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  1. Sounds like....muchado about nothing.
    9 points
  2. Asking how someone, who went up and down the board claiming sources and trashing others for having their own, how their predictions are going really isn't an attack on their intelligence. But if you'd like it to be considered as such, I can also take these into consideration.
    5 points
  3. How are your predictions going?
    4 points
  4. Short term memory? Lucky for you the internet does not forget. A, What terrible moves have i asked the Sox to make. Advocating trading for a utility player when we already have a better utility player, but still wants to make the move because Astros have acquired him, but failed to see Astros actually needed a utility infield and Sox do not. Definition of a terrible, irrational move. B. Concerning there terrible moves and shit product Have you watched baseball during a rebuild? C. And I would not spend a dime on this team and root for another team Publicly advertises not to spend money on this team numerous times yet complains the team not spending money on players. How rational of you. And then there is this classic: D. Why am I still here Fan of the Sox? See above in bold. Every other post of yours leads of "this garbage organization", seems pretty ironic that you're fan of the said garbage organization and couldn't wait for them to move out of this city. E. Now I was able to explain all this in a civil way , unlike you. I am impressive this time around Brad, didn't know you were capable of posting in civil manner judging by the other posts.
    4 points
  5. If Robinson isn't a #1, your criteria for a #1 is a receiver who is going to Canton at the end of their career. You can win without HOF at every position. Only notable exception is QB.
    3 points
  6. By the way, I do want to say it. Thank you Bears. It didn’t end the way I wanted but it sure was a fun season and that’s all I can ask for!
    3 points
  7. We were specifically talking about White Sox signing Manny. I took it as some type of decision could be likely to happen this week. I could tell he/she didn't want to go any further
    3 points
  8. Well that seems excessive. I've seen much worse "attacks" stay up. It was a joke about his comment being hard to understand not a mean spirited attack for those who are wondering.
    3 points
  9. This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you.
    3 points
  10. Okay, this stuff is about to blow up. Please everyone remember that this is all hearsay at the moment. Someone told Chuck Naso this info who then had it tweeted out from RLR and its taking off from there. Even Chuck was asking for pics, so its definitely not confirmed. I've already seen people on twitter say they heard it from multiple places when in reality all those places probably got it from the original Chuck tweet.
    3 points
  11. Come on, guys... Is this what Yonder Alonso would want to see? He is supposed to be getting Manny to sign here. He will not like this bickering one bit. Poor Yonder. And poor us.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. 0 Looks like Steverson has been working with her.
    3 points
  14. Sure hope this isn’t the move that was promised
    3 points
  15. Forcing runs for the sake of running the ball is a meatball take imo.
    2 points
  16. I still think we need a new title: Machado: In NotHahn We Trust
    2 points
    2 points
  18. If you end up correct on Machado with the Sox this week you better change your username to “DEFINITELYNotHahn”
    2 points
  19. Dont bite the hand that feeds you, son.
    2 points
  20. I didn’t fall for anything, I just think it’s absolutely embarrassing that Barstool Chicago goes live and immediately puts out a garbage rumor. I know Dave has some connections, but the rest of his cronies are complete jokes and should stop with the #scoopcity nonsense. This is really bad PR for their platform.
    2 points
  21. Yeah I don't trust any of those guys anymore. I met WSD during ST last year, and he was a pretty chill dude 1-1 but when he's hanging with his bro buddies he becomes a bit of a douche.
    2 points
  22. It’s like having a bad closer and being surprised that closer blew a game in the baseball postseason.
    2 points
  23. Whatever credibility "Red Line Radio" had went out the window tonight.
    2 points
  24. Let's be honest: Barstool in general just sucks.
    2 points
  25. I am glad I am not the only person who isn't a fan.
    2 points
  26. Everyone go to your rooms and don't come out til Manny signs with someone !
    2 points
  27. That's the most positive I've seen Parkman this year. Who are you and what have you done with Parkman!
    2 points
  28. Dude's balls literally dropped. He was fantastic that half. Did what Brady and alot of QBs are praised in doing. Lead us down the field. Unfortunately we don't have a Vinatieri or gasp... Gould to seal the deal.
    2 points
  29. Few bad decisions cost the Bears. But im not sure how they justified keeping Parkey. Did anyone have confidence in him as a kicker?
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Offense was far too conservative in the first half.
    2 points
  32. Can't believe its him. Still remember meeting him and Slavko years ago and played baseball with them. Good times. And Q when was the last time you owned a poster like this? GreenSox or Lillian? Good times too.
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. Get to Camelback mid-morning when it opens; roaming around and checking out the back fields is more interesting than the games.
    2 points
  35. Yeah, Gregory Pratt, sorry bud. This was not quite a wise move.
    2 points
  36. If you see gum on the street, don't pick it up, it's not free candy.
    2 points
  37. Please stay 500 feet away from Abreu, thanks Ron
    2 points
  38. What to expect from a second TJS. https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=187606#
    2 points
  39. Here was his scouting report, back in 2015, when he was with the Yankees: Scouting grades: Fastball: 60 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 45 | Overall: 50 The Yankees didn't have a first-round pick in 2014, but they may have gotten a first-round talent with their top choice (second round, 55th overall). Lindgren helped pitch Mississippi State to the College World Series as a starter in 2013, then became one of college baseball's most dominant relievers last spring. He reached Yankee Stadium 11 months after signing, though his first full pro season got put on hold when he had surgery to remove a bone spur from his elbow in June. Lindgren's stuff jumped when he started working in shorter stints. His fastball improved from 87-91 mph to 91-95, and his slider became a legitimate knockout pitch at 82-84 mph with late bite. When hitters manage to make contact against him they have difficulty keeping the ball off the ground, which is why he surrendered just two extra-base hits between college and pro ball last year. Lindgren's sinking changeup gives him a decent third pitch that he doesn't need much now that he's not a starter. His control wavers at times, but once he shows he can throw strikes consistently, he could become the Yankees' closer of the future. He was a strike out machine, in his Jr. year at Mississippi State, striking out 100 batters in 55 innings. His Minor League totals were just as good, with 48 strike outs, in just 24 innings. Two TJ surgeries and a bone spur in his left elbow, for which he had surgery, are a lot, from which to come back. However if he's healthy, he could be a useful LH bullpen arm. I'll be rooting for him.
    2 points
  40. Cashman, Manny, and Dan Clark will be at the podium
    1 point
  41. We will see if Machado press conference happens tomorrow with the Yankees from dan clark.
    1 point
  42. I am not sure they will be sign by 3/1.
    1 point
  43. may your dreams be pleasant and Gload filled
    1 point
  44. The players union would never okay that. I think owners would love more of a reason not to spend money.
    1 point
  45. I agree. This is simply isn't a case of 3 (or however many) equally-situated bidders where they can strategically place bids to ensure they don't over-bid. Sox are at the bottom. Instead of using Yankee reticence to try to get a bargain, the Sox should seize the opportunity to "blow them away."
    1 point
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