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  1. I'll little dick your woman...and she will like it. Dont tell a fan what emotions they can't feel. That is the definition of an asshole.
    11 points
  2. You're an embarrassment. This is the most little dicked thing I've ever heard. The White Sox are more important to this city than Manny Machado or Jerry Reinsdorf. If you look in your heart and feel no affection for what being a Sox fan in this city means, then we're better off without you.
    9 points
  3. I am officially at the stage of acceptance in my grieving cycle. And by acceptance I mean I don’t give a ? about this team anymore because I accept who they are. The owner and FO wasn’t who I had hoped. Not even close. They don’t deserve a fan like me. Not sure there is anything that they could do for them to win me back either.
    6 points
  4. 101 Ways to Rename the Same Thread by Caufield12
    6 points
  5. Honest Q - what does being a Sox fan mean anymore? Does it mean having a chip on your shoulder all the time? Is it just being antagonistic to the Cubs fans? It sure doesn't mean stanning a winning ballclub. I'm not sure anything in that post is true. Why do we exist?
    4 points
  6. Is it time to break this thing out again? I’ve only ever used it sarcastically, but now I feel like I want to join:
    4 points
  7. This is exactly what got us to the point of needing to rebuild in the first place. Targeting second and third rate talent, refusing to step up for elite talent.
    4 points
  8. I've thought about this a lot. Here is my analysis: - Paxson and Gar have to be held to a higher standard because they took over one of the best sports brands in the world, have a loyal and adoring fan base, and a big market which makes it a lot easier to compete for talent in FA. - Because of their inherent advantages, I rate them in the bottom half of front offices due to the: - Lack of creativity - are never in play for big acquisitions because they both fall in love with their assets and are too timid to send out what it takes - Refusal to spend/go for it, by the time they dipped into the luxury tax, it was the end of their core, and they used it for an end of career pau gasol. THey have one of the smallest front offices in the league, and consistently leave cap open but have same issue as hahn where they overpay on the end of the roster and restrict bigger moves. - Antagonistic relationships with players and coaches - between the medical mismanagement, throwing coaches under the bus, and physical altercations, they've gotten away with things nobody should HOWEVER - The absolute strength of garpax is good drafting, and if I had to choose between the two I'd take that strength over the lack of any strength on the KW/Hahn side. KENHAN: - For Kenny Williams first decade, he oversaw one of the better pro scouting departments in the game in my opinion. That ended as the age curve progressed and cheap veterans via trade and free agency became terrible investments. - Clearly the best way to succeed in baseball is draft/player dev/international scouting. They have been in the bottom 5 in baseball over last 20 years (generously). - They run their team as if they are setting up to be the illitch tigers, when they should be running it as the cleveland baseball team, rays, or modern twins. Meaning, they operate as if they believe their financial advantages define their team building, but are unrealistic about what it means (constant disadvantage to actual big market teams), while neglecting the ways that small market teams have succeeded. The last point is inexcusable. The thing to emphasize is they are both bad. But despite the "rebuild on the fly" failure of 2014-15-16 of hahn, he said when he took over sox were going to start building up farm. The CBA changed to the white sox favor there. The draft position was more favorable. International free agency became more favorable to white sox. Everything bent toward making it easier for him to operate under Reinsdorf constraints yet still only improved marginally. Nobody is reading at this point anyway. Hi! if you made it this far.
    4 points
  9. We are in the realm of fantasy when we compare Yoan Moncada to one of the greatest baseball players of all time.
    4 points
  10. On what planet are Luis Robert or Yoan Moncada elite? One never plays and the other can't hit. It's cool to be fans and all but this is a little delusional. It's like saying your 1999 Ford Taurus is really worth $100k instead of $500.
    4 points
  11. Oh god. I need to stop clicking anything but game threads on this site. The cancer is spreading.
    4 points
  12. You can still be a fan without spending money on the team.
    3 points
  13. You realize the people swearing them off likely will stick around due to their fandom right? They're just pissed off. Let them come around on their own. When Eloy comes up and starts hitting, that will bring everyone back together.
    3 points
  14. By the way, bad news guys. My toilet was backed up so I called a plumber, what he found blocking the pipes was the last decade of White Sox baseball.
    3 points
  15. I've never been more uninterested in Spring Training games than I am right now. Normally I'm so excited. Not this year.
    3 points
  16. Ah yes, the 90s portion of Jerry Reinsdorf's amazing legacy here with the White Sox the past four decades. The 90s with the strike Reinsdorf made happen in '94 that robbed that great White Sox team of its first chance at a World Series title in 70+ years, along with the infamous White Flag trade, both fanbase crippling disasters Reinsdorf caused. That's not to be confused with the 80s which initially saw Reinsdorf choosing Sportsvision over WGN for us, holding the state hostage to build him a stadium for which all of the revenue would go to him and none back to the state, and of course the sweetheart lease deal he's enjoyed the past 30 years with all of it's guaranteed profits, a lease deal I remind you he said he must have in order to remain "competitive" with the high costs of operating a sustainable winning ballclub. Meanwhile, there hasn't been a sustainable winning ballclub that has made it to the postseason in consecutive years since the lease deal was signed, and there's only been one premium free agent signed since the new stadium opened (Belle). The 00s actually were pretty good, with three playoff appearances and one magnificent World Series championship (and what would our fanbase do without that one good year we've had!). And then of course the current decade, which has been a massive disaster with all of the losses accumulated, the sell-off of stars in their prime, and now with this abject failure in this offseason. That's the Jerry Reinsdorf White Sox legacy in a nutshell, folks. It sums up as Jerry Reinsdorf getting very rich over the past 38 years as owner, while the fan experience, with just five postseason appearances during that time, being one of a dismal nature, in general. "Profits before fan friendly" appears his modus operandi. Sadly, all we as fans can do at this point is just wait and ride this thing out to the end of his tenure as owner, which hopefully is much sooner than later.
    3 points
  17. Having not watched a Bulls game in probably 20-something years, I've learned an awful lot about the Bulls in this thread.
    3 points
  18. *at a cattle auction* Auctioneer: Okay we're gonna open up the bidding Oklahoma rancher: $100! Texas rancher: $150 Kansas rancher: $155 Texas rancher: $160 Auctioneer: SOLD to the texas rancher! Oklahoma rancher: I don't understand why these cows hate oklahoma so much. Ah well, some day people will enjoy dog meat.
    3 points
  19. I'm thinking about going to the Ferrari dealership today with 10 grand in my pocket. I think I'll post some Instagram pictures of myself swaggering in (#blessed), maybe buy me one of those Ferrari keychains just to show I'm serious. Imagine that - little old me at the Ferrari dealership. The salesman just called me sir! It's anybody's guess how it will all go down, but when it's all said and done you can't deny I'm kind of a player. I mean, here I am.
    3 points
  20. You post hundreds of times a day. How can anyone avoid you?
    3 points
  21. The fact that no one, anywhere, seems to really be able to defend what management has done, is precisely why I was so confident that they wouldn't do it. I thought; "surely they can't be so obtuse, that they would mess this up so badly, that it would be indefensible". I thought that they would at least offer a contract to Harper, which would provide them with an excuse. If they had offered $300 + million, for any length of time, with an opt out, after year 4, they would have been able to at least argue that they tried. But, for Harper to take a contract, from a team, that he didn't seem to prefer, with no opt outs, while our front office freely admits that they just couldn't go that far, is simply inexplicable. The 13 years is arguably advantageous for the team, because it lowers the annual expenditure, thus providing more protection against the "luxury tax". And that is why not even Hahn, with his ability to spin things, can offer a plausible and reasonable explanation. There just may not be any good explanation, one which doesn't confirm what so many suspected. Many of us spoke a great deal about the intangible benefits of signing Harper. There was the "Q factor". We argued over just how much his presence could mean in merchandise sales and other off the field benefits. Well, the way that this thing was handled, or should I say "botched," is having the exact opposite effect. Whatever good will the signing might have created, the bad will is likely to eclipse, by several multiples. This front office folly will likely be considered one of the worst chapters in White Sox history, perhaps somewhere between the Black Sox Scandal and the White Flag disaster. It will be interesting to see the repercussions. That's where the fans come in. The fans are going to react. In this age of social media, the vocal expressions of disgruntled fans will spread and could become quite contagious. The idea of a bill board is too expensive, and will not reach enough fans. I still think that signs, in the ball park, held up by fans, would be more effective and cost almost nothing. They will be seen by other fans, sitting nearby and make it difficult for the TV cameras to avoid. If fans could flood the stands with signs of protest, it would probably get press, as well. Even if the White Sox tried to prohibit them, that cencorship would be publicized. Many fans already enjoy making signs, to hold up at the games. All that would be required here is that they start changing the messages. It's a way for fans to express their anger and frustration, in clever and creative ways. The signs should not contain any profanity, or vulgarity. They should be civil and even polite, while still expressing fair criticism. This is the best way to voice our disapproval of management and ownership.
    3 points
  22. Hahn, Reinsdorf, and Kenny (Would never offend Curly like that)
    3 points
  23. Did you just watch Armageddon, Deep Impact or 2012, lol? They have at least five potential elite talents, STILL. 1) Jimenez 2) Moncada 3) Cease 4) Kopech 5) Robert And Madrigal's going to be the closest thing we've had to Nellie Fox since the 1960's...
    3 points
  24. If Kenny Williams is that pissed at me for not being a good enough White Sox fan, fine I will not turn that team on once all year.
    3 points
  25. “The owner of the Phillies says, ‘oh my god, we have to do this, we can’t let our fanbase down.’” Shit the White Sox never say.
    3 points
  26. I implore you all to make an honest appraisal of the current 25-man roster and minor leagues. It is terrible. The Sox have one piece of bonafide elite talent to show for trading away hall of fame pitcher, another elite lefty on a wildly team friendly deal and a good outfielder on cheap contract plus five years of high draft picks and years of massive payroll flexibility. They traded away the best prospect in baseball for nothing. Once Eloy comes up they will have maybe a middle-third system, but really more realistically its bottom third. No elite talent, all their most intriguing guys never stay healthy and the pitching situation is almost impossibly dire. They havent hit on a draft pick yet, despite routinely picking in the top ten. They have nobody on the major league squad worth a damn. They have one player in the minors worth a damn. They cant sign free agents. They cant draft. They have been fleeced in all but one trade they have made. There is absolutely no hope for this franchise.
    2 points
  27. Really feels like the only reason I’m still a Sox fan right now is because of Stockholm Syndrome.
    2 points
  28. Unless Jeffrey Loria wants to own another franchise, I'll take my chances with literally anyone else.
    2 points
  29. They are so gonna sign him for his "leadership and mentoring" and give him 400 ABs in CF.
    2 points
  30. Adam Jones is lurking....Merkin even retweeted something about him
    2 points
  31. I think if I had posted Harper would get $330M but only an AAV of $25M I would have got 10 laughing emojis.
    2 points
  32. GarPax have an actual org strength: drafting. What can KenHahn hang their hat on? Used to be keeping guys healthy, in particular pitchers. Not so much anymore. I'm a huge fan of the Bulls as well as the Sox and as much as I've b****ed and moaned and argued that GarPax should have been fired last offseason it's clear that right now GarPax are better at their jobs than KenHahn. GarPax have done a good job correcting their mistakes and being proactive lately. Firing Hoiberg mid-season (a bold move) and then trading for Otto by dumping a solid draft pick before he got expensive (Bobby) and a bad FA mistake (Jabari) was a great course correction and an admission of mistakes. Right now the Bulls look like one of 3-4 young teams (Atlanta, Chicago, Sacramento, Mavs) that are young and exciting and have room for growth. Only the Mavs out of that group have a guy that looks like a superstar (Luka) but you could see Lauri or Lavine taking that next step and getting there. You gotta draft well and they do that for the most part. Bulls have: Lauri (21) Lavine (23) Porter (25) WCJR (19) Lotto pick (likely top 5) That is a great collection of young talent and assets. They'll need some luck with growth but they've put themselves in position to become a 50 win club with another good offseason and then from there it just depends on if one of those guys can turn into a top 10 superstar.
    2 points
  33. The cost of these could hurt our chances of paying for our core players in the future.
    2 points
  34. I don't know if this post goes here or in the myriad of other rage posts, but here goes. I created some t-shirts with pertinent slogans for our 2019 White Sox. I sent the package to Brooks Boyer as a gift with this message: To: Brooks Boyer From: A Sox Fan Message: This must be a difficult time to lead the Sox marketing efforts. As a concerned Sox fan, I'd like to help and have included some slogans for the entire exec board. Please distribute appropriately. Mods: There is one shirt with a political tinge. You may need to remove if you feel inappropriate. To whoever is planning that billboard: I'm in.
    2 points
  35. I think this could be the worst opening day OF in MLB history lol
    2 points
  36. Also, because I have no shame, if people have great seats at low to no prices and feel like making a stand, I have kids who love going to games.
    2 points
  37. God that team is terrible. Might even be worse than last year if it's even possible.
    2 points
  38. I have decided that I am going to go to a few games (3-4 at the most), only because I love the Sox. That being said, I am going to give Reinsdorf as little of my money as possible. I plan on buying the cheapest tickets in the house, going on Sunday's to get the $10 parking, and spending very little on food inside the stadium. He doesn't deserve my money or anyone else's for that matter, but it is what it is.
    2 points
  39. Good, that's what life is all about. Learning from your mistakes and not committing them again. Wrap your shit up son.
    2 points
  40. Of course there is still hope. But it's hope in spite of the organization, not because of it. There remains a ton of talent in this organization at a number of levels. They are not handled properly. They do not receive quality instruction from the organization, the organization's promotion schedules are aggressive and haphazard, and their behavior regarding service time is inconsistent. However, there are lots of other places where guys can go to receive coaching, and the rewards of finding better coaches can be huge - one talented player fixes things and it could be worth $100 million to them. There will be no help coming from outside the organization. The organization will do things like move players around to different positions that will make it harder for the players to develop. The free agent acquisitions will create logjams that make it harder for players to succeed. But with enough talent, maybe that still wins out in a couple years.
    2 points
  41. I'll say moncada hits 260 with a 360 obp and an ops of 820 this year. Moncada is about as talented as it gets despite his one plane swing last year. He understands how to control the zone and he has great power and speed. He doesnt need to have elite bat control to be a 4+ WAR player in the big leagues.
    2 points
  42. "You're opinion of me holds no cash value"
    2 points
  43. They've been thinking about this every day since last June? No one feels what they feel? Continue the pitch forks Sox fans. We need to make this one burn.
    2 points
  44. “I believe we got in the room with Manny Machado and Bryce Harper and if we were able to afford, they absolutely wanted to come here,’’ he said. “That was expressed to us. That’s all I can go by.’’ From the same front office that hyped up their fanbase by saying stuff like "money won't be an issue" and "we won't be outbid" Everything was done in bad faith. Essentially it was a sham, a charade. I am disgusted with them.
    2 points
  45. “Our fans would have been much more disappointed in our inability to keep this next core together,’’ he said. “We would have overextended ourselves had we gone to an uncomfortable level.’’ 9 years from now, Eloy will be in his thirties. And which is it KW? Manny just had to stay healthy, oúr offer was worth more money or We want the financial flexibility for our core
    2 points
  46. The only 3 people in the world who thought these guys would sign at a discount to play for a perennial loser who is ignored in their home city were JR, KW,and RH.
    2 points
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