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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey, just one man's opinion, but FWIW: Personally, can't really understand the freaking out about any of this when nobody posting here with any regularity knows much of anything, factually, beyond the tripe written and posted by those paid to be controversial and generate clicks. With that in mind, I'm somewhat encouraged. Perhaps it's because as a commercial transactional attorney with a great deal of it being in the commercial real estate arena, I think I have a bit of a feel for JR and Hahn, their style, and their methods and strategies. From Day #1, I sensed they knew they had a plan and they were going to stick with it. I might be reading many of the Sox Talk posters wrong, but seems to me that most seemed to admire the "plan" at the start, but now, after all this time, and/or with the recognition that the market is seemingly more favorable, many are now looking to dump the plan and instead pay "stupid money" or "bid against themselves." I can't see JR or Hahn EVER doing that. The thing about plans is that very few are disciplined enough to stick to that plan when it's taking forever, when you're tired of all the sh*t, when the finish line looms ahead. But that often separates those with a track record of success from those who just can't keep the focus. No sauces here; no special insights beyond Life 101. I think the heavy lifting is largely over. We're down to a bit of posturing. Everyone is using what they have. Lozano? It's pretty clear what he is. Old school schlock. That's why the chairman is handling him -- he's seen much worse. I feel pretty confident that Lozano knows the Sox will make every effort to win the bidding war (absent "stupid money" for this team at this time), but I'm certain JR and Hahn have made the point that they will not bid against themselves and be Tom Frickin Hicks. In turn, it's posturing and it's childish, but you work out Moncada at 3B (and that SHOULD be a part of his bag of tricks, in most scenarios anyway), so Machado's buddies -- Yonder, Jay -- can report back to him about what's happening and urge him to just do it already. Hey, like any long-time Sox fan I've been disappointed and have misread things plenty of times. But until Machado signs elsewhere I have a probably misplaced sense of calm. Sure -- I understand the risk -- but you don't bring in Yonder and Jay UNLESS you fully intend to take this to the very last day. MM is a perfect fit for THIS team at THIS time. The stars are in alignment with ALL of the big boys out of the bidding. I do think they're going to get it done, but they're going to do it their way, not how the collective wisdom of Sox Talk think they should do it. We know that Rick Hahn reads this thread. Pretty obvious that he does. Well, do it your way, Rick. Fine. But please ... just ... get ... it ... done!
    10 points
  2. Okay thanks. Since its not going to happen you don't even need to bother with this thread then right?
    7 points
  3. Good news. We don't have an owner who is doing a press conference about his racist dad and has a player on the team that likes to beat women. Even if we don't get Manny there's always that.
    6 points
  4. Okay at this point i am convinced that Hector is a Russian troll bot.
    6 points
  5. This is a big year for Hahn. He won’t get a free pass forever. Any Tom, Dick, or Harry could’ve held an auction for Chris Sale and Quintana - but the proof will be in the coming years of the rebuild.
    6 points
  6. I think he's saying all 3 Front Offices prefer Machado, but the owners in Philly and SD might not be so sure they prefer Machado over Harper, likely because Harper is the bigger marketing play. Harper is more likely to translate to dollars, Machado is more likely to translate to wins. Front Offices want wins, owners want dollars. White Sox FO and ownership seem to both agree on Machado being the best fit. That's how I understand his tweet.
    5 points
  7. Fuck that. It's one thing to lose out to a team like the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, (gulp) the Cubs, or teams right in the middle of the competitive window where players want to play. But no excuses to not beat the Padres.
    5 points
  8. Would a group yoga class lead by Hector Gomez calm us down?
    5 points
  9. Moncada playing 3b was something the White Sox have contemplated for awhile. And it's been discussed on this board several times. Machado isn't signed yet. Why are people freaking out over this? Maybe with some work, he's good over there. It won't hurt anything.
    5 points
  10. One half of soxtalk: The other half:
    5 points
  11. LOL. Yes, the very little money they've spent on Yonder and Jay is going to stop them from signing Machado.
    5 points
  12. You should check out the gameday threads. They should be mandatory reading in any abnormal psych course.
    4 points
  13. Sox and Lazano are playing hardball but at the end of the day they will come to an agreement and once again... Machado will be playing 3B on opening day for the Chicago White Sox
    4 points
  14. This is getting ridiculous. Pure negotiations. Lozano has been controlling the message the last 2 days. Now the Sox responded. I still hear good things and Hector just said he still thinks that he signs with Sox. Take a deep breath.
    4 points
  15. I can't tell until Parkman gets here.
    4 points
  16. Right now? I think mostly fathom is.
    4 points
  17. I hate bringing the Cubs up but them and the dodgers and few other top teams aren't afraid to have their guys play around the diamond. Sox giving their guys reps around the field is great, Machado or not this is what they should be doing and this is especially the time to be doing it. Nobody gets hurt from this.
    4 points
  18. 4 points
  19. If there isn't a singing today, I will have to assume yesterday was machado about nothing
    4 points
  20. I am confident that Heyman will tweet information that only an insider can provide: that when 3 teams are after 2 players, then at least one of those teams will be shut out and not get a player.
    4 points
  21. The real Machado was the bones we met along the way
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. And the guy who plays Abed in that show is a White Sox fan in real life. We've come full circle. Machado confirmed.
    3 points
  24. 3 points
  25. Hahns contract runs out after the 2019 season. I would like to think if 2019 is another bad season the Rick Hahn era will be over. I will write JR another letter requesting an interview to be the White Sox GM.
    3 points
  26. I don't like mediocrity. I love going to baseball games. Baseball is one of my favorite forms of entertainment.
    3 points
  27. LMAO. A quarter of a billion dollar player who would rather play SS, and the Sox are going to get him to flinch by having Moncada take grounders at 3B. Get real. It isn’t like he has no other options.
    3 points
  28. They had Renteria practice Yoan out at 3rd and say you may see him out there at the opener. Lozano is trying to leverage them into increasing offer. This was their response. Everyone step back from the ledge.
    3 points
  29. so the panic has set in because of the Moncada taking reps at third right? That's really not a big deal to me. i am down for the panicking when its time but that right there, doesnt do it for me. Its practice.
    3 points
  30. If they're not going to sign a high dollar guy now when the conditions are perfect, they never will. They would be relying almost entirely on developing talent from within which won't work.
    3 points
  31. Personal attack, using a woman's name to imply inferiority
    3 points
  32. I hear he is available for an OF role? Padres could have Harper, we got "Friend's in Low Places"
    3 points
  33. Any excuse to post The Room gifs. And I like to keep things loose here, it's not like we can do anything but enjoy the ride.
    3 points
  34. This thread’s pet’s heads are falling off
    3 points
  35. Also Yolmer was playing 2nd base today. Enjoy San Diego, Manny.
    3 points
  36. I am not very optimistic right now, but Machado working only at 3rd base for one practice on February 18th is not that sign dudes.
    3 points
  37. Can we also quit being worried about a .350 Slg% for 2 months of a pro debut from aluminium to wood?
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. 3 points
  40. If you're 30, you're just being spoiled. I actually think going through the bad stuff and suffering makes winning more rewarding. You lived through the winningest decade in modern times for them and you got a world series. They missed out a few times but for someone who is 30 to say f it is embarrassing imo.
    3 points
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