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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Other than no-name randos on social media, has anyone seen anything that says White Sox don’t have the highest offer? Or that another team has even made an official offer...that may or may not exceed that of the Sox? There is a fine line of “not getting bent over” and “showing genuine interest”. The Sox have done a good job of showing that they are legitimately interested and will do what it takes to land Manny. They have also set the line in the sand that they won’t just acquiesce to egregious demands that the perceived Manny market was “supposed to be.” If it comes out later that some other team got Manny at say 8/250 and Sox wouldn’t pony up that 8th year, go after Hahn and the FO. Until then, people are indicting based on unsubstantiated claims and imperfect information.
    13 points
  2. So this thread really is something. I don't have sources but I do hear a lot of shit daily because I talk to people. I'd never share any of it here with strangers because it's not my info to tell and I definitely wouldn't share it under the current state of this message board. This place used to be great. It's really, really bad now. Dave, Brian, Shack, and Aaron are all good dudes and they get legit info. People share what they can share. I think everyone needs to relax and let everything play out. Calling out guys because they don't share info on your terms though? That's weak. Be better.
    11 points
  3. This isn’t some premium board where we’re paying for insider info. I appreciate people sharing information when they can.
    10 points
  4. I am not an insider I’m just a Sox news fiend that talks to a lot of people. And I’ve been on this forum for like 13 years and like to read and participate like anyone else. So now I am faced with the conundrum of wanting to participate honestly, given things I know to be true or not at all and watch you guys all trip over stuff that is nonsense. Thats really the only reason I sort of vaguely refer to things I’ve heard. Not because I want to brag.
    10 points
  5. Didn't pay much attention to him until this offseason. Wanted to believe he knew things, but looking like a clown. Possibly a D-bag clown at that. ?
    8 points
  6. Most of us who have contacts, try to use our info in a way that won’t compromise who told us. And remember we are fans too! But when things don’t turn out in the way we are told- posters really make it personal. So what’s the point in trying to share what we may know? Bottom line - the organization still thinks they get him. They have worked hard to do it. They aren’t being cheap or lazy but are squaring off against an agent who needs to make a payday for himself and future business. That is all. Have a great night and trust Hahn.
    6 points
  7. Ok, I’m just going to say it...we’re getting Machado in the next 10 days. The board has finally reached its breaking point and turned on its own. That tells me the baseball gods have finally seen enough suffering and will grant us the whale we much deserve. Also, no one should be giving Shack a hard time. He’s a high-integrity guy with strong connections and zero desire to pretend to be an insider for attention. If he provides a hint about something, just appreciate that he’s willing to share what he can.
    6 points
  8. “I wasn’t trashing anyone.” Yet you continue to call Shack “IamHack”. Again, what have you contributed? Why do you think that you get to trash respected members of the board? You can ask me what I contribute but the point of me asking is because I haven’t seen you done anything except act like a turd for no apparent reason. Btw, people like you are why myself among others don’t post nearly as much. Trolls like you ruin the experience of what used to be an awesome board.
    6 points
  9. WSD and Rabbit have sources. Whether they get complete info or post only what might be in the works with some limited info opens them up for unjust criticism. Me personally, like many others have said, prefer to get those teasers to dream upon versus nothing at all. I cast aside other new people that claim inside info until they prove they at least have access to someone important (both Rabbit ant WSD have at least interviewed Hahn...not something he offers to everyone) or break something. Now Bucket @macsandz is a whole other ball game. He does not “seek attention” nor make unbelievable claims. He rarely posts and very well might be someone in the org/front office. His posts are gold...and understandably vague at times.
    6 points
  10. Lol Didn’t you make your triumphant entrance to this board by saying you had inside info?
    6 points
  11. No wonder we have so many new insiders. They all get information they cannot share, and then if the team makes a move, that’s what they knew all along. So far, except for chili’s Herrera note, all the insiders on this board are 0 fer this winter.
    6 points
  12. Always funny when people trash people like Dave/Brian & then when they break something, those same people kiss their ass. Or better yet, when they feel they need some info, they are consistently asking them for it.
    6 points
  13. Lol its amazing how irrational people are. Take a step back pal.
    6 points
  14. We don’t need your kind around here, cartoon blue platypus.
    5 points
  15. Is this the part where we start eating our own dead in camp for nourishment?
    5 points
  16. Just curious, what have YOU contributed to this board? All I see you is you trolling & trashing people. What have you actually contributed to this board outside of acting like this?
    5 points
  17. I am going to say this. In all of the years that shack has been on Soxtalk, he has never been anything but honest and upfront. I have argued with him probably more than anyone here, and you won't here me say a bad thing about his character. I fully believe if he is telling people he heard something, he believes that it is the truth.
    5 points
  18. Well no, but it ticks me off when people boast about having inside information only to go off the grid when someone asks what they know. To me, there's no point of someone sharing that they know something if they aren't willing to elaborate at all.
    5 points
  19. WSD has proven to be 100% legit with his sources. He has scooped numerous White Sox transactions the last couple years.
    5 points
  20. Page 353 of this thread is a good summary of recent developments here: People jaded by “insiders”. No offense to IowaPG, who has since become a solid contributor, but it shows the issue of new people joining as “insiders” and spewing fabricated information. The beauty of page 353 is a real insider (Bucket) who barely posts decided to come on and debunk a myth by a wanna-be insider with a simple “Lol ?” For SoxTalk, that’s like Jordan’s fax in ‘95: ”I’m back”
    4 points
  21. I cant believe we have to go through this everyday with white sox Dave. I don't understand how dense you guys are. Just because you guys cant put politics out of your life and hate barstool doesn't mean white sox Dave "needs attention" or "doesn't have sources". We might have to make a thread to show every piece of news he's broken to get it across to people. I'm not even a WSD Stan, as I've expressed my displeasures with this offseason. But holy shit some of you guys are dense and annoying
    4 points
  22. To be fair, have you ever been happy about any move?
    4 points
  23. Send me $50 and I will fill you in.
    4 points
  24. How would anyone know what he knows if he hasn’t said a peep about it?
    4 points
  25. If you knew the info Dave knows today, and hasn’t made a peep about, you’d likely sing a different tune.
    4 points
  26. Ok I'm back from SoxFest. Where are we in the SoxTalk Manny Machado Thread Cycle? Death Spiral sky is falling? Overly optimistic over random unproven twitter poster? Pretending everything is wrestling?
    4 points
  27. Does anyone? He's been about 4 for 5 so far in the past month. I think I'll keep him.
    3 points
  28. Yeah, I was thinking maybe late this week
    3 points
  29. Dude, I'm on a train that is having some bad issues right now. I've already scouted out who I'm going to eat if I'm stranded here any longer.
    3 points
  30. Don't let those minor details get in the way of a poster's anti Dave/Brian/Shack rant.....
    3 points
  31. I don't get the hate for @iamshack. All he did was say we shouldn't get caught up in noise and that we're in a good place. I understand why he cant share more, because a lot of us will share the news and put him/his source/ the organization in jeopardy with a deal of this magnitude
    3 points
  32. I mean, you did exactly what he said.
    3 points
  33. You can't possibly expect insiders to post everything they know, do you? Now giving no info at all, like Dave did, is a bit annoying, but you can't expect him to give a full down of all the details. But some hints/clues/leads would be appreciated.
    3 points
  34. What is the point of anyone saying they're an insider or have sources or post eyeballs if they don't tell anyone what they know? Is it purely to brag? I genuinely don't get it.
    3 points
  35. Passan in 30 minutes - "White Sox OUT on Machado"
    3 points
  36. If he hasn’t said a peep about it, how would you know what he knows?
    3 points
  37. EXACTLY. If they share something, even if it's something as small as ?, it's legit. Maybe something holds it up. Maybe it falls apart. Maybe it happens. Regardless, people should just be happy to get some info. Especially given how this offseason has been where solid info is concerned.
    3 points
  38. He definitely knows someone who works for the org in some way, but yeah the last part is still true regardless.
    3 points
  39. He didn’t realize the posts from early in this thread are over a month old.
    3 points
  40. I can't believe it is almost February and we are still dealing with this bullshit.
    3 points
  41. Nothing about any progress made in the last 48 hours nor about it being in addition to Machado.If there was something else about progress share a link. I totally disregard heresay at this point. This is what I was referencing on the 48 hours things; it’s from Fegan’s The Athletic article : “It’s not over yet for me,” Hahn said of offseason moves for the Sox. “The way the free-agent market or even the trade market by extension has played out over the last several winters, we’ve sort of moved away from SoxFest on the calendar being the unofficial start of the season, the kickoff before spring training. They’re still on our mind, conversations we’ve had the last 48 hours. There’s still three to four potential acquisitions that we’re working on.” https://theathletic.com/787220/2019/01/27/with-or-without-machado-rick-hahn-says-white-sox-arent-done-adding/
    3 points
  42. None of these quotes change anything to me. What's he supposed to say? "If we don't get Machado we will have wasted money/players on our current acquisitions and our fan base will revolt!". That's just more fuel for MM's camp to ask for more money. He has to act like it will be all good if we don't sign him.
    3 points
  43. He might not have been ready for that one but the best answer he could have given was "Our fans will be happy if we put a championship team on the field, we do feel Machado can be a part of that but our fans will not be satisfied until we reach that goal".
    3 points
  44. Lmao! Once Manny signs this thread should be donated for psychological evaluation. Much can be learned from this thread.
    3 points
  45. Again, what else is he supposed to say given that question? Publicly acknowledging that they need him as bad as they do would only make Hahn's job more difficult.
    3 points
  46. Hahn could be getting the fans ready for disappointment. OR Hahn could be signaling to Machado's agent that the Sox could go another direction if they had to. There is absolutely zero chance that this gets done today. (reverse psychology)
    3 points
  47. Wow, everyone needs to relax a little. Allowing the Padres to worry you? My goodness.
    3 points
  48. This really annoys me. You traded for Manny's brother in law that didn't fit the depth chart and help a division rival shed salary. You over paid for his best friend coming off of a down year. You traded a young catcher for a 2 year reliever and replaced him with James Mccan. You traded for an average at best 5th starter. You paid Kelvin Herrera a very comparable annual salary to Ottavino. No Hahn, without Machado this wasn't a good offseason by any stretch of the imagination. And guess what Hahn? Until the White Sox get with the times and give a 100+ contract to someone, there wont be a parade.
    3 points
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