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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2019 in all areas

  1. I want this to happen just to see a Yoan/Yolbert/Yolmer/Yonder infield come to fruition
    5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Twitter will probably mess this potential signing. Right Rick?
    4 points
  4. I take my son to one or two games per year. Sox are 0-6 in games we've attended. He's very aware of that fact. Chris Sale was his favorite player. Now he doesn't have one. Maybe someday.
    3 points
  5. He gets in a bad mood because I ether him so often in threads. Otherwise, SS2k5 is a good dude
    2 points
  6. Do you really have to be so condescending and spiteful to everyone all the time? We get it, you are really smart and amazing (see what I did there?)
    2 points
  7. Very cool you're set on moving the family to Nashville man. Everybody loves that place. My folks are also looking to move down there as well. Wait til that RE market gets corrected though! They've had bonanza growth there.
    2 points
  8. He was already leaning towards going to Nashville. I could never base a decision to leave or stay based on a team I liked if the pros of moving out-weighed the cons. It seems like the Sox were a small factor here.
    2 points
  9. Dan Straily was just released by the Marlins. I would much rather see him in the White Sox rotation than Giolito.
    2 points
  10. You just said a month ago you were moving because of this, right?
    2 points
  11. 100% agree. We should not be forgoing a high 2nd round to pick to add an older free agent pitcher a year before they’re actually needed. 12 months from now could be a different story. Also, while the pitching market has no doubt taken a big hit with Sale & Verlander agreeing to extensions, there are still some interesting arms that should be available next offseason. Cole is definitely a pipedream at this point, but any of Bumgarner, Porcello, Wacha, Wheeler, & Wood could prove to be useful additions. Obviously I’d prefer a more impactful arm than those guys, but at the end of the day there aren’t a ton of consistent, high-end pitchers in the game right now. Adding a guy who can hopefully be a 3+ win pitcher may be good enough for what we need with Cease & Kopech entering the fold.
    2 points
  12. Not sure how you can say this. The current people in charge took over for Shapiro in 2015. The people in charge now have done next to nothing to improve the team. Most of the acquisitions were made by Shapiro.
    2 points
  13. Not to beat a dead horse, but the Indians’ front office is leagues ahead of ours.
    2 points
  14. If the Sox aren't willing to spend actual money in free agency then they can't give up top 50 selections for marginal upgrades. It doesn't really make sense at this point.
    2 points
  15. That's some Miami Marlins level thinking. And I'm down for it.
    2 points
  16. Good for Gronk. Retiring when he wants too, barely 30 years old, millions in the bank, and I'm sure plenty of endorsement/entertainment offers on the table.
    2 points
  17. With Sale, Archer, Verlander and Cole soon to be locked up...the Sox should be checking in on the latest asking price for Dallas. Yes...it will be a slight overpay for his diminishing skills...but the options next year will not be good and the only alternative will include trading top ten minor talent as the Yankees, Dodgers and Cubs will be desperate for arms next year. 4/64 sounds about right and he will slot in as a mainstay with Kopech, lopez and Cease for '20-22 seasons (with maybe 5th year club option). This season can be a revolving door of our #5 type starters and you can see if Giolito has what it takes and give Dunning the time he is going to need without rushing. I didn't want him in an overpay...but I think the slim pool of FA impact will be gone completely soon and he offers a chance at getting decent production for the cost. Thoughts?
    1 point
  18. If you're changing your life and considering moving because Manny Machado wanted to play in SD, you must have a pretty fuckin easy life with no real problems. I envy you.
    1 point
  19. Not really. He said that he's had an opportunity to move for work for sometime, but has been hesitant because he loves the Sox and wants the ability to take his kids to Sox games. But in the heat of the moment following a massive letdown and failure from our FO, he said he may finally pull the trigger. Slightly different.
    1 point
  20. That is a reasonable take on Nate. Herrera not so much. By the way - do you have any single post out of your 171 that aren't blatantly negative?
    1 point
  21. Definitely but this org could use like 10 more combine stars.
    1 point
  22. I know its Spring training but the way Leury, Yoan and Abreu looked, as well as improvements by Timmy and big plus having Eloy start the season in LF...there might be reason to be optimistic. Pitching is clearly suspect but I can see this team getting out of the gate rather nicely.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Best thing to do is adopt a 2nd team to root for. The Cubs and Brewers are viable options. Both close by and will be competing for playoff spots.
    1 point
  25. I am really really hoping for the start of 2020. If he can stay healthy he's going to be very very good. Like 5+ WAR every year good.
    1 point
  26. Sorry, but that's bullshit. Until this ownership and front office is gone, it cant be talked about enough. The whole fanbase is being treated like a bunch of idiots. The only reason Eloy and Moncada are here is because this same front office couldn't compete for a playoff spot with two Cy Young candidates in the same rotation.
    1 point
  27. You’re right. I’m going to accept the obvious that the Sox won’t be legitimate players in free agency. Hopefully, Hahn can trade Rodon for another Eloy type prospect.
    1 point
  28. Jay in CF and Jay in against both RHP and LHP is an affront to Leury and the pitching staff. Leury deserves mucho tiempo in the OF .
    1 point
  29. Those quotes make it seem pretty obvious that the Sox signing Machado or Harper was likely a pipe dream the entire time. Jerry is fine with locking guys up if he thinks he is getting a discount but he isn’t willing to pay market value.
    1 point
  30. Frank was a strange hitter. He had an incredibly ugly, off balance swing, but was strong as hell and had the best eye of any RH I've ever seen. Maybe the best in the history of the game. He had more "oops" hits and HR's than anybody I've ever seen. Eloy has a much prettier swing, but won't be in the same league as Frank. That's not a slight on Eloy. That's just Frank being one of the best RH hitters in the entire history of baseball.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. For Machado or Harper, sure. For Keuchel? Pass.
    1 point
  33. A draft pick is worth more to me than a declining asset that will be gone before we are good again.
    1 point
  34. The draft pick alone is enough for me to pass.
    1 point
  35. I know that is the problem though...who makes sense? Everyone is already extending. Sox need at least 1-2 really professional pitchers when their competitive window opens in either 20 or 21...but almost no FA options are going to be around....so prices will be SKY HIGH. Bumgarner, Wheeler or Porcello will be your top options now with all moves this week.
    1 point
  36. Can we stop with this meme? He costs a pick and wants 4 years. It makes no sense.
    1 point
  37. IF no one else is willing to give him more than 2 year deals...yet it is.
    1 point
  38. Never say never DA, never say never.
    1 point
  39. Get a new front office and sign guys like Lowrie, Chacin, and Lorenzo Cain.
    1 point
  40. Good thing he retired before KW offered him a contract.
    1 point
  41. But it thought there was no way he was re-signing in Boston. All of these free agents down the line are getting signed. I thought options would be plentiful.
    1 point
  42. It was the right move for the franchise. What wasn't the right move was allowing the guy who wasted his White Sox career to be the guy to trade him away. Rebuilding wasn't the wrong decision. The wrong decision was allowing the same architects that fucked up the last job the opportunity to try and fix it. I actually am not all that pissed with the trades that the Sox pulled off. I thought that the Sale trade was light, but......they shot for the moon, and I commend them for that. They didn't go for just your average players, they tried to get superstars. None have panned out so far, but they still may. I have a feeling that with a healthy season Robert is going to skyrocket up prospect lists this year.
    1 point
  43. Abreu loves the White Sox. No need to extend him until later. They will get a pretty good deal if they want him back.
    1 point
  44. Gonna suck to see Sale donning a Red Sox hat on his hall of fame plaque at this rate.
    1 point
  45. The money will be spent. The problem is , as time goes on, the money will be spent on crapier and craper players. If this is showing anything, it's the extent of the White Sox failure this past offseason. Colossal and epic.
    1 point
  46. Who will the money be spent on? Shit, next years free agent class sucks. I remember certain board members tried to say otherwise. We’re screwed for next year. But hey, the money will be spent!
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
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