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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2019 in all areas

  1. The weather excuse is so lame. It apparently isn’t affecting the Sox opponent.
    6 points
  2. I literally don't think there is anything (short of a scandal) Hahn or KW could do to get fired. Their on field results are completely indefensible. They are employed because Jerry likes them. That's it.
    4 points
  3. Jerry Reinsdorf has been in charge of this team since 1981. 37+ years. They have 5 post season appearances in those 37 years. That sucks
    4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. The negativity on Soxtalk has reached a fever pitch and I just don't understand it. For years the mantra has been...we must rebuild to move forward...we need patience...don't rush prospects. And all of a sudden...with so much good rebuild news...everyone is losing their minds over a dozen major league games? Moncada and Tim Anderson are two of the hottest hitters in baseball. Eloy in the last seven games is hitting .321. Rodon has pitched very well in two of his three starts and has 24 strikeouts in 16 innings. Giolito has pitched great in one start and not so well against a hot team...but has struck out 12 in 11 innings and he's a failure? Meanwhile Zack Collins has 4 homers and a triple in 14 at bats. Dylan Cease was great in his first start. Robert is hitting .400 with 4 home runs and three stolen bases in 6 games. Hansen looks to be on the road back. Madrigal had a great spring and we have the number three pick in a draft with three great looking prospects....so many exciting pieces doing exciting things and we are losing our minds because Ervin Santana gave up 7 runs in 3 innings or Daniel Palka is 0-20??
    4 points
  6. If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance, but I'm pretty sure there were a couple of times during last weekend's series vs. the Mariners that fans were throwing home run balls hit by Mariners players back onto the field. C'mon, folks. Throwing an opposing player's home run ball back onto the field is a silly, stupid Cub ritual. Let's not sink to their level.
    3 points
  7. The only people getting fired are any remaining media members that cover the Sox
    3 points
  8. According to Renteria on the postgame the Sox pitching problems have nothing to do with preparation or having a plan, they just all are suffering from delivery problems right now. coop will fix em
    3 points
  9. This is the most disinterested I have been this early in the season since I became a fan. I feel like this team is even worse than last years. Just awful.
    3 points
  10. The fact they didn't want to pay Avi and instead wanted to give Palka time in RF is just another reason Hahn should be fired.
    3 points
  11. You can win if one of them makes a productive out.
    3 points
  12. The only possible thing more White Sox than this is if Drake LaRoche becomes a top draft prospect, the Sox draft him, he refuses to sign and then becomes one of the best players in baseball with another team.
    3 points
  13. Man, Bryce Harper would have fit quite well into the only position with a question mark next to it...
    3 points
  14. Comparing Sheets to Rendon is one of the stranger comps I've ever seen.
    3 points
  15. Everyone at the Cell used to boo fans that do that, because it’s a north side thing. i guess the people who understood that tradition have given up on this franchise also.
    3 points
  16. Yes. Jerry is doing very well for himself tanking two professional sports teams into the ground.
    2 points
  17. Palka ya fuckin bum your bus is ready.
    2 points
  18. No one gets fired if they are loyal to Jerry (see Kenny, Hahn, Cooper, GarPax).
    2 points
  19. Hopefully it is everyone. Baseball Ops overhaul.
    2 points
  20. Nothing will happen. It’s a Reinsdorf-owned team. Everyone involved has jobs for life.
    2 points
  21. I have come to the conclusion that a new manager won't help. A new pitching coach won't help. A new hitting coach won't help. They need an exorcist.
    2 points
  22. I remember a similar streak in 1989. Seven straight losses and the Sox were outscored 63-14. That team ended up in last.
    2 points
  23. And the 37 years before JR...one post season appearance....so a 500% improvement under Jerry.? This is not the Yankees we have chosen to follow. Still the rebuild was the right path...it's going to take patience. This team was never going to be good in 2019. Kopech/Burdi/Basabe/Dunning/Burger/Robert injuries have hurt...but are not catastrophic for the long run. It still feels like we have a ton of talent that will all come together about 2021. I think we could have a very nice run from 2021-2025.
    2 points
  24. Glad to see the Sox learning. Extended family and friends doesn't work, now it's time to try blood! Can't fail a 2nd time, right?
    2 points
  25. there you have it, "Abreu" and "great defensive" used in the same sentence for the first time ever.
    2 points
  26. The rays also have the best farm in baseball that they built during a time that they picked later than the white sox (except for 1 year I believe), and despite having less revenue than the white sox, and despite not trading anyone as valuable as chris sale, jose quintana, and adam eaton.
    2 points
  27. White Sox - traded a more valuable piece in Adam Eaton 2 1/2 years ago for 2 ML ready piece and another prospect and 2 1/2 years later still trying "develop" these 2 ML ready pieces. Rays - traded a declining pitcher for 2 ML ready piece and another prospect and are reaping off those pieces immediately. Call it better scouting, better player development, one is clearly a better ran organization, despite having to work with much less.
    2 points
  28. nevermind could we please sign keuchel i can't do this i broke they broke me please have mercy
    2 points
  29. Sox FO should be completely embarrassed to what they have done. This isn't the natural progression of a successful rebuild. This is evidence of a failed organizational plan that will continue until the leadership has changed.
    2 points
  30. MLB should take over possession of the white sox for the good of the sport.
    2 points
  31. I really hate sounding whiney but I’ve been a hardcore sox fan since the late ‘70s and I just don’t don’t how much more of this i can take. For 6 excruciating years we see first hand avi can’t hit ANYTHING that has movement to it and we throw him freaking fastballs? Really?
    2 points
  32. We have a Jerry Reinsdorf problem plain and simple. Starts with him employing competent people and not keeping idiots around for decades because he's "loyal" ++ being able to occasionally write a large check for quality talent. They don't have "250m to spend on parts we need" when they A) Can't identify what a quality part even is B) There are not enough quality parts available. They need ALL of these prospects to hit + lock more up with long term deals as after this batch its going to be a much darker period because they don't have a Sale/Q/Eaton dump to reload with.
    2 points
  33. People that do this are crazy. Sox should at least give the 10 people there passes to the bullpen bar/club restaurant
    2 points
  34. its a good thing a team with a dome came up north during the first week of april. Makes sense!
    2 points
  35. Did you miss that whole World Series championship the Red Sox won six months ago? They are 100% fine with the trade and always will be. Now the decision to give Sale the extension is a completely different discussion.
    2 points
  36. Oh I have a pretty good idea how it's going to shake out.
    2 points
  37. One time I was hit by a foul ball off of Sandy Alomar's bat, so I had to have been around 9 or 10. Being that young and in shock from a foul ball hitting me (we were sitting down the first base line, so it came in fast), the ball dropped to the floor. Some fat lady next to me took the ball and told my dad she had to take it because she'd be letting her grandkids at home down if she didn't. Her husband eventually bought me a hat because he felt bad, which I got signed by Miguel Olivo when we went to Grandstand after the game. That's gonna make roster moves difficult.
    2 points
  38. Not gonna bother dreaming about that with uncle jerry still owning the team
    2 points
  39. No Anthony Rendon? Although if Gavin Sheets works at it, he can be an Anthony Rendon type of hitter.
    2 points
  40. Because they have a proven track record of a couple decades that they don't have a clue how to draft or develop prospects + add in that they are still hamstrung by a cheapass billionaire owner = they need every single one of these players to pan out to have any real chance at more than 1-2 playoff appearances because there will not be another wave of talent behind them. Also - Manny wasn't signed over 5 million f'ing dollars a year ultimately. Meanwhile: Nova, Santana, Alonso, Jay are on this roster costing 3-4x that amount and over the next decade there will ALWAYS be guys like that wasting space and money on the roster
    2 points
  41. I hate when fans do that. You literally have a piece of MLB history in your hands. Keep it, give it to a kid, or let an opposing fan have it who will appreciate it. So ignorant throwing it back on the field. Plus you get ejected for doing so, and I believe fined. Hope it's worth that to those morons.
    2 points
  42. The reality is our front office has to deal with Jerry’s limitations and therefore should not be out there swinging their dick around all offseason like they’re going to land a big fish when they’re not even able to make a make what most would deem a market-level offer. That to me is the biggest offense and proof these guys are beyond incompetent.
    2 points
  43. Machado is worth $300 million. A 33 year old scrub like Jeff Keppinger was not worth $12 million dollars. But Reinsdorf owns the Sox and Hahn is our GM.
    1 point
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