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  1. The year 2018 - and I do not care if it is a rebuild. They will set a record for the most strikeouts ever, they do not walk, they do not hit, they do not field, the do not pitch, and renteria said in an article the other day he believes all the same coaches will be back next year, only our Whitesox would not make changes. I am sorry as some have said in the past if you are so unhappy watching them then stay away, which I will not, is it asking to much for them to actually look like they have played this game sometime in there past, they are a total embarrassment. Thank you all for your time.
    3 points
  2. Lol, who was giving up something of substance for him coming off a long injury? This is baseless.
    2 points
  3. Go ahead and laugh at me for that one. I was super wrong, and I admit it. September pushed me over the edge with Giolito. All of the gains he made during the summer were lost. I'll imagine I'll be getting shit for that one for a while, and I just have to take it in stride. In September, Giolito looked every bit as bad as April/May and he wasn't missing his spots as badly and still had his velocity from time to time. Better stuff, same results. If he had been working in the mid-90s all season like he has from July-end of season and had the same results in April-May-June, I would have been way more skeptical of him. I kept hoping if he got some stuff back he'd be ok, but it doesn't seem to be the case. That 2-3 mph velocity loss from his days as a top prospect seems to have really done him in. I thought that working at 93-96 would still be good enough for him but he's been working there for most of the month and still getting shelled. This data point was enough for me to give up.
    2 points
  4. I'm not sure whether to laugh at your Burdi analysis (came back early.. velocity will be back during offseason training) or you giving up on your boy Giolito when you were the one saying all season he was a future ace and Lopez isn't nearly the same caliber pitcher.
    2 points
  5. It is an organizational problem that runs much deeper, the Sox are starting to look like the Bulls in terms of being a massive clown college, so that is not good. This rebuild has to work or the Sox staying in Chicago past 2030 looks questionable at the very least.
    2 points
  6. The few bright spots: Jimenez is as good as advertised Cease was able to increase his innings, dominate, and stay off the DL Luis Gonzalez and Luis Basabe look like decent prospects Lopez looks, at the very least, like a decent back end of the rotation starter, with the potential to be a mid-rotation guy. Palka looks like he could be something. What, I don't know. All of the crap that happened this year: Kopech TJS Burger lost a year and a half of development time to injuries Hansen got injured and looks more like his senior season at OU rather than the guy who led the minors in strikeouts in 2017 Dunning had an elbow injury that has a non-zero chance to end with TJS in ST 2019 Robert missed the majority of the season with injuries, and hit 0 HR in 6 weeks of game action Rutherford still doesn't have any power They spent the 4th overall pick on Madrigal, who might be nothing more than a glorified singles hitter Zack Collins isn't a catcher, which probably makes him a fringe prospect at best. Not good for a 10th pick overall. Zack Burdi came back from TJS throwing 93-95 instead of hovering around triple digits. Not good for his future prospects to be an MLB pitcher Giolito looks like a bust at this point...I had really high hopes for him this season, but at some point you have to call a spade a spade Moncada is a huge question mark at best, and could be on his way to joining Giolito in the bust category. The same comment about Giolito could be said here. Avi looked more like the 2016 version Abreu had the worst season of his career For the majority of the season James Shields was the Sox best starter. All of the minor league bullpen arms that looked promising came up and got torched. (Hamiliton, Burr, Vieira) At this point, 2020 looks like a pipedream at best, and while it is too early to write the whole thing off as a failure, if things stay the same in 2019 you seriously have to consider an organizational housecleaning. In conclusion, it seems like in the most likely scenario we end up right back where we were in 2016 with about 4-5 decent players and a bunch of crap, maxing out at 75-78 wins, but without the benefit of the great contracts that made this "talent" acquirable. I don't think the Cubs or Astros minor league talent as a whole ever looked this questionable. We all thought we were going to see the golden age of White Sox baseball coming up. Now it looks horrible. They're losing around 100 games with no end in sight.
    2 points
  7. Walking out of the stadium after the last home game the other night I told myself Wait Til Next Year. I've been saying that for years now.. Even after losing more games than any other MLB team the last 6 years I try to be optimistic about next year. I try to be optimistic about the White Sox and other things in life. I never want to become another Jay "Woman Beater" Mariotti. I'm fairly upbeat about the 2019 White Sox offense. Assuming Jimenez is as good as advertised, a lineup of Jimenez, Abreu, Garcia, Palka, Moncada and Anderson isn't shabby. I wish I could feel the same about the 2019 White Sox starting pitching staff. Some baseball historians think the 1927 Yankees were the greatest team in MLB history. The 1927 Yankees wouldn't win anything with the White Sox starting pitchers. I read where Hahn said the White Sox have to add to their pitching staff. Then I read in the Sun Times that the White Sox are not expected to spend any big money on free agents. I also read where Scott Merkin said the team might be interested in signing Pat Corbin and Dallas Keuchel. Due to the fact that the White Sox are not expecting any of their minor league pitching talent to arrive until 2020 I hope they sign both Corbin and Keuchel. If not 2019 and possibly 2020 are going to be bad years. 6 years of losing baseball and 10 years without Playoff baseball has been too long.
    1 point
  8. This was, as Rick Hahn suggested, the most difficult year of the rebuild. However, I don't know how this season could have realistically gone any worse. Besides EVERYTHING possible going against the Sox, this season was an unmitigated disaster. At this point last year it was easy to be optimistic about their future, now it is extremely difficult. I'm going to add an assessment of all of the Sox major rebuild pieces in another post in this thread.
    1 point
  9. What exactly is he pleased about? The under-performing prospects? The bad fundamentals? The team mailing it in?
    1 point
  10. Hopefully the rebuild management, scouting and player development this off-season , long overdue.
    1 point
  11. If he’s been pitching injured there needs to be an inquiry.
    1 point
  12. The Sox are never leaving Chicago. Jesus Christ that's the lamest go to line for those who are unhappy with the current state of events.. it's so damn cringe.
    1 point
  13. Where do you get this crap from?
    1 point
  14. Right now, there's no life on this team, just a bunch of stiffs out there.
    1 point
  15. 2020 was unfair the day Kopech got hurt. If Kopech was a true ace at the top of the rotation, Kopech in full year 2, Lopez, Rodon, Giolito, and Cease and others as rookies - that's a rotation that could be the best in the league. That's a rotation that could be great. Rodon, Lopez, Giolito, a recovering Kopech, and Cease and Rookies at the back - that could be a tolerable rotation, but it's not carrying you to the playoffs, so you better have a great offense and defense, and we won't. So, If Rodon becomes tradeable for the right price next year, that's why moving him is the right move.
    1 point
  16. Rodon probably hurt , 14 runs 3.0 innings not right , unless you're throwing batting practice
    1 point
  17. Granted we are rebuilding but almost everything went backwards this year. We found Palka, Lopez strong finish and TA's glove.
    1 point
  18. Your ceiling is assistant fries clerk at Checker.
    1 point
  19. Dallas Keuchel, Patrick Corbin AND Dave Robertson will go over big in 2019 on the South Side. Just adding these 3 pitchers would change the outlook of this team for the next few years. That would be my start. I WOULD MAKE THE WHITE SOX GREAT AGAIN!!!!
    1 point
  20. I wasn't caught misrembering anything she mentioned a specific date in her accusation period when she revised her statement which I was unaware of she once again mentioned a specific date. You seem think somehow attacking me makes Ford claims more credible. It doesn't. As far as the rest goes once again the media reported the state did not have a statue of limitations and numerous journalists including Meadow said he could goto jail. If they are wrong then that is unfortunate but that is not my fault I'm not a lawyer I'm only repeating the details I've read elsewhere from mainstream sources but even if the article you posted from the WP is true it still doesn't remove the fundamental question of why she didn't goto the police because she would have been unaware of that nuance in existing law. She made no mention of this in her testimony either infact her statements were the exact opposite of what I was sort of expecting a victim to say she said she went to the media to and her congresswoman to stop Brett Kavanaugh getting to the SC which sounds great at first blush but once you think about it why was that the goal? Shouldn't it been to get justice? Bringing it back to the actual subject the ladies claim once again the facts haven't changed. She can't name the time, can't name the place, can't name all the people involved, can't remember how she got to the event or how she got back. Has changed the timeframe by close to a decade at points and her claims have been refuted by everyone else who she claims to have been involved. Those are the facts whether someone believes miss ford, believes the mumbo jumbo you spouting earlier, doesn't believe kavanaugh, it shouldn't and doesn't matter. We cannot allow accusations without evidence to ruin political careers or destroy people lives that is a return to some of the darkest chapters of American history like McCarthyism.
    1 point
  21. Rutherford's OPS was fine, but I would have liked to see him in the 12-15 HR range to feel really good. Birmingham is gonna be tough on him. Personally, I'm on the fence between cautiously optimistic and moderately skeptical.
    1 point
  22. Yeah, perhaps I am. We know he’s lawyered up, but I will admit, I’m sure he’s ignoring their advice.
    1 point
  23. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, just as objective as possible. A lot of players could make huge strides in 2019 that makes everything come together. I just don't see how 2018 could have gone any worse unless EVERYONE sucked and got injured. At this time last season, I was legit excited for the seasons to come. Now, I have a heavy amount of skepticism. The answer is, we have to let 2019 play out but by the end of next year, we should have a better idea about whether or not this is going to work. I edited the word in my initial post as "best case" to "most likely" which is what I actually meant. The best case is obviously that a lot of these guys figure it out and the team takes off as intended.
    1 point
  24. Great job of analysis, unfortunately all true.
    1 point
  25. Agreed with this. Things could have been better in the minors. 2017 was much better than 2018, but you can’t script baseball. The “critical mass” needs to continue this offseason, and then we need Adolfo to get back on the field, Burger playing, Robert to play 250 minor league games the next couple years. It’s going to be an interesting offseason. Could be some trades that freak some people out too.
    1 point
  26. They are absolutely making an example of him, but it is because he clearly broke the law and gave them a slamdunk conviction on a platter. They can't let something like this go.
    1 point
  27. And Musk even engaged in plea talks, which means he knows it.
    1 point
  28. Machado, and it's not really that difficult of a decision. 1) He plays 3B, the one position the White Sox appear to have no answer for in this rebuild thus far. 2) He's produced like a franchise caliber middle of the order bat this year and most of the years of his career. 3) Harper is going to make more, and IMO carries more risk. He's had an awful 2018, he's produced more than 5 WAR in a season exactly once, and I feel like he's getting the attention he is on name recognition. I'd rather sign the 5-6 WAR bat to a 10 year, $350 million deal than the 4-5 WAR bat to a 10 year, $400+ million deal just because the latter is a lefty power hitter with name recognition.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Great post. FWIW, people in ticketing and marketing department expect a big run at Manny Machado from what some of them have been told.
    1 point
  31. He wants it now though. To hell with context. Give the man a world series!
    1 point
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