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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2018 in all areas

  1. Something positive is tweeted about the Sox chances: it’s fake, not a real source etc. Something negative is tweeted about the Sox chances: I WAS RIGHT. I knew it all along and you guys didn’t!
    6 points
  2. Stick to the Harper discussion in this thread, gents and gals! The sulking over the shit 2018 season is in another thread! I think we are getting both Machado and Harper. Come at me. Machado is virtually guranteed to sign with us in early January. Harper will soon follow.
    6 points
  3. 5 points
  4. Back to 3B and reclaim the nickname "E5."
    5 points
  5. Well here’s some free advice to Hahn, don’t brag about trying to get top players, brag about getting them.
    4 points
  6. What a relief now that this is all over, we can just go back to being depressed
    4 points
  7. Everyone needs to cut Caulfield some slack. The Chinese opium is really superior to anything else.
    4 points
  8. 3 points
  9. I find it hard to believe that Hahn would trade for Alonso if he didn't have a pretty good feeling that Machado would sign here. Maybe I'm just being naive, but I would like to think that someone with his position and credentials wouldn't just blindly trade for him in the off chance it might help the front offices chance to sign another player. They have put so much thought and effort into this rebuild that it seems asinine to make a trade for a player such as Alonso and waste any talent and money on him when there are other guys who can fill the same role for a fraction of the cost. I mean, honestly, why make that trade unless you were damn sure Machado was going to sign here and that was one of his swing conditions? Otherwise it just reeks of desperation and is showing that the front office can't properly manage a rebuild. That said, I'll wait until the deal is signed and it's picked up by more than one person on twitter. All things being equal, I think Alonso was brought in after a conversation with Machado or his agent, as one thing that he would love to do as a player is to play with Alonso. I think this a leak to get the other teams to up their offers. Just have to wait and see, but I don't see it playing out like this.
    3 points
  10. I’m sorry this Clarke tweet makes zero sense. Why would you require all final offers, take one, and then wait until early January to tell anyone? Guy likely got a scoop that the Yankees are in front. There is no chance it’s unfolding as described.
    3 points
  11. You are way too invested in the White Sox continuing failure.
    3 points
  12. I am sorry but Dan Clark is not going to come out and tweet that as definitive as he did unless he is absolutely sure. I will eat my words if it winds up not happening, happily, but I would be willing to bet my next pay check that this is going to wind up being true.
    3 points
  13. Kind of makes you think looking at just one season is a fool's errand eh?
    3 points
  14. I do but it's French you wouldn't understand.
    3 points
  15. Sounds like you failed your statistics course.
    3 points
  16. Huh? I haven't been here long, but this is the most random nonsensical thing I have seen. And I lived through the Peavy44 era.
    3 points
  17. Manny Machado and Dan Lozano aren't going to deny something that Dan Clark said. It's Dan Fucking Clark. That dude tweets "rumors" all the time and then deletes the tweets when they don't happen. Machado might go to New York ultimately but he's guessing.
    2 points
  18. I agree after reading some of his tweets the last month or so he has been pushing the Yankee narrative all December. Could it be true? Sure. But I would think Manny is taking the Holidays to think it over like many people have said (national guys). You would think if Mannys mind was made up to the point he was telling players he played with he has decided to go to the Yankees, someone other then Dan Clark would have picked up on it and confirmed this rumor. At this point with all the so called “insiders” that claim they have inside knowledge is useless until Manny or his agent make an announcement. We are still in it till he signs the dotted line. I hope this turns out this guy is a blowhard and eats his words. I’m really hoping the Sox get one of these two and make a whole lot of people both nationally and on this board eat crow. I’m cautiously optimistic, I think they went into this offseason with a plan to get Manny in particular and have faith they have executed it. Hahn said the money would be there for the last few years so I don’t think that is the issue. If a guys heart is set on playing for his team growing up all we can do is attempt to persuade him with surrounding him with people And players he enjoys being around, and of course throwing a boat load of money at him. By next week I think we will have a better idea how this turns out.
    2 points
  19. Its been too long now without anyone picking up on that Dan Clark tweet for it still be taken as gospel. Rosenthal, Heyman etc. have undoubtedly exchanged a few texts with their people after seeing it reported by a blue checkmark and their silence speaks volumes.
    2 points
  20. I love that people make posts like this, yet still claim they are fans.
    2 points
  21. The White Sox had to know with their performance and irrelevance, they were behind the eight ball bidding for these guys. But The thought there is nothing they can do is incorrect. They can offer enough money to make just about anyone a White Sox. If it took another $25 million why would JR care. Chances are he won’t be signing the checks 10 years from now. If they weren’t prepared to blow away the competition with a contract, they were fooling themselves thinking this could get done.
    2 points
  22. Well now Dan Clark has a great excuse if Manny signs with us/Philadelphia
    2 points
  23. So let me get this straight...it's not cool to jump to conclusions about this guy who's been tied in with the Baltimore stuff because of something wrong 4 years ago. But no issues posting incarceratedbob reports or the thread from the other poster which hasn't materialized yet? Just as long as it's in the White Sox's favor it's all good....
    2 points
  24. LOL it may be true or maybe not but the people claiming this is definitive proof of Manny to NY sound like they wanted that since the beginning .
    2 points
  25. You must be thrilled with all of the cyberpoints you just accumulated. How do you plan on celebrating this amazing victory on the internet?
    2 points
  26. So one report from one guy who may or may not be legitimate and everyone here is just ready to accept that it's over? I haven't heard Manny Machado announce where he was going yet.
    2 points
  27. You should proud that we missed out on a player that could desperately help our franchise...bravo!
    2 points
  28. Machado has joined the elite group of players I follow on Instagram to 2, he joins Luis Robert. Please let IG end up as the clue to him signing with us.
    2 points
  29. If we get both I will buy an Alonso jersey. Like everything I have heard and read about him.
    2 points
  30. It appears that the team is interested in having a competition for the fifth spot in the rotation and it figures that Jordan Stepehens, Covey and Banuelos are some in house options but are there any names out there on the market, that you guys would like to see the team add into the race? I wouldn't be upset with Drew Hutchinson, Shelby Miller, or Clay Buchholz. I think Miller and Hutchinson could be non-roster invitees.
    1 point
  31. Giolito reminds me a bit of Gavin Floyd.
    1 point
  32. Would anyone else like to see our hitting coach replaced?
    1 point
  33. IDK, I'm pretty sure Barry Bonds was worth 118 wins offensively in 2001.
    1 point
  34. I am going to go with something closer to 90/10.
    1 point
  35. If they pulled that off, they'd see a huge increase in attendance in 2019. I for one will be buying a 40 game plan (4 tickets) if they land both those guys.
    1 point
  36. Moncada was a league average 2b in his age 22/23 season and first full MLB season. That may be disappointing because the bar was set so high but he's still young and could easily emerge as an all star caliber 2b this upcoming season or next. If he's putting up the same numbers two years from now, then yes it will be very concerning but you have to give the kid some time to develop. I expect a step forward in 2019. Maybe not all star level but a very good season in the 3-4 fWAR range.
    1 point
  37. Yeah well that would have been nice. Unfortunately he played like the Moncada we were all afraid that might turn up when we traded for him. -.3 in offensive WAR and -1.5 in Defensive War.
    1 point
  38. But you hate The Elite so... You can literally say the same thing about the Men's tag division. It's a long time coming for the Women's belts, you're complaining to complain...go fuckin figure.
    1 point
  39. Enough time had passed where I was able to effectively block Q Score from my memory, but this post triggered that whole fiasco right back into the forefront of my brain...thanks caulfield.
    1 point
  40. This is Pirates Of The Caribbean without a pirate or Caribbean, a knockoff to suit prejudiced audiences like cricketer Virat Kohli who prefer to exclusively admire the locally made. In this 1810-set adventure, Aamir borrows the Jack Sparrow eyeliner, while Amitabh is literally given the bird, his entrances on screen preceded by a noisy hawk. Bachchan plays a rebel, a freedom fighter rallying troops against the colonisers, while Khan is a two-faced rogue on the Company payroll sent to infiltrate Bachchan’s squad and bring him down. For those who remember the Q-Rating battle royale over Harper, a mention of our new SoxTalk-favorite Indian cricketer in a review of Bollywood film The Thugs of Hindustan, lol.
    1 point
  41. And wait until the next time two massive 26 year old free agents are available? No thanks, get me one of these guys and turn this thing around. There is minimal interest in this team as is with the fanbase and it needs a kick.
    1 point
  42. Buchholz would be interesting. I don't know how he did it, but he was lights out for the D-Backs last year. Dude still knows how to pitch. My call for 5th starter is Fernando Tatis Jr.
    1 point
  43. If Kikuchi doesn’t happen (purely my speculation there), I’d love to add Pomeranz on a one-year deal.
    1 point
  44. Knowing the public financial situations of the teams involved here, I think it is really obvious that the Cubs/Dodgers stuff with Harper is trash designed to drive bids up.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
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