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  1. That was a lot of fun. Obviously the walkoff homer will be one of the best moments of the year but I was just mesmerized by that play in top of the inning. He went so deep into the hole and was so smooth to get the leader runner. I don't want to get ahead of myself because it's just a month of baseball and he's way over his career trends but the growth Anderson has had is pretty incredible. He's becoming so natural at short with the same tremendous range and hose he's always had. He's settled in at the plate and is showing a veteran attack staying with the ball and using the whole field again. You can't just put him away with half-cocked breaking balls anymore. And the strength at the plate...he's a far more powerful hitter this year when his improved approach isn't even conducive to power. He's also cut his K% over 5% from last year's rate which was his career best. He's just under 19%. There are improvements all over the place even if he's obviously just starting the year in a hot streak. Again, it's 21 games for him and only 90 plate appearances and I am not going to jump to say he's an All Star or MVP candidate just yet, but you see the improvements year-over-year if you are watching the games. Even if he returns to some bad habits at the plate there's a great player here. He was never going to be a high OBP guy but I see 30-30 in his future. He's developing into a great defensive shortstop who is one of the best in the league on the base paths and is a power/speed threat at the plate. That's a 4 WAR guy. - championship caliber SS.
    5 points
  2. This year has been fun. The Sox might have an elite left side of the infield. That's a damn tough thing to find. Eloy will be fine. Tuning in to watch those three is well worth it. Last year was tough, this year has been fun. Offense is fun.
    4 points
  3. Some of these threads are cancer. You'd think people would be more patient as major busts Moncada and Anderson are having all-star seasons.
    4 points
  4. Against KC he should have Southpaw come down to the field, jump on Southpaw's back and get a piggy back ride around the bases. Screw the Royals.
    4 points
  5. Looking like bust of the year instead of rookie of the year
    3 points
  6. Regardless of how Eloy’s career plays out I just can’t imagine giving less of a fuck about the Sox being on the hook for a bit of guaranteed money.
    3 points
  7. Just going to throw this out there....could you imagine Timmy's bat flip if he hits a walkoff?
    3 points
  8. This is why folks have to be careful about claiming victory in trades. This trade may come down to Q for Cease. Hitting the ball all over the minor leagues doesn't guarantee success at the MLB level. That's why I'm all for rebuilding with the prospects taking their lumps up here.
    3 points
  9. You quite honestly waited for his one bad game to say this nonsense, huh? Had it all saved in your phone and you took the opportunity? You sound incredibly stupid. Before today he had 2+ hits in all but like 3 games including a 1.400 OPS but hey he's 0-3 today so Adam Engel should continue to get playing time
    3 points
  10. It's time to see what we have here and play Jose full time at 2nd. Let him sub at 3rd or SS when Timmy or YoYo need a break. Jose has more potential that any of our other options.
    2 points
  11. Good time to remind everyone that postponed and cancelled aren't interchangeable words. Postponed means it will be made up later. Cancelled means it won't be made up at all. Bruce, you suck.
    2 points
  12. I have a hard time believing that half the posters on this site are actual Sox fans. It’s gotta be Cubs fans trolling us.
    2 points
  13. Well the game today almost certainly will not be played so maybe with his day off gardenhire will grow up.
    2 points
  14. This exactly. This, to me, screams KennyHahna saying: I put together another terrible team this year and wasted lots of money on washed up FAs (see Nova, Santana, Alonso) - even though I promised not to do it anymore - which amounted to the same money I missed out on Machado for. Oh by the way, the susperstar prospect I traded away for another washed up FA is now up and playing with the superstar FA I missed out on. But look away from the mess on the field and all my bad GM moves, I’m going to rush up some prospects so we can talk about that to show you not everything I did here was awful. Anyways, is Adam Jones available yet? I wonder if the D Backs would deal him for Robert? We’re only sitting about 5 back from a wild card. That should put us over the top.
    2 points
  15. After seeing Moncada, Anderson and what I believe Giolito is going to be this year, yeah, Jimenez can have 2 sub-par seasons honestly before I start becoming skeptical of him. The most recent track records of our now seasoned prospects seem to indicate a change, and we may finally be out of the Gordon-Beckham-esque type prospects era. Dude needs time to adjust, and develop, no matter how great he was in the minors. Vlad Jr. and Tatis are probably gonna go through the same thing. Not many players are Mike Trout. Plus, we just found out that the guy was going through the awful reality of losing a very close loved one, which just happened. Remember TA and his best friend, and how much that affected him that season? Yeah, idc what Jimenez contract is, he's got a long leash as far as I, and I hope many others, are concerned.
    2 points
  16. Haven't felt the need to post in quite some time, but I'm really feeling this team and looks like baseball might have found a new "bad guy." Everyone in the AL central is gonna hate timmy real soon. Hoping for a fun summer!
    2 points
  17. queue up the "I've had a similar sprain and it still bothers me when I mow the lawn" posts
    2 points
  18. Unlike some here I have no problem with this. Gordon Beckham didn't fail because he was rushed. He wasnt good enough. If you're good enough you'll adjust and survive. Baseball is learning this as well.
    2 points
  19. We get it that the trade makes you mad. We all know. Time to move past it and stop dragging down conversation
    2 points
  20. I think they would take Witt. Gut feeling.
    1 point
  21. Not Witt. Because White Sox. They will take one of the next tier of college bats. Bleday/Bishop.
    1 point
  22. That was just dumb. What's next, a walk off home run where the whole team mobs the guy at the plate. Are they going to challenge that since they probably don't actually touch the plate half the time (while they are being mobbed by 15 teammates near the plate)?
    1 point
  23. Agree, it’s a stupid rule. If the ball is over the fence, all the runs should count.
    1 point
  24. Not sure who he would replace though. McCann is a fine defensive catcher and he is on fire with hitting the ball right now, and I'm pretty sure they want to play out Welington's contract. I bet Collins will be up in September. If one of the catchers get hurt, I think he's up in a heart beat though.
    1 point
  25. Collins hitting .259 in AAA with his ability to walk. Would definitely like to see him up soon.
    1 point
  26. Tim Anderson is exhibit A? He was called up when he was 23 and hopefully has figured it out at 26. If they called him up when he was 21, he might be doing something other than flipping bats right now. a guy like Robert is not going to sign a team friendly extension because he has already been paid. If he is as good as we all hope, he is going to command top dollar, something the White Sox haven’t yet shown they will pay. To have maybe 3 or 4 mediocre at best years from him before he figures it out is stupidity if it can be avoided. To call them up to struggle is silly. They will do plenty of that anyway when they are farther down the developmental line.
    1 point
  27. That call happens maybe once every 10 years. I think Robin Ventura had it happen to him on a grand slam. Don't remember if he was on the Sox or Mets when it happened. One poster in the game thread said those saying it was Anderson's fault were baseball dumb. But not really. For over 150 years of baseball tagging up from 1st on a fly ball to left or right field was frowned upon. If the catch is made the throw isn't difficult to 2nd base. Normal procedure is to go halfway until the ball is either caught or hits high off a wall or a fielder attempting a difficult catch can't grab it cleanly. If you go back to tag up you ,more than likely, will lose a base after it stays in the park and and the fielder can't make the catch. Tim went halfway then decided to pack pedal back to 1st. It's not really Abreu's fault as I'm sure he along with everyone else is watching the flight of the ball. You don't really expect your team mate to be right there as you look down to touch 1st base then turn towards second. It just happens so rarely it's not in the forefront of your mind to make sure you don't pass a base runner when you're looking at the flight of the ball then looking down to make sure you step on 1st base. Also with Moncada on 3rd you don't risk tagging up if it's caught because he might be tagged out at 2nd before Moncada crosses the plate and then you get no runs. I know Abreu took the blame but it's all really Tim's fault. If Renteria hasn't explained to the team why you don't tag up from 1st with a runner on 3rd and 1 out then shame on him. I will be happy to explain it to them next time they come to Anaheim.
    1 point
  28. He's in a new league in parks that are all new to him. He's got time to get better. Will never be great out there but he can be adequate.Having said that, if some of our minor league outfielders push for positions in the corners like Basabe, Rutherford, Adolfo ,Gonzales,and Walker Eloy will be moved. Until that time comes he's our left fielder.
    1 point
  29. Seems like when Greg slowed his roll others decided to claim a piece of that action.
    1 point
  30. 22.4 K%, 157 wRC+
    1 point
  31. Sox have a truly gifted prospect in Robert. They should accelerate his route to MLB. Other teams, Toronto and Washington, did that with Vlad and Soto, Luis Robert will probably have at least a five year minor league career.
    1 point
  32. A very good post Scooter
    1 point
  33. I was in the "start Rondon" camp until I watched him play D. Now I am in the "how is Danny Mendick's D?" camp...
    1 point
  34. You do realize prospect development isn’t linear, and 22% k rate is hardly a bad number for someone who hits the ball as hard as he does. The case for promoting him is there is much more for him to learn at AA than A ball. That’s not to say that he could work on correcting any swing and miss issues at the next level. The reality is he’s so much more talented than other players around him he’s getting away with his flaws at this level.
    1 point
  35. I just don't buy this theory. The Sox we're plummeting in the standings when they made the Shields move. It was desperation to keep that fluke start alive. The rebuild became inevitable even without Shields help. Not going to sit here and say we all knew what the Sox were trading away when they got Shields but I find it funny when people try to say James Shields brought on the rebuild and not their terrible,old roster (outside of the 2 Cy Young Contenders)
    1 point
  36. 95 loses next year then the rebuild has failed and we are going to have end up doing it all over again. If White Sox are awful next year, where are these great players going to come from to make this team good? Are we going to wait until Moncada finale season with the Sox until we start expecting to compete?
    1 point
  37. Of course the walk off was huge but that defensive play in the hole in the top of the 9th was also a thing of beauty. What an all around talent.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Terrible logic. Houston lost 100 games for three straight years during their rebuild. The Sox are tanking and we need to embrace it cause it aint ending any time soon. 100 losses this year and 95 plus losses next year are pretty much locks at this point. The Sox need to keep stockpiling top 5 draft picks and let the kids develop.
    1 point
  40. ?Sox have worst luck I have ever seen.......he looks so awkward playing OF
    1 point
  41. Yeah, let’s hold off on that until many more are ready. These guys blow.
    1 point
  42. If this is true and they move Robert do AA and he does well there, it would not surprise me if they promote him straight to the majors from there. I might be reading in between the lines here but this also might be fan interest related. I don't know if they realized how low the interest would be with the team this year and they know if they get the younger guys up here it would drive it up a little. Before anyone tells me that's ridiculous this is the White Sox we're talking about.
    1 point
  43. I would assume Parker's friends got dusted so came back at the same age like he did.
    1 point
  44. Haha! All of them would work. I guess what we should really be looking at realistically, though, is who are the guys that are friends with JD, Rendon, etc.
    1 point
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