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This is the place to give your goodbyes to the Hawk. Let's hear the memories, tributes and general thoughts on the end of an era. Finally, no trolling this thread. This is positive only, so keep your hate for somewhere else.1 point
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My feelings exactly. I was thinking how glad I was they did this gradually the last couple of years, instead of having him go from a full season to nothing. I am more prepared. I am going to miss him. It’s probably time, but I just wish he could have gone out with a better team.1 point
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I’ve jotted down the Sox draft position at the end of each Sunday since May 6th: 3rd 1st for 3 weeks 2nd 4th 3rd for 10 weeks 4th 6th 3rd 4th 3rd We’ve earned 3rd. Go 2-5 this week.1 point
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Where Rauner has gone wrong is for him to petulantly expect the members of the legislative branch to just do whatever he says, RATHER than knowing that all three branches are co-equals. Where Rauner's burned all bridges is to petulantly blame Madigan for all of this state's ills, rather than living in reality, and [for better or worse] figuring out ways for HIM to work with Madigan and 67 other dems in the house. It's almost as if he expected his political foes to just bend over and take it, and he's stunned that they don't. [Again, this is where experience matters in the executive branch.] For fuck's sake, several GOP governors in this state have had to deal with Madigan and they were able to get stuff done. Yup, you're correct on the arithmetic. That said, Rauner moronically thinks that he can badmouth Madigan, and then ALSO expect him to "work with" him? What an imbecile! And again, even if Madigan is out of the speakership tomorrow, how do we know LISA Madigan won't be appointed to the speakership? Or Lou Lang, or any one of the other 67 Dem members of the house? To expect the majority-party speaker, in a BLUE STATE, to kowtow to the moron of a governor is just plain dumb on the part of Rauner.1 point
Ill miss hawk. And I'm basicly crying right now. Yes I'll admit it. I turned 43 last Thursday and hawk has been a part of my life since I was 14 in1990. Its like an end of an era. Closing up a book. I know at the end hawk had some slips. But whitesox baseball won't be the same. Actually to me hawk is white Sox baseball. Thank you hawk!1 point
"When you take a man's money you take a man's money, but when you take a man's time you take a part of his life. I want to thank Sox fans for their time." Thank you Hawk1 point
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What a disaster. Miller is probably out for the season with a broken arm, no points after a good drive. Bears gonna Bears.1 point
To be a great team, you have to have some great players. You have seen some of the young talent in Rodon,Anderson, Moncada, Fulmer, Gio and Lopez. How many are great after 1-3 years. So even 2021 is a stretch to expect the next wave to be great. Unless Hahn intends to sign 2-3 top free agents and trade some of the young talent to acquire established stars.1 point
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No, not enough coming up by then and especially with Kopech in recovery mode in 2020. But this team better darn well be great in 2021.1 point
The area is also totally enclosed and therefore you get no "baseball sounds". I've never particularly enjoyed watching the games from up there. Although if it's too cold/ hot for me to watch a game from the stands, I'd probably just decide not to go in the first place these days.1 point
I don't understand this attitude. It's fine to want the draft pick more, but they ARE rivals. To deny that is to be BLIND abt the way life is in Chicago. Fuck the North Side and fuck their baseball team. I HATE them - if you don't get this, there's any number of Chicago history books out there to explain it.1 point
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Reinsdorf is letting the same schmucks who ran the franchise into the ground in the first place, be in charge of the rebuild. Does that make sense, in any business?1 point
Well, we can't prove the unprovable here. But, we're into the truly difficult part of the rebuild, which is the development phase; I think the extant front office has not done everything to maximize the assets they acquired earlier. Thus, with "fresh eyes" on the assets in residence, perhaps a more prudent course could have been taken with certain players, and cords could have been cut with others that should have been cut loose sooner. The other side of the coin is that having more or less the same top of the front office likely means that there hasn't been much innovation insofar as operations. [Yes, I'm speculating, but long-term incumbency tends to invite stagnation in organizations.]1 point
Actually, you can! He's listed as 6-1. https://web.archive.org/web/20100918170616/http://www.redskins.com:80/team/1 point
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