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  1. Harper would have paid for himself and then some in no time. Jerry Reinsdorf is too much of an idiot to realize that though.
    2 points
  2. Yeah Rodon is our ace and a guy we are concerned about keeping. Most good teams view him as a 3 or 4. This staff is ass in a hand basket.
    2 points
  3. Yeah, this isn't a sign of things to come by any means. Their pitching is surely going to be a team strength this year. What a crock. It is indicative of what's to come. The staff sucks and the bullpen is slightly improved. The team isn't playing like they are sick; they're playing like a team that sucks, which they do.
    2 points
  4. Banuelos looks like he will fit in perfectly with this crappy staff
    2 points
  5. Collins, Eloy, and Yonder all in the lineup today. It's my lucky day
    2 points
  6. You're an embarrassment. This is the most little dicked thing I've ever heard. The White Sox are more important to this city than Manny Machado or Jerry Reinsdorf. If you look in your heart and feel no affection for what being a Sox fan in this city means, then we're better off without you.
    2 points
  7. I agree with Jack Parkman. The fan-blaming has to stop. It has been going on for decades and there is no proof it helps the situation any. In fact, there is plenty of indication that it hurts the franchise as a whole. I am a fan, and want to remain one, but I also would like the team to do things that instill confidence. Instead, many times I am left shaking my head. There needs to be real improvement in 2019. It has to show in the record, and it has to show in the development of young players. The team just can't say it is rebuilding. If you want fan loyalty, you have to do something to earn it.
    2 points
  8. MF writing the lineup like he's introducing the Bill of Rights
    2 points
  9. Everytime I think of this off season it still makes my blood boil.
    2 points
  10. Oh, you're one of those.
    2 points
  11. 1B; Who 2B: What 3B: I don't know LF: Why CF: Because Pitcher: Tomorrow C : Today SS: I don't give a darn. http://www.baseball-almanac.com/humor4.shtml Thanks to Abbott and Costello if you don't know wtf I'm doing.
    2 points
  12. We literally traded for every single pitcher you said we signed.
    1 point
  13. Calisoxfan --- Pollyanna 2.0 -- I'll be okay soon, but right now I don't want logic; I wanna complain. So, I will continue to do so, and I'm doing to you what your profile picture is doing.
    1 point
  14. Meanwhile I just left Orland Mall and a big sports store there didn’t have a single Sox jersey
    1 point
  15. If (maybe) winning 70 games passes as "enjoyment" for you then I admire your definition of the word. Not trying to be sarcastic but when you've had the past 12 years like the Sox have which by and large have been awful, its hard to find enjoyment in the game...maybe in some individual performances, but the object is to win, that's why they keep score and the Sox have been brutally bad at winning. Doesn't mean I'm going to give up on them before anybody spits that nonsense out, I was born and raised in Chicago, I'm a Sox fan and I'll stay a Sox fan but this season is going to be pretty rough once again and we shouldn't delude ourselves otherwise.
    1 point
  16. All games, including the regular season are entertainment only.
    1 point
  17. Yes it gets old. Baseball experts with emotional outbursts. I hope Banuelos gets it together.
    1 point
  18. Yes, nobody is ever allowed to get better. That is what I keep hearing from everyone here. A player gets to the Majors and he already is what he is. You can never improve, you can never get better at anything. Good to know. We're all doomed. It's fine to be skeptical but to say nobody can improve defies all logic. Shit has really hit the fan here. It is getting to the point where rational discussion is no longer possible.
    1 point
  19. Good to see everyone is handling bad performances by players on the fringe of the roster well.
    1 point
  20. Guys, spring training results really don’t matter that much, especially for pitchers. The staff will likely be garbage but a rough March start in Arizona has very little bearing on that.
    1 point
  21. Yeah im trying to figure it out too...seems like hes been around forever and he hasn't ever really done anything
    1 point
  22. "we really can surprise people this year"
    1 point
  23. I know it's only Spring Training, but can they find someone to get a few outs? Geez. This is embarrassing.
    1 point
  24. So you think you're too intelligent for your own good? You actually think that? Jesus Christ, dude. I'm gonna leave this thread now.
    1 point
  25. I think there's an argument to be made for both production and upside. A guy like Eloy because his production was so good it's easier to see his upside For those who don't produce it's just harder to see the upside. Baseball is unique in that regard . Production in football and basketball is much more likely to translate to success at the higher level since you go from college to the pros. Almost no one in baseball goes from college to MLB. Baseball requires much more fine tuning of the talent. For some it comes slowly or never does. Basketball and football more heavily relies on athletic ability and baseball is a game of patience, adjustments and outsmarting the other guy. A hitter can have all kinds of natural ability but can't be patient or out think the pitcher will have a hard time showing off those abilities AT the lower levels sheer talent might get you by without making adjustments ,outsmarting or patience but it will get you sooner or later the higher you rise. All it takes is one pronounced weakness for a hitter to fail because it will be exploited over and over again. Avi would be one of the best hitters in baseball if he ever learned to lay off the crap pitchers throw him but that lack of patience and knowing when the pitcher is more likely to throw you crap means he also isn't outsmarting too many pitchers. Like you said there are plenty of guys who never made the leap from being productive minor leaguers to productive major leaguers. However there are probably far more examples or guys who couldn't be productive minor leaguers who also didn't become productive MLB players.
    1 point
  26. They did not sell high on him. Colome is paid more than a comparable reliever would be paid if signed as a free agent. If they did not believe in Narvaez and wanted a reliever, they would have been better off releasing Narvaez for nothing and signing a reliever. They took on payroll to remove Narvaez. They sold him at a value of negative several million dollars.
    1 point
  27. I really hope that they're not going to just give it to Santana. Really, why give to Santana over Banuelos or even Covey? What's the logic behind that?
    1 point
  28. People have a right to spend their time however they want. There is no reason this season i should spend 3 hours a day watching them this year or spending my money at the ballpark. I will watch eloy day whenever that comes. If you look in your heart and feel you need to watch every game this year and support this organization your a few crayons short of a full box.
    1 point
  29. 1. I agree Anderson’s ceiling is limited due to a lack of plate discipline, but his defense is much better than you give him credit for. I think he ultimately settles in as a 2.5 to 3 win player and given his contract that’s fine. Also, Tatis had nothing to do with Anderson. 2. I think me and you are watching completely different players when it comes to Moncada. If the dude can be a little bit more aggressive in his approach he’s an easy 3 to 4 win player to me with the upside for much more. You can talk about production but the kid was only 23 years old last year...give him some time. 3. Let’a not compare Luis Gonzalez to Fernando Tatis Jr because there is no comparison whatsoever there.
    1 point
  30. Maybe that signing would have changed things . Who knows we can't predict the future . Maybe they sign Corbin or Keuchel or Happ or Eovaldi. Maybe Pollock I know you had it in your head just how the rebuild should go and the Sox were pretty much following your script until it blew up in all our faces. Sucks to be wrong. Sucks to trust someone and then be let down but we always knew the whales were a long shot deep down in our hearts. Also not wasted if he was traded to add a good prospect or 2 which you ignored.
    1 point
  31. Ignorance that's what it is.... Just classless ignorance. We didn't get machado MOVE ON! It ain't Jays fault. Jay ain't a bad player. He knows his role he does what's asked from him. Maybe the sox gave him a lil more money than they should. But that ain't Jays fault. I've seen the sox trot worse players out there. Leave jay along and please cut the crap about booing its getting old and tiresome
    1 point
  32. I don't get people booing Jay. Pretty immature. Boo him even when he hits a 2 run HR just bc we did not get Machado?
    1 point
  33. Rick Hahn is terrible at his job. That's really just the bottom line. Well, that an the entire front office being a dumpster fire, owner included.
    1 point
    1 point
  35. I just watched that Machado guy make his Spring debut and he popped out. He’s a bust
    1 point
  36. How did you like the 100 instances of “baseball” last summer where the Sox’ opponent scored more runs than they did?
    1 point
  37. If our beleaguered fan base is slow to supporting “winners”, it’s because there have been so few of them throughout the team’s history. Just 9 trips to the postseason in the 118 years of the team’s existence. So don’t go down this “it’s a two way street” baloney when it comes to the fans’ responsibility in all of this. We are the consumers of a product that has been very bad for a very long time now. It’s a one way street at the moment with the sole responsibility to turn this mess around squarely on the owner and management team’s shoulders. And you saw in the past ten days or so how seriously they took that responsibility, despite having all of the means and resources to do so. They have earned the low attendance figures, the rock bottom TV/radio ratings, and now the ire of a long-abused fan base over this latest in a long running list of failures and franchise-crippling decisions perpetrated by the billionaire Reinsdorf and his goon management team.
    1 point
  38. Ok, I need to get something out that popped into my head while driving around today and this seems to be the best place to post it. When the White Sox went after Luis Robert they did what they had to do to pay what was necessary to land him. I commend them for that, Robert is a true multi tool player who could be phenomenal. The thing is he is a young international player, players who will always have an inherent risk of turning into not much at all. Look at all the detractors on Moncada and he was somewhat seen as a can't miss player (For the record, I do think Moncada will have a nice career but I digress). The Sox were willing to invest in Robert as well as paying extra with the penalty...but they are not willing to pay the going rate for 26 year old top free agents, one of which is an absolute marketable superstar who could change the face of the ballclub? I am sorry, I just do not understand that. Oh, and once again...Kenny just shut up!!!
    1 point
  39. I don't disagree with you, CWS. They have their logic backward. It should be: "If we build it, they will come" but instead it is "If they come, we MIGHT build it" which is unacceptable. The fan blaming has to stop. They need to take a look in the mirror.
    1 point
  40. Good...and they should get worse until this organization creates a culture of accountability and shows a commitment to win. Right now they’ve done neither and there’s still room to attack the bottom of line and force some change.
    1 point
  41. I'm ready to mercilessly boo Jay out here
    1 point
  42. It's been more than two years now since Moncada looked like the next "Robinson Cano" or whatever. He wasn't great in Charlotte, he wasn't great in 2017, he got worse last season. It's not good. I wish it were good but it's not. Same with Lopez and Giolito, both of them look actually even worse. I wish like crazy just one of these prospects of theirs would look even decent but so far it's been universally terrible. Compare that to the other rebuilds around baseball...it's actually very alarming. Kopech did look the part but, well, he's gone now. That's the risk they took accepting a deal that hinged largely on a pitcher of his type making it.
    1 point
  43. I heard the Score guys call Kenny/Hahn "KennyHahn-a" kind of like the restaurant Benihana.
    1 point
  44. I think if I had posted Harper would get $330M but only an AAV of $25M I would have got 10 laughing emojis.
    1 point
  45. Love how some just wanna dump moncada.... What are they gonna say bout eloy when he struggles
    1 point
  46. I think this could be the worst opening day OF in MLB history lol
    1 point
  47. God that team is terrible. Might even be worse than last year if it's even possible.
    1 point
  48. "If we keep playing like this we'll be right there at the end" - Rick Hahn, early July, 2015.
    1 point
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