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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Even tho this isnt Manny related, I hope you guys all are safe during this ridiculous cold weather. My employer is a giant fuck face and I have to work today in -60 degree temps. Luckily I'm inside, but still. I hope your employers care more about you than mine. Good luck, guys. I consider this place an extended family.
    7 points
  2. And he still wouldn't sign hoping you would up your offer again... which you probably would cuz you're increasing your offer for no reason now...
    5 points
  3. You'll get your earthquake soon enough.
    5 points
  4. *wakes up* *see two pages of haikus* *goes back to bed forever*
    5 points
  5. My gut feeling is that the Padres are only being mentioned so Lozano can squeeze more money out of the Sox.
    4 points
  6. I really think putting Collins in Charlotte is a mistake. Splitting playing time between Collins and Zavala slows both their development for one thing. Also Collins had major issues with AA pitching as it is - why throw him into a league with more mature pitchers? And nearly everyone feels Collins is not nearly ready to be a catcher full time, and they want to rush him up? Makes no sense to me. Feels like someone trying to protect their reputation by advancing a high pick even if they aren't ready.
    3 points
  7. Turn the kid with not 1, but 2 TJ surgery's into a starter for a pitcher who hasn't topped 52 IP in a season since at least 2014? Yikes.
    3 points
  8. Especially if you are out in it.
    3 points
  9. 65 and sunny here in Venice, California. We got our doors open with a great view of the beach
    3 points
  10. All I know is that MLB needs to quit sending so many BS push notifications until this is done. Every time I see one I get all excited, and then it is some crap article about fielding a team of prospects? AAAAAAAAAARTRRGGHHHH!!!
    3 points
  11. Someone didn't pay attention during the poetry unit
    3 points
  12. I think I am going into hibernation. Wake me in spring to tell me where Machado signed.
    2 points
  13. Lol then why post it when you did, Dave!
    2 points
  14. I told Manny to please sign with the Sox on his IG Live just now. Hopefully he'll listen.
    2 points
  15. Have you seen the combined start totals for MLB pitchers with multiple TJ surgeries? Not good.
    2 points
  16. The White Sox should increase their offer and make it end, imo.
    2 points
  17. https://nyp.st/2RZTtJm Phillies GM is saying they only get one just as Hahn said. They clearly don't want to pony up over Sox offer on Machado if they think they land Harper. While the timing may still be down the road...the narrative really is similar to JD last year where the deals are not outrageous and it gets done in February.
    2 points
  18. My wifey just said Chicago has turned into jotunheim.
    2 points
  19. Who the fuck is Marwyn Fernandez?
    2 points
  20. 65 is cold for California. You are a liar, you're wearing a coat lol.
    2 points
  21. This is the killer for me. Starting pitchers used to be main attractions - guys like Ryan, Doc Gooden, Randy Johnson, Maddux - their starts were appointment viewing. Now, outside of Sale, DeGrom, Scherzer, maybe Verlander - who are you tuning in to watch? Baseball's devolved into 5 innings of starting pitching, and then an endless parade of anonymous flamethrowing relievers who blow their arms out and are replaced by the another carbon copy - and this leads to excess strikeouts, 45 minute innings with 3 and 4 pitching changes, etc, etc - just as the drama of the game should be building in the late innings. Fix this, bring back the attraction of the starting pitcher, and you fix baseball, IMHO. Tanking is a problem, but IMHO, the problem is that it takes 4-5 years to really rebuild. Tweak the draft/acquisition process so that teams can turn around much more quickly, and that will fix itself.
    2 points
  22. Alright, I think it’s officially time for a new thread. This one has brought nothing but pain, suffering, Haikus, and random Caulfield references.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. There once was a sauce from Nantucket Who thought Mannys contract was in the bucket It turned out to be wrong We all turned to song And now we have decided to say f@#$ it.
    2 points
  25. Isn’t this from the theme song of Beauty & the Beast? Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast
    2 points
  26. He wasn't searching for mechanics until the Nationals tried to change them. He has only been obsessed since others started messing with it. This is one reason that the Sox a d Cooper don't mess with mechanics ala Sale unless something really significant happens.
    2 points
  27. Ortiz costing more than Frank Thomas is just hilarious to me.
    2 points
  28. Soria last year, Swarzak and Kahnle the year before. What we would really like to see of course is improvement from Rodon, Giolito, and Lopez.
    2 points
  29. Didn't we just trade a couple relievers last year that everybody said wouldn't be worth anything when we acquired them... and the year before. No he doesn't "fix" everybody, but he has a strong track record of success...
    2 points
  30. That’s not a passage describing someone responding well to thoughtful mentorship or even tough love. That’s the description of someone who thinks Norris is being a jackass but is smart enough not to give quotes to a reporter about it lest he catch even more flak. Teeth. Badgering. Merciless. Harshest way possible. All this in service of a veteran — a veteran who is on record with some pretty damn intemperate comments when it comes to respecting his fellow ballplayers — who seems to be making one of the organization’s brightest young stars miserable. https://mlb.nbcsports.com/2018/07/11/bud-norris-is-mercilessly-riding-and-badgering-cardinals-pitcher-jordan-hicks/ Geez. Each article you've cited pretty much encapsulates why journalists in this country are less popular than people who let their dogs shit in their neighbors' yards. First, one word in that choppy procession of scary sounding words about Norris' treatment of Hicks actually comes a participant in the events. "Teeth", and it's not even in context. Everything else is the panicky NBC guy quoting words put in (not quoted) by the Athletic writer. Calcaterra assumes that "I have no idea. No comment." shows Hicks thinks Norris "is being a jackass but is smart enough not to give quotes to a reporter about it lest he catch even more flak." Which is total speculation. I want reporters to tell me facts, not what they think, because, frankly, I don't think reporters are all that smart. Second, I don't really care if Hicks likes it or not. Don't want tough love? Be on time. The idea that mercilessly maintaining a certain standard among your employees is hazing is pathetic. By that measure, I haze my employees constantly. For example, I was talking to a large group of my subordinates the other day after some training, and one of them is sitting there playing on her phone, like I'm some nobody. I called her out by name and said, "Am I boring you?" I told her direct supervisor in privacy afterward that she was to be counseled in writing. Was that merciless? Was that badgering? Was that the harshest way possible? I don't know. I don't care. Hopefully, at this point, this particular employee knows that we aren't fucking around here. Maybe she'll learn; if not, I'll send her ass home. If she doesn't want this sort of attention, she should do the right thing. I'm sorry some people have this wimpy, soft conception of leadership in this country, but that's what it takes to maintain good order and discipline. Third, "pretty damn intemperate comments"? Give me a break. He points out that the globalization of baseball has brought different cultures into a sort of conflict. He sees baseball as an American game (breaking news: it is), and he wants to keep that American influence. He doesn't say this in an insulting way (unless, of course, you're the sort that's offended because someone tells you to be on time). He even says that he and the union welcome these outside influences! Only in 2019 America is the idea that cultures clash something controversial. Guess what? Cultures clash when they meet. If that wasn't the case, we wouldn't have phrases like "culture shock", we wouldn't find anything of interest in dozens upon dozens of movies, such as A Bronx Tale, Coming to America, and the, at this point, too many Crocodile Dundee movies, and I wouldn't have the label of war veteran, with several friends laying dead because of those wars. Is it silly to whine about this undeniable, never-ending conflict in the context of a game, which is supposed to be fun? Maybe so. But if that's the way Bud Norris feels, that's the way he feels. And it is actually acceptable to defend the American nature of things, and to want that nature maintained into the future. I've learned by this point that Craig Calcaterra is a moron, and the insidious racist undertones that he inserts in the paragraph after quoting Norris are his creation, not Norris'.
    2 points
  31. Maybe we can set up an interview with Dan Clark and ask why he’s so confident the Yankees will sign Machado, and what tangible evidence this is based on...we really need Harper/Boras to make a move with the Phillies or at least ask for a formal offer if one hasn’t already been extended. You forgot to mention Source Wars as well, that’s pretty much all that has happened this week so far.
    1 point
  32. What was that, 1985 Fleer? How much is that card worth today, 25 cents? Ice Ice Baby — Why Quantum Computers have to be cold It’s a cold, cold world out there if you’re a qubit. Quantum computers are cold. In fact, many quantum computers have to be kept to near absolute zero temperatures. For the non-chemists in the room, absolute zero means 0 Kelvin. 0 Kelvin = -273.15 Celsius = -459.67 Farenheit! Almost -460 degrees Fahrenheit!! Think about it, coldest temperature on record was in Antartica at -128.6 Fahrenheit. The world literally cannot be cold enough for these computers.
    1 point
  33. Manny, A Couple Hot Ass Deals Offered. Sign It Good Now, No One Waits
    1 point
  34. Below freezing temps Rick Hahn makes his brilliant move Anderson to catch
    1 point
  35. ...Neither of whom is Kyrie Irving.
    1 point
  36. You can also argue that the decision to keep Castillo and adding Colome/Herrera all have Machado overtones or connections. I saw someone wrote we we weren’t far from having the first all-time MLB completely Hispanic lineup paired with a Hispanic manager. We’d have to bench Timmy, though. Moncada Machado Abreu Alonso Jimenez Castillo Yolmer Leury Jay (parents are Cubanos) Lopez/Colome/Herrera
    1 point
  37. He totally is. Jay and Alonso pretty much drive that thought home. I think the Sox didn't think they stood a chance with Manny, and once they realized the Yankees were not serious players for they jumped at the chance.
    1 point
  38. Caulfield, I actually really like you as a poster, but I think this thread may have caused you to go insane.
    1 point
  39. I think Banuelos is a bit different than most reclamation projects. For one, we actually traded for him despite the fact he would have been a minor league free agent. Given that our organization has one of the largest scouting departments in the majors, these are the types of signings that should theoretically pay dividends in the long-run. Guess we’ll have to see if zagging when everyone else is zagging works out here.
    1 point
  40. Dead. In his own head. One who constantly thinks of his mechanics will never settle in on the proper mechanics. He's obsessed with his mechanics and blames all his shortcomings on them. As someone who changed his hand position, stance, and load after and during every major slump of my life - into college - I understand that searching for success in your mechanics takes the natural talent and flow of your game away. Mechanics matter but if you're in the big leagues making mechanical overhauls, you're in trouble. Gio would be better off focusing on learning to deal with lesser stuff than searching for that stuff. He should learn to pitch with the stuff he has now, in my opinion. I hope I'm horribly wrong about giolito.
    1 point
  41. Oh, the MoccBomb dope again. How much of a douchebag do you have to be to not only make up false rumors to get attention, but to make a stupid name for your rumors? This guy is like the Shermanator.
    1 point
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