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  1. He had a wrist injury. Hopefully Sox don’t just rely on minor league stats without any additional scouting or context.
    3 points
  2. I want the Sox to stay far away from the acquiring Realmuto. Not worth it!! and I’d cry if the Sox traded Robert for Carmargo.
    3 points
  3. I'm sure those Mariners fans have never had the pleasure of watching Omar try to catch a pitch below the knees.
    3 points
  4. @southsider2k5 anything illegal done here? Will Avi need to lawyer up?
    3 points
  5. Sorry thought Kluber had 2 more years left
    1 point
  6. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/25420692/cleveland-indians-trade-catcher-yan-gomes-washington-nationals https://www.cleveland.com/expo/sports/erry-2018/12/af18a56fd42040/cleveland-indians-trade-catche.html $27 million saved, Perez will be starter with Haase on the rise after Mejia deal last year... Reaction to the trade from Indians fans was overwhelmingly skeptical as the team begins to reconfigure its salary structure with what is expected to be a number of offseason trades. Many fans view sending Gomes to Washington as a move based purely on finances with little return for the Tribe.
    1 point
  7. Camargo and Wilson have pretty high upside also
    1 point
  8. I’d rather go with a bounce-back guy like Cody Allen if possible. We have a ton of young arms that will be pushing for jobs over the next two seasons and I’d rather not go three years for big money on a reliever. CL: Allen SU: Colome SU: Fry MR: Jones MR: Bummer/Frare MR: Hamilton LR: Covey/Banuelos
    1 point
  9. idk if you can condemn him forever. Like even Vick got another shot. Also watching the tape yes he’s acting like a complete moron and shouldn’t be shoving women but the girls on the tape look like drunken fools as well. I’m not saying they were asking for it but they definitely didn’t look innocent. The girl multiple times was getting in people’s face and trying to push. She just got pushed harder. Also she overall probably came out ok. The kick at the end which was totally unnecessary but looked like it barely connected. I mean this is nowhere near as bad as the Ray Rice tape. Like I honestly think he deserves another shot. And the bears would be great fit and since Howard really doesn’t fit well with the new offense Hunt would be perfect to go with Cohen.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I don't wish to speak ill of the dead but this is over the top. This comment is also not related to politics. I would suggest some googling and I won't say more.
    1 point
  12. It's like he knew the Kareem Hunt video was about to drop too. Such a genius.
    1 point
  13. Not trying to be a dick, but this trade would be done yesterday if that’s all it took. They’re going to get at least one blue chip centerpiece and this offer has none.
    1 point
  14. I honestly find this to be nuts unless the Sox think his medicals are no good. You have at least 1 corner outfield spot that is a gaping hole at this point.
    1 point
  15. I like it? Or I don't? I'm not sure. I always said Avi was like a hot-ex girlfriend who was a bit crazy. When you think you were done with her she'd reel you back in. Every time I hated Avi he'd go on a mini run or do something like 2 years ago. And then follow it up with his normal junk. But then ride a hot streak again.. I think it's good to move on and delete him from all social media and my phone. Undoubedtly he'll marry onto the Astros or Indians or something and have a ton of success and be rich. I'll be upset. Such is life with Avi Garcia, the hot ex girlfriend.
    1 point
  16. No idea if this is legit, but this just popped up: https://mobile.twitter.com/TrentBooty/status/1068369993107103744
    1 point
  17. I honestly don’t know how I’ll react if they sign Harper or Machado. Probably go crazy and buy a jersey. Need some excitement brought back to baseball for my sake that’s for sure. I miss fun baseball.
    1 point
  18. I am going to guess putting their names on the ribbon board at the UC...
    1 point
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