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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2019 in all areas

  1. If only MLB had an up and coming young African American shortstop who plays with a love of the game and is a great member of the community at large that they could use to market to the youth.
    14 points
  2. White people trying to dictate to African Americans, or Blacks, or however they genuflect to refer to them, in order to not offend, is just too rich. If the Black culture has adopted a variation of the "N word" and wishes to use it, what gives non Blacks the right to attempt to prohibit them from doing so? First, White people oppressed Blacks, and used the word in the worst pejorative sense. Then, they decide that those same people are "prohibited" from using the word, or some variation of it. Apparently, non Blacks still think that they can dictate Black behavior and speech, which is none of their business. It's not a crime to use a word. It's called Free Speech. Oh the irony. Blacks should be able to use the word, anyway they choose. They earned that right. They didn't create the word, or the horrendous persecution, which it characterized. Whether, or not, that term, or any variation of it, should be considered acceptable, should be the prerogative of the Black culture. MLB is just reflecting the stupidity of the entire absurd notion.
    10 points
  3. What's the difference? The N-word was created to degrade and entire race of people. They decided they want to take the word back, end it with an "a" instead of "er" and use it casually. You know who doesnt have a right to tell a black man not to say it? A bunch of white people who have no understanding of it.
    8 points
  4. Hilarious that MLB would throw themselves into the "if we can't use it then neither can they" stratosphere when they could have just ignored it.
    7 points
  5. Let’s be clear here, there are two versions of the n word and the one Tim used is not really considered to be racist or hateful (at least when used by African Americans). Like, Look at Ray Ray Run calling everyone “pal” is far more inherently aggressive. The MLB is just completely out-of-touch to suspend him over this. There is literally nothing racist about this in the context it was used.
    6 points
  6. Only baseball would suspend a black man calling a white man the n word.
    6 points
  7. The future lineup for the White Sox is coming together right before our eyes. 1. Madrigal - age 22.1 (120 wRC+ in A+) 2. Moncada - age 23.9 (155 wRC+ in MLB) 3. Martinez - age 31.7 (170 wRC+ in MLB, everyone here knows I love me some JDM) 4. Jimenez - age 22.4 (104 wRC+ in MLB) 5. Robert - age 21.7 (303 wRC+ in A+) 6. Vaughn - age 21.0 (1.24 OPS in college) 7. Collins - age 24.2 (148 wRC+ in AAA) 8. Anderson - age 25.8 (204 wRC+ in MLB) 9. Cordell - age 27.1 (367 wRC+ in MLB, 133 wRC+ in AAA) #GetExcited
    5 points
  8. Tim needs to learn Spanish and then scream it at Joe West.
    5 points
  9. You can say whatever you want to say. I'm saying what I go by and what I know as a fellow African American. ?
    4 points
  10. Abreu was the leader Chicago deserved...Anderson is the Leader Chicago needs
    4 points
  11. Not to get too deep, but most things in America have, and still do, despite what some believe.
    4 points
  12. 2 tips that will make your like immensely better. 1. Celebrate anything that makes you happy 2. Don't use other's happiness as a reason to be unhappy Just finished that monthly report you hate? Toss it on the boss's desk and do a little shimmy. Finally found the bug in your program? Secret handshake line down the row of cubicals. Nothing to celebrate? Celebrate the fact that you have celebrated 5 days in a row. And when you see your coworker doing their little shimmy while you still have hours left on your report? Don't pout, or sulk, or judge them for not meeting whatever arbitrary standards you have set for yourself. It's just misplaced anger. Give them a smile and a high five instead. Celebrate the mundane y'all. There's some absolute truth ?
    4 points
  13. Technically, I believe “weak ass” was intended to be the insult.
    3 points
  14. Moncada is just must watch right now.
    3 points
  15. Might have to bring back Palka so he can be a defensive replacement for Eloy in the late innings
    3 points
  16. Let me put some context in this: As an autistic person I have zero problem joking about myself by calling a poor decision I made due to autistic thinking processes "retarded" but if a neurotypical called me that I'd find it highly offensive. The same applies here. It is about taking back a word used to demean and degrade a marginalized group. I have no problem with people of African descent using the N word and I have no problem with disabled people using the word "retarded" nor do I have a problem with gay people using the F or D word. It is empowering to take the words used for hate back. If you weren't fucked with verbally as a kid for being different in a way that was outside your control, you wouldn't understand.
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. I want him to gently place his bat down, sprint around the bases and apologize to Martin Maldonado when he cross the plate
    3 points
  19. The Unwritten Rules have always had some sort of vague racial aspect to them
    3 points
  20. I love how the admins here at Soxtalk have the knowledge to warn someone before suspending them for language...but this type of level headedness is too much for MLB to grasp.
    3 points
  21. Bingo. They could have easily won the day here by releasing a statement like this: "It's come to our attention that during an emotional moment Tim Anderson used language that we would like to see removed from the playing field. That said we respect the cultural nuances of his words and the passion he plays with. We are forming a committee to inform our policy going forward and no further disciplinary action will be taken at this time". Anybody need a PR flack? I'm bored at my current job.
    3 points
  22. I think it's fine to for MLB to disallow it, but they need to be clear on it and set boundaries. But to set a precedent like this against a black player, on Jackie Robinson week, and over an incident where said player was wrongfully ejected for basically doing nothing wrong just looks so bad it's mind-numbing.
    3 points
  23. Well Terry Collins called an ump a cock sucker. I wonder what he meant by that.
    3 points
  24. I must be the only one that thinks it’s a total joke that Anderson gets in trouble for saying something on the field to a bunch of guys that aren’t even supposed to be out of the dugout.
    3 points
  25. Country Joe West sells more tickets I guess...I know that is why I go to every game when he is in town. When is that Joe West Bobble Ass night again?
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. No. But if Omar Narvaez is your best catcher, you should be looking for a new catcher.
    3 points
  29. Can we just make a banner of Roberts face next to a big 303 wrc+ text box
    3 points
  30. Yes, and sadly - although I doubt this was MLBs intention - this comes off as shaming a black man for using a word that has been reinvented by black culture to reduce the power and hatred behind the words origin.. a word that was created to dehumanize them.
    2 points
  31. Better not wear black jerseys tonight, whole team might get suspended
    2 points
  32. Was he wrong to say it?...maybe. Is MLB stupid for suspending him at all about it?...probably. Is all of this ultimately making Tim Anderson much more popular...definitely.
    2 points
  33. Yes and the fact that the MLB claimed he used a racially charged word - when hes black and directed it at a white guy - is disingenuous and hilariously absurd.
    2 points
  34. It doesn’t matter. If he used a word of a racial nature that they wouldn’t want anyone to use at any time, he deserves the suspension. You can’t have a double standard.
    2 points
  35. Problem with MLB is that they think protecting Joe West is more important to the sport than spotlighting talent and letting an emerging star show out.
    2 points
  36. You like a [edit] filled with cheese and peanut butter you fat son b****.
    2 points
  37. Oh boy only MLB would suspend a black person for saying the N word.
    2 points
  38. Joe West is a much bigger problem. There was no reason to throw any one out. Warn both benches and move on MLB needs to adopt similar rules as the NBA regarding bench-clearing. If I was Tim, I'd appeal it. The Royals announcers take on this incident was laughable.
    2 points
  39. Can we post the MILB scoreboard? Much prefered
    2 points
  40. Putting those two in the same ball park is bananas. Narvaez is not a catcher.
    2 points
  41. Puig and TA in the same lineup. The thought of all the angry baseball cranks is making it move.
    2 points
  42. Imagine this utterly archaic and beyond idiotic viewpoint in literally any other sport. Sink a 40 foot birdie putt? Calmly walk to the hole pretending that you missed it. Dunk all over LeBron James? Act as if you banked in a layup during practice. You’ve got to have a special kind of deficit in your noggin to believe there’s anything wrong with Anderson’s bat toss and that he should be punished in any way for it. Meanwhile, Keller ought to be suspended without pay for the next 2 to 4 weeks. This barbaric tradition is an embarrassment to the game and steps need to be taken to eliminate it. How quickly we forget that Acuna’s incredible rookie season was nearly cut short by this type of nonsense. Pitchers simply cannot be allowed to behave like psychopathic troglodytes when the whim should strike them. There must be consequences. Imagine the sort of fine and suspension Albert Belle would get today for running over Fernando vina. He got five games back then, would get 10 or more today. For a starting pitcher, that’s a 25 to 50 game suspension. As it ought to be. That kind of act is about the closest equivalent to drilling a guy you will find for a position player. You put a players career and even his life in your hands when you willingly choose to throw a baseball at him. If the threat of a real consequence is there, the behavior will vanish almost overnight. It’s long overdue for MLB to truly address this garbage.
    2 points
  43. If the Sox owned Winston-Salem, sure.
    2 points
  44. Hansen 2 IP 0 H 2 K. He did make an error. On the season 6 IP 0 H, 2 BB, 9 K. Please be fixed.
    2 points
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