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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2019 in all areas

  1. That game would be forfeited due to their inability to field a full team.
    5 points
  2. Hey Tony. If there is a "garbage post", YOU are the one who posted it. Someone run over your cat? I come on this site and enjoy reading comments from other Sox fans and I find your "garbage" response. There was nothing wrong with my post. Baseball is a game for the fans, INCLUDING the children. What is wrong with my asking just how much money is too much? Yes, I want Machado or Harper to sign with my team. Yes, I want it to happen now. What is wrong with that? You have a nice day and go bully someone else.
    4 points
  3. I feel like getting Manny and one of Sale/Cole/Bumgarner next offseason is better than getting both Machado and Harper now. The Sox need a legit ace to put at the front of an inexperienced rotation.
    3 points
  4. "Sources tell me that the Giants are offering Harper a short term contract because he wants to sign with the Cubs, but they need a few years to divest from Heyward. #HotStove ? #Meow ?"
    3 points
  5. Whelp, I just dreamt that Machado signed with the Sox. First time that has happened. This is a new low.
    3 points
  6. IDK. That guy was a 2x little league gold glover. He might have some sources!!!!
    2 points
  7. After they sign Manny I think the best realistic outcome would be trading for Joc Pederson and signing Ervin Santana or Gio Gonzalez to round out the rotation.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. This actually used to be a decent thread
    2 points
  10. The three batter minimum is dumb. Don’t tell managers how to manage. Then tell the offensive manager that he can’t replace a hitter once he’s announced. No more pinch hitting after the opposing manager makes a pitching change. And what does three batters mean? Are we going to see a relief pitcher come in a play first base or left field and flip flop between hitters? What if the manager brings in two pitchers at once? Does pitcher playing first base for the first batter fall under these rules? Can’t he play first base for Batter 1, pitch to Batter 2 and then be replaced by a backup first baseman for Batter 3? Flip flopping players like that takes just seconds. Probably done by the time the on deck hitter walks to the plate.
    2 points
  11. ^ It's true. As you can tell by all of the people who are still allowed to post here.
    2 points
  12. I think we just ban him. SS2K5 loves good excuse for banning people
    2 points
  13. If this is the first time you dreamt of Machado signing with the Sox, you’re probably doing better than most of us.
    2 points
  14. Thread title says it all. Was thinking we'd sit lower corners for $20/ a piece. Maybe if he gets called up during a road trip it would give me enough time to get group tix for a discount.
    1 point
  15. Your fantasy about where you are in the world is about going to work? That's pretty lame lol
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. What happens first....manny signs or Eloy makes his debut??
    1 point
  18. fathom was just giving an example of the type of tweets out there claiming Machado to the Sox. He was not trying to pass it off as something legitimate.
    1 point
  19. Best possible breaking of story would be Manny just there when all players report.
    1 point
  20. This Manny saga reminds me of Stand By Me when Corey Feldman tells the other kids to hurry up or the kid won’t even be dead anymore LOL. Hurry up Manny! I’m ready for this signing to be finalized
    1 point
  21. I’m not against Kuechel if his market is depressed and he’s willing to accept a team friendly deal like Pollock did. He wouldn’t be as sexy as Sale, Cole, or Verlander, but those guys should have huge markets next year and it may be prudent to grab a veteran starter while we can if he can be had on the cheap.
    1 point
  22. Working at Balmoral race track while in college, the worst job was the horse meat wagon. Getting the lame horses off the track so the vet could put them down then hauling the dead horse away felt like beating a dead horse for far too long.
    1 point
  23. I would bet that he debuts on Monday April 15th vs Kansas City FWIW
    1 point
  24. As Pat Foley likes to say Patrick Kane got his turdy turd goal of the year with tree turdy tree left in the turd. Hawks win 7th in a row 5-2 over Red Wings, Strome Kahun DeBrincat line had 1st 3 goals for Hawks. Kane extends point streak to 14 games with a goal.
    1 point
  25. Nope, in a race you'll always beat a dead horse
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. A Redditor did a breakdown of Devin Booker vs. Zach LaVine It's pretty insane how close the two are. https://old.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/ap4uou/why_is_devin_booker_a_franchise_cornerstone_and/
    1 point
  28. Geez, man. I am absolutely on the business side of things, and think it's silly that either party (owners or players) do anything but act ruthlessly in their own financial interest, and I also reject the occasional pleading about why a guy can't just sign for something like love of a city and not just money, but it's not worth getting mad about. The sentimental "for love of the game" angle is an understandable, if misguided, thought process for a fan and his kid who don't have to decide whether they want 10 extra megayachts or 50.
    1 point
  29. Would Machado rather play for the Yankees or White Sox?
    1 point
  30. Millenial here. I think bosses/managers/old timers say this because a lot of my generation has an opinion on something. Some of my supervisors b**** about millenials because they are stuck in their ways/don't want change from "back in the day". The 6 or 7 of us are also probably the hardest workers at my job. Just my very simplified 0.02
    1 point
  31. The 3 batter rule is stupid. If the concern is that there are too many pitching changes, make a rule that if you pitch in a game, no matter to how many batters, you can't pitch in the next game. Managers would naturally limit the number of pitching changes to no more than 3-4 a game.
    1 point
  32. Listen I hope you are right. My optimism is running low. My patience running thin, and obviously running out of exclamation points lol.
    1 point
  33. It’s not gonna happen no matter how many exclamations you use
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. If the market is indeed terrible, I really wish the White Sox would zig when everyone else was zagging and sign both machado and harper to big time contracts around the $300 million mark. Coming into the offseason we were thinking Harper was looking at half-a-billion, and Machado would be over $325. Getting both for around the $300 mark would be an absolute steal. Obviously, the other teams would likely match it if that were the case and try to compete -- but it would be something if the front office decided to try to attack here.
    1 point
  36. Tim is so electric on the basepaths I just want to see him on there more often
    1 point
  37. I 100% believe the yanks never even discussed money and years, and don’t believe this report at all.
    1 point
  38. So you'd rather the owners keep more money?
    1 point
  39. Hector is way different than Dan Clark. Hector is a professional who seemed respected, as he was followed by top baseball reporters. He reported info and has just reaffirmed it - that Manny had a big offer from the Sox and was likely to sign there. Dan Clark was a conman who was quickly fired from his one job covering baseball. He made up a report, then attacked and insulted anybody who questioned him. He kept making up more details - Manny was sure to sign with the Yankees, he had a contract offer which we learned the team never even made, they already scheduled a press conference. Hector likes the attention Sox fans are giving him, so he keeps responding and retweeting "Manny to Sox" stuff because he needs to keep giving content to stay important, but he's not lying like Clark did. Not even close, to me.
    1 point
  40. He probably saw one last opening based off of Hal Steinbrenners comments yesterday
    1 point
  41. The portion of the warmup that happens on the mound isn't essential for the literal purpose of warming up. It's to get the pitcher accustomed to the mound, catcher, backdrop, etc.
    1 point
  42. 1. Universal DH should definitely be a thing. It's long overdue and I don't think I need to repeat the argument why. 2. I DON'T like the pitch to 3-batter rule. First, the whole injury scenario that is being discussed is a legitimate concern. If a pitcher feels a tweak he may be more inclined to try to pitch a few more batters to not break the rule and suffer a DL stint of sorts. That could lead to an increase in devastating injuries. I think this rule is similiar to the 'no-shift' rules. It's like saying 'we can't beat it, so let's make a rule against it.' I realize that that this is more for the entertainment of the viewer, but perhaps there could be ways to streamline this process or better reward pitchers who pitch more innings, idk. The limit of 3 seems arbitrary. Why not 2? Why not 4? Just because it's one inning? What if you get 1 out of 3? You can be pulled then? etc. There's gotta be better ways to 'fix' the game then forcing RP to face 3 batters or limiting how many pitchers you can use per game.
    1 point
  43. Make it a rule that if a pitcher leaves a game due to injury during the 3 batter minimum the pitcher goes to the 7 day DL for 1st offense. 15 day DL for second offense. Maybe make an exception for being hit by a batted ball.
    1 point
  44. Does anyone else feel like "Rewarding small market teams who are competitive" would just be another way to funnel unexplained draft picks to St. Louis?
    1 point
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