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  1. Why are we shitting all over dave again? You can take or leave the barstool part of his persona but he doesn't spread bad info around.
    10 points
  2. Yeah... Anyone comparing Dave to Dan Clark hasn’t been paying attention. Dude has great info (I know that first hand because he is a good friend). I get not liking him but let’s not pretend like he doesn’t put out good info regularly.
    7 points
  3. This. The dude has been spot on at least one other time this offseason with Tulo and the Yanks, he is not a Dan Clark....
    7 points
  4. And you post the same cringeworthy crap on Twitter everyday. So what?
    7 points
  5. Aren’t you a ball of sunshine.
    6 points
  6. I can confirm Joc didn’t grow up with Manny or play on the DR WBC team
    5 points
  7. These freaking players are ruining the game for fans and their families. Almost have to take out a loan to take the family to the games. YES, LONGORIA, IT IS OUR MONEY! Yes, the owners are a bunch of greedy a-holes too. But they are running a business. What business does NOT try to keep their costs down? I watched Adam Dunn and James Shields continue to show up year after year to get their checks while they sucked the big one. If the players are thinking of striking because Machado may have to SETTLE for ONLY $200 MILLION instead of $300 MILLION, they better think twice. There are OTHER ways to spend my money. I have NOT watched an NFL game since the kneeling started. We Sox fans got screwed in 94 because of this same greed. Owners AND players better think twice about all this.
    5 points
  8. 4 points
  9. That guy posts the same regurgitated garbage content on twitter every day about Machado. He called the guy a piece of shit during the NLCS because I’m pretty sure he was cheering for the brewers but now wants him on the Sox just so he could get more likes on twitter
    4 points
  10. just here to get it to 420. Smoke em if you got em,
    4 points
  11. if the phillies sign moustakas they really will be coming thru on the 'stupid money' pledge
    4 points
  12. Another person who can play CF is a better fit for this squad. We are loaded with can't field corner OFs.
    4 points
  13. "Mystery team" is code for "trying to increase the offers"
    4 points
  14. Happy weed page ya'll, hope the dank vibes bring the Sox good fortune.
    3 points
  15. http://www.baseball-almanac.com/teams/wsoxatte.shtml We're nearing 1929~31 attendance in terms of thread views.
    3 points
  16. I think that's a bad take. He got an update from whoever he normally talks to and he feels good about what they said. Don't think there's anything wrong with that. He's nowhere near Dan Clark. Edit: It's not like he guaranteed it for no good reason and keeps blasting people who disagreed.
    3 points
  17. Yes, and honestly, I think they sign Harper too
    3 points
  18. Didn’t he say less than 24 hours ago the White Sox were negotiating through the night, now some mystery teams ? I guess if you mention every possibility, one of them will be right eventually, and you can show everyone years from now who know you are full of shit.
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. I've just heard from an insider that the Joc rumor is legit. Not my source, but someone who can be trusted. If Fulmer and Bummer are the price, you slam dunk that shit now. Bryce Bush would be a tough one to swallow, but I would completely understand why the Dodgers the trade more from the Dodgers side if he was included.
    2 points
  21. Swisher was like a walking club dub for the 162. Check out how good that played
    2 points
  22. Heyyyyy I got us to 420.....ugh the good ol days
    2 points
  23. He's rapidly approaching Dan Clark territory...
    2 points
  24. Avi has hit 30 homers 0 times. He has hit 20 homers 0 times. He has hit .290 1 time. He has played in 150 games 0 times. He has played 140 games 1 time.
    2 points
  25. Not at all. Within the first couple of hours if Sox sign Machado whitesox talk amongst Sox fans will immediately transition to Harper. Guaranteed.
    2 points
  26. I like manny better but I do feel like Bryce hitting left handed fits better with our farm system.. Most our top guys hit RH
    2 points
  27. It is incarcerated bob, nothing to see here
    2 points
  28. Longoria can look in the mirror at his own contract and regression as a fine example of why more owners are leery of handing out these huge contracts. Look at how the contracts of Heyward and Ellsbury have handcuffed the cubs and Yanks. Oh and please dont try and tell me it's not the fans money Evan. Why else are we paying $8 for a beer?
    2 points
  29. This really isn't about Jay and Avi. Jay was brought in because Engel can't hit and the Sox needed a left handed bat that could play center. Imho, Avi is gone because of Palka's ability to hit for power from the left side and stay off the DL. The comp should be between Avi and Palka which, I'll take Palka. An interesting bang for buck comp is Engel and Jay.
    2 points
  30. That Evan Longoria quote is so stupid. "As fans, why should “value” for your team even be a consideration? It’s not your money, it’s money that players have worked their whole lives to get to that level and be deserving of. Bottom line, fans should want the best players and product on the field for their team." Couple things here. First, it literally is our money. It might be the owners that sign the checks, but the revenue that is used to pay for players is either directly or indirectly from the fans. Second, we all want the best players on the field too. Does he not see fans being frustrated with this and complaining about the owners? Its everywhere. Yankees and Cubs fans are organizing revolts as we speak. Everyone knows the owners are being cheap and trying to maximize their profits above on field competitiveness. But that leads to the final point which is that because we know the owners aren't spending as much and therefore there is a limited payroll capacity, we care about value because we want our team to be competitive. Being competitive isn't likely if we have multiple guys making $20m per year when they aren't playing any better than a rookie who would be making a lot less so we can then spend that money on someone who will help the team win more. In that way, carrying about value is only applicable if you care about winning. In reality, Longoria was part of the system that helped lead to this situation and now he is trying to put the blame on anyone else, including the fans. Blaming the people who allow you to play a game for a living at any time is a bad idea, but especially so when a strike is almost definitely coming in the near future and it would benefit them to win the war of public opinion.
    2 points
  31. Got the banana man on the Sox side
    2 points
  32. Thanks for the update Buster. Sounds like a Milford man!
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. I coulda seen Machado getting $70 million more than that. You aren't mad if you only get one, but you gotta try for 2 in that case. Imagine two 5 WAR players and you've gotten a $150 million discount on them compared to what they should be getting in a functioning market, and they were already cheap compared to what you blew on Laroche, Robertson, Cabrera, Frazier, and Samardzija and co.
    2 points
  36. Hahaha and now.... I'm proud of you Jason. Only took you 6 days to realize that you made a mistake regarding the Bulls. I knew you'd come around.
    2 points
  37. After searching through his Twitter, this guy has described himself as a "die hard Cubs fan" multiple times. A MOLE! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Agreed. Logically, what would be the benefit of being an annonimous bidder anyway? Especially this late.
    1 point
  40. File this under stats that are hard to believe...
    1 point
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