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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2018 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. This is going to be a long fucking day. I just need something, anything to scratch that itch. I’m literally fiending for some Machado rumors.
    7 points
  3. I will note that suspensions have been handed out for some of the ridiculous stuff from last night.
    7 points
  4. I think the instant success of players like Acuna, Buehler, Judge, Andujar, Soto, Albies, and others have clouded people's idea of a patience with young players. It's possible Giolito and Moncada never pan out, but it's entirely too early to decide that, especially since we are still waiting on another 5-6 blue chip prospects to come up still.
    6 points
  5. If you have a problem with the board or it's staff, feel free to move along. The people who do this also do things like raise families, work full time jobs, and do some world altering stuff in their free time. No one profits a penny to listen to you b**** about their volunteer work here, so I am not going to let you take a crap on the work ethic of our moderators and admins. If you don't like Soxtalk, find some where else.
    5 points
  6. Speaking of nuts, I think if a signing doesn’t happen soon my wife just may cut mine off lol
    4 points
  7. Your small sacrifice is much appreciated by the rest of us.
    4 points
  8. Oh my lord do ever stop being so sanctimonious? This thread was created because certain mods/admin recognize there is a problem. I just want to point out other then a couple of posters who are derailing things there isn't a problem as far as I can see. You can take that opinion for what it is worth which according to you isn;t much. We also all have real life responsibilities and jobs outside of posting on soxtalk though I am sure mine isn't as world altering as yours. I was just trying to be honest of what I saw the problem as which is mod enforcement and I think I'll your advice to take a break from the board a bit.
    4 points
  9. Thanks for the post. I am a long member, but not much of a poster. I practically read everyday for new info on Sox updates whether pro or minor leagues. But I gotta tell ya, if all of the bashing, animosity, name calling, threatening, and vulgarity continues, then WHY would anyone new want to come to this site? Why would even long time members want to continue? There is so much hate in the world, and this is a place where you SHOULD be able to come for some enjoyment of our baseball team that we enjoy and wish to someday take real pride in when all of the rebuilding and retooling is finished. Are we allowed to disagree?? ABSOLUTELY. Not saying that we should't. That's part of the fun of discussion. But there is absolutely NO CAUSE for much of the stuff that i have been reading (particularly in the Machado thread.) (by the way which i am glad you closed). Think about it.................If a new person found this site, and saw that it may be an avenue to learn and discuss more about the baseball team that they root for and enjoy, why in the world would they continue to come back on here when most of the discussion looks like you are reading a baseball version of Joyce Behar and The View against Donald Trump? Who needs more of that garbage in their lives ......and yet to have to find it on here?, Especially when we get it plastered in our faces on a daily basis, from different venues in the local media in politics and other sources? Glad to see that a lot of that "uncalled for" rant raving behavior type of stuff is starting to be addressed on this site and taking the bull by the horns. Thanks to all the MODS for all that you do on this site. I DO like coming here for much of my baseball and White Sox info and updates.
    4 points
  10. My "little baby fit" on twitter prompted plenty of people to reconsider their own thoughts and prompted plenty of discussion. Your 2 week long hissy fit on SoxTalk where you have been enabled to dominate the discussion around the White Sox being involved on two prized free agents will cause posters to leave the site and never come back.
    4 points
  11. I have reported more about the White Sox than anyone who is not paid to do it. I have time stamps. You are giving me shit for having a New York Times Best Selling author who wrote a book on the White Sox on a podcast. You are also an internet troll who's opinion has never once been lauded or quoted or requested but it has always been tormented. Have a good night.
    4 points
  12. Why is there any reason to believe @raBBit? Because he coddles ben Shapiro's sack in his mouth? I have little reason to believe him after that sad little temper tantrum he threw after the Sox signed Alonso. That was embarrassing tbh. I don't see why we should put any more stock into his views than we do to peavy44's views.
    4 points
  13. Moncada probaly has top 5 tools in all of baseball and a great eye, so plenty of reason to be optimistic with him despite struggling some as a 23 year old.
    3 points
  14. We should find that Peavy44 post from last weekend where he said the Dodgers were out.
    3 points
  15. He was still bragging about his scoop last night so i didn't see that.
    3 points
  16. What would Manny Machado want with your testicle? And you're not even giving him the whole set.
    3 points
  17. Ha, I might get there eventually if s2k5 is having a bad day.
    3 points
  18. I hope they stay the rebuild course if they miss out. Don't be foolish with your prospect currency in order to "make a statement," unless it makes sense for the long term. People seem to forget that this is only year 2 of the rebuild.
    3 points
  19. The hotfire dude and peavy are trolls who have lurked for years and are now just hanging around hoping the Sox get neither. After this whole thing is over we won't hear from them again until the cubs make some noise in some regard or the Sox negatively do. Sad people buy into their BS and let it affect them.
    3 points
  20. Me after not being on here for a day looking at the last thread
    3 points
  21. There are very few people that really know what is going on.Anyone not directly involved, who claims they do is guessing. Right now all the speculation is chalk. Why wouldn’t anyone think he isn’t going to the Yankees? And if for some reason he didn’t, why wouldn’t the next logically spot be a place the owner said they might spend stupidly? Most insiders don’t like the White Sox chances because A. They suck, and B. This would be so out of character. Once they actually sign one of these types, Albert Belle over 20 years ago notwithstanding, they will be given a better shot in the future. i thought trading for Alonso meant the Sox were going to get him. It isn’t like them to spend $9 million on a prop. It still may play out. But of the people who would actually put info out on Twitter, no one has any idea yet.
    3 points
  22. No I hate them and don't give a fuck about tourists coming to gawk at the stadium
    3 points
  23. I’m still not convinced this mean Harper is going to the Dodgers. They still have a fuckton of OFs and this doesn’t change their luxury tax position for 2020 onward.
    2 points
  24. I’d like to apologize to you all for any part I had in it. I never want to drive anyone away from this board. It’s my only Sox board and I really enjoy it. I try to keep my discussion on topic, with some humor, and no trolling. So I apologize if I pissed anyone off. I went to bed early due to my bronchitis, so luckily I didn’t partake last night after about 11:30. I’m glad this is being dealt with though because the regurgitated trolling is very annoying.
    2 points
  25. I would give my right nut for Machado to sign with the Sox.
    2 points
  26. I think soxtalk is one of the better run sports boards I have been on. Some are too relaxed and let just about anything go which is awful and some are over moderated so nobody wants to join the convo which is also awful. I like the balance here and appreciate how its done.
    2 points
  27. I'd rather see anyone than that fricken guy everyday.
    2 points
  28. F*** that we're drafting 3rd overall draft the best player available and if they need 4 years to make their debut I don't care. Every time we've thought a guy was a fast riser pushing them fast has been a terrible idea anyway. BPA and I don't care if he's a multi-year college catcher or a high school stud.
    2 points
  29. And it was that same front office that made the organization so undesirable will be your accurate response
    2 points
  30. Without making moves first, the chances that the Dodgers/Cubs sign Pollock are about as good as me and you crowdfunding a Pollock signing. I am just not sure this a fold in this saga we have to consider.
    2 points
  31. As mods, we do the best we can. Everything done on this site is volunteer based and it is something they do above and beyond their professional and personal lives (with most of the mods having kids, etc). That said, we always appreciate feedback and have always tried to be as flexible as possible with posters but we also want to ensure people can discuss baseball without having to go through a bunch of name calling. I always appreciate various opinions and the entire intent of this post was to refresh back to everyone what the rules are and that we ask you to follow those rules. If people are unable to do so, they will be suspended and/or banned. Period. End of discussion. Also, if you ever see stuff, we do have report buttons for members to report posts to moderators as well.
    2 points
  32. Yup, amazing what a few suspensions can do for the quality of the site!
    2 points
  33. Oh BTW I'd like to thank the mods....this thread is much much better than the last one. Good discussion this morning so far.
    2 points
  34. I remember when I went to this board to talk baseball now all people do is post garbage rumors and attack each other. There should be some sort of rule as well where people are not allowed to post unsourced bullshit as if it were fact or post some garbage from someone with 20 twitter followers. You can blame posters if you want but this isn't a poster problem it's a mod problem. Half the garbage that has been posted lately should have been deleted or never allowed in the first place.
    2 points
  35. The White Sox and this front office have earned it.
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. Bowden did put that quote in his Athletic article last night about where the top 15 remaining free agents would go. How Jim Bowden has connections to Manny’s friends and whether there is any truth to those statements remain to be seen. My guess is this is simply a game of telephone ad Bowden is taking what someone else “heard” and acting like it’s first hand knowledge.
    2 points
  38. Phillies gave up on Harper. That's why I worry about them getting crazy with Machado.
    2 points
  39. God I hate Jim Bowden. Not that I don’t believe him necessarily, more that he’s a complete hack. But I don’t see how this changes anything, because unless you believed Joe/Chili’s rumor, this what we have been assuming. The Sox (or Phillies) need to make sure there is enough separation in their offers to prevent him from fulfilling his dream of playing for the Yankees.
    2 points
  40. If the Yankees were offering 400 million, then he should have signed there on the spot before they could change their mind.
    2 points
  41. if Manny gets that number from the Yankees, then I don't blame the Sox for not crushing it
    2 points
  42. So based on this thread title.... can we get Thanos to snap his fingers and make the Yankees and Phillies disappear?
    2 points
  43. If only my info about the Sox was a snapshot of a facebook comment in a group with thousands of people.
    2 points
  44. 2 points
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