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  1. While I understand this is a rather serious topic, I found this too funny not to post: https://twitter.com/heyitschili/status/1045718359713681408
    5 points
  2. Reinsdorf would never sign a free agent for more than he gave Albert Belle, until he did. Reinsdorf would never spend big money on unproven Latin American amateurs, until he did. Reinsdorf would never stomach a full-scale rebuild, until he did. All of that had 25 years of past precedent. The White Sox are undergoing a process theyve never undergone before. Past precedent just can’t apply in the same way it did before this rebuild. Also, your claim about my career/supporting ownership is completely ridiculous and even more baseless than anything else in this thread. It’s like saying “you work for McDonald’s, you have to support Wendy’s executives.” I’ve never met Jerry Reinsdorf. I have no opinion or knowledge of him or his personal tendencies. I’ve been frustrated a lot of times with this team’s direction over the last fifteen years or so, and I’d probably be beating the same drum as you if they’d spent the last two years doing the same half-assed Melky Cabrera bullshit as before. But they haven’t. They said they were going to bite the bullet and try something new for once, something that has recent, objective precedent for being an optimal strategy, and goddamn it they HAVE. They have actually followed through to this point, and they deserve the opportunity to finish what they’ve started. Based on what this team stated and how it’s acted over the past two seasons, I see absolutely zero evidence to suggest that ownership is impeding progress at all. If anything, these people seem more “on the same page” than at any other time I can remember off the top of my head. If this rebuild fails, they unquestionably need to clean out the front office. And if it fails because jerry refuses to provide the resources necessary for it to succeed, then I’ll be the next foot-long T-Longo-Marty43. But let’s give them an actual shot here. Their adherence to their own stated guidelines lately should absolutely buy them some benefit of the doubt, at least in terms of believing what Hahn is saying about spending money.
    5 points
  3. We're also the only major democracy that regularly has the party that wins a majority of votes out of power.
    3 points
  4. Trump loved Kavanaughs performance yesterday, he raved about it. He doesn’t care about a stained court because everything he does is stained, and this particular stain is important to his agenda
    2 points
  5. My interpretations were that he was saying that they guy we want might not be there when we are ready to compete, and if the guy you really want is there now, they have the flexibility to sign them now. Maybe if you read the comment in isolation, but if you read all of them and string them together, he is clearly saying they really like one of the top level players on the market, and they want to sign them, but can't predict if it will work out or not.
    2 points
  6. And that's why so many men get away with rape.
    2 points
  7. I have a feeling that we will soon be informed here that this is actually a good thing.
    1 point
  8. In the non steroid era, it takes skill to stay in a rotation all season and end with an ERA over 6. Lucas and Cooper should be proud.
    1 point
  9. I am pretty sure they don't have the votes without the investigation. Flake isn't just speaking for himself IMO.
    1 point
  10. These are the numbers from 2018. I am sure they will go up a bit in 2019, but it gives you an idea of the differences JUST in round one. The difference between 3/4 is over half a million dollars. It is over a million from 3/5, and almost 1.5 million from 3/6. 3. Phillies: $6,947,500 4. White Sox: $6,411,400 5. Reds: $5,946,400 6. Mets: $5,525,200
    1 point
  11. Kavanaugh isn't going to jail. This incredible punishment was that he wouldn't be confirmed for one of 9 positions on the US supreme court. Nobody is entitled to that. And considering it's a lifetime position, you want to be sure you don't put anyone on there that could be embroiled in scandal.
    1 point
  12. Umm, this was a job interview (which I'd say was an absolute trainwreck for this particular guy), not an actual trial.
    1 point
  13. Yea, don't we know---ONCE in a 101 years (and counting, and counting, and counting).
    1 point
  14. He wants it now though. To hell with context. Give the man a world series!
    1 point
  15. There's nothing stopping us from doing both. Honestly, we probably should. An innings eating guy with an ERA of 5 and a guy who maybe pitches 100 innings and then is either trade bait if he's good enough or replaced midseason by someone from Charlotte if he isn't...that fills our 4th and 5th rotation spots to start the year. And, there will probably be some extra innings open in either September or when someone has a DL stint too.
    1 point
  16. I'm worried about the Sox. I'm focused on San Diego, Detroit and Miami. I couldn't give any less of a fuck about what the result of the Cubs' weekend is.
    1 point
  17. I think there’s a lot of frustration around here that comes from a whole summer of frustrating baseball from the White Sox. Really, really hard to watch most of the time. But it is the nature of this beast. This is a frustrating process, but we have to let these people do it right, or the suffering we have already experienced will all be for naught. We’ll get through this together @LittleHurt05
    1 point
  18. Durbin needs to be primaried. His sweet sweet love of procedure is embarrassing. How many times now has he made a strong effort on a weak procedural argument over a strong effort on a strong moral argument? He's lost every time. How does nobody ask about Ed Whelan and how he may have knowingly advised proposing his classmate as committing sexual assault to help him get on the high court? This was an egregious play, putting a partisan, liar on the supreme court who will now overturn every dem congress reform bill unless roberts starts to value democratic control over radical interpretation of the constitution. And egregious plays require punishment. Courts should be packed, constitutional amendments should be fought for over curbing political spending and right to vote. To do so, the democratic party will need to win over new voters which is how it should be. Not merely eliminating opposing voters as the Republicans have done for the last decade. And you can't do that with a mealy-mouthed dick durbin being too clever by half crying for an fbi investigation because his dem consultant said it was popular.
    1 point
  19. He's 7 WAR this year and likely NL MVP. Very few with better numbers.
    1 point
  20. A lil slow at work for me right now. I decided to read this thread and now tears are running down my face. Its like asking myself were time has gone. Again I first heard hawk consistently in 1990(around the time my household got cable) I was 14 I tried not to miss any of the 50 games on WGN any any other random sox game a local channel down in PR would run. When he sounded off for the last time I felt hole in my chest. Like a part of me was gone. Now at 43 I look back and realize hawks broadcasts were a part of me. Having him gone is like a part of me is gone. THANK YOU HAWK FOR ALL THE YEARS AND MEMORIES only a true sox fans understands this feeling........
    1 point
  21. Most miserable fan bases in pro sports (ESPN) 7. Chicago White Sox, 19.88 As a White Sox fan, you're always overshadowed by your neighbor on the North Side of town. But for 11 years, you had the bragging rights, as the White Sox won the 2005 World Series while the Cubs were scuffling through a century-plus drought. But with the Cubs getting over the hump and winning in 2016, things got that much worse for the South Siders. But even excluding the Cubs factor, it is not altogether pleasant to be a White Sox fan. The White Sox haven't made the playoffs since 2010 and have made the postseason only nine times in 114 seasons. And since they are in the midst of a massive rebuild, it doesn't look as though the White Sox will hit double digits for a while. But hey, at least Sox fans can enjoy "Eight Men Out." Can't even get that right, it was 2008, lol... http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/24367000/the-top-25-most-miserable-fan-bases-professional-sports
    1 point
  22. I felt way better about them before the Kopech injury. I'm still skeptical of the Sox minor league talent. The majority of it hasn't reached AA yet which most experts would agree is the big test. I do think Jimenez and Cease will probably be good but the guys at fangraphs think Cease is an RP. After that who really knows. Our system might be a tad over rated . I think San Diego , Braves , Twins, Reds, Toronto maybe even the Yankees , Houston and Dodgers could all be rated higher than the Sox once Jimenez comes up and with Kopech on the sidelines. No doubt all the injuries not just to Kopech but to Dunning and Hansen, Burger, Adolfo and Roberts hurt a lot. Need a mostly injury free year and good performance next year to restore faith in them.
    1 point
  23. I didn't think any of them were mine. I know what my stance has been. I highly doubt we have much of a shot this coming year on Machado or Harper nor Kershaw should he opt out and he has back problems. Looking at the 2020 list I can only see a few names that might get that amount. Arenado, Perhaps Bogaerts or Gerrit Cole. Maybe JD Martinez if he opts out and he will be 32 then. Sale will be 31 and he has to stay healthy . Boston is sure to exercise their team option on him after this year and keep him for 2019. Trout might be the only one in 2021. Right now I'd put it at 50/50 the Sox sign anyone for the amount you said and I'm being generous with those odds.Depends on baseball inflation .
    1 point
  24. Quality post. I find it hard to have an opinion other than this. I’m good at playing devil’s advocate with my own beliefs, but even after that, I still always end up feeling very similarly to this post.
    1 point
  25. Well just to make myself clear, it's only a few posts, none of them are yours, and they're all abrasive- stuff like "you'd have to be a complete idiot to think we have a shot at signing _____". Anyway, I guess I'd consider anything north of $125 million in total to be such a contract. I do believe we'll meet or exceed that total at some point in the next few years.
    1 point
  26. No evidence? We have 25+ years of evidence to support my claim. You work for a baseball team so you will always side with ownership anyway, it's your job.
    1 point
  27. I think they won't sign Machado, but it won't be for lack of trying. Anyways i'm sure the 50 mil they commit to mid-level veterans for next season definitely won't result in said veterans having the worst seasons of their career. Absolutely not, nope. Never happen.
    1 point
  28. You are 100% correct, nice to see a poster who knows what they are talking about. Hey bubba is the sentence to long.
    1 point
  29. I'm just advocating for making some smart moves to get top caliber talent. I don't see us obtaining that through FA and we will need it to win. Brewers just did it. You can't tell me everything about the rebuild has been right so far. It's okay to criticize the FO. We haven't been to the playoffs in a decade. It's better than blindly defending every move. For example, if Kopech doesn't come back, and Moncada is a bust, the Sale deal is probably one of the worst trades in MLB history. No matter how good the deal looked at the time to the White Sox, Boston was comfortable letting Moncada walk. Their FO seems to have known better. Things could definitely turnaround, but as of now, this FO does not get the benefit of the doubt.
    1 point
  30. The FO seems to get a lot more wrong than right lately. They need to turn it around. Jake Burger a bust. Carson Fulmer a bust. Zack Collins, meh. Moncada, meh (so far).
    1 point
  31. Thank you for watching my back, I am just a fan that cares
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. It's not her fault she was raped, BUT she could've/should've.... is literally the most common form of victim shaming. It's not even debatable.
    1 point
  34. Let me say this clearly. The act of putting yourself into dumb, or even dangerous, situations does NOT invalidate anything that might happen to the person after putting themselves into that situation, even if they full well knew that something like this might/could happen. The ultimate responsibility rests 100% on the person committing the crime, period, end of story.
    1 point
  35. I finally watched his last broadcast and I bawled. I am going to miss him.
    1 point
  36. Anyone who wants to question "Why didn't she report" needs to look in an F'ing mirror. People like that are EXACTLY why people wait decades to report stuff. It is why stuff like the Catholic Church abuse scandal happens, it is why Penn State happens, it is why Bill Cosby happens, and it is why Bill Clinton and Donald Trump happens. People are too damned busy questioning the victims and assigning some fake ethos of what they SHOULD be in order to be an acceptable claim, instead of realizing that their BS is why this stuff gets buried for decades. No one wants to be the target of these type of mouthbreathing institutional attacks.
    1 point
  37. Jason Benetti is a good announcer along with Steve Stone, but anyone would admit that there is a lot of color and energy missing with Hawk gone. Love or hate The Hawk, he was one of a kind with a huge personality and presence. The hillbilly one liners, the quotes, the stories, his ability to nickname people with names that actually stick, etc. It's not the same for me now. Unlike a lot of fans, I embraced his being a homer because I always felt that the daily local broadcasts were just for us Sox fans, not the whole country. The announcers that we fans share the bulk of the games with should be "our guys," in my opinion. I can hear a generic, bland, perfectly unbiased national-type broadcaster any day of the week, that's nothing special at all. Those people are a dime a dozen. Even my 7th grade son who doesn't watch much sports on TV (he's too busy actually playing them himself) has noticed the absence of Hawk without me saying anything. While I was watching a game this season and somebody on the Sox homered, he asked where that guy was who yells "YOU CAN PUT IT ON THE BOARD, YEEESSS!!" My son imitated Hawk's voice and did the whole getup. I told him he's (Hawk) been the announcer for decades and is retiring. My son stood there for a minute, reflected, and then walked out of the room declaring that the current announcers are boring. LOL I totally miss Hawk already. When combined with the current state of our team, I'm struggling to get motivated to watch the games.
    1 point
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