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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Is he on the Verizon team?
    3 points
  2. I don’t think being gay is inappropriate. But if you are so worried about exposing kids to things that are inappropriate, probably going to a ballgame is a bad idea. I see and hear heterosexual people doing several inappropriate things every game I attend. Not to mention, the person sitting next to you may be gay. The horror.
    2 points
  3. Yeah, it's certainly a bit of damning with faint praise
    2 points
  4. This isn’t even about views. I could care less if he’s accepting of homosexuality or not in all honesty. But I do have a problem when others feel compelled to force others to accept their views. If someone wants to be gay, it has no bearing on this person’s life. The problem with religious zealots is they try to force their narrow minded views on others. By all means live your life by your own moral convictions, but please allow others to do the same if they do not impact your direct well-being.
    2 points
  5. When the politics part of the board was opened I noticed if you don't have the same values or ideas of the majority you are then in turn a bad person. I don't agree with anything the guy is saying but his allowed to have his opinion, I just would have kept such a controversial think to myself lol
    2 points
  6. Now this I don't understand. He is taking a lot of abuse for his beliefs and there are a lot of people left in the world who believe those things. Not me I have 2 gay brothers. You ask him to be tolerant yet we cannot be tolerant. He is not hateful nor advocating any violence but the posts attacking him are mocking him and abusive. Just because majority rules here and on this subject doesn't mean the majority has the right to abuse his beliefs no matter how antiquated his thinking appears to be.
    2 points
  7. I am sure they are making funeral arrangements as we post.
    2 points
  8. Ask the PR dept if they'll have a dedicated anti-gay section in the park where you guys can smash some people that get too close maybe?
    2 points
  9. Because Madrigal doesn't matter for this year. He is getting his ABs with the MiLB guys. It is the borderline guys they want to evaluate. Rivera falls into the same camp. It is spring training, not the regular season.
    2 points
  10. I know people don't want to hear it, but Tim Anderson is a pretty nice success story when you think about how raw he was, and how far behind he was. He also still has some big room to grow. Maybe it is the alcohol talking, but I think he will make an all star team in the next few years.
    2 points
  11. When I think of the long list of White Sox problems, it takes really long time until I get to Tim Anderson. At the very worst, he's adequate.
    2 points
  12. Ill give it a listen right now. EDIT: Said they have heard whispers of scouts who say Vaughn should be 1-1. Think there are no pitchers who are top 10 worthy right now. Think Adley is an outstanding defensive catcher, which is something I hadn't heard yet. They don't see the Orioles taking Vaughn, because Vaughn could be up in 2020, and would not fit their timeline for the rebuild. Said Bobby Witt has the highest ceiling in this draft. Thinks Abrams has less of a chance to stick at SS, may move to CF. Fastest risers are Misner and Stott. Could be top 10 guys. Don't think Misner can be a CF. Might have 70 raw power. Stott might not stick at SS, but should be above average 3B. Will likely be drafted and tried out at SS to see how he does with a bigger frame. Aren't sure what to think of Carter Stewart. Maybe mid-late 1st RD. Consistency is an issue, but stuff is great.
    1 point
  13. You will get none of them and you will like it!
    1 point
  14. Remember anyone that disagrees with this crowd is a bigot, homophobe, etc etc. My point is having a "gay pride" night is showing scandal. If I bring my kids I am going to have to explain to them something that's not appropriate at the ball park, and if kids go with friends or others they can be led astray. There are rainbow flags. In other ball parks there has been kiss cams where two people of the same sex kiss. If we are talking about violence against a group of people why not just have a anti-violence day?
    1 point
  15. Fornication Night?!? That might be one that The Hawk would come back to call..."You know who was the best fornicator I ever played with Stoney?"...
    1 point
  16. Well I think the daughter will need "dads money" for at least the first 16 years of her life.
    1 point
  17. Im gonna weigh in here. I think you are really going about this the wrong way, and you need to be careful with what you say and how you say it. There are people out there who have committed suicide because of these kinds of things. I am assuming you are a Christian based on what you said earlier about holding Gospel values. That's fine. I'm a Christian too, and quite frankly, I disagree with the act of homosexuality, just like you do. I, however, do not think people engaging in homosexual acts are evil people. I also think the White Sox are not celebrating the act pf homosexuality, as you are implying, but rather celebrating the people that are affected by it. People who identify with homosexuality have been abused, manipulated and treated like dogs for so long, and that is so wrong. The thing is, this is SUCH a sensitive topic, that you really have to be careful with how you approach these kinds of issues, no matter what you believe. To be honest with you, as a Christian, the gay pride night might be a perfect venue for you, as a christian, to talk to these people, get to know them, and hear their story. In fact, that is exactly the kind of thing that Jesus did.
    1 point
  18. When you talk about homosexuality exposure to kids as if it were a communicable disease, yes, you are demonstrating hate, not the love that was Christ's greatest commandment of all.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Once again just because I dont support "gay pride" doesnt mean I hate anyone or want to hurt anyone. Would you be satisfied with an "adultery pride" night or a "fornication pride" night?
    1 point
  21. I can tell you 100% that you are probably in the wrong place on the internet if you are going to attack people who support gay rights. I know you are new here and all, but I am going to be honest and up front with you and come out and say that you might have made the wrong choice for a Sox spot on the internet.
    1 point
  22. I respect you and your opinions but it hurts to see our organization, and the one I love so much scandalize not only the adults but especially the young. I will stick around. I still believe in Gospel values, not progressive false ideas. I will leave it there for now.
    1 point
  23. I implore you to reconsider this fine idea, I hate to break it to you but you aren't going to change shit.
    1 point
  24. They needed to add Seby Zavala to the roster and weren't going to carry 4 catchers on the 40-man. They tried to slide him off the 40 man. He was claimed and then an opportunity came to acquire Colome for Narvaez and they did it. That left them with just Welington/Zavala on the 40-man. James McCann sucks so I understand being critical of that signing but Kevan Smith is just a guy and is 30 years old. We should see Zavala and Collins sometime this season.
    1 point
  25. He's a competitive sob and I love it. The team needs more guys with Tim's attitude. He works his ass off, plays his ass off and has a lot of swagger.
    1 point
  26. He is absolutely a feather in the cap. Top Sox Development Success stories since Hahn: 1. Tim Anderson 2. Leury Garcia 3. Yolmer Sanchez 4. Trayce Thompson 5. Omar Narvaez 6. Tyler Saladino Abreu I would consider a scout success, same with Kahnle. I think Avi and Rodon have been biggest development failures.
    1 point
  27. Agreed, and there is still growth that we are witnessing. As a bonus, he has fun and is demonstrative when he plays. I love when he gets under the skin of the fun police.
    1 point
  28. Eh, even so Tim Anderson in a redraft of 2013 would probably be a top 3 pick.
    1 point
  29. I don't believe it's my place to decide whether or not he gets a chance, but if he does I really, really, really hope it's not with the White Sox.
    1 point
  30. He was the 17th overall pick, not the first. Getting an everyday major leaguer at that spot is always a win.
    1 point
  31. Getting open in the end zone, now overrated. That's one that I haven't heard before. Did the Bears trade for someone or are they going sign someone?
    1 point
  32. Seeing it tomorrow. Can't wait.
    1 point
  33. Yes, I have been listening to SCORE HOUSE this week. It is almost entirely pro Cub with no White Sox coverage. It is almost like talking to 670 is frowned upon and the White Sox interviews are always early in the morning. They could also make SCORE HOUSE so much better by having the guys broadcast all together with “Can’t Do It” or maybe drunken debauchery with everyone on the evening shows. The video stream is more fun to watch than listening to the crap that has been on. I’m still not a fan of the new Score lineup and miss Spiegs.
    1 point
  34. It was fun but not great. Alot of the 90s gags are solid, others are too much. The Marvel signature at the beginning was all Stan Lee and was well done. Especially his in movie cameo. Id say more but don't want to throw spoilers out yet.
    1 point
  35. Anderson is having a fantastic spring. Not that it means anything given that they're just exhibition games, but it's nice to see regardless. Hoping this is the year where he takes a big leap.
    1 point
  36. Greg's hatred of Openers has to make the Greg Hall of Fame. Right above Alex Rios and below statniks.
    1 point
  37. This is spot on, there’s nobody in next year’s free agency class that I want, you use that money for the big guns even though the Sox will just end up finishing in 2nd every time. I don’t want them touching any of the junk next year. And with that being said they’ll overpay for some aging bum next year only to say “hey we spend the money”. They screwed up this offseason and deserve to be destroyed for it. I for one will not forgive them for blowing this offseason.
    1 point
  38. This was why I really liked the last few drafts. They were getting away from the power, strikeout hitters and going with guys who made lots of contact and kept the line moving even if they were not knocking the ball out of the park. I just hope that guys like Madrigal and Gonzalez make it to The Show and get back to baseball instead of all of these "toolsy" guys who metrics gurus talk to me about who have speed and hit sub .250 in A or AA ball.
    1 point
  39. First of all, as a general rule I strongly dislike the idea of sex offender registries and so on. If you're a menace to society, then you can't be in society. If your punishment is over, your punishment is over. People who commit crimes and serve their punishment should be allowed to be full participants in society. Everybody wants to say that sure the person shouldn't be in prison, but they shouldn't be allowed to do [insert whatever thing here]. This was I believe the most complete reporting on what happened: https://portlandtribune.com/pt/12-sports/385703-274945-penalties-paid-heimlich-ready-to-return-for-beavers-baseball From the public safety perspective, it appears experts believe Heimlich is a very low risk to re-offend. His court-appointed therapist told the court he should have his restrictions as soon as allowed, saying they "do nothing to protect the community and serve no other useful purpose." The only reason this ultimately came to light was an error on the part of state police in Oregon, who misunderstood the laws under which Heimlich was sentenced. If not for the news coverage, a criminal background check would not yield any results for Heimlich. He is not a registered sex offender. In the eyes of the law, he has no criminal history. Heimlich has only "admitted" to the offense under a single circumstance: his guilty plea required him to write an apology letter that had to be written as if he committed the offense. Maybe that's enough for you to say he is an admitted offender, but in my view it would be very naive to assume that only guilty people take guilty pleas. The alternative that Heimlich faced after the accusation against him was to fight in a quasi-court setting (this is the juvenile justice system, not the court us adults at Soxtalk would go to if we were accused of such crimes). Heimlich's lawyer, the family says, advised that in such juvenile proceedings the accuser is always believed unless they are unequivocally proven wrong. There was an unusual circumstance here in that when Heimlich's brother divorced, he was granted full custody of the child. Nobody has said publicly why that happened but it is not what typically happens. It was understood that Heimlich's brother would see his custody questioned if he didn't react appropriately to this accusation. This is just to say that there was much more at stake here than Heimlich's own interests. So I don't know what he did. I think there's a chance he is innocent as he claims. The best evidence against him is that the child told somebody it happened; I'm generally inclined to believe the accuser and I wouldn't sign Heimlich if I wasn't comfortable with the possibility that he did what he was accused of doing. I would advise against using his guilty plea as evidence of his guilt as there was abundant reason for an innocent person in his situation to accept the deal offered to him: go to counseling, avoid the niece, and after a few years it's all over and nobody will ever find out (unless some police officer in another state accidentally leaks your name into the public record). The alternative is a drawn out hearing process that will likely ruin your relationship with several members of the family and if found guilty, time in juvenile detention. All that being said, I'm not hoping for the Sox to sign him no matter how talented he may be — I'm thinking he's being overrated just because he's basically untouchable — because the Sox are not exactly in a position where they have built up goodwill they can burn on a controversial thing like this.
    1 point
  40. Pretty sure I'd be on board for Miggy's aged 26 - 36 seasons. You know, the ones where he was an absolute monster for 6 straight years, multiple MVPs, triple crowns. That stuff's pretty neat. "Well, well, these guys are going to suck in the 2027 season!!!!'" is the stupidest possible argument and gives to much credit to this garbage front office and ownership. I could give less of a shit about the 2028 payroll if you have a HoF player in his prime to combine with your (hopeful) young talented core. Not to mention 25m in 2028 isn't going to be the same as in 2019. This franchise as currently constructed has a ~5-6 year window to win and they needed to maximize the chance at that by spending money. They have proven over multiple decades that they cannot draft, scout, or develop players. The likelihood of having a solid farm system & young core ever again after this batch runs out is about 0% when you don't have HoF/amazing contract players to trade for other team's assets. FU forever Reinsdorf you cheap bastard.
    1 point
  41. No idea if he did it or not. I read the SI story a year or two ago. Remember feeling very undecided about it after reading. One thing I am certain of - if you're 15 or 16 years old and everyone from your parents, to your attorney on down are telling you that pleading guilty is the right thing to do to move on, and this it will be expunged from your record when you turn 18, you're going to do that. The whole story (whether true or false, no idea which it is), legally should have never come out. He plead guilty for that exact reason. The only reason it came into the public was due to a clerical filing error.
    1 point
  42. There was a very thorough article about the situation a couple of years ago in, I believe, SI that is worth a read. One interesting excerpt, among many, was a third party expert in the field detailing that recidivism among underage people who commit the crime but undergo proper treatment is incredibly low. I don't know how much that changes anyone's analysis. Personally, I don't think we have to entirely forgive and forget but you also cannot damn a 20 or so year old guy to walking the earth alone unworthy of employment once he has paid his debt. I also don't romanticize a job in baseball as some special privilege bestowed on only the purest. If he were hired for the lowest job you can think of, would you hate the company that hired him? If so, then you are essentially saying he should never have employment. In my opinion that position leads to additional legal problems against society in the future. I may find it repugnant but my line of thinking has to lead to an answer that I wouldn't be against the Sox hiring him. Obviously there would have to be restrictions on his employment.
    1 point
  43. None of us knows what he did do and what he didn't do when he was 15, and none of us knows how the dialogue went between law enforcement and him and his parents.
    1 point
  44. Jon Jay and maybe some of his relatives/pets/friends if that will make it more likely that he returns to the Southside.
    1 point
  45. I refuse too look forward to free agency only to be let down again
    1 point
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