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  1. I think this will all get wrapped up soon. And by soon I mean that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, therefore days, months, and even years is soon.
    5 points
  2. Seems like a defeatist attitude. Payroll is so low and inflation will allow White Sox to break that 128M by quite a bit. Market is low on Harper/Machado, now would be a great time to strike for both of them. You shouldn't be so quick to let the front office pocket the money. Let's see results.
    5 points
  3. Well this is certainly big Machado news
    4 points
  4. Stick with the rebuild. Don't spend money on mediocre free agents. That's what had the Sox stuck in mediocrity. Stars or stick with the rebuild
    4 points
  5. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start
    4 points
  6. Assuming this is fake like most believe, I think the most likely culprit is somebody from this message board.
    3 points
  7. I never said the Sox are in the lead. I just think if the Sox had no shot at him, Yonder wouldn't be publicizing that. I also don't think he would specifically FaceTime Manny and have two other teammates tell him they wanted him to sign if he knew they had no shot.
    3 points
  8. Bummer for Joc confirmed.
    3 points
  9. Glad to hear these guys aren’t a bunch of Derrick Rose’s.
    3 points
  10. I truely 100% think hes signing here. I dont know why you guys get so sad. It makes me sad. Seasonal depression is real. it’s contagious
    3 points
  11. Finding out what his day to day travel was, I can't imagine it was really that difficult of a decision even with his love for the organization and sport. Getting home at 3am after a 7pm previous day start? GTFOH
    3 points
  12. Moncada- unproven talent with upside frazier- older than manny, pretty one dimensional player Dunn- much older than manny also one dimensional Machado- young, proven, 5 tool player
    2 points
  13. If I wasn't so emotionally invested in this team, I wouldn't even care anymore. I am so beyond tired of thinking about this day after day after day. It's exhausting.
    2 points
  14. Tell us more. And, would it be permissible to disclose that? Also, would it be disadvantageous for the Sox?
    2 points
  15. So you’re J. Michael Robertson? I don’t see any other explanation.
    2 points
  16. Has to be bogus. If it were real, it would have said #SuperSecretSpecialSauces
    2 points
  17. I have no idea whether or not that has any validity at all but it would make an awful lot of sense considering the obvious hints they did drop at soxfest. That all stuck with me as someone who is excited to tell people awesome news but know they can’t quite yet. Too bad there really are no good sources with this. Hahn and company have kept the negotiations under wraps. I’m starting to believe the only people that know anything are the negotiators and player, that’s it. And maybe Alonso. Lol
    2 points
  18. Yonder wouldn't be face timing him right before the ceremonies if he didn't think they had a shot at him. There's absolutely no reason for him to do that and share it with the public then.
    2 points
  19. He’s going to be the Whitesox Valentines Day present ?
    2 points
  20. If you want to go down the "What he's worth" discussion, then according to Fangraphs, he was worth about $6.5M last year.
    2 points
  21. I think spring training will cause things to accelerate. That doesn’t mean this will end by the time players are supposed to report, but my guess is Machado will not want to miss a big chunk of camp. If nothing else, it will force things to get a bit more serious.
    2 points
  22. Takeover was great per usual. Didn’t think it was their best show but that’s just because everyone is always amazing. I’m pretty stoked for tonight. We’re staying at the same hotel as the wrestlers, kinda bizarre just seeing them around as normal people ha.
    2 points
  23. I have never once thought we should just move on.
    2 points
  24. At a certain point, the Sox should just give Harper a big offer if Lozano refuses to let this happen and if Harper signs it, then we have our whale. Imagine what Manny would get if Harper suddenly signed with the Sox and he no longer could use the Sox as leverage.
    2 points
  25. Pending Manny signing from WS side? Or else, we go after Harper. Pending Realmuto trade from LAD side? To ensure Verdugo not included. Don’t see the $200 session excuse. If I’m a Dodgers fan, I’m more pissed you made me go through it when you knew you were moving him. Just move him and give me my money back...
    2 points
  26. Hawk's the best announcer of all time.
    2 points
  27. I agree with you completely but I really hope the Sox are ready to blow that previous high out the water. I want 170/180 payrolls when this team is in its competitive window.of course hopefully with players that are possible final pieces for a championship and not a couple Jason Heywards
    1 point
  28. Realistically how much longer can this go on? Another month? Opening Day? Until all of us are in nursing homes?
    1 point
  29. That was not a Hahn quote, that was the reporters own comment and it is based off nothing other than the fact that Machado has not accepted the White Sox offer.
    1 point
  30. It seems like people don’t remember at all what Ozzie was like in 2009-2011 and especially the circus with his kids.
    1 point
  31. I believe that Hahn telling the media they won't land both is him getting ready to leverage this. I wouldn't be shocked if we learn that Harper and Sox have a meeting coming up should Manny not sign soon.
    1 point
  32. $4 million? They paid him twice what he's worth. Heck he made $3 mill in 2018 and was terrible...now he gets a 33% raise.
    1 point
  33. Os The trouble with Ozzie was that he had no idea what the political climate was in Miami and couldn't handle the backlash when it happened. That was a not a case of PC. It was a case of someone not knowing or understanding history. I think the reaction to his comments were over the top but that's how it is in Southern Florida. If he said that when he was managing the Sox, he would have gotten away with it. I don't know why he isn't managing elsewhere. Saying one unpopular thing shouldn't have done it. I know I don't want him managing the Sox again. If Ozzie wants to make peace with Sox fans, I'm fine with that. But it is time to move on. Same with Hawk.
    1 point
  34. I’ve been saying that the Sox should at least be engaging with Harpers people publicly to gain leverage in the Manny negotiations. They can use that. Tell Manny they only have room to sign one and they are getting closer with Harper. They kind of blew the opportunity to do that when they signed all of Mannys boys to show their commitment to him.
    1 point
  35. I might miss 1995 Hawk a little bit but Benetti is just leagues above 2017 Hawk. By the end you had to mute White Sox road games because Hawk was that bad. And Jason and Steve are already improving.
    1 point
  36. I feel like I've heard this before in the last 3 months, maybe I'm wrong ???
    1 point
  37. I would think the holdup is an additional pending move. Whether or not it’s the Dodgers or Sox who knows. I still think Realmuto is connected to this in some way though.
    1 point
  38. I was just talking to someone about what might be going on with this Joc trade, and could it be something as simple/courteous as the Dodgers/Sox waiting until after Dodger FanFest today so Joc could still attend and interact with the fans one last time? I mean, people spent $200 on a meet & greet with Joc today, so maybe both teams agreed to allow that to happen and not screw over the fans who paid to meet Joc. Just trying to rationalize what may have happened for all the smoke and even names mentioned on the first day, and then suddenly nothing since.
    1 point
  39. He's actually a fascinating person. If you haven't listened to his podcasts with Chuck, you definitely should.
    1 point
  40. I think Hawk is one of those things that people will miss more and more as time goes on. Right now some are happy he's gone because they're sick of him, but I think they'll begin to miss him at some point. Benetti is fine for what he is but Hawk is a whole different breed of announcer that we don't see anymore.
    1 point
  41. I might prefer Hawk to Benetti. Hawk has a passionate interest for Sox games that Benetti could never approach. Jason tries to lure Stone in on his curious tangents which always seem to crash in a baseball cul-de-sac.
    1 point
  42. He can’t get a job because he literally quit on a team and then was bad in his next job. Not to mention the game is far past his style. It’s not that complicated, quit trying to make it something it’s not.
    1 point
  43. Yes, because Ozzie is such a great manager and good person that no teams are interested in hiring him to manage their club. He quit on his team, fuck Ozzie.
    1 point
  44. Hawk Sucks and I don't miss him one bit. His commentary was like nails on a chalkboard any time he tried to analyze a player or 'tell a story'.
    1 point
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