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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2019 in all areas

  1. If you actually read and digested any of the replies to your idiotic posts you'd understand why your archaic, simple minded ideas elicit such vitriol. You know absolutely nothing about modern sports, I'm talking just the basic machinations here, it's fucking embarrassing. It would take approximately 5 minutes for you to broaden your horizons but you refuse to do so, I've been researching this shit for about 15 years now, it's actually fun, invigorating and I can talk about sports without sounding like a fucking simpleton but it required a modicum of effort which you're clearly unwilling to give. In my fucking spare time I created things like the attached (now copied by the likes of Spotrac) and read through the CBA so I knew it like the back of my hand, I did this for fun, imagine someone trying to hold down a job in the sports reporting industry not even committing to this level. I'm one of the few that believes you're not trolling, that you're just this fucking stupid, you absolutely take pleasure in riling people up but you're not smart enough to come up with posts as shit brained as these, you just type out the dumb shit on your mind, people react and you get off on it. Please, for the love of god just fuck off, buttercup.
    12 points
  2. The White Sox wouldn't need additional security or security on call for a freaking press conference. They might need it if some other team was having a press conference announcing Machado's signing.
    9 points
  3. Please only report back when it fits into the narrative we want. Thank you.
    7 points
  4. Personal attacks, should be suspended
    5 points
  5. The next new thread should be the one that confirms a signing of Machado. Until then, this is home. We must persevere.
    5 points
  6. Anyone able to upload the video for those off us that don’t have Instagram because we’re not 20 year old girls that want to show off our lip-filler pics?
    4 points
  7. well the thread title was truer than we knew.
    4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. I feel like the Marlins have done a horrific job with their firesale. Realmuto (Best catcher in baseball) for Sanchez (stud prospect but has never even thrown 100 innings in a season), Alfaro (decent young catcher who will be coming up on FA by the time the Marlins have any chance of competing) and a fringe prospect. Yelich (NL MVP) for Isan Diaz, Monte Harrison, Jordan Yamamoto and Lewis Brinson. The big pieces here were Brinson and Harrison and Harrison was a disaster in the minors last year and based on returns to date I'd be pretty surprised if Brinson is ever a good hitter. Ozuna for Alcantara (probably a back of rotation starter), Magneuris Sierra (I'm very comfortable saying he will never be a good hitter), Zac Gallen (maybe getting a back of rotation starter), and Daniel Castano (basically a non-prospect) Giancarlo Stanton for Starlin Castro, Jorge Guzman, and Jose Devers That is two MVP caliber players (albeit one making crazy money), a good cost controlled outfielder and the best catcher in baseball and it is very possible they wind up with just a couple fringe outfielders and back of rotation starters in return. Yikes.
    4 points
  10. For the record, does WSD later take credit for the "scoop" since he tweeted this? This is why I cringe when people put too much stock on "insiders." People here argue "Dave knows more than you think". When you have to pluck out Hector's report to reinforce your stand, tells me you don't have jack shit on your end to report.
    4 points
  11. We can see like 6 inches of the locker next to it. You guys are losing your minds.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Shall I revert back to Greggypoo? Come on man - you know I love you.
    3 points
  14. Whatever, let me know when Harper marries his sister.
    3 points
  15. His Jordan tweet kinda sorta insinuated it happening today.
    3 points
  16. My sources say you're watching Pitch Perfect 2 on FXXHD right now
    3 points
  17. Someone needs to put this cat down.
    3 points
  18. WBAL in Baltimore is reporting that Hall of Famer Frank Robinson is dead at the age of 83 from bone cancer. Fabulous player who never took any ****. MVP, many times an All-Star, won the Triple Crown in 1966. First African-American manager in MLB. Also he was a guy the Sox tried to get in the 60's, the offer they made to Cincinnati was better than the one they eventually took from Baltimore. Another one of those "might have been" that changed the course of the franchise. RIP to truly a great, great player.
    2 points
  19. Neither Harper or Machado are going to the Yankees. If they did, they would run into the same exact issues that the Cubs are. They wouldn't be able to keep Judge and buy pitching when Paxton is a FA in 2021, Tanaka is a FA in 2021, Happ 2022, Sabathia is done after this year, and Severino is going to be looking for Ace money in 2021. You also have to factor into that these guys are going into their arbitration years. Based on how on how the FA market is now, players will make more money in Arbitration because there is an actual arbitrator who will determine their salary. The Yankees will eventually need starting pitching and a lot of it. Andujar allows them to save money to eventually have to go out and get pitching they need. Not to mention, Andujar is a very good player and to have a player at that cost isn't worth the price of Machado. Now that Clint Frazier is healthy and if he plays to expectations Harper isn't worth the cost either. Not to mention, they can find a cheap OF to fill that spot so they can splurge on the starting pitching they will eventually need. Yankees aren't signing either. It doesn't make sense long term for them UNLESS they literally fall right into their lap below a $200 mil mark.
    2 points
  20. Looks like the Sox picked up another 2018 signing: Wilber Sanchez INF. He played on the 2017 Venezuelan 15u team, so he is 17 maximum. Its been hard to find much on him. He pitched in a game against team USA 15u and did pretty well (at least compared to how most do), but the prospect league he is a part of repeatedly said INF for him. This was the only video I could find of his swing, but there are a bunch of other posts with him on that EBPAcademy instagram. Easiest way to see them might be to search for him on twitter and look through their instagram linked tweets. I was also able to find a two game sample from a different prospect league in which he went 2-8, 1 HR, 2 BB, 0 K, 2 SB, 1 CS.
    2 points
  21. Listen, I know before I sign my hundred million dollar free agents I clean out a closet and visualize them there and ask if It sparks joy or does not
    2 points
  22. To be fair, that is an empty locker
    2 points
  23. Clearly a sign that Machado is signing as soon as they can find enough security to cover a press conference.
    2 points
  24. Welcome back, good Sir. But be careful with insightful analytics as we have a whole host of new tweens with insider sources. You may actually impact the FO’s signings and trades if this stuff gets out...
    2 points
  25. This thread wasn't able to make a Machado signing happen. It's bad luck. Can't argue with that logic.
    2 points
  26. I've said it a billion times, but I still think Fulmer could be a solid reliever. If he can somewhat command his pitches, he should be good enough to pitch an inning at a time out of the bullpen.
    2 points
  27. I just can't give GarPax any benefit of the doubt, these guys are jokes. So when they say they are committed to Boylen for next season I 100% believe it and I also buy into the theory that it's because they don't want multiple coaches on the payroll to save face. My god that franchise is a mess. I'm legit rooting for the Knicks to pull off their super offseason, at this point the only thing that might *possibly* wake up Bulls ownership are loss in ST holders and being the absolute laughing stock of the NBA (more than they pretty much are already)
    2 points
  28. Fulmer went to Driveline this winter and apparently saw huge spikes in velocity and spin rates. While I wouldn't tell the Dodgers "no" if they demanded Fulmer, I am very curious to see how that Driveline work translates for him.
    2 points
  29. I have no idea what this post means.
    2 points
  30. 100% disagree here. Three months from now Fulmer could have zero value, while Joc is a cheap, useful player that could be traded at deadline and return sometime greater if necessary. The only reason you don’t make trade is if you’re convinced Driveline can return Carson to former 1st round pick glory.
    2 points
  31. Jason Kinander- "Spoke to some sources and wasn't able to gather anything concrete on Joc but Sox fans should feel pretty good...."
    2 points
  32. At this point, if the Sox announced him at a press conference, with Jerry, Kenny, Hahn and Manny, Alonso and Jay I would still be skeptical.
    2 points
  33. Let’s be honest, the security blurb never made any sense. The real smoke is coming from Gomez. His confidence is growing at a rapid pace and this Jordan tweet truly makes me think something is close to happening.
    2 points
  34. They buy tickets, so their opinions are quite literally the opposite of worthless. Your gatekeeping, OTOH, is worthless.
    2 points
  35. Doesn't look like the press conference is today. Maybe they couldn't get enough security.
    2 points
  36. Acquiring players just to attract the FA whales, Phillies please. White Sox have been doing this for months.
    2 points
  37. He's said numerous times lately he hasn't heard much recently regarding Machado.
    2 points
  38. If this guy is wrong, can we please stop sharing Tweets from randos on Twitter? That would be amazing.
    2 points
  39. Guys, please stop discrediting the security story. That is very inconsiderate because it fits the narrative of what I want to believe. ?
    2 points
  40. I've got cub friends that retweet Charles as gospel and truly believe they're getting Harper. They're getting all riled up like it's only a matter of time. My schadenfreude is strong on this one. I say keep it going, Mr. Cat!
    2 points
  41. Whatever this man is doing is scaring me.
    2 points
  42. Way too much smoke for this not to happen in the next 30 hours or so.
    2 points
  43. How much security do you need for a press conference? Scott Merkin is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad man.
    2 points
  44. WTF does that mean... he should have just said poop repeatedly... it would have provided the same information.
    2 points
  45. Basically you have a contract that has years and a salary increase that the team can opt in to after a certain point but if they do not choose to opt in to it then the player can choose to opt out. So you can have a contract that is a base of 7/210, but the opt in time is after the third year. If the team opts in it will add a year or two to the end of the contract and increase the AAV for years 4-7. If the team decides not to opt in, then the player has the option to opt out early. So basically if the player is doing good then they get the higher amount because the team can't risk the player opting out. If the player does really bad they have the security of the base contract.
    1 point
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