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  1. If there is anything Steve is known for, it's accurate predictions.
    6 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Am I the only 1 that feels uneasy about this? It seems like Hahn almost has a blank check that will greatly impact the future of this team. Obviously we have no control, but should we ok with that? Not only do I not trust his decision making on acquiring veteran talent, but is it not a conflict of interest for a GM who’s job is semi on the line to sign free agents while we are still in a rebuild? Curious about opinions on this as every one seems pretty all in.
    3 points
  4. I agree. Say the Sox sign Harper, 10/375. Say that for that entire contract, Harper doesn't opt out and slashes .250/.350/.500. Probably would be underwhelming, but .850 OPS production from a left-handed hitter is still good. Is it $37.5 million AAV good? No, it isn't, and that's why having a marketable player, perhaps the marketable player of baseball, is so important for a team like the White Sox, who play second fiddle to another organization just a few miles north. I don't have enough data at my disposal, nor do I have proper knowledge of each and every factor that Harper would affect, but I would be willing to guess that what we'd "lose" in overpaying for the above production, we would more than gain (from an economic perspective) in increased exposure leading to higher attendance, ratings, jersey sales, and so on. If I were Jerry, I would even consider offering him something crazy like 12/460. The effect such a signing would have on our team would be absolutely crucial from an economic standpoint, and I'm sure the FO realizes this. He doesn't even need to be good. The bright side is that he probably will be great, and better than the slash line outlined above.
    3 points
  5. Posting on my phone and accidentally hit enter in the middle of editing
    3 points
  6. Harper is way too old for Eaton to talk to
    3 points
  7. I'd just like to point out that his first year with us Adam Dunn had 177 Ks and was awful and in 2015 Nelson Cruz maxed out at 164 Ks Anyway...yeah I have no confidence that RH won't screw this up. But...right now aside from Eloy I don't have confidence in the guys that Rick Hahn has traded for, and until someone earn's that...if he screws up free agency, then oh well the White Sox are terrible until he's gone, but there's a nonzero chance that's already true. So just run with it.
    2 points
  8. Not sure what this means but there’s a Bryant White Sox jersey currently on the Jordan statue at the UC
    2 points
  9. Lets be honest, you'll be annoyed no matter what the Sox do.
    2 points
  10. Hey a blast from the past! Welcome back @Capn12
    2 points
  11. I don't think you got my point, maybe I didn't make it well. I don't know why you are quoting "one of your big 3 contracts", I never said or implied that in anyway. Though your meaning is certainly true. Projecting the payroll to top out around 130-140 seems reasonable to me. One 35-ish and 2 25-ish deals. I really meant that I would be ok with pursuing Corbin as long as that doesn't preclude Harper/Machado. I should have been clearer about that position. I still don't love Corbin. But this team needs at least 1 good starter at this point. He is the best of the bunch this year, even if there are some concerns (the guys like Keuchel, Eovaldi and Happ all have concerns, and will likely cost a similar amount - they'll all command at least 15/ season I'd have to guess). If the FO thinks there is more to his year this season that a walk year bump, well, his results are hard to argue with, it seems like his slider became much more of a swing and miss pitch. That development may be sustainable. His last 2 seasons are nearly 400 innings of 3.58 ERA, a 4/1 K/BB and more than a K/IP. Looking to next year, there are some guys that are attractive, though with their own concerns. Bumgarner (injuries, declining stuff), Sale( fading down the stretch and some injury concerns this year) Cole (last season was an anomaly for him as well) and Porcello (meh). No doubt at least Sale and Bum are in a different class of pitcher than Corbin. But, I have to believe there is a at least a decent chance Sale stays in Boston and Bum stays in SF. Is hoping for one of those guys worth passing on Corbin, well, I'm not sure. All I was saying is that I am starting to warm up to the idea. There is the trade market as well. Depending on cost, as I advocated for earlier, I would prefer Greinke. If you could get him cheap prospect wise (Steele Walker and Spencer Adams?) and get the Dbacks to pick up about 45 million or so on his contract. Yeah he is a bit older, but he puts up quality lines every season. Paxton would be great, but there are some major durability concerns there, and prospect cost. Kluber, sure. But he will cost you in prospects, at this point, I'd rather spend in cash currency than prospect currency. Maybe with those considerations, Corbin may be the best alternative. He wouldn't be my first target, but I am starting to understand the pursuit. And they certainly wouldn't be in the position they were in in 2016. Because they would have Kopech coming back in 20, Cease and Dunning seem imminent for 2020 (not to mention some more wild card guys like Hansen, Mederios, Lambert, Flores etc who could be ready to go beyond AAA by 2020), and a boatload of offensive prospects with which to bolster the lineup or trade for what you need. Those situations are not analogous at all.
    2 points
  12. Harper brings a dynamic no other available player brings. He doesn't have to be the best player in baseball. But he is the one that gets the most attention. It would drastically change the perception of the White Sox. It is the one signing that would move the needle with season tickets, and coverage, ESPN would remember they exist, the Tribune would hire a beat writer, and it wouldn't be temporary. Boras bashed the AL Central the other day, White Sox included. So this is the longest of longshots. But JR knows what teams with stars do at the box office and with television ratings, so who knows, he isn't Michael Jordan, but maybe he's the Magic Johnson of MLB, so perhaps he goes nuts.
    2 points
  13. Seems like you don't realize a whole lot of things.
    2 points
  14. 1 point
  15. ^^^ I agree with this. Although 400 million or whatever amount they would sign him for is a ridiculous sum of money, he would be well worth the investment. Jersey sales, ticket packages, concessions, etc would all increase dramatically if they signed him. Not to mention the marketing opportunities.
    1 point
  16. The correct answer is anytime RH and KW are selecting baseball talent, every White Sox fan should be skeptical. Maybe they will get it right. Recent history suggests otherwise. We will soon see if the dynamic has changed or it's more of the same. Suddenly thinking they are now contenders would make me wonder why they didn't think the same thing when they started this rebuild.
    1 point
  17. If the Sox sign Bryce Harper and Bryce Harper doesn't live up to expectations (assuming good health), it will be Bryce Harper's fault, not Rick Hahn's. This isn't really a case where bad free agent scouting can be your downfall. These guys are elite MLB free agents, potential Hall of Famers.
    1 point
  18. I agree...and if they do, that it sets back the rebuild and a tacit admission by the FO that the rebuild didn't work or at least they have no faith. I think .500 is about the best this FO is capable of; they are just over-matched in resources, skill, etc. IF JR is really going to spend for Machado and Harper (they'll need both) then that would compensate a good bit for other weaknesss.
    1 point
  19. Oh yeah going for Harper and Manny are fine. I totally encourage that. I'm expecting a list like what we came up with in 2015 though, 3 or 4 overpriced guys including an older DH and a starting pitcher who will, overall, disappoint and not produce nearly as much as people hope...which conveniently is what every thread here other than the Harper and Machado threads sounds like.
    1 point
  20. We’ve come to the Instagram like time of year lol
    1 point
  21. I'm terrified. Hahn hasn't proven he knows what he's doing and it appears he's being handed a blank check.
    1 point
  22. Why would Boras care? If the Sox offered Harper and he accepted an extra $30m over the next best offer, I don't think he would.
    1 point
  23. I'd rather they signed these types of players as opposed to trading for them.
    1 point
  24. Signing Harper would go a long way to get that electric environment. Harper alone would increase interest. A lot of other pieces are needed around him to create that team that competes right away. But he would own Chicago, and the Sox would instantly be much more of a factor in the city.
    1 point
  25. Everytime I have to remember that situation I am shocked at how stupid it was.
    1 point
  26. I don't follow minor league baseball. Who is Kris Bryant?
    1 point
  27. He’s also probably aware that Adam Eaton is batshit crazy and wanted a 12 year old boy to be their captain. I have zero concerns that Eaton could have an impact on us signjng Harper.
    1 point
  28. Hard no from me. Guys the Sox are far more likely to sign Machado and Harper than trade for Kris fucking Bryant. I will pull a Jack Parkman and straight up say this is not even worth discussing. Not at all. The Sox didn't build their farm system to tear it down for 3 years of Kris Bryant. Stop the nonsense.
    1 point
  29. It's more control than Machado had when the Sox tried trading for him.
    1 point
  30. Makes you wonder how fucked up his shoulder really is.
    1 point
  31. I highly doubt they wait that long. My guess is they want to sign before the end of the year or maybe first couple weeks of January at the latest
    1 point
  32. I personally don't see it dragging out that long. This isn't a weak class where there are only second (even third) tier type guys at the top. They are clearly the best. Not saying they will sign this month, but I think anytime between the Winter Meetings and Christmas they will sign.
    1 point
  33. I don't think anyone thinks the Sox are close to competing. I think people loathe the idea of watching AAAA players like Nicky Delmonico and Adam Engel and utility/gadgety/part-time players like Carlos Sanchez, Matt Davidson and Daniel Palka get everyday, or near everyday, at bats again. Very unlikely any of those guys are starters on the next Sox playoff team, and they've all been given ample opportunities at this level, and its been pretty ugly.
    1 point
  34. Hahn basically said he's back to Winston to start. May not stay there long though.
    1 point
  35. Another injury prone, post peak “good not great” player. At least this one isn’t a pitcher. I only have interest in this if he makes less than expected. Good player, wrong fit.
    1 point
  36. FWIW there are already a few leagues here, including a 30 team dynasty league. You may be able to hop on one of those as well.
    1 point
  37. Why would a team give up something of value to trade for a more expensive catcher when that team could just sign Ellis themselves? Colorado has some young catchers already, they didn't do anything in the big leagues last year, I could talk myself into believing that Narvaez would actually have some good value to them given how he produced last year, but Castillo?
    1 point
  38. I agree. I'd be more than happy with either, but I believe Harper would bring more to the team. Not just in ability and leadership. The attitude is something this team needs. We've started to see guys like Anderson and Rodon bring that needed swagger. Harper would amplify that.
    1 point
  39. Just fly MJ in to meet Harper. Offer the hair model a boat load of cash. Case closed.
    1 point
  40. I love Jose Abreu. Cheers to you, Jose. If Greg had his way, you'd be a White Sox til you are 37, keeping you around as long as Paulie.
    1 point
  41. Reports of a Michael Brantley jersey on the Jordan statue.
    1 point
  42. I have changed my position and would prefer Harper over Machado.
    1 point
  43. You can spin it how you would like, but top priority to me considering these guys are all free agents and theoretically could sign a contract today, would mean the others are not top priority.
    1 point
  44. Maybe. Maybe not. I never met Harper. And sure, if the money isn't right, it's meaningless. But other teams are doing it, so how would it look if the Sox said, you don't care about that, so we didn't bother? It isn't going to change their money offer. Maybe he is a Bulls fan. Maybe he loves Michael Jordan. If so, I bet they have MJ give him a message. It doesn't hurt the White Sox position. It might help. It's a small part of their pitch. I assume you have a resume. Do you know that depending on the employer, most can give a shit about most of it? But you have it on there anyway. Why? Because there is the possibiltiy it could matter in some small way.
    1 point
  45. The original post said Corbin was the top priority. That means all the Machado/Harper stuff was BS. Then they "go for it" signing a 38 year old DH, and hoping against hope about 10 guys turn it around. It's been their blueprint for 12 years when they want to call themselves contenders. A woefully short roster, hoping for the best.
    1 point
  46. Yankees get Machado Phillies get Harper Sox get leftover scraps, but can say they tried to get the big fish. The Bulls have been doing this since Jordan left.
    1 point
  47. If you google White Sox, Machado, Harper there are a lot of stories out there basically running the gamut from just reporting they could pursue both to those thinking it's nonsense . I think most of us realize that just landing one will prove difficult but the dreamers, the optimists are in their glory right now. Who am I to try to talk some sense into everyone by being the Dream Police . As Aerosmith sings, Dream On ! I have 18 songs on my itunes that start with Dream, Dreamin' ,Dreaming etc in case you don't like Aerosmith.
    1 point
  48. Terrible f***** take. He’s a first round pick and a highly regarded relief prospect. He’s recovering from a major injury and everyone responds to injuries differently. Cutting Burdi would be such a terribly stupid thing to do. He still has a ton of promise and TJS is not a death sentence.
    1 point
  49. Everything about this post is just stupid, dumb, & ignorant and represents everything wrong & cowardly about the internet.
    1 point
  50. The guy is coming back from a serious injury. You all expect his arm to be in season ready shape right away?
    1 point
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