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  1. will there be moves made by the sox tomorrow? like for no, love for yes P.S. @raBBit, nobody will see what your choice is
    11 points
  2. Soxtalk: Palka is cool and all, but I’m tired of one dimensional guys with sub-.300 OBPs. White Sox: *acquire an outfielder whose bread and butter is OBP* Soxtalk: Daniel Palka is better!
    7 points
  3. Some here have liked the idea of acquiring Joc, some have not. Isn't that how the world works? The thought process is they need to move money off their books to be able to acquire another high priced free agent. We would be doing the Dodgers a favor for taking back 38 year old Rich Hill as he is not worth $18,000,000 this season. And Joc is only marginally more valuable than the $5,000,000 he will make this year and the raise he will seemingly get next year. So, no it shouldn't cost much more than Fulmer. Anything else to add Mr. Anderson?
    4 points
  4. Nothing I can share at this point. Fluid talks. I imagine more will break to public soon.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. Can't wait till he beats your 6th or 7th favorite NFL team.
    4 points
  7. 3 points
  8. This offseason has been one of the most stressful yet boring I’ve ever seen.
    3 points
  9. BTW, if anyone is interested, one year subscriptions to The Athletic are $24 today.
    3 points
  10. Quick thoughts: Joc Pederson would be an upgrade and a perfect mid-level player with a short term contract, and ability to possibly over-perform. He's a perfect bridge type player. If a Tilson, Cordell, Engel, or Palka performed as well as he has, does, and will we would be very happy. I mean... Palka did and look at the love fest surrounding him. As I've stated before none of these guys are part of the future... Palka included. Pederson included. This is a two year fix until we hopefully get one or two of our younger OF's up. Pederson gives us a better chance to field a competitive team in 2019 and 2020. He has a similar profile to Palka, just higher upside and can play the field better. Simple as that. Sox fans need to really start separating themselves from some of these players.. Palka, Yolmer, Leury are not your keys to success. As I've stated many times before try fitting those guys on the Yankees, Astros, Red Sox... Yolmer is about the only one that could have a future with this team. The rest won't sniff any Sox team that has a true chance at the WS.
    3 points
  11. Farmio is a horrible PBP guy. I can't wait until they get him the fuck off of the radio team. I don't even consider listening to games on the radio because he's so gawd awful at his job.
    3 points
  12. Personally, I can't wait for Farmer to be off the radio.
    3 points
  13. I know it’s been mentioned in passing at least, but one big plus of adding Joc is the limited amount of left-handed starters in the division. Based on Roster Resource, there are only projected to be four left-handed starters in the division come opening day. Joc would get a ton of playing time even if we kept him in a platoon.
    2 points
  14. Lol...not sure my wife would see it the same way!
    2 points
  15. Maybe the Dodgers are less inclined to trade him to an NL contender? Maybe that's why we make more sense.
    2 points
  16. Fangraphs would say Zack Collins would be comparable to Shed Long. But we don't have a comp pick to trade. So for that, maybe Collins + Steele Walker?
    2 points
  17. This post is spot on IMO. Obviously you never draw a line in the sand, but the key guys are not going anywhere. I also think having too many good players is also a good problem to have. Joc Pederson is not blocking anyone right now.
    2 points
  18. I feel like Hector Gomez is just trying to make himself more famous by being Mannys insider / hype man. Getting close to trolling at this point. Has to keep his name out there.
    2 points
  19. Why is it being automatically being assumed the Sox would only keep Pederson for 2 years? There’s a possibility he could be here longer. Not every prospect is going to hit. He’s young enough they could keep him around with an extension if they need to out of necessity.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. I don’t know about rest of you but the olney/nightingale/Lozano flap was a shark jumping moment for me. Kind of a sign that paying closer attention to it somehow made you know less. At this point, the market for him is Sox and Phillies and market for Harper is Sox Phillies and maybe another team like dodgers, but even at their discount mystery teams aren’t as likely to jump out to the 200 mill level. Really feels like it’s Sox game to lose so I’m done getting lost in details.
    2 points
  22. This isn't true. He made it clear to teams that he would sign. Most scouting directors didn't see him in person because he played in Michigan. Multiple area scouts loved him and wanted him but couldn't get blessing to use over-slot resources due to lack of live looks at him. It's all in the interview I did with him.
    2 points
  23. Totally agree, but Yolmer is the kind of guy, assuming the Sox can establish stars, that will be the difference between 2015/2016 and 202*.
    2 points
  24. Ok, I'd like to do exactly what you say to do. I'm looking at the Astros lineup and stats last year. Let's take one of those positions you mention - Palka and the DH slot. Last year, the Astros primary DH was Evan Gattis, and they also rotated a n umber of people there. Evan Gattis put up 0.4 rWAR, a .736 OPS, and was paid just under $7 million for that. Marwin Gonzalez put up a .733 OPS for them and 2.5 WAR because he got a lot of at bats filling in for the injured Correa. Jake Marisnick put up 1.7 WAR and a .674 OPS because he was their utility OF and defensive replacement. These are guys like Palka and Leury. They're not great players on their own, but they have a couple benefits - they fill a role, they're already there, and they are cheap. Some of these positions we need to upgrade over - I'm about done with Leury for example as I don't think he can stay healthy, but there's a fair question here. Pederson will be paid like $5 million this year and it will take trading some player of decent talent to get him. Yes, he's an upgrade over Jay in CF, but that upgrade isn't free. You're spending more money and giving up a player who the Dodgers want somewhere, and you're doing it for a moderate upgrade over guys that the Sox already have come up with. So is it true the Astros have no one like Palka? I very much disagree, their team put up a .749 OPS out of the DH spot last year and we outhit that thanks to Palka. Is Pederson on paper an upgrade over Palka in the OF? Yes. Is he worth the cost to the White Sox? Well as you said, only if you think this team is going to be 28 wins better than last year and you need Pederson to push it to 30.
    2 points
  25. Hate them together. Broadcast is unlistenable.
    2 points
  26. I hear you, but I didn't mean to imply teams have no Palkas. This is why I suggested looking "depth" on contending teams, not "individual guys". I'm sorry if it came across that way. But the players you bring up sort of reinforce my point. - From everything I've read this winter, upgrading over Gattis is a priority because they want better production than .4 WAR. Honestly they probably would've loved to have Joc Pederson at DH with his 2.3 WAR. - Marwin Gonzalez at 2.5 would have been the third best player on the Sox. Marwin friggin Gonazales - And their utility infielder (Marisnick) put up 1.7 WAR, which is what the Sox starting 1B put up. - Astros had 20 players at 1.0 WAR or higher. Sox had 10 (FYI, Dodgers had 17, Red Sox had 17) - Astros had 10 players at 2.0 WAR or higher. Sox had 5 (Dodgers had 13, Red Sox had 10) - Astros had 5 players at 3.5 WAR or higher. Sox had none (Dodgers had 6, Red Sox had 6) I hear what you're saying, I guess my point was in the scheme of constructing a lineup the Daniel Palkas of the world aren't worth losing any sleep over - there's bigger fish to fry. That's all. The Sox problem is not whether to keep Palka or not, it's that they don't have enough players that are significantly better than Palka or Gattis.
    1 point
  27. I don’t think Bummer is a run-of-the-mill lefty. He’s got pretty damn good stuff and had excellent peripherals last year. He’s also major league ready, pre-arb, and with multiple options. I actually think a lot of teams would have interest in him. Carson is obviously a total wild card with limited value, but given how poorly we’ve handled him I wouldn’t be surprised if there were teams eager to get him with their coaching staff and see if they can turn him around. I agree, it doesn’t feel like enough at face value, but then again I don’t see how Hahn makes this move unless the price is in his favor.
    1 point
  28. "Because he has an option left we're willing to send him to the minors for worse players if it also means landing Manny Machado".
    1 point
  29. I feel we will see some progress on the Manny front this week. In reality it’s been pretty quiet for the last week and in particular this weekend. If it’s a quiet day today I think it signals things have started to progress. I truly believe if we sign Manny it happens this week.
    1 point
  30. Thanks for sharing, appreciate it!
    1 point
  31. Who knows how legit that is but it was shared above.
    1 point
  32. This. Absolutely this. I get liking a player on your team. Even one that you know is not that great. I really liked Chris Getz when he was on the Sox, for reasons I really can't explain. But I knew he wasn't even remotely an answer to anything, with the possible exception of the question "Who are the mediocre players on your team?". You can like guys but be realistic. BA nails it above. If you want to see what depth looks like on a team that contends for a championship these days (not in 2005), look at the lineups for NY, Boston, or Houston. I think maybe it's just that Sox fans eyes have glazed over because we've gotten so used to watching a big giant pile of meh (#miredinmediocrity). When we see anyone that shows even the slightest bit of talent we get excited. Some people are so intent about hanging on to guys like Palka or Leury or "giving them a chance to show what they've got" while the Yankees are trying to figure out how to upgrade from a guy (Andujar) who would be one of the best players on the Sox, because they want even better. And, no, I'm not saying Joc Pederson is the second coming of anything. But compared to Palka, Joc does more things better. Plain and simple. He's a bridge for a couple years which, AT BEST, is all Palka would be. And Joc is a better bridge. Another thing that I think folks are missing is competitiveness in 2019. I totally get it when anyone thinks why bother with Joc because they're not competing in 2019 anyway - just see what Palka can give you (but see my points above). I think what everyone is missing is I'm really getting the impression that the Sox think they can compete in 2019 if they get Manny. So whether any of us think that's realistic or not, if that's what they believe, well, there's your answer as to why they'd want someone like Joc.
    1 point
  33. "* Two things to like about Joc Pederson, who is drawing interest from the White Sox and possibly the Braves and others: His strikeout rate has dropped for four consecutive seasons, from 29.1 percent to 27.3 to 21.1 to 19.2. He also crushes right-handed pitching: .893 OPS with 24 homers in 386 plate appearances last season, .842 OPS for his career."
    1 point
  34. Pederson would be a good addition to be a bridge until Robert and others are ready. If a trade for him only involves guys like Fulmer and Bummer, I'm more than okay with that. If the Sox do sign Machado and then trade for Pederson, the lineup looks a lot better for 2019.
    1 point
  35. Depends on the price but I agree, I'm fine with Palka playing RF (or LF depending on where they want Eloy).
    1 point
  36. I would hate to be in Hahn's position wrt a mystery team. I mean, if you're dead serious about winning the bidding war for Machado, having the "there's no mystery team" gamble backfiring on you would be devastating So how do you keep from bidding against yourself, and at the same time not allow a real mystery team to swoop in?
    1 point
  37. You'd have to break out the advanced stats, but probably means he's getting more fastballs over the plate in the 8th spot to retire him before the pitcher comes up...or trying to avoid walks in order to get the pitcher to lead off an inning. With the 1st spot, he's a lot more vigilant about taking walks and working deep into counts, but I'm not sure if that's borne out by the individual stats with Pederson in terms of more power hitting 8th or 1st, OBP, etc. A lot of leadoff hitters get fastballs because no pitcher wants to walk the top of the order and set up the big inning, especially starting out a game. That said, it's not like he's 1980's Vince Coleman or Tim Raines and a threat to run wild on the basepaths.
    1 point
  38. I know there's a new-age definition of racism that exists to kind of insulate the type of "white people are bad" talk that a lot of people like to engage in as a low form of humour, but that doesn't mean it is not bigoted. Same goes for the comment about white wide receivers earlier. Makes you look bitter. I'm dropping this now and will not revisit it under any circumstances, but I hope you take what I've written here seriously and consider that the bigotry you hold in your heart makes you part of the problem and not the solution. All the best.
    1 point
  39. Raging at the wealth and skin color of Robert Kraft isn’t going to change the first part for you. On the second part, we disagree, but that’s OK.
    1 point
  40. I enjoy watching greatness, and I'll be able to say I saw the greatest ever. Whatever he does from here on is just gravy and I love it
    1 point
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