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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2019 in all areas

  1. In commenting about the Rob Mackowiak trade, Hahn says, "`Everyone thought we got him as an insurance policy for Joe Crede at third base, but you know what? This guy can really play some center field.'' (Sun-Times, Feb. 15, 2006)
    5 points
  2. If three seasons in with capital like Sale, Q, and Eaton to trade, the Sox are still losing 100 games, it is a big deal. It shows the guys in charge have no clue. This wasn't starting from scratch. They started on second base.
    4 points
  3. My god some people just refuse to blame Hahn
    4 points
  4. If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance, but I'm pretty sure there were a couple of times during last weekend's series vs. the Mariners that fans were throwing home run balls hit by Mariners players back onto the field. C'mon, folks. Throwing an opposing player's home run ball back onto the field is a silly, stupid Cub ritual. Let's not sink to their level.
    3 points
  5. An embarrassing offseason in which he failed to sign one of his two top targets with very little competition for their services but managed to waste $13 million on the friends and family of one of them after talking about how the Sox would be big players in free agency. Expecting the fans to be happy that the Sox were “at the table for both Machado and Harper.” Saying that “the money will be spent” without the additional qualifier that it would only be spent on players already within the organization, not premier free agents. Spending $45 million total on junk this past offseason. The Shields trade has also aged hilariously bad.
    3 points
  6. Hahn has been one of the top 2 decision makers in the Sox org for 15+ years now. We know exactly what he is. There is no rational argument I can see in favor of Hahn being anything besides a mediocre (at best) executive. The entire organization is rotten and needs to be replaced. We know that isn't going to happen until there is new ownership. It is what it is.
    3 points
  7. Just wait until Cooper gets his hands on him and he’ll be throwing low 90’s in no time ?
    3 points
  8. It is impossible to overstate how far behind organizations like the Astros, Dodgers, Rays etc the White Sox appear to be. It's embarrassing. Hahn deserves as much or more of the blame than anyone.
    3 points
  9. Rick Hahn has been a GM for now his 7th season. His teams have finished at least 15 games out of first every season. For those of you who thought he was a baseball genius, the joke is on you.
    3 points
  10. No team - i guarantee - will have gotten less WAR for their dollars than the 2018-19 white sox acquisitions.
    3 points
  11. And honestly I don't think that Castillo isn't a major league player or anything but he shouldn't be batting cleanup or anywhere in front of Eloy it reminds me of when Dewayne Wise was Ozzie's best friend and he is batting him leading off and second and all of us were like WTF NO WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?!?! Except Greg who was like "yay bat him cleanup because he made that great catch"
    3 points
  12. Please take Ricky away from this team!...
    3 points
  13. This is the 7th year of the Rick Hahn Dynasty. I never thought for one minute that the White Sox would sign Harper or Machado. I wasn't the least bit upset when they signed elsewhere. This team is never going to spend $300 million on any player. I did think that Hahn would upgrade the pitching staff. He did upgrade the back of the bullpen. He did nothing to improve the starting pitching. This starting rotation could go down in history as the worse in franchise history. I can't help but wonder, is Hahn this incompetent/stupid ? or is he trying to lose as many games as possible with the hope of getting a high draft choice?
    2 points
  14. Kanny hitters struck out 18 TIMES TONIGHT Already adopting the franchise philosophy i see
    2 points
  15. Everyone at the Cell used to boo fans that do that, because it’s a north side thing. i guess the people who understood that tradition have given up on this franchise also.
    2 points
  16. I hate when fans do that. You literally have a piece of MLB history in your hands. Keep it, give it to a kid, or let an opposing fan have it who will appreciate it. So ignorant throwing it back on the field. Plus you get ejected for doing so, and I believe fined. Hope it's worth that to those morons.
    2 points
  17. Then be honest about it with the fans not this bullshit they fed us after about "competitive offer". There is literally NOTHING redeeming about this FO and ownership group. NOTHING.
    2 points
  18. The reality is our front office has to deal with Jerry’s limitations and therefore should not be out there swinging their dick around all offseason like they’re going to land a big fish when they’re not even able to make a make what most would deem a market-level offer. That to me is the biggest offense and proof these guys are beyond incompetent.
    2 points
  19. I'm starting to think the Sox front office might not be very smart.
    2 points
  20. Two big problems. These games are not competitive and our manager is a mirage.
    2 points
  21. Must of been talking to Cooper in the offseason.
    2 points
  22. 1. A whole lot of people talked themselves into the notion that this team was ready to make a giant leap this season, and could have competed with the major addition we talked about. Those people are now being hit with the idea that the pitching staff isn't anywhere near making the leap they hoped it would, and that the guys they hoped could be valuable stop-gaps (including Santana) aren't doing that. So I think you're getting reactions from those people. 2. The White Sox spent $44 million in new money this offseason and it seems to have made no difference. That's also frustrating, there was a pretty large expenditure over the offseason and had they not spent that money, you could have written that exact same post without changing a word. So, what was the point of all those moves? Are we ok with just lighting that money on fire? They literally cried poor this offseason. That continues to be a source of frustration.
    2 points
  23. Please take Castillo away from Ricky ffs
    2 points
  24. Chris Davis: Hold my beer.
    2 points
  25. Would prefer to see Rondon get an extended look.
    2 points
  26. The "new" milb app is absolute trash. It was so awesome last year, and it literally went backwards what seems like 15 years this season. Brutal.
    2 points
  27. Click on the image if it doesn't show the last line. Worth it.
    2 points
  28. Santana is going to be a complete waste of $4M.
    1 point
  29. Santana experience will last two months or so. He has nothing left in the tank. Hey, at least the money was spent!!
    1 point
  30. Hey remember when Morton was a free agent and we didnt make an offer? I remember how he signed for peanuts
    1 point
  31. Anyone at the game today? I'm sitting in section 123
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. You and me both, brother.
    1 point
  34. click home scroll down until you see PTC thread.
    1 point
  35. I knew it was James Shields before looking it up, because of course it was.
    1 point
  36. Everyone has noticed who the last player Chris Davis got a hit off of was, right? I can't stop smirking every time I see that in an article.
    1 point
  37. Palka's response to his slump, "its impossible to go 0 for 500." Go Sox!
    1 point
  38. BA Stock Watch this week. NHSI Participants is the focus. Abrams blurb below. https://www.baseballamerica.com/stories/2019-mlb-draft-stock-watch-standout-prospects-from-the-nhsi/ Edit: For the Priester fans.
    1 point
  39. IMO, trading your low-priced guy for a mid-priced guy and then having to sign a mid to high priced guy in FA is a particularly high risk strategy. It only really makes sense if the low-priced guy is years away from being useful to you, and even then it is somewhat a step to undermine your future for the present. The Cubs have made that move several times - signing guys like Zobrist, Heyward, and Darvish while trading Eloy, Cease, and Torres. It definitely helped them "Win Now" when they had to do so, but in the long term we've seen how that raised their costs and removed their flexibility.
    1 point
  40. Many of the people there didn't pay for a ticket, although they probably spent plenty on concessions. And they were there for the hoodie, which I must say seemed pretty nice. Not the typical junk they give away that people will wait in line for hours to get.
    1 point
  41. I guess all those worried last year about his power can rest easy. He's only hitting .524 with an OPS of 1.773
    1 point
  42. We need to learn how to win at home. We suck in the Cell. Geezus. Year after year.
    1 point
  43. It certainly doesn't look good at this point. It amazes me how many people think that just because you say you are doing a "rebuild" that that automatically will make you a World Series contender in 3-5 years. It would help if you had a front office that knew what it was doing. Not the case here, I don't think.
    1 point
  44. I believe our clown TV announcer when he wasn’t telling some stupid pun jokes managed to give an interesting stat that Eloy has seen 45% sliders so far, the most of any hitter in the majors.
    1 point
  45. Less frustrating to watch as well.
    1 point
  46. Delete this thread
    1 point
  47. With Robert, I just want to see him healthy to see what we really have here. That will allow him to get exposure, and time to have pitchers adjust to him to see where the holes in his game actually are.
    1 point
  48. Who would have guessed the first attendance thread would be about too many people at games?
    1 point
  49. I've said this before - but I think if he hits only a "couple homers a year" he'll struggle to be a "really productive player" because that will be a symptom of a larger problem - that he isn't driving the ball. In the modern game even if you're really good at making contact in the minors, you're going to strike out more once you get to big league pitching and major league defenders are going to get you out more than minor league defenders. If he isn't hitting 10+ home runs then he very likely also isn't driving the ball into the gaps for doubles/triples, he's relying on weak contact. The end result would be a low BABIP and a situation where he'd struggle to hit close to .300. Give me 10-ish Home runs a year, the associated doubles and triples that come from driving the ball and hitting things hard, and then he's hitting the .300+ like you said. That's a "really productive player". No one in the big leagues hit over .300 with fewer than 9 home runs last year, and the only guys who were close to .300 with fewer HR than that were guys with fewer than 503 at bats, so their BABIP could carry them a bit more and their HR numbers are a bit depressed from a low number of plate appearances.
    1 point
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