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  1. I’ve never knew so many white people had options about how we, black people, use the N Word. So many bad takes out there pouring in from so many dumb people in and out of the game. If you haven’t read Micah Johnson’s take, I advise you to.
    11 points
  2. As a white guy, I understand why it is frustrating to be told "you can't have an opinion on this because you are white." But seriously, just think a little bit. Just a little. The only reason this is true is because blacks were told for centuries "you can't have freedom/humanity/equal rights etc because you are black." We brought this situation on ourselves, so lets stop making it worse and just shut up for once.
    7 points
  3. Hey there are a few of us over 40 crowd (way over ) that say celebrate whenever you want. Life is too short. Be happy in the moment, any moment. Celebrate life. A really good hitter fails 7 of 10 times so live it up when you succeed while you can.
    5 points
  4. Grey Worm making plans felt like it was literally from the McBain movie on the Simpsons. He has one week until retirement, and then he's going to sail around the world in a boat called "Live-4-Eva."
    4 points
  5. I don't think I got that out of the interview. I think the explanation as to why they were drafting a certain way is concerning, but it seems clear that he was saying they're going away from that. This predates Hostetler being in charge, but Courtney Hawkins was far from a sure thing. Tim Anderson the same. One of those was a colossal bust, the other is an emerging MLB player. Even looking at second rounders, Keenyn Walker and Keon Barnum were raw/upside players that didn't come from three years of college. People were complaining that the team was just drafting athletes and not baseball players. Then they draft Madrigal and you have a (hopefully different) crowd complaining that Madrigal is a low-upside guy. You can bash the organization for the first-round picks of Royce Ring, Lance Broadway, Kyle McCulloch and Aaron Poreda, but those picks are all over a decade ago. At some point, you have to separate that bias and look at what we've seen more recently. As far as first-rounders go, they've done fairly well since Anderson in 13. Anderson and Rodon are solid big leaguers. The book is still out on the rest, but the only one that looks unlikely to at least make it to the majors is Burger and that's just due to injury.
    4 points
  6. Then the league should get involved in either writing down these dumb ass rules, or sufficiently punish people who use force to enforce them to get rid of them.
    4 points
  7. My problem is the uneven enforcement of when people should be allowed to celebrate. It's total bullshit, a homerun is the best possible thing a hitter can do and people are like "nah, not cool to be excited". Fuck that
    4 points
  8. This is all bullshit. All of it. You should be able to celebrate more when you hit a home run, not less. This is a game and people should have fun, they shouldn't be guided by bullshit unwritten rules and "temperance and sportsmanship" concepts that only apply when someone gets their feelings hurt because they happened to suck at that moment this game should be fun to watch not some polite display of 1950s "sportsmanship"
    4 points
  9. 3 points
  10. Thank you for illustrating why young people aren't interested in baseball anymore, top notch
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. The all-timer was Storm Throne, pitcher. Unfortunately, he sucked.
    2 points
  13. Oh come now a person can put his own spin on a cliche. Besides maybe best to not say natives ? Who knows.
    2 points
  14. Orioles would be foolish to draft Adley or Vaughn. They are very far away from being competitive
    2 points
  15. Well hot damn, at least you knew this was a dumb take before you said it. Hey bud, less than one lifetime ago was the civil rights movement. People who go back to slavery while citing oppression are some of the most ignorant people alive. Black people still struggle to this day with true equality and extreme oppression was still taking place in this country when my father was born.
    2 points
  16. The best player in franchise history was a right handed 1B only guy. Profiles are fine for a general rule of thumb, but if Vaughn’s hit & power tools are as good as advertised, I’m not passing on him because there are other options who are left-handed or can play a corner OF spot. Again, just take BPA whether that’s Vaughn or one of the HS kids.
    2 points
  17. There is certainly a chance. I think it's small though. He's by far the best prospect in this draft class. Premium position, well rounded, and continues to perform. Fangraphs has a 60 FV value on him. If he does make it to three, it's going to be a combination of both BAL/KC getting cute with saving money and distributing to later picks, and the fact that he might not "fit" the rebuild timeline.
    2 points
  18. It’s ridiculous how accurate this is.
    2 points
  19. Classy and humble pitchers who pump their fists and stare down players after they get the final out of a inning. It's a meaningless inning why do they do that? Who fucking cares, have fun classy players who drive in a run and do the monster horns on their helmet at first towards their dugout. It's a meaningless April game why do they do that? Who fucking cares, have fun classy outfielders who make a great diving catch and jump up and jump bump the right fielder on the way in to the dugout. It's a meaningless April game why do they do that? Who fucking cares, have fun. your idea of "temperance and sportsmanship" is outdated and sucks. I'm sure you can find a men's softball rec league that follows your idea of class. Actually you can't, I play it and we have a lot of fun.
    2 points
  20. I still can't wrap my head around the Alonso and Jay acquisitions. Did the Sox FO really think that Machado would take a huge discount just so he could play with his buddy and brother in law for a year?
    2 points
  21. I get that, but nobody even knew he said anything until mlb told them. Tim lost half a game, fine him and leave it be. Instead, they suspend him, everyone says why that is total bullshit, and then the MLB has to tell everyone he said a racist word which also has divided the conversation (whether he should or should not be able to say it, context, comparison to other situations like Schwarber). the whole situation was handled extremely poorly by mlb starting with Joe West and they only made everything worse at every turn
    2 points
  22. The reaction on this board is disproportionate to what I've seen online. Tim Anderson has been making a name for himself of a national scale in an overwhelmingly positive way. Both baseball fans and non-baseball fans adore him right now.
    2 points
  23. O's are terrible so it's nice to see the boys pad their stats (too bad Eloy can't be a part of it).
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. pains me to admit this but you know what? ironically, after this offseason, this is the first time in the rebuild I'm actually having fun more often than not watching the team, even in losses.
    1 point
  26. Same with the Royals. They're both so far away that it wouldn't shock me if Witt and Abrams went 1st and 2nd. On another note, is anyone else starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel? I know they are at the super weak spot of their schedule, but I think they are about to turn a corner
    1 point
  27. *looks at Castillo’s numbers* They’ll probably both suck.
    1 point
  28. it's taught in order to form the habit of catching the ball in front of you and ready to throw, that's it. it's a good fundamental that is completely useless at the MLB level.
    1 point
  29. That was in the old days as I just explained to u . Go look at the 1920's glove and u will understand why using 2 hands was a thing. We are afterall only 2 generations removed from those days ( our grandfathers) the ball really never pops out anymore unless u are diving or hitting a wall and you can't use 2 hands while diving very much.
    1 point
  30. Hansen strikes out the side in his second inning of work. Please be fixed...
    1 point
  31. https://chicago.suntimes.com/?post_type=cst_article&p=2311296
    1 point
  32. Mat Latos also has a cat named Cat Latos. That's probably worth at least another million in surplus value.
    1 point
  33. So Hahn picked up Banuelos for nothing and he looks decent throwing 92-93 but he traded for Shields and gave $4.3 million to Santana, both who struggled to hit 91. This is one of the main reasons why Hahn is a bad GM. Any value deal he makes like Banuelos is trumped by more acquisitions of washed-up bums. Hahn won’t spend the big bucks on a proven player, likely due to ownership limitations, but he sure as hell will throw around single digit millions for a pile of garbage. It all adds up.
    1 point
  34. This is why I think player development is a way bigger issue than an eye for talent (not saying that we couldn’t use big improvement there too). In that 2019 Fangraphs update about our prospects Kiley wrote that many of them had taken a step back and/or the future outlook isn’t as good as once hoped but he noted that he didn’t think it was because the White Sox picked the wrong guys because Kiley’s team were all in on them too.
    1 point
  35. Also this makes Law miss Robert once again.
    1 point
  36. "They beat me and hurt my feelings. I should physically attack them." In baseball, this would command the death sentence. Your honor, I present my evidence that the Chicago Bears should be contracted.
    1 point
  37. I agree, and I'll add that it's not even 1950s sportsmanship. It stems back to the mid-late 19th century, before the White Sox even existed. The unwritten rules were originally put in place to prevent African-Americans and women from being able to "tarnish" the game. They're even more inherently racist/sexist than most would assume.
    1 point
  38. Please don’t draft at #3 based on current major league needs. Take BPA and be done with it.
    1 point
  39. From MLB.com https://www.mlb.com/news/2019-mlb-free-agents-c302403844 We'll see if Rick Hahn spends the money and can actually get an impact free agent.
    1 point
  40. I didn’t mean any ill-will or to suggest all people over 40 believe in the unwritten rules. It was more an observation that the younger fans across the country (regardless of team affiliation) seem to be supporting Tim which is cool IMO.
    1 point
  41. They spent $13 million in an effort to save $50 million 9 or 10 years from now.
    1 point
  42. So showing someone up and taunting them is ok? Allowing too much celebrattion is going to get tempers flaring too, there will be a negative revenge factor. Maybe we should let the players box after the game? I'd rather watch a classy game where players are humble than some sort of theatrical show. If I was a player I would never have time to throw a bat, I'd be running too hard to first base.
    1 point
  43. He'll probably hit better than this...but that doesn't matter. He was a bust the day it turned out he wasn't going to talk his in-law into taking a $50 million discount.
    1 point
  44. You’re ignoring all context and confusing “words” for “hatred”.
    1 point
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