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  1. I feel like these meetings are going to go like the time my wife went to Best Buy with 900 dollars to get a tv. She came home with two blue ray DVD players, an ipod, and the boxed set of Will and Grace and King of Queens instead.
    5 points
  2. No, Ron, for two reasons. 1) I stated I was being ridiculous. 2) When all of that happens, you'd just back out.
    4 points
  3. My prediction is that the White Sox will sign Bryce Harper if we have the highest offer. At this point I think there are 5 teams he could sign with: White Sox, Cubs, Yankees, Dodgers, or Phillies. I dont see the Cubs signing him unless they shred a considerable amount of payroll. I think the Yankees have a shot, but their offer wont be higher than 8 years. Dodgers seem to be the wild card because they have proven that they have no problems spending an incredible amount of money, even if they already have huge contracts on the books. I dont think he goes to Philly unless they offer a HUGE contract that other teams cant touch. If the going rate seems to be around 10-year, $400 million, and the Phillies just blow everyone out of the water with something like 10-year, $450 million, then I could see it. But unless the Phillies offer is just sky-high above everyone else, I dont think he goes to Philly. Just look at all the other teams that he is potentially interested in. They are in very tough divisions. The AL Central was probably the weakest division last year. Adding Harper to the White Sox could give us a path to the playoffs and a World Series every single year. The White Sox can offer so much. Hitters ballpark, endorsements that will come from being in Chicago, up and coming young team, weak division that sets the Sox up for a potential decade of dominance. So if all the other teams seem to be set at something like 10-year, $375 million, and the White Sox go 10-year, $400 million, I think there is a more than realistic chance we see Harper on the South Side.
    3 points
  4. With the Winter Meetings literally around the corner and the rumor machine in full hype mode, I wanted to create a thread for us to place our bets on what we think Hahn gets done over the course of the event. My predictions are listed below: FA - Harper - 10/$400M FA - Keuchel - 4/$85M FA - Allen - 1/$10M FA - Maldonado - 1/$5M Alright, I admit the above looks pretty ridiculous (that is exactly a half billion in spending), but I’ve got this weird vibe that if we land Harper, then Keuchel may be coming with him. We know Hahn wants to add starting pitching and keeps referencing “long term” solutions. And what I find interesting is he’s the only big name arm we were never connected to this offseason. Again, it definitely seems crazy, but I could see something like this happening if Harper were in the fold.
    2 points
  5. Gray was much better on the road then at home. Showed he couldn't handle playing in NY
    1 point
  6. Im in complete delusion, but i think we are getting Harper.
    1 point
  7. Or they make another bad deal and deal him for like a 50 and 3 45s:).
    1 point
  8. I know it’ll never happen, but man adding Harper and Machado would be so cool.
    1 point
  9. Isn't Familia a wife beater? No thanks.
    1 point
  10. I’m definitely the high man on Keuchel. It is very risky but I think he could also end up being a 14 year vet pitcher.
    1 point
  11. I wonder if peavy44 has heard anything on this.
    1 point
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