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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2018 in all areas

  1. I would love for there to be a basic literacy and writing test that must be passed prior to registering for this site.
    13 points
  2. Yeah, that's not fair...Pax has had a team over .500 in the last 6 years In all honesty though, the Sox are just too irrelevant these days. When you have horrible attendance, horrible TV ratings and a horrible team....you're not exactly at the top of everyone's wish list. The unique situation exists this offseason in that Harper and Machado might not take the most money (like what usually happens) due to unusual circumstances (Harper wanting to play with Bryant, Manny being a Yanks fan)
    4 points
  3. I feel like this thread has the same 3-5 replies, posted ad nauseum....but that’s just me.
    4 points
  4. If I was Harper I’d want to fulfill the dreams of a tired adult man who posts on a baseball web site, and I don’t see why mlbn doesn’t represent this viewpoint.
    3 points
  5. What if Machado is the next Heyward.. Harper is a safer bet. Honestly, we've gone the safer route for my whole life. if there's a time to go balls to the wall its now. Also, Harper is a better fit financially regardless of need or future stats. He is a face to the franchise which drives revenue outside of the normal stuff. Reinsdorf is a business man. Even if he flops or just does okay, he brings in more than enough revenue to cover his salary. I think that's one reason JR is so enamored and willing to go for this.
    3 points
  6. "Yeah, Rick, I was ready to sign, but then I saw this site called SoxTalk. That place is fucking nuts. I think I'll take that 20-year deal with the Cubs instead."
    3 points
  7. You love to hedge these bets, so it's time to keep you to them. Good luck to your source
    3 points
  8. F it, let's do this big boy. Like I said, I don't know if they are working on Harper or not, all I know is they are in the middle of something big. It just gives creedance to the fact that the Cubs are very likely still in the Harper running. You've got way better odds than I do,and but whatever. The ban bet is on.
    3 points
  9. Its hard to believe anyone has a really great idea what is going on here. There are probably a handful of people who have actual knowledge of all the moving pieces. They include Boras, Harper and either immediate employees or family members. Even if you have a *great* source, that source likely only has a small piece of a much larger puzzle, unless it is one of the handful who know exactly what is going on. So there is no reason to doubt that people have been given information, but all of it is highly unreliable hearsay. And even if they are getting it from reliable sources, we have no idea whether its information and disinformation. All I can be sure of is Boras loves to be the center of attention. When you compare Harper/Machado and the coverage, I have no doubt that Boras directly is assisting in leaks and trying to create a narrative. If you want Harper and you are a Sox fan, you should just be happy that the Sox name keeps popping up. That is as good as it gets for right now. And while he can say "mystery" teams all he wants, there is no way in the world Boras wont leak those names if he feels that it will mean 1 more dollar for Harper. If Im betting Greg's house, the market for Harper isnt as strong as Boras wishes it was. He is trying to create some mythical way that other teams are going to get involved. But every day that goes by makes it less likely that teams are going to make trades for huge salary guys. Why do I believe that? AZ who came to the meetings looking to deal got rid of Goldy fast. They tried to move Greinke but feel the market will be better during the season. So who out there is looking to take on huge $100mil contracts like Howard? And how does it make more sense in a week/month from now, as compared to today?
    3 points
  10. Not too sad the Sox didn’t get him
    3 points
  11. 2 points
  12. That's kinda where my thoughts go after heart-breaking sports losses, generally. I get down, and then I wonder why I'm intertwining my emotions with the actions of a bunch of physically-fit millionaires who will never know my name, and then I feel better. Circle of life.
    2 points
  13. I'll try to translate this one: If, and only if, Harper signs with the Sox, I can't wait for the Cubs game, to shove it in their faces, even more so, when Eloy is playing and Cease is pitching.
    2 points
  14. also, just like to say that Manny Machado is visiting the Sox in the coming days/weeks and his thread has fallen off the first page
    2 points
  15. Waiting on the Cubs is a fools errand and Boras would be the worst agent in baseball if he lets his client do that. First, the Cubs can sign Harper today and then worry about trading contracts later. There is nothing that stops them from doing this. If you want something really bad, you dont put contingencies on it happening first. Second, if the Cubs were really that serious about Harper, they wouldnt have paid Cole Hamels $20mil for next year, to then turn around and need to shed a bunch of salary. To me the Cubs are nothing more than a boogeyman. Maybe they will sign him, but if they really want Harper, they should sign him first and then worry about everything else later. If they cant add Harper's salary for this year, they arent really as flush with cash as people think.
    2 points
  16. Have the Sox players formed a mutiny and contacted the MLBPA over extreme managing tactics anytime recently?
    2 points
  17. So because of a Nightengale article, Joey Doughnuts' uncle, and Ron, everyone thinks we're out now?
    2 points
  18. Let’s sign Harper, he still gets to hang with his buddy Bryant, and then after we win the World Series in 2021 Bryce recruits his buddy to the South Side and they finally get to play together. Oh and Eloy Jimenez wins MVP and Dylan Cease wins the Cy Young. Cubs are so shellshocked they move to Portland. You heard it here first.
    2 points
  19. Maybe Bryce Harper will take the Dodgers out of the running because his text messages will be taxed ?
    2 points
  20. I was going to play devil's advocate in favor of the low-OPS guy, on the basis that he could be better if he were a high-OBP guy (a la Madrigal, if he managed to walk more) and the other was a big power but sucky at everything else type (a la Davidson), but it wasn't that powerful in the end. I created a .700 OPS guy who had 1x homerun and walked enough to have an OBP of .365 and an .800 OPS guy who hit 35 bombs and didn't walk much so his OBP was .317. All to make a point that a guy who can get on base a ton is good for the sluggers behind him, but I'd probably still take the 35 bombs over a .048 higher OBP. So, meh. Anyways, even though that failed, I created an Excel spreadsheet that I wanted to share. All you have to do is plug in the numbers for each type of hit, as well as walks and strikeouts, and it gives you calculated BAs, OBPs, SLGs, OPSs, and BABIPs. I was just goofing around at first, but I'm going to keep this piece for future use. Player Comp.xlsx
    2 points
  21. Of course this Levine nugget drops as I’m going to bed lol
    1 point
  22. Cue the Addison Russell thread
    1 point
  23. I'd love that signing, that slider is so hilarious. You almost wanna play the Benny Hill music when someone tries to read it.
    1 point
  24. oh great, he's going to pick the Padres cause they have Tatis Jr.
    1 point
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