The right business decision is to let Garcia walk, and probably to let Abreu walk for that money and the need of roster spots also, but the White Sox have a habit of making decisions that aren't just business ones. That's how you wind up with Robin Ventura and how you wind up with the org not being willing to fire him after 2016 - they prioritized the "family" side of things. That's how you wind up with Getz and Rowand as key guys in your minor leagues, because they started in your system. You can easily come up with other examples of them holding onto guys that they like, sometimes they'll justify it by saying that the guy is good in the clubhouse or is good around the young players or something like that. Even though they could use the roster spot and the money could be better spent elsewhere, the White Sox have enough of a history of saying "Yeah but these are good clubhouse guys and they're guys who have been with us for a long time" that I'll be skeptical that they will make that move until they actually do so, because they have a habit of doing otherwise at least some of the time.