
    1 point
  39. I'm just on soxtalk for the race and ethnicity discussion.
    1 point
  40. Why would the White Sox trade a month of games where basically most of them will be of AAA quality, for an extra year of control? Who knows what the situation will be in 7 years, but so what, we know what it will be now, and it's not a big price to pay for what they will receive, even if it turns out to be nothing.
    1 point
  41. If we are talking about SS, I prefer someone with Anderson's defensive profile above all. When building a team I want players up the middle (catcher, SS, and CF) who are the best at preventing runs and saving my pitching staff from as many extra pitches and outs as possible. If you are talking about flawed players, which almost are at some extent, I would much rather have offensively limited players in my most important defensive positions versus vice versa.
    1 point
  42. To me the most important thing a SS does is field. They set the defensive tone on the infield much like the centerfielder does in the OF. Anderson has had a great last couple of months at SS after getting off to a slow start. He is also giving us a great baserunning addition as well, ranking 6th of all SS's. His RC+ is 91 as of today, so while below average, it is still not awful. That even ranks 16th amongst all SS's which again, is right smack in the middle. As of today if you are looking at the whole package, he is quite literally the definition of a middle of the pack SS, with the time to become a top 10 guy pretty easily.
    1 point
  43. This reminds me of the people who always demand a catcher who's good at framing, good at throwing runners out, good at handling a staff, and good at offense. They act as if we should easily find this player and it's our scouting department's fault for not coming up with him. Yet, there are like, 1-2 catchers who fit all those requirements in all of baseball. Anderson is the least of our problems. You can pencil him in as the #9 hitter on a good team at shortstop and call it a win, especially with what he's getting paid.
    1 point
  44. FWAR for starting SS on contending teams this year: Indians - 6.9, Dodgers - 4.2 (team number), Red Sox - 4.1, Yankees - 3.9, Rockies - 3.6, Mariners - 3.3, A's - 3.0, Cardinals - 2.2, Astros - 2.0, Diamondbacks - 2.0, Cubs - 1.6, Braves - 1.5, Phillies - 0.0, Brewers - negative 2.0 (team number). *Average value = 2.6 Anderson's 2.3 value is already near the average value for starting shortstops of all contending teams. He's definitely not a fringe starter.
    1 point
  45. Tim Anderson is sitting at a 2.3 fWAR SS today. That is #13 amongst ALL SS's in MLB today. His defensive rating at Fangraphs is good for #11 overall. Hopefully by "super sub" you mean he is a middle of the pack starting SS today, because that is where he is. And that is even if you were to look at what is he is doing this year as his peak. If his bat improves and his defense continues to improve, you will be talking about a top 5 SS in all of baseball.
    1 point
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