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  1. It would allow the player to maximize the most of their peak years from a financial standpoint and allows them to cash in on a new contract around the age of 30 in Machado's case when he should still be in his prime. It makes sense for both sides. The Sox can afford to do it, and Machado can become one of the highest paid players in the game right now and then cash in again in a few years.
    2 points
  2. You and the Republicans have been totally unwilling to do that with the Yale case where it seems like literally their entire class knew that one went down and there's email chains from the whole summer of former Yale students wondering if that was going to come out.
    1 point
  3. Preach. Really glad he made his ass tap out too. Much worse than a TKO'd for McGregor's pride.
    1 point
  4. Why not both? I keep hearing that they have no payroll, and young players. Why not give each $30 million a season (or whatever the number is)) for 5 years and give them outs after 3 years?
    1 point
  5. Awesome to see McGregor get absolutely dominated last night. He had nothing to offer and even got dropped. We will see if this is the end for him. He only wants money fights and besides Nate Diaz, those fights will end up the same way. And McGregor and Dana White started this and Khabib’s people finished it. The two guys who jumped in the cage afterwards should be banned/jailed/etc but this was started with McGregor attacking the bus and injuring people(something the UFC allowed) and the insults of Khabib’s family/religion. Ran his mouth and got worked over. He’s a punk
    1 point
  6. After getting away with a slap on the wrist for throwing a dolley at a tour bus, Conor won't be pressing charges against anyone. Plus, Conor did the same shit after he beat Siver and jumped over the fence and went after Aldo.
    1 point
  7. Both sides benefit from the relationship. That being said if the minority keeps ignoring the majority then the relationship isnt as beneficial. Id have to go through the agricultural output, but California and Illinois are nothing to scoff at. And im not sure where Wisconsin would go. The main crux of my point is that map doesnt mean much. There are more people in the blue than the red. I dont think the US will split, but i think the blue may start to get fed up with a govt that isnt in synch with the majority. Not to mention are Trump Republicans even Republicans? The Republican party of the past was for free trade, less govt etc. The new Republican seem to be against all of that, and they want a big govt to restrict your freedoms. Who really supports that?
    1 point
  8. It’s equally insane and disengenuous to put up a county by county map of the US and ignore population density and GDP...or the fact US districts and territories like DC and Puerto Rico have no say in the S.C., while Wyoming played a role equal to California with under 1 million residents. Should we go by which states spent more on/for Medicaid costs and related deaths for opioid addictions? At any rate, Rabbit will come to your rescue and bemoan the tenor of Filibuster. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/06/opinions/kavanaugh-confirmation-margaret-chase-smith-opinion-gergen-piltch/index.html David Gergen has worked for both Republican and Democratic administrations and is as moderate/pragmatic as it gets. But if she wanted to keep bipartisanship alive and find the best possible outcome for the Supreme Court and country, why did she not also condemn the egregious mistakes of her own party, the party that now controls all three branches of government? She should have criticized her fellow Republicans for the withholding of documents and the empty FBI "investigation." She should have decried the GOP's rush to judgment and ignoring of Ford's own right to due process. Surely, she should have rejected President Trump's ugly taunting of Ford and the awful theory put forth that another man was the one guilty of Ford's assault. To use such a pivotal moment, with all the eyes and cameras on her, to critique just one side and cast doubt on Ford's words was not what Americans needed. Citizens and politicians alike needed to hear an honest accounting of how this process became so ugly. We needed to be reminded not only of the way Democrats tried to block Kavanaugh but also of how Republicans blocked Merrick Garland (one of the most qualified nominees to the Supreme Court) without giving him a hearing at all.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. You're missing the point. This is where they've won. The opposing forces have collapsed and been beaten and now they can rape and pillage all they want. Literally everything that Democrats have ever passed or used or believed in will now be unconstitutional. There's a case right now where the Court will get to decide whether the Federal Government can ban insurance companies from denying applicants based on pre-existing conditions, they've won that fight, they can finally kill those weak POS humans off and stop having the important insurance companies foot the bill for their lousy living.
    1 point
  11. Right. Who cares if he is right handed first baseman. We have had Abreu, Konerko, and Big Frank for 2-3 decades. I hope we get this guy.
    1 point
  12. CJ Abrams. Posted some publications notes on him in the 2019 draft thread.
    1 point
  13. I would like to congratulate Rick Hahn on his 5th consecutive 4th place finish in the AL Central. His first season as a GM they finished 5th, but you could probably blame that on injuries to Jeff Keppinger. the AL Central, not exactly a who’s who of $150 million payrolls, and in 6 seasons, 4th out of 5 is the best he can do..
    1 point
  14. If this team hits the time when their lease runs out, under new ownership, and it has been 20 years of them losing and they're drawing worse than the A's, and the entire generation under 20 has known the White Sox as losers they don't care about, then it could darn well happen and that will be the final legacy of Rick Hahn. So...he better darn well win something with the guys he traded for, because if he didn't, if things in 2 years look as rough as they do now, that's where this franchise will be in 7-10 years, talking about moving because they no longer have a fanbase after such an incredible streak of losing.
    1 point
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