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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2019 in all areas

  1. If I've learned anything, Brewers became a good team because they signed a lot of position players from Wisconsin. That's the secret recipe for team building.
    2 points
  2. It sure got very Caulfield in here.
    2 points
  3. The Sox hit rock bottom, when they failed to land a major FA this offseason. We have become the Pirates.
    2 points
  4. I believe we've hit bottom. The problem is that we may spend quite a while at the bottom. 2019 looking better and 2020 and beyond being competitive years currently hinges on all or most of the prospects living up to their potential. It was shown this off season that the team cannot compete in the big FA sweepstakes, so there's no reason to believe that they will be signing a big name next off season. I was thinking at the end of last season that the Sox could be a surprise contender in 2019. Now I don't think it's a possibility until 2021 at the earliest...and that may be a stretch.
    2 points
  5. Corey Ray was picked 5 picks before the White sox were able to pick him. ? And he put up decent numbers last year for the first time in his professional career, Overreacting to ST games is ridiculous enough, but to invent a narrative that Corey Ray is a Sox scouting failure is just hilarious. Never change.
    2 points
  6. Gay pride night isn't about promoting homosexuality, it's about promoting the ACCEPTANCE of people who live different lifestyles, and if you don't understand that, it's a shame that you're in a position to influence children, because developing sympathy and respect for others in a community is a critical point of development for kids. You probably think you're being the reasonable one by saying that you respect others' points of view, but it's tragically ironic that standing up against Gay Pride night is LITERALLY standing up against respecting others' points of view.
    2 points
  7. I’m glad that Jerry didn’t kill your optimism after all
    1 point
  8. If none of the prospects acquired in the Eaton, Sale and Q trades shows out at the MLB level this year then it's not a "rebuild" it's just an incredibly awful club with no future, no present, and very little past. By not committing any money to Manny the club has doubled down on their existing management, major and minor league talent, and overall organizational position within MLB. This is a bottom tier franchise (bottom 5 easily at the moment) with an uncertain future. It's hard for us fans to keep caring and supporting them given that no, this is not "rock bottom" -- rock bottom would be starting over in 2022 after the failure of the rebuild. There is not enough evidence lately to say that things will get better. They can easily get worse.
    1 point
  9. 18 man! That was 18! Nice work
    1 point
  10. I wish the White Sox had a park as nice as PNC and it was located in the South Loop.
    1 point
  11. Pretty sure they do. In fact I know they do, I've had pitching prospects tell me that. I think what the article meant is that they adjusted Alec's program specifically.
    1 point
  12. Rock bottom would be Moncada, Lopez, Cease, and Eloy going down with major injuries. Could always get a whole lot worse. Sox aren't at that point.
    1 point
  13. Temper tantrum to show the admins who is boss. Typically happens when someone doesn't get their way, or is about to be suspended. Spoiler alert: It doesn't work.
    1 point
  14. So Corey Ray is the reason the Brewers became a good team? You just present a correlation that does not exist. If moving the goalposts was an Olympic sport, you‘d be the favorite for the gold medal.
    1 point
  15. I could not have said it better myself. After the Machado failure I have never been this disinterested and disgusted with the Sox in a long time. I will watch (but not with he same vigor) and hopefully Eloy brings some excitement along with Moncada but I am still so down on them I cant describe it. I cant seem to shake the Machado debacle. And i will NEVER EVER read another thread or story on " what free agents should we chase" in 2020. Does it really matter because we will never have a chance with a 26 year old superstar like we just had. Maybe i'm in the minority and hopefully i shake out of it with some good play by the young guys but at this point i'm not sure. And a few of my friends feel the exact way i do so maybe its just not me. To tell you the truth if i hear Hahn's voice talking about always on the lookout for "premium young talent " i might puke. Oh well just venting but it still doesn't make it better.
    1 point
  16. So you're saying Robert is still out today?
    1 point
  17. Hard to believe Alek Thomas hasn't been brought up yet.
    1 point
  18. The people who make up fake NFL accounts on Twitter to report fake deals should be banned from the internet for life.
    1 point
  19. huh? Also... no one ever said let's go see Charlie Tilson. I'm not the one advocating for more "non-New Trier position players from Illinois." You are. No one ever said let's go see Jason Kipnis either. You're just complaining about nonsense at this point. Do you want them to get non-pitchers who lived in Illinois (but didn't attend New Trier) because you think it will help them win or because you are concerned about attendance figures?
    1 point
  20. I would let the host of american ninja warrior break all my news, personally
    1 point
  21. Minus the much nicer and newer stadium and the cool downtown location....and the picturesque Clemente Bridge/Statue. Definitely some similarities, dumping fan favorites McCutcheon, Cole, Mercer, Harrison, etc.
    1 point
  22. I don't want to hear anyone on this site complain about attendance again...our AAA affiliate draws great and those players will be here someday and bring their fans with them
    1 point
  23. And you are defining homegrown as LITERALLY growing up in Chicagoland area or Illinois (except if they went to New Trier)... Why the hell does it matter where they were born? This is the most bonkers take I've read in a long time.
    1 point
  24. If you don't want to spend market value on premium free agents, then you sure as hell better be good at draft and development. The Sox are just brutal at developing from within. This has been the biggest problem over the years. Even teams who do not undergo full on rebuilds still bring up prospects to perform for their MLB clubs. Hahn has done a nice job bringing in some high level prospects, but the development aspect is the killer. Also, having an owner to fully commit to NOT spending market value will hinder any chance at accelerating this process. KW and Hahn will continue to take daggers for Uncle Jerry, but we all know he is the problem. Also, KW and Hahn have done a horrible job bringing in free agents as well. So not only has the prospect development be poor, but pro scouting has been poor. Where is the accountability here? None. We are forced to let these same guys who dug this horrible organizational hole be the ones in charge of rebuilding a team? For me, this is rock bottom as a fan.Let's not forget one of KW or Hahn lied to us after Machado signed with SD. One guy told us that money wouldn't be a hindrance when the time came for acquiring premium free agent talent. Another guys said "we just couldn't go to that $300 million level" Hmmm? Are we stupid? The trust level is completely shot. They need to do something bold very soon to earn our trust back, because it's gone right now. And we know nobody will be getting fired. Most organizations would have made changes to the front office a long time ago. Yes, Eloy will likely be good. And there is hope for guys like Madrigal, Rutherford, Gonzalez, and Robert, but there are no guarantees. And the track record has indicated that this rebuild will likely fail- due to the three guys who run this team.
    1 point
  25. Joe Mauer was drafted first overall in the Mark Prior draft. He wasn't some hidden scouting discovery the Twins made because he is from Minnesota. Are you saying Ray should have been chosen by the Sox in 2013? Do you praise the Sox when they acquire Charlie Tilson and Burdi?
    1 point
  26. That doesn't explain what you said... Tell us how drafting 10th and not 5th in that draft is a "scouting failure."
    1 point
  27. I thought that was weird, but going back to what I disliked, maybe its so there are two distinct data sets to see exactly how it effects the game. I do think its going to be really weird and the first few games are probably going to have a ton of walks and passed balls.
    1 point
  28. The issue is this organization has hit on very low volume of developing players and there is no reason to believe they will hit on any more than one or two of the current crop and we were shown that they will not bid properly for free agents so in 5 years we will most likely be where we are now. The ineptness of this front office is shown in this past off-season by over paying for bad free agents and then trading for a $9M contract for a worthless player from a divisional for looking to cut salary. The fact that Jon Jay is making more then Adam Jones ends any debate of the front office having any kind of clue.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I know that Ron Fowler, A.J. Preller, Dan Lozano, and Manny Machado all love his sorry ass.
    1 point
  31. Without adding Machado or Harper this offseason, a Joc trade would now be asinine. After missing out on the big two, the Sox likely won’t be competing much this year or next year with or without Joc. Machado was good for 5-6 wins. Unless they locked Joc up long-term it doesn’t make sense. The Sox have enough OF prospects that they shouldn’t waste talent on two years of Joc.
    1 point
  32. I have never been more down on the Sox in my life. Have not given up hope and will love this team. However, with the lack of a marquee free agent and all the pitching prospects going down or flaming out (except for Cease), I am starting to lose hope.
    1 point
  33. My best friend is a staunch Trump supporter. We talk daily, we still occasionally discuss politics, even though we agree to disagree fairly quickly and call it off. I always said I wasn't going to let politics get in the way of our friendship. Is he a bit of a bigot? Yeah. Does it bother me? Yeah. But out of all of the people I've met, he treats me as good or better than some people I consider family. I really think that bigotry is based on lack of exposure. If you never talk to a gay person, or a person of a different ethnicity you don't look at them as human beings, therefore it is easy to attack/persecute them. I grew up in an area of the Chicago Suburbs that is 97% white. I got exposed to other groups of people through other family members and family friends. I saw what it was like to live in poverty, because my dad grew up that way, and was lucky to get out, while 3 out of 4 of my aunts weren't as lucky. All of these life experiences shaped my view on humanity, and I look at the world in a completely different way due to it. If you live your entire life in a sheltered vacuum, you don't look at anyone different than you with the same level of humanity. That is my belief and I'm sticking to it.
    1 point
  34. I think we are rock bottom but not necessarily looking good going forward.
    1 point
  35. Careful man, you'll give the dude impure thoughts.
    1 point
  36. That's totally unrealistic given that this team only makes the playoffs only about once a decade and has done a real run only once since the end of the 1977 season.
    1 point
  37. Precisely why I can't muster any excitement for this team under its current owner/FO. All of the potential "star" assets the Sox currently have were acquired trading MULTIPLE HoF/insane contract players that are nearly impossible to have happen again like it did Best case over the next 10 years: Sox make the playoffs 2-3 times and maybe catch lightning in a bottle once for a real run. So invested in this shit franchise for so long and now I couldn't give less of a shit. FU Jerry
    1 point
  38. I don’t wish anyone to lose their jobs (if sbnation even pays anyone there which isn’t guaranteed), but when Jim left there was no reason to go to south side Sox and there are plenty of options for Sox content. Had sbnation tried and found a good site lead it probably would have survived, but as it is it’s not at the same level as other Sox blogs.
    1 point
  39. Without getting too political, I think convicted pedophiles should receive the death penalty. So that’s where I stand. BUT... Something that mitigates in this case is that Luke was 15. This isn’t a 30 year old who was predating on children. He himself was a child, albeit a slightly more developed one. Still, if an adult had sex with him around the time he did this, we would all pretty much agree that he lacked the ability to properly consent, no matter what words were coming out of his mouth. So how can we look at this situation and say that he had the full mental capacity to understand what he was doing and how insanely wrong it was?
    1 point
  40. There are people calling Hansen a non-prospect? A guy who made T100 lists a year ago? With his filthy stuff? That's ridiculous. The command and injury risks came back BIG time last year for sure, and he's fallen back on the ladder, but he is absolutely still a significant prospect. You just don't give up on that level of talent, especially when he's shown before for a year and a half at a stretch that he can dial it back in. He's a prospect now and will be for at least another couple years even if he struggles.
    1 point
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