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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2019 in all areas

  1. well manny was 13 in balt and 8 in LA 13+8? 21 Bear with me 138 = 1 + 3 + 8. That's 11. 21-11? 10. What was he in LA again? Oh that's right...EIGHT 10+8 that's 18. And then let's all remember, he was 13 in baltimore. What does 13 start with? uhhhh ONE 18-1? I'll let you do that math. Manny to white sox.
    9 points
  2. Guys I just saw this post on twitter by a shipps machado that claims he is machado's brother, he says machado's cousin is full of crap.
    7 points
  3. Really feel sorry for these guys. Must really suck only getting $250M and not getting to play for the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, or Cubs. Sometimes life just isn’t fair I guess.
    7 points
  4. lol, but why would you embed your own tweet here instead of just posting the joke?
    5 points
  5. lol first of all, betonline is australia not vegas. lines are based on where people are going to bet money and everyone will bet on the yankees for anything. pretty simple.
    5 points
  6. Everyone is melting down and yet Fathom is optimistic. What in the world is going on today
    5 points
  7. I don't know about this. I actually wrote a blog post last week about this very idea. I think the White Sox have the upper hand because they, unlike the Phillies, are not expected to compete this year, so they are able to just wait and wait and wait because their 2019 roster isn't the priority
    5 points
  8. Jesus Christ some of you people are so bipolar. He's coming, he's not coming. Just RELAX
    5 points
  9. Why in the world would they do that? "We don't want this game changer for the next 8-10 years because we're not sure what to do with Yolmer Sanchez in spring training."
    4 points
  10. Hahn is the same person that said Sox fans won't care if Manny signed in December or March if he hits a walk-off homer. I really don't get the negativity today from so many.
    4 points
  11. This is a HORRIBLE take. the White sox are the team that can wait the longest because they arent expected to contend this year. It literally makes no difference to the sox.
    4 points
  12. I really have no idea what all these people are talking about. For some reason today, everyone just collectively decided that he's not coming I guess
    4 points
  13. Nobody they have in the minors is a good reason to not sign an MVP-level talent like Harper. I like Blake Rutherford a lot, but what are the odds of him becoming Bryce Harper in the majors? As for Jay and Alonso. The money invested in them is puny compared to even the lowball numbers being discussed in regards to Machado and Harper. Its not like the Sox are doing anything better with those roster spots. I think actually a bit too big a deal has been made of those two acquisitions, personally.
    3 points
  14. Exactly. They spent $13 million and a prospect on these two, and despite how some try to spin it, that’s a high price to pay for guys that aren’t going to help you win if they don’t bring Manny with them. Jay hasn’t had a 2.0 fWAR since 2012. Alonso has put up higher than a 1.2 fWAR once in his career.
    3 points
  15. I dont think the Sox have a maximum. Or at least their maximum is so high it may as well not be relevant with how the market for Machado has materialized. What the Sox do have I ***think*** (no direct source, no "guy" in the White Sox FO) is a serious intention to spend as little on Machado as possible because whatever excess value they get out of that contract they can turn around and use to outbid on Harper. Harper is the prize. He was the prize for day 1. That doesn't mean they dont desperately want Machado too, but the ability to sign both informs every offer the White Sox make.
    3 points
  16. Nah. I'm focusing in on the smoke piece on the right...for research purposes...
    3 points
  17. There is zero chance Alonso is traded before opening day if sox don't sign manny.
    3 points
  18. Gotta admit, even though this episode of the Manny telenovela was pretty short, it ranks up there with my favorites. We had some baby shoes and his estranged cousin.
    3 points
  19. Now Im distracted at work over baby shoes. Thank god for insurance
    3 points
  20. I mean let's be honest, NO ONE reads the full text of the laws, including the people who vote on it in Congress.
    3 points
  21. Then there lies the problem. This would suggest that the players are as much to blame for this FA mess as the owners. If they all want a big market team then why don’t we just can most of the teams in this league and go with an 8-team super league. It’s comments like Texiera’s that prove there’s more to this than owners manipulating profits. Guys turning down hundreds of millions of dollars cause...sniff sniff...”it’s not the Yankees...” Just makes me love our 05 team even more. They just showed up and played baseball better than you.
    3 points
  22. I can't stop laughing, it's too perfect For those not on twitter: Top image: the heavily being retweeted image from Kyler Murray saying he's sticking with football Bottom image: Bob tweeting out his report that the As are optimistic they will see Kyler in Spring Training
    2 points
  23. It was a joke Though i wouldnt necessarily say irrelevant. Even if it's a legit present, it's still cheeky to post it. He knows what it means to do that, and what kind of reaction it'll get.
    2 points
  24. And some can't see the forest for the trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Let's not go out on a limb here.
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. I tend to agree with this. @macsandz has, in the past, said Sox feel good about where they are with Bryce. The 3 team dog and pony show w Manny in December and in-law/BFF signing makes it hard to “hide in the weeds” on Manny but I think Sox are doing just that with Bryce. Alonso and Jay could be as much about recruitment as it is about keeping Manny professional (hustling, saying the right things, etc), something I don’t think teams worry about on Bryce. Might have to go 10/310 on Bryce and 8/260 on Manny so one wins total value and the other AAV. Before we take Rick Hahn at face value on “not the best financial decision to sign both”, let’s not lose the fact we are talking about two HoF type talents in their absolute prime. I bank on that more than relying on 2 of Robert, Adolfo, Basabe et al coming close to the level of Bryce.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. If their max is $250 then they weren't really serious about signing him unless he's a bargain which would be disappointing. If they're doing this right, then they have been biding their time waiting for Machado's side to come back with an offer that is reasonably close to ours. If their side started at $350 and they've dropped down to $340 that's not much movement and no one has offered anything close to that. If the Sox hypothetically had a $250m offer on the table and Machado's side comes back and starts asking about $275, then the White Sox can say "will you sign for something like that today"
    2 points
  29. Eloy is going to be so good he's going to make even the most stodgy "rebuilding guy" want to see us win now and not waste a moment of the Eloy era. We're going to have a few special players in the lineup immediately IMO: Eloy, Moncada, Timmy, Manny, Abreu. Damn I wish my pal Avi baby was around to share in this. Eloy truly passes the "eye test" folks and the "I test" - I wanna see him excel!
    2 points
  30. Nah I usually have a casual shit in my pants on a Monday afternoon.
    2 points
  31. It was thrilling, but the "Does Manny not want to play with Yonder because he'd hamper his Road Strange?" cliffhanger is my favorite episode of this season.
    2 points
  32. The Alonso infant footwear is more notable than the screenshots we do of absolute nobodies on Twitter that say they have a source
    2 points
  33. We are a shirt and some trousers away from full #WardrobeGate
    2 points
  34. I've been saying it for a while now, but I truly believe Manny has known he will be playing for the Sox for at least a month now. His agent is just trying to get him the best possible deal.
    2 points
  35. I have been talking about Manny since probably over a year ago on my tl and I could literally change my name to Ships Machado within ten seconds. It means nothing.
    2 points
  36. betonline_ag is not Vegas. They also have the Giants at even money to get Harper which is absurd.
    2 points
  37. I'm neutral. Joy to us all if the Sox sign Machado. The rebuild is still intact if they don't. MM signs with someone sooner or later . I come here almost every day to check threads anyway so one will eventually be about Manny or Harper signing.
    2 points
  38. here are the things that would cause a meltdown if they happened, outside of both signing elsewhere on same day (in which case, melt away): - Yankees trading Andujar - Cubs trading Heyward - Harper signing with a team that's not the Phillies - Sox signing Moustakas
    2 points
  39. Literally nothing has changed from a month ago
    2 points
  40. This will be Sox and Manny, I feel it. I mean the title of the thread is all knowing, right?
    2 points
  41. So I take a little pride in the size of this thread because my post was used to start it... (ive never actually started a thread) Also if we sign Manny, I will take it to mean I am lucky for the team, and you all should probably thank me
    2 points
  42. There is room when he's better than most of the hitters on the roster.
    1 point
  43. I feel like getting Manny and one of Sale/Cole/Bumgarner next offseason is better than getting both Machado and Harper now. The Sox need a legit ace to put at the front of an inexperienced rotation.
    1 point
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