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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Since the national discussion about Harper's likely destination now seems to be uninterested in minor details like whether the team in question has room for Harper on its roster, has the financial flexibility to pay him, or has met with him/expressed any interest in signing him, why not throw the Red Sox into the mix? They are the defending World Series champs. They are also very popular. Bryce Harper would hit home runs in Fenway. I hereby declare the Red Sox the new frontrunners to sign Harper.
    6 points
  2. Oh my god will you stop droning in about this already? Look at the fucking lineup for once in your life. Almost every position is occupied or will be occupied by a player who is under 30 and controllable. They aren't signing your hero's, they aren't signing 35 year old guys on their last legs, they are trying to build a young up and coming team IN THE MOLD OF WHAT YOU WANT
    4 points
  3. Sign both whales, add Kikuchi & Ottavino and let’s win the Central next year. Roster projects out to 45 fWAR which gives us an outside chance at the division in 2019 and sets us up greatly for a legit playoff run in 2020. 1. Moncada, 2B (4.0) 2. Machado, 3B (6.0) 3. Harper, RF (5.0) 4. Abreu, DH (2.5) 5. Jimenez, LF (3.0) 6. Alonso, 1B (1.0) 7. Anderson, SS (2.5) 8. L. Garcia, CF (1.0) 9. Castillo, C (2.0) IF: Sanchez (1.0) OF: Engel (0.0) UT: Rondon (0.5) BC: McCann (0.5) #1: Rodon (2.5) #2: Lopez (3.0) #3: Kikuchi (2.5) #4: Nova (1.5) #5: Giolito (1.0) CL: Ottavino (1.5) SU: Colome (1.0) SU: Frye (1.0) MR: Jones (1.0) MR: Frare (0.0) MR: Hamilton (0.5) LR: Covey (0.5)
    4 points
  4. I just say this, if you don't believe the source then just don't bother with the thread. No need to argue about the validity of the source to the point that you are trolling the thread
    4 points
  5. And wait until the next time two massive 26 year old free agents are available? No thanks, get me one of these guys and turn this thing around. There is minimal interest in this team as is with the fanbase and it needs a kick.
    3 points
  6. Anybody who says that the Sox (or Phillies for that matter) have basically no chance at either free agent are in 1 of 2 groups. 1) They're not paying attention or are generally clueless. Or 2) They're so accustomed to viewing things in a negative light that they are literally unable to see the information in front of them and analyze appropriately. I have no doubt that both MM and Harper have a list of teams in which they're prefer to go to over others, all things being equal. I have a fair amount of confidence that the White Sox are not in either guy's top 3-5 teams. But all things are not equal, and when talking about hundred of millions of dollars, which are likely the most important factor, pretty much everything else can be thrown out. Harper is down to the Sox, Phillies (which has been stated he isn't interested), the Dodgers (who still have massive payroll issues if they plan to stay under the luxury tax) and the Cubs (who must drop a ton of salary to add him). Maybe a team like the Braves jump in if hte price drops enough. But his market is not robust. Machado? Yankees, White Sox, Phillies.......and that is pretty much it. I too think pretty much any team would add him if the price fell far enough, but we all know at a minimum he's getting $38-40M AAV over the next half decade. I think the line would be long if he is willing to sign a 5 year - $200M deal. But I doubt that he is. The Sox are very much still alive. I happen to think Harper is a long shot, but I think the chances at MM are very real. And he is by far my preferred guy of the two.
    3 points
  7. So you want Harper and Machado but you're irritated about something that you had to know was going to happen so now you don't want them even though it's still a possibility we get them? My head hurts.
    3 points
  8. All I know is that the quality of the forum has improved significantly since Peavy has stopped posting.
    3 points
  9. Peavy44 just got kicked out of that group because everyone, as they should, piled on that Steve guy for that awful fake rumor about Harper willing to take a 1-2 year deal from the Cubs, and Peavy got VERY offended that no one believed his bestie Steve, and started cussing and yelling at everyone. He even posted a photo that the Steve guy supposedly took with Harper....on a public street, to PROVE that they are friends and he has inside knowledge.
    3 points
  10. Right. If you guys really need someone to mock, Kyyle is right here.
    3 points
  11. Just so someone points this out, so far in this thread, Ervin Santana, Drew Hutchison, Shelby Miller have been mentioned, and Dylan Covey outperformed them last year.
    2 points
  12. No offense, but I don’t think many are putting any stock in the rumor that he was ready to sign when in a Chicago. Nothing that has happened since indicates that was a factual report. He well may still become a White Sox. But he wasn’t ready to sign early last week.
    2 points
  13. Which is exactly why adding a whale to the middle of this line up adds more stability and less questions going forward. It is one less star player you need to emerge internally.
    2 points
  14. Wait was Peavy that Tony dude? He’s a moron.
    2 points
  15. Many years ago, I had a source. A guy I worked with was/is friends and did some business with one of JR's sons. He once gave me some info, and I was mocked. It turns out about a half hour after I posted who the Sox made their main target, he was traded to Atlanta. So I was a liar, etc. Later it did come out that the Sox did indeed make a serious effort at the player. So people do get random inside info. This particular poster doesn't appear to be hunting for recognition and doesn't appear to have a need to have everyone think he's an insider. We have had a couple of those. Someone who was right once, either on a guess or random info. Then decided to take their new "insider" status and run with it. Eventually, it's easy to spot. Mocking isn't going to encourage anyone who does have info to post it. I know I never would anymore. If I had anything juicy there are a few posters I would send a private message. But I don't work with that guy anymore, so that probably wouldn't happen anyway.
    2 points
  16. This person doesn’t have an obligation to repeat himself, but threads that don’t have updates and just chatter are meaningless save for discussion until a move is announced.
    2 points
  17. FYI peavy44's "source" is spouting off quite the scoop in that Facebook group lol "Harper’s coming to Chicago, but it won’t be with us. Look for a short deal. 1-2 years. Maybe a bit more. He only is thinking Cubs. They are not even entertaining other teams. Haven’t since the winter meetings. I give Hahn and his crew major props for getting their nose in there."
    2 points
  18. Manny Machado or not, I don't think re-uniting the Baltimore Orioles is a good way to rebuild.
    2 points
  19. Huh? I haven't been here long, but this is the most random nonsensical thing I have seen. And I lived through the Peavy44 era.
    1 point
  20. Our first player-written guest post of the 2018-2019 season is now up at FutureSox. Our first guest is Sam Abbott, first base prospect and 2017 draftee. Learn about just how close he was to going to college to play water polo instead of baseball, and how quickly things turned for him. We've got a couple more articles in our Prospect Perspective series lining up for the next month or two.
    1 point
  21. Oh, for the 2007ish days of Aardsma, Sisco and especially MacDougal (who Cooper would typically just tell to throw it down the middle of the plate and the movement would take care of itself).
    1 point
  22. This is pretty much it. Have him setup and if it looks good let him go...if not get his ass out. His slider is freak level shit, dude is 33, where has he been the last 10 years?
    1 point
  23. Long time lurker, first time poster. I was here for the cespedes threads, the Alex Gordon banter, plus youkalis, manny Ramerez, the endless peavy threads, etc. Really think machado fits with their positional need and culture. Gotta assume yonder is in his ear the past few days, and White Sox willingness to go high with money will seal the deal. Just had to be a piece of this thread before a decision was made. Back to lurking for now, maybe will chime in on occasion.
    1 point
  24. This is basically how I feel. I'd like to get Kikuchi on board, but both he and Pomeranz would fit if they sign Harper/Machado or not.
    1 point
  25. It really doesn’t matter whether he left Tuesday or Wednesday. Once he left and took the other visits, the point was moot.
    1 point
  26. We also haven't heard when Manny arrived in NY, or when he left Philly. Both would be things of note. My source didn't confirm he stayed until Wednesday, but that was his plan as of Monday. It's possible they decided to leave Tuesday night instead, I have no idea and I haven't heard anything one way or the other, outside of the random bartender. I'll ask my guy for clarity, but he's gone completely dark since the first bit of info, so he's either upset that it has gotten out there, or he's been told to stop talking. I'll be seeing him in person in the coming weeks, so maybe I can get an answer by then. Hopefully Manny will have signed anyway.
    1 point
  27. That would be Machado who was told that and I don’t think it bothered him that much as he ended up taking a photo with the guy
    1 point
  28. Knowing the public financial situations of the teams involved here, I think it is really obvious that the Cubs/Dodgers stuff with Harper is trash designed to drive bids up.
    1 point
  29. why not just get Manny, who you know is a free agent and is younger and is an excellent 3B?
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. You're right that no reports came out about that, but what's funny is that someone who is considered an insider on this board, who I won't name, corroborated the same info that he heard from a separate source. But I doubt we will ever get confirmation either way.
    1 point
  32. I bet your Tyler Saladino bobble head is far more real than my Todd Frazier bobble head.
    1 point
  33. $5 say we sign Danny Valencia in the next week. Any takers?
    1 point
  34. https://www.nbcsports.com/chicago/white-sox/adam-jones-talks-about-what-he-brings-table-could-white-sox-take-gamble “Whoever’s cutting the check for him,” Jones said.
    1 point
  35. I can’t believe any rational person could actually believe this and I’ve found your opinions to be of high quality over the years. It doesn’t really matter where the players want to land, if they want their money they’re signing with the Sox or Phillies. Boras can wait all he wants, but the desirable teams apparently do not want commit big dollars and/or are afraid of the luxury tax. I’m not sure what teams you think are going to jump in and do something crazy.
    1 point
  36. Definitely less crime around here. Been meaning to give you props
    1 point
  37. I've also started posting more regularly. Probably just a coincidence that the quality of the forum has improved significantly though (or not).
    1 point
  38. Heyman is dragging Bruce. Beautiful.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I think this is where things are at with Machado. Phillies have been eliminated. Manny is choosing between the Yankees and White Sox. Sox have the better offer, but Manny has always wanted to be a Yankee. Manny is deciding if he should take the money and bet on a young core, or take less money and play for a sure thing.
    1 point
  41. Yeah....I presume there was legitimate truth to what was reported. Very long time poster who I thank for sharing the info. Whether it ends up happening or not...I'm not going to doubt the legitimacy of the source.
    1 point
  42. @Buehrle>Wood just seen your tag from the other thread. Wasn’t that crazy back then when soxtalk went world wide. Sports illustrated called it a “rumor” but in fact it was all true in the end. It’s been years since I posted but I always follow here. I just haven’t logged in under my name in very long time. I wish I had something good to pass on....Just a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Maybe I will be back to posting more often now. I got the itch! Heck I think I was one of the very first members here back in the day.
    1 point
  43. Hey guys....bad news. Japan will have an earthquake again. Maybe in 2018...maybe in 2019. Sometime in the future though for sure. Just have to wait for those tectonic plates to slip. But it'll definitely happen. Can't believe this forum fell for this shit again.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. And not once in this paragraph is there mention of the pitching. The pitching has to take some major strides to be a good team.
    1 point
  46. So we are convinced that Manny will sign here because a bunch of players who couldn't get it done with the Orioles with him are now with the Sox? And the whole, "they were teammates" is overstated. There are guys in any sport that are countrymen that can't stand each other. Abreu doesn't like Puig, Jordan didn't like Isiah Thomas, etc. It really does nothing in the grand scheme of things.
    1 point
  47. It's a running joke with me and @Y2HH that I suspended him a bunch of times back when I was an active mod, but there's always a discussion about what to do before suspending someone and no mod really *likes* doing it. There's a delicate balance, because we don't want to be seen as over-moderating to the point where people can't be themselves.
    1 point
  48. If you have a problem with the board or it's staff, feel free to move along. The people who do this also do things like raise families, work full time jobs, and do some world altering stuff in their free time. No one profits a penny to listen to you b**** about their volunteer work here, so I am not going to let you take a crap on the work ethic of our moderators and admins. If you don't like Soxtalk, find some where else.
    1 point
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