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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2019 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. You know, there are posters I disagree with on this board. But your posts hurt my eyes.
    6 points
  3. I read this post in an eastern European accent.
    6 points
  4. 6 points
  5. Why is this in the Manny thread? Didn’t know it was a catch-all for “hot takes”.
    5 points
  6. You are really gonna call someone stupid while writing this post right here? Really?
    5 points
  7. If you spent one day in my fiances classroom watching her teach. And then hangout with us at home after work watching all the work she does to prepare and better the students, I can assure you that your statement is not correct.
    5 points
  8. Fathom you've posted almost every single random schmuck claiming to be a Cubs insider. Dude who got an "interesting text" got your blood pressure up.
    4 points
  9. Did Kopech, Cease, Madrigal, Robert, Dunning, Collins, Rutherford, etc die?
    3 points
  10. There will undoubtedly not be a better opportunity to sign a marquee FA in the foreseeable future for the White Sox. I’m glad no one seems to be forcing them to increase their bid, but if they need to step in and say “okay, now that you see there is no higher bid out there, let’s talk about a slightly higher number that will make you happy” in order to stop him from doing the pillow contract thing, then they need to get it f’n done. The only reason they’re even on this thing is that the stars have aligned in their favor. They cannot come away empty-handed.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. You will come back every day and comment like you do every day even though every day you say you won't come back until "X" happens
    3 points
  13. wow. yea, you're "that guy" alright.
    3 points
  14. 2 points
  15. It’s Michael Reinsdorf or a Soxtalk Member. There is no in between here! If I had my druthers, I would guess it is @Whitesox27 burner account
    2 points
  16. If I was a lawyer, I would totally try his arguing skills in court: Your honor, this man should be convicted! I’m sure there is a law somewhere that says so. Anyone who has confidence in him being innocent must be his friend.
    2 points
  17. I'll be honest i'll have no recollection of ya...
    2 points
  18. I am guessing by the lack of substance in your posts, you didn't actually do any research here and are just presenting conjecture as fact. Then to cover that up you are trying to get everyone else to do the work you should have done before just making stuff up. Once someone finds something to contradict you, then you move the goalposts to somewhere else. I mean there might be some slack to cut if you had a history of in depth posting and great reasoning combined with excellent research and sound logic, but we have seen the exact opposite of that in your short time here. As you said, I would love to be proven wrong and all, but I don't see it.
    2 points
  19. What did you think of AJ Pierzynski and his stature as a major league hitter? Was he also garbage? Statistically, Collins is better offensively based solely on MiLB numbers. AJP had 2500 minor league plate appearances before he was called up, with a .739 OPS. Collins has had roughly HALF the PAs (in a park that is known to suppress power) and has posted a .805 OPS. Better write him off though, because ya know... batting average is the only offensive statistic that matters.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Maybe if Engel didn't look like he was swinging a bat for the first time ever, we would view him differently.
    2 points
  22. Even ignoring that Jay is aged, that his numbers declined last year and might decline further, it's wrong to assume he will get on base at a higher clip than Moncada. In a year that was pretty bad for him and his expectations, Yoan still got on base at a clip of only .015 lower than Jay. If he improves a hair, he's beating Jay. And I don't even want Moncada batting leadoff.
    2 points
  23. Why does everyone have Jon Jay leading off in their mock lineups? He should not be getting more at-bats than Moncada or Anderson.
    2 points
  24. 4 months ago NO ONE thought that was out of line.
    2 points
  25. Which was shot down by The Athletic within hours
    2 points
  26. Law generally is more pessimistic about Sox prospects, but he has good reasons for it as the Sox have demonstrated to be very poor at drafting and developing their own players.
    2 points
  27. The 3rd sentence is what my guy has been saying as well, saying as soon as Harper signs, Manny to the Sox should happen very shortly after, possibly even the same day. But that seemed more speculative than anything else, and it seemed likely enough, so I didn't bother posting it.
    2 points
  28. Not to be that guy but teachers truly are a dime a dozen whereas athletes like AD, Butler, Machado and Harper are the elite of the elite.
    2 points
  29. That account has been inaccurate on a lot of stuff since it started.
    2 points
  30. Glad I wasn't the only one who was having that problem.
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. It means he has signed a 12 year 350 million dollar contract with the White Sox
    2 points
  33. Look at the NBA, those superstars are now holding their teams hostage with trade requests...AD, Porzingis, Butler, Irving, etc. The owners are making record profits and every year, less of that money is going to the players. Are you going to ask them to sacrifice...if not, why should the players be the ones to give in? If you were a schoolteacher on strike and you thought you deserved $30 per hour, would you readily accept going back to work for just $17.50? And what about all those teachers coming after you who will be locked into lower salaries as well...because you were willing to settle for 42% less than what you’re worth in terms of historical production and your being only 26.
    2 points
  34. They should do whatever is best for them, their families and their wallets.
    2 points
  35. Mostly enacted through the salary floor that is dictated based off of revenues from the previous years (one of the reason there is a delay in FA in basketball is that is tabulated then the salary floor and cap is defined). If any one team employs players for less than the salary floor, they would pay a dividend to that teams players whatever the difference is. There actually may even be an end of year accounting to ensure it was hit that may get paid out to players if it wasn't. The same for teams over the luxury tax, except that is paid out to other nba teams.
    1 point
  36. As a Bears fan, it's sucks to think about but in order to feel better, I remember that Parkey would have definitely missed an important kick or two in LA, NO or the Super bowl
    1 point
  37. That said, by this time next week Machado will be a White Sox.
    1 point
  38. As if the Patriots and their fans aren't insufferable enough, the fact that they are STILL playing this bullshit underdog story is wildly tonedeaf. I loved this video that's going around right now...
    1 point
  39. Coaching matters much more in football. They're just the perfect duo. I don't think they would have won more than 3 championships with any other coach/QBs in the same situation
    1 point
  40. I will say one thing. It's wrong if pitchers and catchers report and these two guys haven't signed yet. They are looking at huge dollars no matter where they choose. They should sign and get to their teams. If they don't that's bullcrap.
    1 point
  41. Anybody watch halftime heat? I'm going to turn it on now
    1 point
  42. Yahoo Fantasy Baseball opened this weekend. I was hoping to be super hyped for baseball at this time.... but until Harper and Machado sign, I can't commit to anything. I'm sad.
    1 point
  43. Players have off days and deserve some personal space. Abreu has been nothing short of awesome with kids in any interaction I’ve ever seen at numerous SoxFests. I’ve met him a few times as well and he’s always very friendly.
    1 point
  44. It did happen. AJ got hit in the cajones during practice and went down. The trainer came over and asked him how he felt. AJ punched there and told him, "like that."
    1 point
  45. I don’t think that’s relevant. Everybody in the baseball world knows how good our farm system is, that we have a ton of up and coming talent, and that our contention window is about to open in a weak division where even the reigning champ is known to be on its way down. Remember that it was revealed that Bryce was very interested in our prospects during our meeting. These guys are looking at our pretty bright future, not our gloomy recent past.
    1 point
  46. This is one of my favorite posts of all time. You literally rip on me for using the “limited data Forbes has access to” (which I’m not doing) and then you proceed to use Forbes’ operating income estimates to make your entire argument. Second, I must question your business acumen when you only use operating profit and claim financing doesn’t matter. See when you have this thing called debt, you also have this thing called interest. Servicing their debt load eats always at their earnings / cash flow from operations. And how do you think the Cubs have been paying for the Wrigley renovations, their new spring training facility, all the rooftops, their boutique hotel, their triangle building, etc. Yeah, that shit isn’t free bro and how the Cubs finance those expenditures is extremely fucking important and impacts their cash flow position.
    1 point
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