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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Who would have guessed the first attendance thread would be about too many people at games?
    4 points
  2. It certainly doesn't look good at this point. It amazes me how many people think that just because you say you are doing a "rebuild" that that automatically will make you a World Series contender in 3-5 years. It would help if you had a front office that knew what it was doing. Not the case here, I don't think.
    3 points
  3. Mods - I don’t know if this guy is for real or not, but a gamethread is no place for religious talk and we should clear this out before it stirs too much drama.
    3 points
  4. I don't want a top three pick if it means Rodon, Lopez, Gio and other young guys suck. I'd rather have pick 14 and they look good.
    3 points
  5. Anyone who thinks this rebuild is going to work is crazy.
    2 points
  6. If there was an award in MLB for getting fans' hopes up and then crushing them to smithereens, the Sox would win that award every single year.
    2 points
  7. This games feels like we’re losing 12-0 and somehow we’re only down by three.
    2 points
  8. I strongly disagree, this team needs all the help it can get. In fact, here is a list of over 300 gods. I say we all take a couple and start praying! I bet a few of those older gods haven't heard a prayer in years, they may help us just to avoid boredom. I'll start working through the Egyptians, anyone want the Norse gods?
    2 points
  9. Delete this thread
    2 points
  10. Actually, here is Mike Trouts first taste of the majors. .163 /.213/ .279 /.492 in 47 PAs.
    2 points
  11. After one of the hottest hitting teams in baseball visited over the weekend, now the sox get one of the stingiest pitching staffs, led by Blake Snell. It's a beeeeeeee-auty of a day for the 6 people that can attend the game. And to make the sox heavy RH against Snell, that's right, we have a two catcher lineup.
    1 point
  12. The Cubs, Red Sox and Astros don't have JR as owner with his financial practices.
    1 point
  13. Crazy that he is doing this at 20. ARod level good. This may go down as one of the worst trades in the history of the MLB when all is said and done.
    1 point
  14. Please, for the love of god, make Renee Young quit being a broadcaster
    1 point
  15. If the pitchers can't figure out command of the fastball there is nothing anyone can do for them.
    1 point
  16. Adolfo 2-3, 2B, 3 RBI, 0 SO.
    1 point
  17. Go to a buffet before the game. Develop a taste for beer better than Miller, Bud Light, Pabst. If not remember you can get a 12 pack of those on sale for what a cup is at the ball park. Force yourself to never buy concession prices. I was pretty shocked during Spring Training that Chick Fil-a was one of the vendors and they had to charge $14 for a chicken sandwich.
    1 point
  18. We will be fine, but it is scary to be in year three and none of our key guys have reached anywhere close to their potential yet.
    1 point
  19. 14 strikeouts no walks for White Sox hitters today. By no means should they expect better and make any staff changes. More of the same. I really think JR KW and RH collective biggest problem is not being able to admit they are ever wrong. It takes a Shiels/Tatis magnitude blunder for any concession of not being more baseball savvy than everyone else.
    1 point
  20. Sure seems like they've lowered velocity under him and still haven't learned control. But are way more hittable, so that's nice.
    1 point
  21. How many relievers do you think are still reliably effective 3 innings into an appearance? I'd love for Carson to be able to go 100 pitches but the Sox moved him to the bullpen presumably because they wanted to focus him on throwing 20 good pitches per day
    1 point
  22. Really needed Castillo to get a fly ball, if nothing else. Abreu didn't get great calls there, so it was up to Wellington. Even 1 run there and its chipping away at the 3 run lead.
    1 point
  23. You don't have your best pitcher who has had recent shoulder surgery take one for the team. Let Fulmer do that.
    1 point
  24. Seconded. Gamethreads already have enough nonsense in them.
    1 point
  25. Rodon averaged 93mph last year, which is in line with his career averages. He has averaged 91.6 his first couple of starts, which is not unusual for the first couple of starts. But I guess the resident doctors here have already decided that we should amputate his arm, just like ReyLo‘s.
    1 point
  26. I wonder if Rodon regrets not signing an early extension?
    1 point
  27. Welp that's enough White Sox baseball for me today.
    1 point
  28. He seems to be a coach that does better focusing on one younger/journeyman reclamation project. He has not handled having an entirely young rotation/bullpen well. They are all morphing into the same issues/pitcher.
    1 point
  29. I miss the Rodon that threw 96 down in the zone.
    1 point
  30. My mom died in 1999 and my dad is still around doing pretty well. He is a retired lawyer who did pretty well for himself. He did re-marry leaving some complication, but his estate is going to be evenly divided between me and my two siblings. We have already met with the lawyers. One told me the day after my dad goes,his money will be in our accounts. He is my dad's former assistant and a former IRS attorney. His house, his wife gets to live in as long as she likes, if she outlives him. But she is one day younger than my dad, and has a couple of physical issues. It isn't a ranch, her daughters don't really help her, it's a large house in a nice neighborhood and she would be responsible for the taxes, I couldn't imagine her staying long. And when that gets sold, it's a 3 way split as well. Everything is about as in order as can be. That said, I'm sure there will still be a couple of issues.
    1 point
  31. Go to the Club Level. It's delightful. No bathroom lines, server. Food and drink delivered. Give them your credit card info at the beginning of the game, and pay for it after the 7th.Great view, and a decent shot at getting a ball if that's your thing.
    1 point
  32. I look at Eloy's .520 OPS the same way I look at Tim Anderson's 1.457 OPS. A small sample size that will equalize over time. It has been 8 games for both.
    1 point
  33. The problem with firing Coop is Hassler has already been appointed his replacement, and since he's already in house, a change in performance wouldn't appear to be likely.
    1 point
  34. A .520 OPS is absolutely struggling. I don't doubt the pop will come in the near future, but at the moment he is definitely not doing well in his first week. Those multi-hit games are good for a .226 average. You can't possibly look at those numbers and say, yeah this will work.
    1 point
  35. I think a pitcher would fit the Sox well but a third overall pick is too valuable to waste it on a non elite pitching prospect. I'm not against a pitcher and if a guy like mize was out there this year I would say go for it but there is a reason at this draft the top10 of most lists are almost all hitters. Fangraphs only gives one pitcher even a 50fv this draft. My opinion is in the draft only take a pitcher top5 overall if he is half a grade better than the best available hitter. I mean it would be stupid to take a 55 hitter over a Stephen strasburg in the draft first overall just because he is "safer". But if the best pitcher has the same or even a lower grade than the best hitter I don't think you can do it just because you need a pitcher.
    1 point
  36. When I was 10 years old back in 1955 I discovered being a baseball fan. My immediate family were for the Cubs. Thank God my Grandparents were Sox fans and steered me right. My reason for picking Sox was their recent 3rd place finishes in the 8 team league compared to last place Cubs. The Cubs fans had only Ernie Banks. Carrasquel and Fox were our double play combo---Aparicio came a year latter. I was hooked on good defense, stolen bases, high batting averages and winning. The Cubs were left with waiting around until Banks came to bat. 4 years latter we had added enough "good" players around the stars to win the championship. Currently some boys & girls will make the same lifetime choices. They will look at reasons to pick Cubs or Sox and be stuck for life. Yesterdays game was just great for winning over some new fans. While Cubs are in last place we played exciting baseball with lots of action. Our lineup is full of exciting guys like Moncada, Abreau and Anderson with many more coming soon. Main point ---this will be a critical time period in White Sox history. This year and the next few will see many kids get hooked on the White Sox. I love that most of this era will be about the home grown system players and not the hired gun free agents. It's going to be a fun ride.
    1 point
  37. Considering he missed most if not all of ST, I wouldn't be too concerned.
    1 point
  38. What am I missing, box score looks.like he didn't play? https://www.milb.com/gameday/bulls-vs-knights/2019/04/07/575578#game_state=final,lock_state=final,game_tab=box,game=575578 Sorry for maybe the worst question I've asked... don't know how I'm missing it...
    1 point
  39. Eloy has three multi hit games in his first 7 games but yeah he's really struggling. Jesus what the FUCK is wrong with some of you?
    1 point
  40. Apply last year's .344 BABIP and he'll hit .300 or better at current rates.
    1 point
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