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  1. I'll little dick your woman...and she will like it. Dont tell a fan what emotions they can't feel. That is the definition of an asshole.
    8 points
  2. You're an embarrassment. This is the most little dicked thing I've ever heard. The White Sox are more important to this city than Manny Machado or Jerry Reinsdorf. If you look in your heart and feel no affection for what being a Sox fan in this city means, then we're better off without you.
    7 points
  3. I don't disagree with you, CWS. They have their logic backward. It should be: "If we build it, they will come" but instead it is "If they come, we MIGHT build it" which is unacceptable. The fan blaming has to stop. They need to take a look in the mirror.
    6 points
  4. Everyone’s level of fandom is different, and everyone has a breaking point. It might take a move and a name change for some. It might take a personal bad experience for others, or it might be constant failure. People losing interest is not new. It has been happening for over a decade. If things continue down this path, more will jump off. I will say, considering what Machado and Harper were expected to get, and what they received, and how the Sox were planning this for 2 years and came up $50 million short on Machado, after JR apparently “stepped up”, and didn’t even bid on Harper, their commitment to winning is being questioned for the first time by me. I am still a fan for sure. Probably less engaged than I have been since I became a fan at 4 years old, But supporting this group running the team, now makes me pause. A good team will probably change all that. But maybe not. Maybe not paying attention to every pitch every season and not really too upset if they lose 5 in a row is actually a really good thing. If they ever become successful again, many will return. But it isn’t crazy to me to think for that to happen, the house needs to be cleaned. Their 2 yearold plan to add a premium free agent on a huge discount proved that to me.
    5 points
  5. You have some sad expectations there my friend. Regardless, it’s a turning point for many because the front office claimed they were serious about these pursuits and had planned them for two years only to come up well short on Machado and not even making an offer for Harper despite it being a team-friendly suppressed market. In one fair swoop the front office displayed an incredible level of incompetence and our ownership group proved once again they’re cheap and unwilling to pay market price for legit stars. This miss is a dagger to any hope we have of supplementing the rebuild with young, impact talent through free agency and that fucking sucks.
    5 points
  6. Not quitting being a fan, but shut the fuck up. Seriously, your post made me throw up in my mouth.
    5 points
  7. Sports are extraordinarily dumb.
    5 points
  8. I’m a fan. Period. End of story... can’t change what you are. That said, I’m making a conscious decision to invest far less of my time and resources into this team until they display integrity. Ball is in your court.
    4 points
  9. To be fair, they were out of ammo to trade for a good prospect. Maybe Rodon turns into that. And most didn’t want them to spend at all last year. Save the money for Harpchado. People trusted them and they were burned.
    4 points
  10. People can spend their time and money however they want. If you think they’re going to listen to your meaningless platitudes on a message board, you’re delusional. The White Sox have done nothing to put a good product on the field and you can’t fault fans for taking a break. Wake up.
    4 points
  11. Harper and Machado cost a combined 55 million in average salary. The Sox spent what, 42-43 this offseason, and none of those guys moved the needle at all in terms of ticket sales, or merchandise or anything else. Not to mention that they won't help the team be better in any significant way. Oh, and suitable replacements could have been had for all those guys at much cheaper prices.
    3 points
  12. And let’s not ignore each fan attending a game probably spends a good 50 cents to a dollar on concessions, parking, etc. for each dollar spent on tickets. That could take the value of those ticket sales up to $10M to $14M. Harper’s star power would have paid for a good chunk of his contract with the Sox, but unfortunately our leadership has the business acumen of a toddler.
    3 points
  13. The White Sox are that girl I always considered to be hot but then I got to know another side of her and realized she was dumb, shallow, and didn’t give a shit about me. I just can’t see that girl in the same light after that.
    3 points
  14. if only he was taller he might be able to hit
    3 points
  15. It seems everyone in the baseball world knew these guys were going for 300+ except the White Sox. Embarrassing. We need to start wearing paper bags over our heads at games.
    3 points
  16. Congrats dude. You are the only person on earth that is not employed by the White Sox who thinks that the White Sox have the best collection of under 25 talent in baseball.
    3 points
  17. Honest Q - what does being a Sox fan mean anymore? Does it mean having a chip on your shoulder all the time? Is it just being antagonistic to the Cubs fans? It sure doesn't mean stanning a winning ballclub. I'm not sure anything in that post is true. Why do we exist?
    3 points
  18. Nice. Give it to him. He deserves every bit of it. Hopefully the venting makes you feel better.
    2 points
  19. I booed the hell out of him before the home run and as he rounded the bases
    2 points
  20. You are supposed to boo him. He is the living embodiment of not signing Machado/Harper.
    2 points
  21. And if the Phillies can make a playoff push, well that pays for like the first 2 years.
    2 points
  22. I'm not blaming the fans, for the record - I completely, 100%, understood the fans who left after '94. That was one of the most egregious acts by ownership in the history of sports. This is no where near as bad as '94. Not even in the same hemisphere. People had waited 80 years for a chance at a team that good, and Jerry put the BUSINESS before the fans when he had the best group of players in the business. That has always been the case with Jerry. Great guy to work for, not the best guy rely on for big spending. The strike was so much worse I have no idea how you can even argue otherwise. It deprived us of the thing we are fans of - the game. There was no one to get mad at because there was nothing to watch or follow. The White Sox missed out on a free agent. It has happened before and it will happen again. Kenny WIlliams is a moron - he was a moron before and he'll be a moron tomorrow. but... all that said. The White Sox fans give them an excuse by never showing up. If the White Sox sold out every game, do you honestly think the White Sox would have an 80 million dollar payroll? Absolutely not. If the White Sox were better do I think they'd sell more tickets? Absolutely. But it's a two way street, and while winning is the fault of the club and the most important thing, the fans also don't help because they don't support winners until it's over.
    2 points
  23. There it is, blame the fans for not supporting a shit product. I actually enjoy your overall contributions to the site, but I completely disagree with your assessment on the business side of things. And what wrongs are worse than this? White Flag? Strike? What else is even close?
    2 points
  24. Except that merchandise is distributed league wide, and TV contracts are already locked on. 180,000 tickets is about 3-4 million dollars.
    2 points
  25. Exactly. I’m done being a robot and blindly enrichening Reinsdorf with no return. You’re free to do so if you want.
    2 points
  26. Yep, that's why this is so insulting and I'm so pissed. (and honestly, I'm surprised, but the feeling is not going away) - You see that quote from the Phillies front office : Don't want to let the fans down. (And if you want to hear more, read the Phils press release this morning and you'll get a sense for how much they understand the marketing benefit of having Bryce. Heck they sold 100,000 tickets in the first 24 hours after they signed him. How many milliions of dollars is that?) - The Giants front office looked at Harper as solving a problem with ticket sales and fan interest: "panic and desperation about season-ticket sales and fan interest has become the overriding factor" https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/columnist/bob-nightengale/2019/02/28/bryce-harper-free-agent-giants-dodgers-phillies/3014206002/ - White Sox front office: can't spend a dollar if we only have fifty cents. Hey, but they're not cheap. They don't seem to care either. Other organizations realize they need to put a product on the field to attract the fans (i.e., don't worry about not spending fifty cents, spend the dollar you might not have and you'll get three back) while the Sox want the fans to pay up first. Most org's seem to have a "build it and they will come" philosophy. Sox : "we might build it IF they come first". I've been a Sox fan for over 40 years. I have bled black and white. I'm not going to go root for the Cubs or anything crazy like that, but I don't know to what extent I can support this ownership anymore. I just don't know. Somehow, some way, they need to get the message. I'm just not sure they ever will. I'm sick of this shit.
    2 points
  27. Sad when Palka, Vieira, Ruiz, and Rondon are your best moves.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Fact: if his name was Seth Beer, he'd be more hyped here.
    2 points
  30. Which is the worst part. They actually thought $250M would be enough and were so confident of that they hyped up these pursuits all offseason. Either they’re completely incompetent and didn’t understand what their market values would be or they’re so arrogant that they thought they could get these guys to play for the White Sox a big discount. I don’t even know which one is worse, but it’s beyond embarrassing.
    2 points
  31. If you are excited that they offered $250 when $50 million more was required, then you are feeding right into JR, Kenny, and Hahn’s hands. Get back to me when that $250 million is actually spent.
    2 points
  32. Glad they spent two years planning for this pursuit! Like what the fuck did they think they could get him for?
    2 points
  33. I’ve lived in a few cities but I consider Toronto my home. Wouldn’t be hard to find a new team, in theory. But the White Sox will be my team until I die. However, I already cancelled a trip to Chicago this summer, and will go to the east coast instead. Not many other ways to express my displeasure than to not give my money.
    2 points
  34. You’re completely missing the point. It’s not that they missed out. It’s that they openly talked about going after the big FAs (saying they could even do two!), saying money wasn’t an object, only to find out money was an object! They then proceed to insult our intelligence with bumbling interviews from KW that contradict everything they’ve said. You’re not going to sign premium FAs as a bottom dweller by trying to get cute and save a few mil per year - period. They screwed it up. They could’ve shut their mouths and methodically went about a plan to sign a handful of tier 2 FAs instead of the Machado in laws and beer drinking buddies.
    2 points
  35. We aren't quitting being a Sox fan forever. Just until they have a new owner. The Blackhawks fanbase did the exact same thing.
    2 points
  36. This off-season has been a roller coaster ride for all of us. Posts like the OP sounds so silly considering what we all went through together. I haven't sworn them off and that is silly, but give people their own time and space. JR literally caused ulcers and grief beyond repair to some.
    2 points
  37. I think this could be the worst opening day OF in MLB history lol
    2 points
  38. Don't get too excited. The guy the Sox rocked in the 9th was 35 yr old Tim Dillard who hasn't pitched in the majors since 2012 and hasn't had below a 5.00 ERA in AAA since 2014. Expecting his retirement soon
    1 point
  39. JR gets blame because he determines payroll. RH and KW get blame because they actually believed at least one of these guys would sign for a discount. That was their plan for 2 years. It is unbelievable how unrealistic they are. And instead are paying mediocre players $13 million for absolutely no reason. That alone may make JR have KW and RH work the dunk tank at the Sox company picnic.
    1 point
  40. Comparing the star power of Harper to PK or Buehrle is crazy
    1 point
  41. Well, this news just makes me sad. When sports doesn't enrich your life, time to step away.
    1 point
  42. Guys, look on the bright side... at least we can go out and sign CarGo now. Lmao who was that who said that the White Sox were “Pissed off” and “In stealth mode” now?
    1 point
  43. The plan was never going to work with what ownership and the front office was planning to offer.
    1 point
  44. There were two premium free agents with three teams who had serious interest. Sox walk away empty handed. There are traditions and there are White Sox traditions.
    1 point
  45. Goodbye white sox. I followed u tge last 10 years every facking night late at nights in greece. U betrayed me. Screw u hahn screw u jr. Goodbye
    1 point
  46. I now realize that his tenure as manager has really messed me up.
    1 point
  47. Barring injury, Yolmer will start the season at third.
    1 point
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