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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Take a guess at how many SS's last year put up a .360 OBP. I will save you the work. 2. 8 SS's hit .270 or better. 5 SS's hit 25 HR or more. There was literally 1 SS in all of baseball who put up .270 AVE, .360 OBP, and 25 HRs. And he just got 300 million dollars worth of a contract.
    10 points
  2. I am picturing this conversation as if it is happening in a bar, and it is fantastic. SS2K5 and Balta are off in a corner shouting big numbers at each other, not even noticing caufield yelling into a literal megaphone and wearing a sandwich board that says "I knew TIm Hullett before you were in diapers". A crowd of drunk soccer fans has gathered near caufield and they are all egging him on and buying him drinks to juice out as much entertainment as possible. Chisox378 is sitting at the end of the bar nursing a warm beer and telling the bartender the world has gone to shit and why can't we go back to Mayberry. The bouncer (Mods) are standing there mouths agape like they are watching a car crash, no idea where to even start. Others walk by the bar, see what's going on and juuuuuust keep walking.
    10 points
  3. And it failed miserably but keep trying. Maybe the next one will have some logic included.
    4 points
  4. I half want this to happen because the system sucks and a guy getting his money is always rad. Half think it sounds absolutely dumb as shit.
    4 points
  5. Feels like a quick "shit ALL our fans hate us cause we're cheap & shitty at our jobs so lets try and drum up some excitement for this season"
    4 points
  6. I know I have been arguing about the other signings not being as bad as everyone says but let me just say that I voted them an F for the entire off season but that is based on The Machado Mess. If they convert on him all the other signings no one would care about. It's the planning to get him and the failure with a ridiculous offer and lame excuses that rightly have so many upset. Machado or Harper meant so much , was so important to restoring faith in the organization that it literally depressed the majority of the fans. For that they deserve the F and also an F U.
    3 points
  7. Well, he can already do the 20+ home runs, 20+ stolen bases, and plays above average defense at the most important position on the field. Soooooo
    3 points
  8. This is a worse take than your opinion on Pride Night I think.
    3 points
  9. I didn’t realize Kenny’s son posts here. Good to know.
    3 points
  10. Yes, totally the same situations. Eloy is worth every bit of $100 million guaranteed because he has proven himself in the majors. He is guaranteed to be the player Machado already is. It’s worth the financial risk for that extra one year of control. Your argument is absolutely terrible.
    3 points
  11. Lozano used the Sox to leverage a deal to get Machado and his wife to the town they both wanted to live in. Hahn got played,, but given all the pressure from fans, I can't blame him for trying. It is what it is.
    3 points
  12. I wish fans would stop blaming JR/KW/RH for not signing Machado. The dude wanted to play in SD. plain and simple. There are no reports that I am aware of that suggest that Lozano came back to the Sox, asked them to match SD's Offer, and JR refused. Eloy can hit. If he plays 1st base or even is a DH, I want to see him signed long term. Get 'er did.
    3 points
  13. Honestly this would just make me more mad they didn’t shell out for Machado. But I’m rooting for the player to get his moola. Also so if this offer is on the table it would be already taken yeah?
    3 points
  14. Make that 18 months from now. The sox want him to rest and see if it gets better on its own.
    2 points
  15. Astros players seem to think that they're the moral authority on everything these days. Super ironic given the Osuna acquisition, the cheating accusations, etc.
    2 points
  16. F for Fuck You, Jerry, Rick, and Kenny.
    2 points
  17. The point being missed, or that I haven't seen talked about is the new CBA agreement. It's been made clear that the players are going to push being given more guaranteed money earlier in their careers. I think JR knows this and knows the gravy train of paying rookies and young arb guys almost nothing is about to end. Giving Eloy $100mm isn't so much about him believing in Eloy or being a nice owner. It's a calculated hedge to lock in a (hopefully) budding superstar at below market cost if the players association successfully negotiates a new agreement. Jerry Reinsdorf is Old Man Potter from It's a Wonderful Life. He doesn't miss a trick. He's offering 50 cents on the dollar.
    2 points
  18. Revenue governs labor costs, not vice versa. Also, tickets cost 7 dollars.
    2 points
  19. ...no? And that's still not counting the upside.
    2 points
  20. There no way you could get worse with the way your started here
    2 points
  21. Tim Anderson is one bad season away from being released. You cant hit .240 with 5 times as many strikeouts to walks and expect to be a full time player.
    2 points
  22. The one worry you have is what this would do to Eloy's motivation. A lot of guys have been paid and all of a sudden the performance drops off. Usually guys are very hungry at his age. Now, I'm trying to get in touch with Gene Lamont's people. I have to do better than Caulfield's YMCA with him. Maybe kiss cam.
    2 points
  23. Sarcasm? Troll job? No way you are serious here.
    2 points
  24. If he is a perennial MVP candidate this is fine. Seems like a big risk for a team that is so against risk.
    2 points
  25. I don’t even know what you’re arguing at this point, but Hahn mid-reading the market doesn’t reflect a “we suck” tax it reflects a “our GM sucks” issue. There is zero evidence to suggest free agents are demanding more from us than other clubs, which is the point I’m making. I’m not sure how this is even an argument.
    2 points
  26. So now we have to diss Eloy to prove how mad we are? Jesus.
    2 points
  27. How could any team that drafted Gordon Beckham and Carson Fulmer as first rounders and traded for Yoan Moncada just assume an unproven player will be worth $100 million when you don’t even have to risk that kind of money? Worst front office in the game.
    2 points
  28. Ever since I started working, every single day of my life is worse than the day before. So when you see me, that’s on the worst day of my life.
    2 points
  29. Your proof includes Manny saying something positive about San Diego after signing a massive contract and KW and Hahn acting surprised? Really? What more plausible reaction did you expect? Manny dissing San Diego after signing or KW and Hahn coming out and saying their boss is cheap and will never pay market value for a premier player in their prime?
    2 points
  30. This is how I understand the final negotiations went: " The White Sox made their last, best offer on Monday night: a 10-year deal worth $250 million guaranteed, plus incentives. If Machado hit all the escalators, he could max out at $350 million. A few hours earlier, the Padres had submitted theirs: $300 million, 10 years, opt-out after five. Fowler tried to sleep but couldn’t. He called Preller around 11:30 p.m. “Where are we?” he asked. Preller said there hadn’t been an update in a while. Maybe he was leaning the other way. Fowler told him to re-engage Lozano. :" Lozano accepted that offer which only guaranteed 5 years at $150. Was that deal offered to the White Sox? I don't think it was. and then this from Machado's mouth: " "I'm truly blessed to be here. I'm truly blessed to be a part of this organization," Machado said. "Since day one, since we met you, we knew it was the right fit for me and my wife to be here. We're very excited to be here and start this new journey of our baseball career, our lives -- to take on that San Diego weather and take on this team."
    2 points
  31. What other above average tools does Jimenez have? 2/5. Hit for average. Hit for power. Average to below average fielder (see Avi), below average arm (maybe "par" for LF) and slow foot speed...which will likely slow down over time as he puts on more weight.
    2 points
  32. Given that Eloy's first three years are going to be near the league minimum this is basically a 5 year deal for ~$98 MM. I don't really see why you would give that kind of money to a player that doesn't have a major league at bat to their name. It also makes not calling him up last year really dumb. So basically what I'm saying here is that this is right in the White Sox wheelhouse.
    2 points
  33. Crazy. These numbers seem very high for a player who has yet to play a major league game. There has to be more years to it than just this (to ultimately get to the 100M).
    2 points
  34. I find it strange they are willing to commit 100m to a guy who has never played a game in the MLB, but they cheaped out on Machado and Bryce. Just really odd and not Sox like.
    2 points
  35. Also, funny enough, this would be the largest contract ever given out by the Sox.....and it's to a guy who has never played a major league game.
    2 points
  36. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2019/03/offseason-in-review-chicago-white-sox-11.html Nothing new here but thought he pretty much hit the nail on the head with how most feel
    1 point
  37. I don't understand this from a Sox perspective. Save the money, and pay him when he needs to be paid. From Eloy's perspective, if this is true, he needs to sign it quickly.
    1 point
  38. Because they had no clue SD was going to blow their deal out of the water in terms of guaranteed dollars...not enough due diligence of competitor, relationship between Machado and Tatis, Jr., their shared agent, etc.
    1 point
  39. Comes out to only $12.5M per year. But. Eloy has not played a single game. They weren't willing to give 4-time All-Star Manny Machado $50M more over 10 years?
    1 point
  40. I feel like you might be undershooting on the arb figures a bit. Especially with inflation. Most estimates I've seen for a possible Eloy extension (thru 2025) are 7/70 or so. To make it 8/100 is just buying one year of FA at $30 million per those estimates, which is a lot, but honestly a risk I don't mind them taking given Eloy's ceiling and that it's just one year
    1 point
  41. Holy shit. We're getting Eloy till he's 30!
    1 point
  42. I didn't buy it last year, so this is my year to do it.
    1 point
  43. You must enjoy all of Anderson's errors and all the other bad play committed by Hahn's stalwart stars. Such is the excellence of his talent evaluations.
    1 point
  44. Funeral arrangements are pending.
    1 point
  45. And you had to throw it where the hitter wanted it and there weren't foul balls and you could just throw a ball at a player to get them out and you played until a certain number of runs instead of innings and on and on and on. There have been so many rule changes to baseball over the years yet still any time people want to change one small part of the game people get upset about things like the "purity" of the game. Its all so stupid. You evolve or you die. The key is figuring out how to evolve to make it better and not worse.
    1 point
  46. This thread is irrelevant. If the Sox were to sign him, he'd just end up with Tommy John Surgery, within a week. So what's the point.
    1 point
  47. At least one thing went right for KR/KW/Hahn .... Eloy didn't make the decision controversial.
    1 point
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